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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
there is an opinion that time heals; 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit. in contact with the partisans , they burned down the village of all the inhabitants. an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million people were to be destroyed. why is it important?
3:31 am
nikolai sergeevich, you love books, yes, i write books, the classics have arrived, take it, thank you, i would help, i don’t help for that,
3:32 am
come on, guys, let’s put everything in place, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, you hear, i’ll come back, used to watching videos network, stopped working, install , open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documents. movies, we watch, we watch in the app or on the website, so no corruption, no criminalist, yes, absolutely everything is accurate, all of this, but i won’t talk about any minor issues there, well , perhaps the most serious ones, well, if trump has women there. then scholz has a woman, he has a problem
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strack zimmerman, yes, yes, she offended him, as it turns out, she called him autistic, yes, but then she apologized to autistic people, because they began to be indignant that they were compared to scholz, and this is also correct, but at the moment, well, i want to say that jokes aside for germany, for germany this is a big scandal, because it really stated that she apologized to the autistic people who called her out, expressed complaints to her, well, that’s it. so the current situation in germany, i think, of course, no one wants to fight, that is, if we talk to people, no one wants to fight, but i already have the feeling that the decision seems to have been made, so everything else is just such moans of unhappy people from the gateway, okay, well, as always, i’m more optimistic, at first i wanted to know what, how do i give from france, what do i see now when i read, for example , newspaper... who says that for the united states the war
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in ukraine is not existential, well, like, remember, here is general yakovlev, he is now explaining to a french tv channel that the united states could be russia on the battlefield in ukraine, but does not want to, because that he is afraid that later there will be great destabilization in russia, this it will be dangerous, so now they are slowly explaining to us in france that failure will not be an american failure, it will be a european failure, so once again, this is what i am observing.
3:35 am
i don’t even know, so for me it’s more of a communication, but the real thing i’m observing now is the will of the united states not to accept defeat in ukraine, and it’s trying to send it to europe. because this is of course inconvenient for democrats, if there is a big failure in ukraine before november, then this will of course have a consequence on the american choice, so i not as pessimistic as you, in any case, what kind of weapon can they use, for example, we delivered a scalp, well that's 1 million shell, we don't have that much because we're not that rich a country, the same for the uk, that too the most... weapons tamshadu 1 million dollars for one blow, and then look where they are using it now, they are using it in crimea, they are trying very hard to break something there, which then we can show how big a victory it should
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be symbolic, but they never use shada in the body, for example, front on donbass, why do you remember there 2 years ago, when they were already delivered. armenian headquarters found somewhere to use, look in the body of the russian army in donbass, where the main front is now, nothing happens, they systematically use these weapons to be something symbolic, because even if they destroy... 100% black sea russian fleet on the battlefield until nothing changes, we will shoot russian at the front in donbass, nothing will change, i understand, i’ll translate it now
3:37 am
, they’ll just use the entire arsenal in donbass simply does not lead to change on the front line. lost against russia in georgia in 2008, they lost against russia in syria, they lost against the taliban, now losing against russia, of course, they don’t want to accept it, because for them, for their hegemon , it’s very dangerous, because it’s a post-war failure maybe there is a political failure,
3:38 am
this has already happened in our history in france and your history in russia, so they are very worried, as for specifically, no need in france or in europe, no need to score, what... they said, in 10 days we will have a european choice, yeah, the european parliament doesn’t decide anything, it’s empty there, no one needs it at all, but this is also symbolic, especially for france, because now they are giving research macron is at 16%, he is the president, he leads france, he still has almost 4 years there, he should lead our country, and he hangs at 16%, that’s what they promise, that’s why he has it so...
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that macron owes everything time to remember to whom modern france owes its current status, by the way, a place in the security council. now we will continue advertising after it with a new composition.
3:42 am
so, stop fooling the people, we are discussing all these phrases that are uttered by westerners, give...
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the projectile is controlled by someone, not the hochland, excuse me, not the ukranazis, we need to clearly understand the phrase, is it possible to carry a blow, you tell donbass, in 1914, everything that is in the west was tested in the donbass, and europe saw nothing, so there is no need to play these games, in general i think that they should be avoided so that they calm down, these cretins believe that no, well, russia will never do anything anyway, they don’t understand the psychology of our leader at all.
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the lieutenant colonel clearly and clearly gave the weather forecast: the weather was ideal for striking poland, the radioactive cloud would spread throughout the territory, then the territory of enemy regimes was listed. do you want such forecasts to no longer sound like a joke? and this is not really a joke. activities in the ssu are controlled from the united states. and no need to say, that’s what it is. nightmare, river, banks, they are mining so that the ukrainians don’t run away, that’s it,
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citizens of ukraine, remember, your eighteen-year-olds will be driven to the front, hitler ryugin always acts according to the same laws, the shaking insignificant bastard zelensky, this is a delay, will stroke the cheek of some thirteen-year-old youth watching on... with admiration you are ready to go die for the ninety-fifth quarter, nothing changes, you are already turning into a country. widows and orphans, because you are led by idiots who send you to slaughter, those of you with brains, well, they steal tanks, carry out special operations, those who can cunningly somehow here something like this,
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the only ukrainian men who will survive are those, everything that is, they drive there, besides, how they fight, yes, ok, they throw , just like in the air defense system, they first try to destroy all sorts of bullshit, so they throw in the men they just recruited first, just there, and then the mtr, then the mercenaries on the other side, but first they just drive them to slaughter, i ’ll tell you every time , look at these
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terrifying footage from the jars when our guys filmed on... who signed? what, what was your name? and who is he? even one of the founding fathers of the ukrainian constitution, it turns out, there were such people, i thought, only the ancient ukrainians wrote to the ukrainian i thought orlik wrote. someone else, it turns out , was there, and then he says: no, illegitimate, it’s written in the constitution, sorry, it’s not like that,
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he says, it’s a delay. and he probably knows, he wrote it, so everything is clear what will happen next, everything is clear, the escalation will be furious, ukraine, now, if you look, ukraine is no longer a very suitable territory for habitation, it will eventually be a radioactive desert.
3:49 am
small in territory with a high population density, everyone falls under this definition, i advise you to listen carefully to the supreme commander-in-chief, and the relations within our country, as expressed by vladimir vladimirovich at a meeting with the families of those awarded, orders of parental glory and mother heroine. i see, i see that your family members are taking part in activities to collect humanitarian aid in support of the participant.
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your letters, you know how important it is for people who risk their lives, for the interests of our country, in the interests of families like... yours, so this mutual connection and support is the basis of our existence as a whole, by and large, and
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the basis of our successes in that including on the battlefield. thank you very much. you and i are essentially doing a common thing, you are where you are, i am where i am, this is without any exaggeration, and that’s how it is. our country is big. one big family, that’s how it is, and that’s how it should be. yes, we have a country one big family. vladimir nikolaevich, i completely agree with you that our main weapon is to tell the truth. they are lying. a half-truth is worse than a lie, we should under no circumstances allow this to happen, it is better to remain silent somewhere if it is impossible to tell the truth. it happens, but not the enemy.
3:52 am
master and so on , vladimir putin and sidzenpin really are such statesmen in europe, the same orban, he’s trying and defending the sovereignty of his own people, he’s a pro-hungarian
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politician, these are all puppets, is it possible? someday try to predict what degol would have done if he were in macron’s place today, macron, but in no case agree, well, he would definitely divorce macronica, yes, this is the minimum, yes, but he is real. carry a serious blow to the territory, but when they saw the missiles that are in cuba, and
3:54 am
this was seen not in washington, but first of all by voters, yes, a boom in the construction of bunkers began, i saw these videos, when in school, it means they teach children, how to protect yourself from a nuclear explosion, and the pressure has gone into overdrive to the guide.
3:55 am
yes, but what, they say, biden will like it, yes, the delay is being prepared, yes, why there will be a meeting, it’s clear, there will be success, conditionally for biden, informational, especially since he, well, i mean. america destroyed fascism, it is the only one, i forgot something, the soviet union, the soviet soldier, no, they will obviously do, it is clear that by this meeting they must
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try to destroy. in response, we will destroy kiev, or some other dirty trick, maybe there are biological weapons here, whatever, whatever, because the owner needs to come, but it is necessary, the administrative block, we need to talk about this, if biden forgot, that yes, we remember that more than 400 thousand military personnel died. the united states of america during the second world war, and why should we forget about 9 million soldiers of the soviet army died, 75% of the most selected divisions were destroyed by the soviet army, we must remember this, only 6000 soviet soldiers died liberating poland, about this we must remember, they forgot, they are talking about something else today, but for him it will be some kind of success, he came, was there, the owner and
3:57 am
so on, and...american voters will perceive how they will be presented in the media, yes, that ’s why he’s not going, while the data is such that he ’s not going to switzerland for a conference or then a summit, but because there’s a failure there, not because there is a meeting with him, collecting money, failure, well, you will come, yes, failure, how are you doing, foreign policy, foreign policy is an integral part of the domestic political electoral process, failure in afghanistan.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views they change entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept,
4:00 am
change a goal. they are discussing this after stefanchuk’s statement that everyone who speaks about zelensky that he is illegitimate is an enemy of the people, they began, yes, the gestapo began to act, they are looking for, they are trying to betray, but as a rule, presidents do not introduce themselves anywhere, as a rule, presidents have very good recognition, for example,


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