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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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zelensky, in which , in his opinion, all the leaders of the whole world should take part, yes, it is for this reason that everyone understands perfectly what is behind this, so there will be no biden, who, of course, is biden, why isn’t he going, well , probably, first of all, because he has elections, he has meetings there, trump is on fire there, he doesn’t know there, he’s afraid of turning somewhere in the wrong direction, shaking the wrong hand or shaking hands with emptiness, as they say now, enter the wrong door, enter the wrong door, exactly , exactly, our task was to take the stone, when we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, well , i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, now,
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she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i’m like sick it was covered, well , it was not visible that there was no leg, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, you can go on reconnaissance with such people, you will return from reconnaissance with such people, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.
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who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here, space pirates, i love children. they will meet again, i wanted to offer you with my hand and my heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s somehow different, any interference in time could lead him to this, 100 years in the future, that’s the opinion. that time heals, 512 people,
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including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, everyone’s village was burned for connections with the partisans inhabitants, a plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact, this work is extremely important. especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of the deralization of nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against a very well thought out offensive in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment.
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in principle impossible, maybe somewhere there is some kind of second one, i don’t know, after that i don’t know there will be some kind of conference there in september in the fall, but we said tamrovka. he said, the format of the conference is not workable, russia will not take any part there, but what, and what could be workable in this regard, is what can really stop the scenario that he spoke about konstantin valentinovich, well, it’s obvious, probably, that first of all the united states and nato must get out of the conflict, the united states and nato are leaving the conflict, everything becomes, everything stops, but why do they need this? the question is precisely this, but in general we have a mechanism by which someone will press this brake, this is a fundamental question, of the current actors in the west there are none, moreover, it was absolutely rightly said that
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the intellectual the level of this entire elite, they don’t understand what they are doing, yes, there may be some hope for people like orban. there is a filt, but for now they are rather an exception to the rule and the system is doing everything to ensure that such people do not appear, so that such an option does not take place, it is for this reason, unfortunately, that the scenario that was mentioned is a funnel of war, it seems , now it is already very close to implementation, but what will save us, maybe something will save us, yes, maybe our wise policy of vladimir vladimirovich, maybe...
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rebuilt, repaired by muscovites, well, you walk in the park, as if in moscow, courtiers developing territories, beautiful shops, and there are a lot of people on the streets, with a lot of young people, traffic jams, traffic jams in lugansk, we traveled around
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the republic there, everywhere there are good, excellent roads, and according to the results of this trip, including, not everywhere, but not everywhere , not everywhere, but where it was possible to drive through, everything was correct. for peace to come to our long-suffering land, this is our goal, peace, therefore, probably, first of all, of course, speaking about the war, of course, about the heroes of our war, we still need to pay attention to those huge achievements, including social
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development, the advent of peace, the approach of the world that we have, this is also the truth about what we have already achieved, too... it brings our victory closer, well, if we talk about the truth that we have already achieved, it is enough people should drop by to mariupol, of course, because to see how mariupol is developing, but by the way, i was surprised, i traveled around zaporozhye in the kherson region, well, right there 2 km, 3 km from the lbs, men on tractors, doing something in the countryside, they have a harvest, their life is different, the problem is that these bastards are in beer now on tractors on peaceful ones. like lugansk is peaceful , peaceful, but how they arrive there, well, yes, we had an arrival before us, then they would arrive, yes, that’s the same, so when someone suddenly says: here we are giving a concert there in lugansk or in donetsk, me right away, you know what it is, guys, you can’t relax either, absolutely, the enemy is absolutely vile, but if you look
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at how much business is coming back, how business is developing now, how it’s going, well, donbass - these people are generally very hardworking and love their land , and they really come back like that no, well, he’s a hero. donbass is the heart of russia, this must be understood, it is an outpost of the russian world and we must not forget about it, what an absolutely amazing place, where there is no inter-religious culture. interethnic strife, they live there, well, it’s such a cauldron, but the people are amazing, amazing people, well, it doesn’t seem that the biggest, yes, the biggest geo, geopolitical problem in general, is that the united states has never considered europe its own, at best in the case of fellow travelers, at worst accomplices, it is absolutely true that all political elites have a second passport, mostly american. in lithuania, latvia, estonia. the largest embassy, ​​i thought for a long time why the largest
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us embassy is located in brussels under the european union, under euroatom, because these are competitors, they must first of all be destroyed economically. and the united states made excellent use of the tragedy in ukraine in order to weaken its competitor. this has been said many times, don’t buy russian gas, don’t support the aggressor country, let’s weaken this economic war machine, and immediately divorced your liquefied gas at the beginning. raising the price, then he said, we need it too, now yes, you know, there is a road, but the truth is there isn’t one either, that’s why the europeans are like that, why didn’t you say right away, but we didn’t know, he said, if he says, tomorrow hang themselves, they will say, but maybe a rope , they say, we won’t give you a rope either, he will say, well, okay, that’s why the states are so unceremoniously setting fire to the belly of russia along the border of the russian federation and the balts are naturally in the vanguard, and now... armenia, unfortunately , deep, for example, today it is very quiet and imperceptible
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there was news that the president of estonia, alar karis, signed a law allowing the seizure of not only interest from the use of russian assets, but also russian assets themselves, private assets on the territory of estonia, yes, including private individuals, are not connected by state structures, that is, this is well total russophobia, they will take you away because you are russian, therefore a criminal case must be opened against this person, he must be brought to russia in a bag. i don’t yet know completely whether we are doing the right thing, i will wait for the verdict constitutional court, that is, the constitution
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of estonia allows private foreigners to confiscate their legal property or not, which was previously accepted, worked for the estonian economy and so on, this is the whole essence of the baltic regimes, estonian, latvian, steal, here one can recall the historically latvian red riflemen, who not only protected lenin, but also staged the most terrible terror in the middle palace of russia, there in the saratov region, at one time he studied...
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european affairs, that ukraine would be ready for membership in the european union, we will accept, yes, that is, they are no longer luring nato into joining, there will always be no ukraine at the washington summit, this is normal, to europe, yes, that is, lgbt propaganda, destruction of churches, humanism, i would rather . to enjoy, when the border between ukraine and the european union falls, they will get joy, those men with guns will go to explain to the europeans, who are you, this will all work, the store, yours, mine, the squeeze will work, everything is fine, tomorrow we won’t be able to, but fridays european bureaucracy, monday, monday is good, good day, monday they open,
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here is ukraine in the european union, on tuesday they are already taking brussels by storm. on friday it starts in paris, next friday, in paris there is a clash with arab gangs, then it’s normal, but estonians, why am i talking about estonians, and estonians look in horror and think what happened, we just signed the law, well, in conclusion, if i may such a very short note, what is called in the margins, this morning i was driving through the south of moscow, i saw a village cemetery, i’ve been there i passed a russian flag over the grave, i stopped and went. i saw a woman who was washing the fence, it was my mother, the hero’s name was maxim, he was a little over 20 years old, she told me about him, he was a real hero, we got to talking, and the woman turned out to be from riga, they had moved to the russian federation a long time ago, maxim had already in general, the kingdom of heaven grew up in russia, i thought that people like this maxim, hundreds and thousands, tens of thousands, i can
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say our heroes, although i am not a citizen of the russian federation,
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i just don’t understand the logic, that is, he needs it is necessary to be a native of central asia in order to be in russia without problems, so that no questions arise for him, i just want to understand what questions kirill fedorov has, why everyone should be concerned with the question of how to save this unfortunate guy, i’m just interested in understanding why we don’t have any authority that can answer this question once and for all; he was already in prison once. i just want to understand what this person did wrong, that he cannot be, a russian person, why he cannot be in russia,
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can anyone give me a simple and clear answer to this question, if you tell me that some pieces of paper are not right... that means the question is for these pieces of paper, and not for this person, our vladimir vladimirovich says that that we have to live like this, this is how the guys at the front fight, to every bureaucrat, are we in a situation where we can throw bayonets, this is normal, in my opinion, this is blatant, as there have already been cases when we sent guys who we passed them... then we said: no, that’s it, according to the court, let's leave the country, where, where should they go? tisa, this river has become, i have repeatedly raised this problem in your, your programs, this river has become a symbol of the tragedy of that part of the ukrainians who are called ukhilands, that is, this tragedy
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is the response of ukrainians to the actions of the authorities, especially... they brought such a fact is that 2373 are illegal, people who illegally crossed the border of ukraine with romania, they registered there, they were not
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extradited, they were given documents further, and people started, that is, romania did not extradite people, who crossed illegally, this, by the way, thank god, that’s why this problem has come to light now, it seems to me so, you know, when zelensky travels around europe, talks, signs... an illegal agreement, when defense minister umerov tells ukraine that here we have more than a million people have already updated their data, that is , there are, you know, such reports, such reports to the west, about how well mobilization is going in ukraine, here you go, what, what, how well your mobilization is going, look, how many drowned, look how many corpses there are, and look how many people are fleeing every day, the americans say, so take 18, they also interviewed... a young guy who just ran to romania, they ask him how many did you pay? 5,000 dollars, now the figure has grown to 12 thousand dollars, that is , all the schemes have been written out, all the corruption has been written out,
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you know, when yesterday kirill, a very good one , brought up a fact, a meeting of these two gangster groups in kiev, which they divided, because a new business, a new business, new flows, so this same business is protected by bandits, at the top... who is protecting, who created this problem, how many citizens of ukraine have fled today by any means, through moldova, through transcarpathia, through poland and will continue to flee. it seems to me that this, well, this is correct, when the western press says to zelensky: look, look in the morning, what you are doing to your citizens. and the second thing, washington post, i, i basically, it’s more fun, remember, in your program we talked about how this guy blinky, he played the guitar like this a couple of weeks a couple of weeks ago, then there he was with a kuleba something , they were eating and drinking somewhere again, an article came out today in
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the washington post, and i was predicting that there is there are a lot of disputes about what blinken demanded and what zelensky did not fulfill, so in this article vladimirich says in black and white: fuck you, zelensky says, to blinkon, here you go, i’m reading it again.
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i congratulate you on being awarded the title of senior boar of ukraine. get started, it’s necessary, there’s another thing to do
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putin also spoke about the constitutional court, and so there is another problem with the constitutional court in ukraine, no, it doesn’t exist, it’s not that it doesn’t exist, it’s one of the acting chairman, he turned 70 years old today, and he can no longer be a judge, nor naturally, but you do not need a constitutional court.
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you will die, i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents.
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i remember this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on may 31, 1815 , the vendian congress announced the creation of a new state, the united kingdom of the netherlands. this followed from an agreement signed between russia, england, prussia, austria and the netherlands. although the country has a long history. it was under the rule of ancient rome, the holy roman empire, and the spanish.


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