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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here and space pirates, i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to offer you my hand and my heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s possible in some other way, any interference in time can lead to this. 100 years ago.
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news from the middle of the hour, briefly: in russia today there are about 40 natural fires in eleven regions, one of the most difficult situations is in transbaikalia, where forests are burning on an area of ​​40,000 hectares, in neighboring buryatia there are fires 25.00 hectares of forest are covered. the us state department reported that the white house allowed the kiev regime to use american weapons on russian territory, although supposedly only during counter-battery combat. the danish ministry gave the go-ahead for attacks on our regions by f-16 fighters when copenhagen transfers these aircraft to ukraine. a new york jury unanimously found former us president trump guilty of falsifying financial records. we are talking about reports of $130,000 that trump paid to porn actress storm daniels. graduates in russia today
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616,000 people are taking the second compulsory subject of the unified state exam, mathematics; 280,000 people have chosen the profile level required to enter a university; they will have to complete 19 tasks in almost 4 hours. in the southern donetsk direction , the russian military destroyed an enemy stronghold. the task was carried out with pinpoint precision by the combat crew.
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he was under us, the machine gun was closer, but it’s not scary, they hit the sphere, they hit, reconnaissance reported, reconnaissance reported, they themselves observed, the effective firing range of fagot approximately 2.5 km, crews carry out targeted strikes on light armored vehicles, tanks and enemy personnel, but lately they have been mainly working on strong points, the hit accuracy is almost 100%. the fagoda atgm is quite light, so mobile crews are not tied to the terrain. can quickly
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move along the entire front line, providing fire support to assault units on the front line. the bassoon has enormous destructive power; on average it takes 20 seconds to deploy. this missile is guided, that is, control is carried out according to wire, along thin wire. after the rocket leaves the tube, the operator looks through the eyepiece and uses the handwheels to bring the rocket to the target. the operator has no right to leave the position until the missile reaches the target. even if return fire is fired, it still continues to adjust the flight path. after firing, the anti-tank crews quickly leave the firing line, they are necessarily covered by a machine gunner who is on duty nearby, he also cannot sit in one place for too long, if we saw the target, quickly worked, we curl up in a shelter, a large machine gun, if they notice it, for example, a bird will notice it, that’s it, they start working, everything they have, in general there are a lot of birds, there’s a situation there in front now, there’s a lot of them, there’s a lot of them, there’s five of them,
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10 pieces fly. our side also launches a lot of birds, they help to detect potential targets and possibly warn the soldier. an unusual exhibition of board games, we will not only tell you about the exhibits after the advertisement. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum, and when opening a brokerage account you can also receive three sberbank shares as a gift. hurry up from.
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free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses, payment sticker, apply now, children's savings card,
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an adult approach, one of my friends went to the wrong area, uh, kid, there is a call, yes, i myself have zero account, but you have a megaphone. megapower communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, the word of the megaphone, what can alice do with the jandex gpt neural network? imagine dozens experts help you come up with ideas, write texts, gain knowledge, alice of the new generation can do so much, well, in nature, oh, what is this, and this is a diagram, there are different cards here. with cashback, why? you need one vtb card. vtb. transfer to it for free from any bank, without any commission restrictions. and get cashback up to 25% for your purchases. rubles vtb. everything will work out together. this is the ivanovs. average russian family. they
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throw away 664 plastic bottles per year. and if you sort the waste, this could work. 21 backpacks for my son or one. sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfa bank.
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bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. we continue the release. a russian environmental operator decided to check how the regions spend money on the removal of municipal solid waste. the federal antimonopoly service will deal with this issue. the audit should show which companies are truly effective in this area. details from varvara nevskaya. the decision is important, necessary and timely. collection rate of payments from removal companies. household waste on average exceeds 80%. despite this, a number of regional operators have quite high accounts receivable. an appeal to fas by ppk reo will allow you to analyze the cause of the debt and take the necessary measures. here it is important to understand
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how correctly the funds that reoperators are now collecting on the market are used, the collection of payments has increased, this is a problem that has existed from the very beginning. collected and used for their intended purpose. unscrupulous market players will have to explain how payers’ money pledged for garbage removal. particular attention during the audit will be paid to the debt of those re-operators whose collection of payments exceeds a twelfth of the required gross revenue, which is determined by the executive power of the subjects. at the same time , the industry as a whole reacts positively to the intervention on the part of the faz. the check will help pinpoint the problems of honest people.
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for tsenkomreu, debt could also be caused by an increase in the cost of equipment and its maintenance, as well as an increase in wages. activity monitoring re constantly leads regional operators. in 2023, the collection of payments for municipal solid waste management services over the past year exceeded 95%, showing an increase of 3.9%. among the lagging regions are the north caucasus, yakutia and the altai republic. regional work.
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every resident felt the form and felt its effectiveness. based on the results of inspections of waste management operators by the federal antimonopoly service , the necessary decisions will be made that will improve the situation in the field of solid waste management. varvara nevskaya, tatyana klepcha, news. an unusual exhibition opened in the kremlin armory, where dozens of unique exhibits from different museums were collected, all of them board games. what kind of chess did catherine the great like to spend time with and what did she play? and what kind of fun is this ,
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sofya sergieva plunged into the history of the country through the prism of entertainment. in the six shelves of the front lobby of the armory, the curators of the new exhibition have placed a huge cultural layer from the 10th to the 20th century. the story about the history of our ancestors turned out unconventional, through the board games of the past. our concept is close to plato’s statement that you can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of communication. and indeed we focus on the game not as a gambling activity, but as a highly intellectual, important state, political, diplomatic and, most importantly , traditional educational pastime, primarily for royal persons. in this primer, from which the daughters of ivan the fifth learned to read, the letter sha was illustrated with a chessboard. russians tsars and russian emperors masterfully mastered the tactics and strategy of the game. on their instructions. in the chamber there was a special workshop in which the arkhangelsk and kholmogory masters were exclusively engaged in
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the manufacture and repair of chess, and here are represented not just different figures, but also from different centuries, different places of manufacture, and not a memorial, first of all, this set, which was actually made by hand on the lathe of catherine the great, who played chess flawlessly, and next to it was a set that ambassador branden... gave alexei mikhailovich 76 silver pieces, with which four people could play in one game at once. in 1761, card games were considered demonically vicious in russia, until elizaveta petrovna legalized them, dividing them into commercial and prohibited gambling. initially, most of the cards were imported, european, decks began to be branded en masse under catherine the second, and the income from them went to the treasury for orphanages, so perican is often found on the aces of diamonds of those times. symbol of parental love donations. peter ii preferred cardboard puzzles, games of perseverance and dexterity,
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for example, beryulki. this apple-shaped box, a little more than a centimeter in size, contained 31 things, each of which had to be placed inside with a small hook. one of the most popular formats of board games in the 19th century was travel, for example, here is a trip to russia, a whole field, visit exhibitions, by the way, they give you this brochure so that they can play it at home. the essence of the game came down to to the following: to small. the archaeological finds deserve special attention. chips, cubes of various shapes, colors and materials. these 13 small glass spheres, the oldest exhibit in the exhibition, were used to play hnefatafl, the royal board. this is a luxury item, it is of colossal value, but really very beautiful in itself, the gilding was preserved here, all the chips were decorated with gilding, the meaning was this: the chips moved along
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a board divided into squares, the king needed these different chips from. .. the center moved to the edge, the rest of the chips interfered with it. eight leading museums of the country and 80 unique exhibits took part in the creation of this intimate exhibition, which will be available until september 11. sofia sergieva, sergey zanin, vladimir pavlov, news. the internet content award was presented at masfilm; it is given for popular trends and iconic projects on the internet. this year the ceremony was divided into two stages. the first took place in march at the youth festival. now the statues have been distributed to the remaining laureates, emil mersaev will tell you who was awarded for what. to create not only for yourself, but to make society better with your own creativity, this is the principle of all the heroes of this evening. masfilm awards the winners of the third national internet content award. there are over a thousand participants in total, for each of whom altruism is not an empty phrase, but a source
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of inspiration. open with a hodliner. those who now live in new regions, in such a difficult time in the donbass, what do you think family means to them? for them, it seems to me, family is generally the only thing for which they fight, they are absolutely confident that they want a good future in our country, of which they are now finally full members.
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regina orekhova is our colleague who swapped her usual helmet and body armor for an evening dress. behind fragile shoulders 2 years in the zone. hers, to show the fate of those who found themselves in the crossfire, her project, a series of peaceful videos, received the main award as the best journalist on the internet, it was all quite psychologically difficult to work there, and of course we are all very happy, which is well deserved, as i i think we were noticed, seen, noticed by the jury and another online product reflecting the spirit of the times, oh, good name, russia’s weapons are on guard.
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thanks to the internet development institute, many projects have come into being and provide significant grant support, regardless of the form, topic and scale, the main thing is that it resonates in everyone’s soul. emil mersav, mikhail verdeev and ramil batyrov, lead. now there is footage from india, where at least 20 people have died due to extreme heat over the past 24 hours, some from overheating. others from exacerbation of chronic diseases, the thermometers rose above 50° celsius. local authorities are forced to radically reduce the operating time of the water supply; now it is turned on only once. there are shots every day when a water tank arrives and those who don’t have enough water, look, they literally pounce on this tank, because the water supply is working - with
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outages, and central russia today will get rid of the heat when an atmospheric front reaches moscow with refreshing showers, we'll tell you after the commercial. this. sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfa bank. refer friends and get 15,000 rubles. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. what? we bring from travel with avito cashback bonuses the next avito trip, everything will go as booked with cashback, bonuses, padik, go out, go out
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and start a business, with sber our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rub. help at the start from sber experts, all services. in your online bank, analytics on your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a blast! maybe a sister? appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there is a beastly appetite. specifically for nutrition, restoration, preservation of youthful eyes.
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tuufon - triple action for eye health. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month. free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now, children's savings card - an adult approach, boldly look your expenses in the eye, with yota your money will not fly away, gigs and minutes remain, we return rubles for them every month, you can. iota, thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation,
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sellers at the megamarket change the world, the megamarket will just grow with us, oh, that’s for me nice, so 4.900, and well, yes, of course, oh, the panda is for sale, yes, it is for sale, the psb credit card is double. increased cashback on everyday purchases. in the russian lotto we will draw a golden barrel for country houses in honor of the anniversary, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. and when you open a brokerage account , you can also receive three sber shares as a gift. hurry up to open a deposit with the best interest rate before june 30. sberbank. it's so hot at the finish line there has been no may in the middle zone for 17 years, but in
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the evening the weather will begin to change, how much precipitation will the atmospheric front bring to moscow ? will it be able to seriously cool the atmosphere? current weather analytics on russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello! thunderstorms will cover the capital today. the hot anticyclone is no longer able to disperse the clouds, it is degrading, and stormy fronts are increasingly entering its territory. the day before, the main disaster raged in the north of european russia. so in cherepovets, after the rain, the roads were flooded. driving under certain overpasses was associated with the risk of water hammer. and in the velikoluksky district of the pskov region , hail the size of a pine tree fell, large pieces of ice fell from the sky in sergiev posad, so to
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the locals. sheets, just like in the south, had to cover cars with carpets and plywood. the rainfall hit moscow tangently, a short rain fell only in medvedkovo, while the rest of the metropolis continued to melt from the heat and drown in poplar fluff, which is becoming more and more every day due to the heat, and now it’s not only poplars that are collecting dust. these shots are from sestraretsk. green clouds over the city are nothing more than... pollen from coniferous trees. today the heat in european russia will reach its maximum extent. the lower reaches of the volga and don will continue to be at the epicenter of overheating. here in the afternoon the air will heat up to +30-35. and in the rest of the territory, throughout the entire space from the white sea to the black sea, the temperature will be +25.30. it must be said that the last time such heat
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was observed in the middle zone was at the end of may. in 2007, but the anticyclone contributed to the extreme threshold of air heating, is already beginning to retreat to the banks of the volga, after it , thunderclouds are breaking through onto the russian plain, by tomorrow they will cover the entire west of the middle zone, another mass of frontal clouds will continue to accumulate near the spurs of the caucasus, in places in the south in the center of the country there will be quite a lot of rain strong and will bring up to... 10-20 mm of moisture, so in moscow in the middle of the day the thermometers will reach +30, but after the evening rush hour cumulonimbus clouds will appear over the capital, carrying thunderstorms and refreshing showers coming at night the clouds will clear, and on saturday morning the rains will resume. in total , about 16 mm of precipitation can pour into the metropolis in two days,
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usually with... only at this time it accumulates in one stormy week. however, despite the heavy thunderstorms, the temperature regime in european russia will remain much warmer than expected. the fact is that in the coming days , the atmosphere over the russian plain will continue to be dominated by southern flows, carrying well-warmed air masses from the shores of the mediterranean sea into the region. the only thing is, thanks to the rains, the degree there are few anomalies. for example, in the central regions , local thunderstorms are expected until the middle of next week; against their background, the daytime temperature will not exceed +26-28. that's all for me, goodbye.
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the white house allowed kiev to use american weapons on russian territory, we will tell you the details. the eurasian economic union is 10 years old. during this time the country. the trial of trump, he was found guilty of falsifying a document, what does the former us president face? an unusual exhibition has opened in the armory chamber; it tells the story of infusion games in russia, details. in our
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material. temperature record. today in moscow it is expected to be about +30°. we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. and we start with the situation with wildfires. one of the most difficult situations is buryat. the area of ​​fires is increasing in the region. the fire is destroying forests in four regions. almost burning. the smoke from the fire is visible even from space; satellite images clearly show its plume. in the region, the rescue team of aviation forest protection officers is being strengthened. for two firefighting trains and a helicopter are involved in extinguishing the fires. our correspondent in the region, ilyi koshlyunov, has all the latest information. ilya, greetings, are there any threats to populated areas? hello, alexandra, just on this occasion i want to say that
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the threat has now been lifted. basically -


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