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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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i can’t say which corps, where it will go, and so on, yes, they are with the second field army, which is actually a warring army, the syrian direction is the iraqi direction, where they are fighting either syrian militants, or god knows what he for 30 years the qandil have not been able to take the main headquarters of the kunisan workers' party in the north of iraq, they removed separate units from there, separate divisions and strengthened this third field force, why, just ask why, it’s very simple, because day x they will end up in our southern... . within the boundaries, here
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now there is a flood in armenia, it’s a small country, yes, that means there’s clearly not enough strength to save it, there’s a lot of destruction there, and so on, russia says: let’s help you, oh, no, there’s not enough, no, why, now it’s open in armenia , they say why, because on the territory of armenia there are several biological stations for studying these bacteria, viruses and so on, according to some reports one - one of these laboratories is flooded in one of the regions of armenia, where there is heating, it is clear that the american embassy ... and the last 2-3 years in armenia, diseases are being diagnosed that were not previously on the territory of armenia at all, it is clearly connected with this, which means that the laboratories have handed over the country to the satanists, for the sake of american experiments, god knows what, and they also want to destroy the church, which has existed for 1700 years, and what if take from the moment when it was still... state-owned, and
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spread as christianity from the hands of thaddeus bartholomew, bishop, i apologize, apostle of our lord jesus christ 2.0 years, 2.0 years, by the way, which means there is an interesting point, i read once fadey writes about himself, it’s interesting, but that’s all, he says, i was born in idessa, it was once an armenian city, now it’s in turkish, on the border of syria, yes, in a jewish family in the armenian-assyrian in the armenian -in the aramaic environment, naturally, he preached in places where he obviously knew the languages, aramaic, armenian. and his sacred relics are in one of the churches in the north of iran in one of the armenian monasteries, this is ancient, this is anti, this is the first time on the territory of the soviet union, after the bolshevik rule , satanists came to power, betting among themselves the task of destroying traditional religion, no matter what it is called, its destruction, replacing it with different satanic ones, which means positions, that’s what you think, and this infection can go further. i don’t want to make anyone depressed, we
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still need to understand that what we are discussing are probabilistic models, we simply proceed from our understanding of what is happening and analyze the facts, well, to the extent that we know, it is always necessary to keep in mind that it is impossible to possess the entire array of information, maybe, you know, as they say, there is...
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will receive, there is a question, yes, how many long-range missiles are we talking about, yes, how many ukraine, ukraine will receive, how many will be supplied to it and how many of these permits there will be, but this is a question of a technical nature, which is understandable, we will need also think about it within the framework of our model , see what consequences this will lead to, but at the same time, i ’ll approach it from the other side, in my opinion, in my opinion, of course, even though there really are already quite americans there.
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this administration is now trying reject the so-called peace summit of switzerland, yes, which, which is not long now, joe biden will not go there, kamala haris will not go, anthony blinken, who was not so long ago in kiev, apparently will not go either, well, jake salevan will , yes, a person who... is one of the main hawks, and therefore is already declaring that these long-range missiles can be fired anywhere, it is clear that most
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countries have either already given consent there, or are in the process of giving consent, for us, of course the position of the united states, france, britain and italy, because those are the countries that supply the coolest missiles that you can use. it’s interesting how all these upheavals are taking place within, well, the right camp, conditionally, yes, the european one, on the eve of the early elections to the european parliament, yes, because, well, apparently, the rightists in total are winning almost 200 seats in this european parliament, but again, of course, it will be a huge , loose coalition of different blocs that
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are in no way coordinated with each other and will try to pull themselves together ideally, that is, now we we hear, for example, about attempts to form some kind of large bloc with the participation of marine lepin, on the one hand, yes... and her national assembly in france is obviously winning these elections, well, an expert on france will tell you more about this, together with jorge miloni, but again their position seems to be different on the same ukraine, and marine lepen still takes a more sensible position, although there are also certain nuances here, and milone , on the contrary, has a more exterminating position, so elections will be held there, i think that there will be a split in brussels will strengthen, but this general vector of escalation will most likely, unfortunately for us , continue, and a few words about the united states of america, right now... we are all, of course, seeing this judicial clownery in the state of new york, here around donald trump, the jury has been deliberating for the second day, we’ll see if they succeed or fail to announce their verdict today, but if they don’t succeed today, then it will probably be postponed next week, but again
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i think in the coming days here same we will see a certain catharsis, they will eventually come to something, but most likely, yes, there is a probability... i think that it is 70 percent, yes, that it will be a guilty verdict against trump, what will that mean? well, firstly, this will mean certain, of course, reputational losses for trump, although public opinion polls now show that approximately 2/3 of trump’s supporters do not consider this trial at all as something that could affect their decision to vote, 15% believe that a guilty verdict even more motivates them to support trump, and another 15%. something that motivates to a lesser extent, that is , they seem to be divided equally. overall, i don't think this will have much of an impact on trump's ratings, but they will fluctuate back and forth there. well, but of course, there will be serious consequences for trump if we see a guilty verdict, this time, and the judge will ultimately decide not only to issue a fine
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to trump, which is fine, although trump has, of course, already burned a lot of money on his own legal expenses, that's it, but paying another fine is not a critical story for him, it's much more critical, if there is any. restrictions on movement, well , honestly, they say, although here sometimes they like to show some kind of sensationalism and discuss the fact that trump will be sent to prison there, well, i still think that such a scenario is extremely unlikely, but maybe be on probation, and just in case, ask him what he is accused of, well, this is a good question, in fact, even i’ll tell you i can’t really answer, because, of course, the matter is not really worth going out of the way, but i don’t just want it to be clear what? he is accused that the man either slept or did not sleep with his aunt by mutual consent, signed an agreement with her that she would not talk about it, paid her money, she violated the agreement, he is accused of not paying money from that pocket, he didn’t pay, he told
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the lawyer, go figure it out, and the lawyer agreed, trump is accused of something, that he doesn’t know how to zip his fly, then we should half of humanity is in this, because... this is the discovery of the century, so i understand, no, everyone thought that trump was just going to heal himself. well, yes, and as you correctly noted, the case is not worth it, that is, trump is accused of paying this money to a porn actress.
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this is the influence, well, no, well, this is idiocy, everything, well, well, in principle, if you look at it, it’s all idiocy, of course, but
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if you make a comparison there is clinton, not clinton, biden has it in general you open the closet, there's skeleton after skeleton, well, no not to mention that the statute of limitations expired a long time ago in these cases in new york, and in general this concerns federal elections, that is, the state prosecutor’s office should not be involved in this, and so on, well, this is such politicized justice, yes, then yes, let me remind you, no, and these people forbade us to pick our noses with our fingers.
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the question arises, what will happen next for trump, yes, if there is a probation, if they restrict his movements around the country, in which case i remind you that he will be assigned a probation officer who will monitor so that trump doesn’t leave the state of florida once again, this, of course, will greatly complicate running the company for him, because he needs to travel around the country, campaign, so, but he will apparently send trusted representatives, this is one option, yes, well , i think that there are 30 percent there . maybe it will lead to this, although there is doubt, the very fact of conducting this kind of judicial
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investigation is a verdict on the american judicial system, well, i agree, at least on the judicial system that exists in the state of new york, no, no, it doesn't matter, yeah the american judicial system, because the state of new york would be fine, but they influence federal decisions, the electoral processes, that is, that is why what the americans have always said, but we have the court itself, that’s all we have, these fairy tales. no more, well, yes, well, and one more good news for trump is, after all , yes, that this is the only trial there out of all four and criminal cases that have been opened against him, for which hearings will still take place before the elections, because that the other thing in georgie has already fallen apart, because they had their own scandals, let me remind you that prosecutor fanny willis literally appointed her lover to deal with this investigation, so give him the opportunity to earn, if i’m not mistaken, 700,000 dollars by trying trump, he’s not a porn actor, so he should be judged for this you can't, that's it.
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well, i think trump will file an appeal in the future and still try to somehow beat this, but now the news has come out that trump’s lawyers hope to go straight to the supreme court, where, as you know, yes the majority, and even there are three trump judges, a rally on the square of the donetsk republic in front of the american embassy will help, for example, freedom for donald trump, hands from trump, etc., it will help normally, well, i think
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that maybe at least it will be cool, well, that’s what it will be in soviet style, that ’s all, of course.
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and he almost fell asleep at one point, so it will take an hour and a half, well, yes, he fell asleep, well, maybe he was giving his eyes a rest, as we can now put it politically, yes, that’s it, but at the debate it won’t happen like that, there after all, you will have to sit for an hour and a half, and although the conditions are quite loyal for weiden, yes, this is a cnn audience, such a party journalist will be the moderator, jake teper, who sympathizes, is ready to offer his services, dmitry and i can hold a debate and help. an inconvenient question, it’s true, well, in the future , the democratic party congress will be held in august, and although there are many such panicky publications in the press that, well, at the last moment , joe biden will be replaced by someone, but no one will be replaced, and of course we understand that there will be neither michelle obama nor gavin newson, unless of course biden dies in these 2
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months, in general, biden and kamaluharist, and biden died a long time ago, we understand that... that trump is recruiting, unfortunately, a big one, yes, there for, probably, for those who expected that maybe trump would come, yes, this will be some kind of turn of america towards isolationism, well, he is recruiting quite a few of these stubborn hawks into the administration , yes there is john redcryffe, robert o'brien elbride coby, richard grennel and so on, with which of course will be quite difficult for us, so we should also be
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prepared for this, so california needs to fight with the state of new york, well, theoretically, we can also come to this at one point. of course, the movie is already being filmed, i generally believe that while biden’s supporters are not hearing us, while they are not hearing us, i believe that all trump supporters should unite, take up arms and fight for american democracy, because we cannot be allowed to power in america of this rotten, corrupt old man biden, and wanted to reach out to biden supporters.
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american political scientists, look at what are the conditions for a successful color revolution, when can attempts be made to change the regime?
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this is what the obama administration believed it would take to overthrow the country. you are ready? you need a semi-autocratic regime, not fully autocratic, it must be semi-autocratic, you must have it. unpopular incumbent president, you must have a united organized opposition, we have it all, then you need be able to quickly convey to people that the voting results were rigged, you need the media to inform people about the voting results being rigged, you need an opposition that can mobilize. thousands of demonstrators, and also disagreements between regimes and coercive forces, such as the military or the police, hmm, it looks like we have it all,
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don't we, that's what the popular ones say, happens at the same time as national elections, we have it too, in america it's all there, alexander, yes, i heard about trump. and so i thought, if we had your worries in germany, it would certainly be much easier for us, here now is what scholz is doing, i already gave this example once, there is such an easter game, the game is called eggs, that’s what scholz is doing now absolutely this is the situation, there is nothing obscene there, they just play with these very things, and scholz, i guess.
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the fact that germany does not consider itself, this, as you rightly say, is a german matter, it is the german bundestag that provides this kind of evidence for itself, for
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complacency and to reassure their own population, but those who make these decisions, the politicians at the top, they, of course, are perfectly aware that they are dragging germany into a state of great war, and they are aware that germany are drawing in not just some... participants in this big war for several reasons: first, germany after the united states, as one of the leading states of america, the second country that has allocated the most funds to ukraine, and is going highlight further, and moreover, i would like to say that we probably do not know the real numbers, they are most likely much higher, and most likely, many of these financial injections are completely under...
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so that this could be used, so the first thing that speaks in favor of the fact that such a decision has been made and that it probably exists is, of course, the financial component, but not field marshal, reich marshal, well, yes, well, he called himself field -marshal, right? this is correct rake marshall goering, to be precise, then indeed, marshall goering, the second question or the second factor, which in general
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speaks precisely about this, it is... it
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is very strong that those who join the army will be offered language courses, it is clear that this is not about germans born in germany, and we are talking about those who are in germany for some other legal reasons, either refugees, or already half-citizens, or maybe already citizens, but those people who are officially, who for this reason they will probably be able to become a new law...
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her children studied or did internships, in this mckinsey company, she has seven children, three of them are directly related to the mckinsey company, which is still one of the main consulting blocks advising the german bundesfer and the ministry of defense. there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, connections with the partisans burned the village of all the inhabitants, a plan was developed , according to which at least 30 million people were to be destroyed.


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