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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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board games in russia. details in our material. temperature record: today in moscow it is expected to be about +30°. we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. and we begin situations with natural fires. one of the most difficult situations in buryati. the area of ​​fires is increasing in the region. fire destroys forest bridges.
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i want to say that the threat has now been lifted, in principle, all services are only in standby mode, as you said, there are actually two fire trains running on the muya section of the baikal sea mainline, who are making sure that the fire does not spread to the infrastructure, well, the work to extinguish the fire continues, the fire is burning in an area of ​​22,000 km, this is only in the moisky district, the work is complicated by the fact that the fifth is in effect in the district... from fire danger, there very dry and windy. the second most complex fire is currently active in the borguzinsky district , and foresters managed to localize this source to an area of ​​4,000 m2. over the past 24 hours , a new fire has also been discovered in the neighboring kurumkan district, forests are burning there jergen reserve. if we talk about forest fires in the republic in general, then according to the latest morning reports. foresters
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are extinguishing seven forest fires, they operate, as you said, in four, in the four northern regions of the republic, how many people and equipment are involved , the republican forestry agency told us, let's listen, 344 people from the forest guard are working to extinguish them, fire paratroopers, employees of the state fire service and others involved, 52 units involved forest fire equipment,
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a random class of fire danger has been established in most districts of the amur region, there are now nine large outbreaks, two of them near the village of talbuzino, all-terrain vehicles and swamp vehicles have been sent there. the volekma region of yakutia, which just experienced a flood, is now waiting for amphibious aircraft to put out the fires. most of them are in inaccessible areas. a special fire regime has been introduced in kamchatka. in total, about 40 natural outbreaks are being extinguished across the country in eleven regions of the north-west.
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southern, siberian and far eastern federal districts. powerful explosions occurred early in the morning and at night in ukraine. at six o'clock the sounds of detonation were heard in kiev against the background of the howling of air raid sirens. similar reports from local publications came from kharkov and there a new series of strikes became the third in a row in several hours. it also became known about explosions controlled by the kiev regime in kherson. now a special operation zone. on the south.
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dara is working with the crew of the fagod anti-tank missile system of the eastern group of forces. soldiers secretly approach enemy positions, deploy the gun as quickly as possible, and aim with devastating effect. hit. fagoda atgms are called mobile artillery. the complex fires cumulative projectiles that are capable of penetrating armor almost a meter thick. the fighters have just returned from another foray to the line of combat contact. the enemy support units hit the machine gunner's targets. how close were you to the enemy? he was 700 meters below us, the machine gun was closer, but it wasn’t scary. hit from above, hit, reconnaissance reported, or reconnaissance reported, they themselves observed, the effective firing range of fagot is approximately 2.5 km, the crews carry out pinpoint strikes on light armored vehicles, tanks and enemy personnel, but lately they have been mainly working on strong points,
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the hit accuracy is almost 100%. the fagoda atgm is quite light, so mobile crews in unattached areas can quickly move along the entire front line, providing fire support to assault units. at the forefront of fagod has enormous destructive power, on average deployment takes 20 seconds, this missile is guided, that is, the control goes along a wire, along a thin wire, after the missile leaves the tube, the operator looks through the eyepiece and uses handwheels to bring the missile to the target. the operator does not have the right to leave the position until the missile reaches the target; even if return fire is fired, he still continues to adjust the flight path.
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on our side, they also launch a lot of birds; they help detect potential targets and warn soldiers of possible danger. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the western media , fed, of course, by officials, continue to fuel their own fictitious discussion about some kind of permission or not permission for the kiev regime to use nato weapons on russian territory. this is from a comment by foreign ministry spokesman maria zakharova. the new york times previously published a note citing sources in the white house, according to which joe biden is very close to allowing american weapons to fire on russian regions beyond outside the nwo zone, although previously he categorically excluded this format of aggression. in
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turn, the political publication writes that biden has already given such permission secretly, but this only applies to regions that border the kharkov region. the state department says that allegedly, so far we are only talking about counter-battery warfare, the ban on strikes, missiles, atakoms, again, is supposedly still in place. in addition, the media previously reported on the changeable position of olaf scholz; the german chancellor, they say, finally decided to lift a similar ban on the use of german weapons, even if literally the day before i said the opposite. well , it also looks like the building is ready to join the instigators of escalation, and here are no longer some insider leaks, but official ones... a statement by the country's foreign minister, he, in particular, gave the go-ahead for the use of f-16 fighters for strikes on russian territory , as soon as copenhagen transfers them to kiev. but, of course, the very discussion about all these supposed permissions or prohibitions looks frankly hypocritical, firstly,
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nato weapons are already systematically hitting our territory, and secondly, in in the case of the use of longer -range missile systems, they are engaged in their maintenance, guidance and commissioning. trained specialists, and, of course, not ukrainian, but western. they play with words, increase the degree of emotionality, sing in every way. this is a fictitious discussion, you simply cannot participate in it. ukrainians are not able to use atakomsa, stormshadow and scalps on their own. this is only possible with the help of space reconnaissance. the flight mission of these munitions is formed in the nato countries themselves. in one. case they are delivered to missile systems directly from nato bases, in others they are transmitted via tablets, but in any case , the maximum participation of ukrainian military personnel in this process is to suggest a target on the map, then it’s up to the nato members, and these goals, as a rule, they determine themselves in
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washington, london, paris must realize that in russia they perfectly understand the role of nato in delivering these strikes, and the westerners have no business blowing up these lexical bubbles, no... they don’t need to give ukraine permission or not permission for this, this is the work of nato members, and they will have to answer for it. accordingly, the involvement of the north atlantic alliance. one way or another , it should be considered as direct, all this is intelligible, commented the press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov. the member countries of the north atlantic alliance, the united states, especially other european capitals, have been entering a new round of escalating tension in recent days and weeks. they do this deliberately, we hear a lot of militant statements, this is nothing more than provocation. new level of tension, we understand that this tendency, unfortunately, negative in their
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approach continues, they are in every possible way provoking ukraine to continue this senseless war, they themselves intend to continue the war with us, a war in the literal and figurative sense, that’s all, of course, will inevitably have its consequences, and this will ultimately cause great damage to the interests of those countries that have followed this path. talk about the main topics of this friday. just now let’s check for advertising, then we’ll continue in alfabank. spin the reel in the app and receive supercake up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed, if
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is already joining me. masha, good morning. tell me, what numbers are we talking about? hello sasha. the percentages, of course, have room to grow , what else mikhail mishustin said, i’ll tell you now. the unification of the countries of the eurasian economic union is increasing foreign economic relations at an accelerated pace. prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke about this in an interview with our tv channel. as the results of joint work. he noted the growth of trade and investment exchanges, new opportunities for expanding business contacts, cooperations, launching a large number of mutually beneficial projects. today , russian exports to the countries of the union have doubled since its creation; we trade with the state fives in more complex products; for example, in russia’s trade turnover with them, the share of machinery, equipment and vehicles amounted to almost a quarter last year. russian companies are implementing large-scale
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investment projects in a variety of areas, including energy, industry, and the transport sector. russian exports to eu countries, the prime minister emphasizes, have doubled in trade turnover, transport, equipment, cars. at the end of 2023, these categories occupied almost a quarter of the volume of export-import relations. the eurasian economic union has every opportunity to become one of the most powerful self-sufficient associations of the modern multipolar world. strengthening ties will continue, one of the steps in this direction will be a declaration on the further development of economic processes.
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real wages increase, decrease unemployment rate, there are very good results in terms of an improved business environment. one of the main effects of the growth in mutual trade is that each country participating in the eu receives tangible benefits from membership. thus, armenia increased exports to allied markets by 14 times. kyrgyzstan increased supplies threefold, kazakhstan - twofold. belarus is also strengthening its economy. belarus, as regards. of this country, then participation in integration ensures 18% of its gross domestic product, an increase which, by the way, came close to 4% last year. there are also positive dynamics in kazakhstan, well, here’s a clear example: in the nine full years of the existence of the union
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, more investments have been received into the kazakh economy from russia, armenia, belarus, and kyrgyzstan than in the entire 22 years after the declaration of independence of kazakhstan. working with... expanding integration, jointly protecting the interests of our states, cooperation to ensure technological and financial independence. we have everything necessary for this, complementarity of the economy, close historical ties between peoples, centuries-old, if you like, traditions, good neighborliness. using such advantages, we are able
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to cope with new global challenges and risks. eurasian economic union. the russian prime minister emphasized: it is not a closed ecosystem, it is open to international cooperation, free trade, which is supported by agreements, is carried out with china, vietnam, serbia, and iran. in addition, according to mikhail mishustina, it is necessary to strengthen contacts with other international organizations, such as the sco, brisk and osian. an interview with the prime minister will appear on our channel very soon after 100 am moscow time. thank you, masha, it was maria filippova with a story about the statement. almaata today became the meeting place for the defense ministers of the csto countries, russia is represented by andrei belousov, who plans to discuss at the meeting. preparation for the formation of collective security forces. our special correspondent, evgeniy nipot, is observing the events and joins us. zhenya, greetings, tell me, is everything ready and how
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will these negotiations take place? alexandra, greetings. negotiations in a narrow format had already started, but they were followed by laying on the eternal flame at the monument of glory. let me remind you that in almaat there is a special park dedicated to the 28th panfil. their feat on the memorial are also carved the words great russia there is nowhere to retreat behind moscow, let me remind you that these words belong to political instructor vasily klachkov, that’s where the ceremony of laying flowers at the eternal flame took place, that’s how it was. before the start of the meeting of the council of heads of defense departments of the csto, the organization of the agreement on collective security , a photographing ceremony took place after representatives
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of the defense departments, the heads of the defense departments began negotiations, it was stated that issues of military and military-technical cooperation would be discussed, but before the start of the negotiations, the chairman and host of the meeting, the head of the ministry of defense. welcomed his russian colleague andrei belousov and the minister of defense congratulated him on his appointment. let me congratulate andrei ramovichav on his appointment to the post of the russian federation. i will remind you that today a wide range of issues are expected to be discussed, primarily related to strategic stability. in the region, the udkb plays a big role in ensuring security from the six countries that are members of the organization, and it was also stated that the heads of the defense departments intend to discuss
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issues of planning joint training of the csto troops, as well as equipping them with modern weapons and special equipment, it is also planned to discuss issues of strengthening the borders of the states included in this organization, it should be noted that on on the sidelines... of today's meeting, the russian defense minister will also hold a number of bilateral meetings with his colleagues. let me remind you that the day before he held a meeting with the minister of defense of kazakhstan. it should also be noted that there were very serious preparations for this event in the city; now the meeting, i repeat, has already begun and continues. about its results about signed documents that are expected. the signing of which is expected following the event, we will tell you in our next inclusions. alexander, i give you the floor. thank you, we'll all be waiting details during the day. let me remind you that
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the meeting, the meeting of the csto defense ministers in almaat, is being monitored by our special correspondent evgeniy nipot. donald trump has been found guilty of financial forgery. this was the verdict reached by a jury in new york. the former us president allegedly falsified a report when. and the usa, report by our own correspondent dmitry melnikov. donald trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying accounting records in the first degree. convicted criminal, that’s what they now call the forty- fifth president of the united states. a panel of twelve jurors deliberated for 12 hours before making their verdict. donald trump is guilty of falsifying financial documents to conceal a $130,000 payment to porn star stormy daniels for her silence ahead of the 2016 election.
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the country watched the announcement of the verdict live . the emotions of trump's opponents speak for themselves. democrats are standing up with the same jubilation at these moments; there is real mourning among trump supporters at the courthouse in manhattan. when the jury read out their decision, none of them dared to look the former president in the eyes, but trump himself, as eyewitnesses say, carefully studied his accusers. trump was released from the courtroom without bail before the verdict was announced. it was a rigged trial, a disgrace. the people will pronounce the real verdict on november 5th. everyone knows what happened here, it was done by the biden administration and it's a shame. at this time, near the courthouse, fights begin to break out between supporters and opponents of the convicted criminal, rehearsal for future confrontation. trump himself,
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driving past the crowd, waves to the crowd from the back seat of his limousine, and, amid cries of innocence, heads home. not guilty, not guilty, judge juan merchan set the verdict for july 11, 2 weeks after the first round of debates with biden and 4 days before the republican national convention, where trump would be officially approved as the candidate from. american citizens know that the judicial system has been weaponized, this is just one of the latest examples we see, but there is the huge number of democratic activists who hold prosecutorial positions and who are prosecuting president trump and his supporters across the country. lawyers across the country are wondering what the sentence will be, but it is still likely that this time the former president
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will get away with it. fine, although according to the law, even from a prison cell he can participate in the election campaign and even lead the state, those who lead america now react sparingly to trump’s long-awaited guilty verdict, no one can be above the law, this statement was published by the biden campaign headquarters. this is not about the law, not about justice, but about politics, it’s all about the press conference in the address to the nation, which joe biden plans to deliver from the white house, where he will gloat that... trump is preparing an appeal, and the internet a website collecting donations for his election campaign crashed from an influx of requests immediately after the jury's verdict was announced, and now displays a banner reading "i am a political prisoner." and at the same time, the trump campaign publishes this video, they're trying to stop him, but it won't work, trump's captions assure him, it can't
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be stopped. no one knows for sure what will happen next to trump himself and his election campaign. there have been no such precedents in us history. will voters turn their backs on a convicted criminal, or, on the contrary, will they take revenge on trump’s offenders and vote out of spite? the new election reality in america defies predictions. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. slovak prime minister robert was flown by helicopter to bratislava to continue. on home, the local press reports. according to journalists, the condition of fiis has improved significantly in recent days. it is also known that security has been strengthened at the prime minister’s house in bratislava. let me remind you that on may 15, an assassination attempt was made on robert fitz. he suffered several gunshot wounds and underwent a number of surgeries. and now footage from belgium in brussels near the israeli embassy , ​​pro-palestinian rallies have been going on for the second day.
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they went to the demonstration. hundreds of people, as before, to disperse the crowd, the police used water cannons and flash gas, as according to local media , an ambulance was called to the scene, several people were hospitalized, now let's pause for a couple of minutes.
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he says who will protect you if not me? many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school. he went off to serve the volunteers through ocular paths. i learned what it’s like to actually be in a war, on the front line. the youngest brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way. understood?


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