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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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now with the russian ambassador to poland, sergei andreev, he is in direct contact with us, sergei vladimovich, hello, hello, how did the polish authorities explain the introduction of this ban on the movement of russian diplomats around the country? let's clarify, this is not a ban, but a restriction, it is not of such a strict nature, it is really the freedom of movement of our diplomats to the embassy of our consulates general. there are three of them in gdainsk, krakow and poznan; for embassy employees, the territory of the capital is limited the mozovia voivodeship is approximately 200 by 200 km, and for employees of the consulates general, outside their consular districts, it is like four voivodeships in each case. when there is a need to travel outside this territory, a notification is sent 3 days in advance, it is entered into the ministry of foreign affairs in poland, and so is the trip. is implemented,
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these restrictions do not apply to the ambassador, consuls general, and the head of the consular department of the embassy. as for the motives that were voiced by the polish side, they are precisely the ones that cause the most bewilderment, since this is connected with supposedly some kind of subversive, sabotage activities of the russian federation, a hybrid war that we are allegedly waging against poland in our capacity. poland, ukraine, belarus, canada, which are allegedly involved in these actions, well , i say again, to be honest, it looks very...
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well, and for the work of our polish colleagues in russia, because from the russian side, mirror response actions will naturally follow , i’ve been saying for a long time that i completely incomprehensible the logic of our polish partners who are no longer partners, but if we we maintain diplomatic relations, if we maintain the work of embassies and consulates general, then why make it difficult for them to carry out their tasks that are entrusted to them
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is completely incomprehensible to me, and i would also like to discuss other important topics with you, for the polish ministry of defense said that the country's authorities do not limit the ukrainian army in any way on how to use polish weapons, but do you know what kind of polish weapons we are talking about and what do you think moscow’s response measures might be? well, we roughly know what kind of polish-made weapons supplied by the polish side to ukraine. these were mig-29 aircraft at one time, it is unknown how many of them are left now from those that are front-line, these were still soviet tanks, soviet t-72 models, well , polonized versions of the t-72.91, these were self-propelled artillery mounts, artillery , and so on, that is , especially long-range systems like those that...
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what will we do, what will we undertake, and so on, well, this is strategic uncertainty, it should rather cause concern among the polish public, because that we are ready for any development of events, here in poland, in fact, a reflection of this,
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this sentiment is the statements of the ministry of defense, the idea of ​​​​sending polish military personnel abroad is very, very unpopular. to support, to support the ukrainians in the confrontation with russia, yes, please, to fight ourselves, here, as they say, the fool is dumb. earlier , the polish authorities announced plans to spend $2.5 billion on the construction of fortifications on the border with russia and belarus, how would you comment on these plans and what do you think? are they destined to come true? well, let's see, it's up to them to decide what to spend their money on, i believe that this will not affect the situation in any fundamental, radical way. and one more topic that i
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would like to discuss with you: the head of the polish foreign ministry, sikorsky, promised to encourage ukrainian citizens who fled to poland because of the call to return to their homeland. is it known how many ukrainians are being saved in poland? there, a small percentage registered in the ukrainian conscription system, so there is no particular enthusiasm for this part among there are no ukrainians in poland, but on the other hand, at the moment there are no
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legal mechanisms to stimulate this very return, because when the current law was adopted on... assistance to ukrainian refugees was provided to the maximum liberal regime for their entry into the territory of poland and their legal stay here. now, however, this law has been revised, amendments have been made to it from the first of july, the requirements for the legal stay of ukrainians in the territory are being tightened poland, mandatory, in particular, a valid foreign passport, registration in...
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russia during the north military district acts in proportion to the threats to its security, all goals of the special military operation will be achieved, this was announced today in kazakhstan. according to belausov, groups of russian troops are displacing the enemy from their positions. advancement is taking place in all tactical directions. in the kharkov region, the vsdf retreated 8-9 km. this year
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, 880 km of territory came under the control of the russian army. belousov also said that the day before yesterday a massive attack on the crimean bridge was repelled. ten atacoms missiles. all the missiles were shot down, hundreds of lives were saved, the minister of defense noted. so, our special correspondent is working in almaat today. evgeniy nipod, he is in direct contact with us now. evgeniy, hello, it is reported that a package of documents was signed following the meeting, is it known what the ministers agreed on? vera, hello, yes, this is known, now due to the growing tension along the perimeter of the csto member countries, the forces and means that the organization has in its arsenal require improvement, and their methods also require improvement. application, well, russia is ready to transfer to its partners in the csto, modern methods
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of using armed forces, modern methods of conducting combat operations, this was discussed, in particular, at an extended meeting of the council of heads of defense departments, the organization, i remind you that the csto includes six states, and today a number of statements were also made, i would like to list them, this really important - a statement, well, for example, that the west is trying in every possible way to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, but all these attempts, of course, are futile; it was mentioned above that the russian army will come under the control only in 2024 880 km of territory have been crossed, and this is the merit of our fighters, our armed forces, who are now working using the most modern methods of warfare, andrei belousov separately noted: threats that
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come from outside. the most tense situation today has developed in the eastern european region of collective security. it has a significant influence on all members of the csto. nato is increasing its presence in eastern and central europe, increasing combat readiness and increasing the number of coalition armed forces. everything is being done to prolong and escalate the armed conflict in ukraine, so since february 22 , military-technical, financial and humanitarian assistance amounting to more than 278 billion us dollars has been provided to kiev. the west is urgently pumping up the country weapons, transmits intelligence, trains ukrainian military personnel and recruits mercenaries. on this background. what is important to note and
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what was said at the meeting is that sabotage and attacks on civilian infrastructure and against civilians carried out by the armed formations of ukraine, these attacks are planned and supervised by nato specialists and nato advisers, this was also stated by russian defense minister andrei belousov, here i am... i am listing data on losses in the ssu only in may. more than 35,00 military personnel, over 2,700 units weapons, including four abrams and seven leopards. well, separately there was information that the crimean bridge was subjected to the most massive attack of 10 atak ms missiles, which were aimed at the bridge in order to hit the object, but, fortunately, the air defense forces were able to repel. this attack, which saved hundreds of lives without causing harm. well, data on
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western weapons was also announced today, the russian armed forces in may alone intercepted more than a thousand drones, over 250 hymers and vampire missiles, as well as 50 atak ms missiles. and all this of course, it is impossible to launch and send across russian territory targeting civilians and civilian targets without the participation of nato specialists. that is, geopolitical challenges and military threats to the csto are now more relevant than ever. also, andrei belousov noted, there is now an active information campaign, which is designed to sow discord between the allies in the organization and it also needs to be resisted; in fact , to resist it, this is an important task that also faces the participating countries. i repeat, it was concluded today a number of agreements that will relate to modernization.
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on the development of the military component of the csto, relating to the preparation of exercises, equipping collective forces. joint training activities in 2025, the activities of the joint headquarters, as well as financing issues. let me remind you that kazakhstan is now chairing the organization of the next meeting of the council of ministers, the heads of defense departments agreed to be held in astana. well, i
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also want to draw your attention to the fact that before the start of the meeting, the defense ministers of the participating countries. also, after the end of the meeting in an expanded format, a number of bilateral meetings are expected with representatives of the defense ministries of countries that are members of the csto. vera, i give you my word. evgeny, thank you,
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our special correspondent evgeny nipot spoke at the meeting of the defense ministers of the cst country in almaat. now there is an urgent message from the news agency tape, dmitry azarov, the governor of the samara region, made a statement about the completion of his work as governor, in his message in a video message, he thanked vladimir putin for the trust shown in his attention to the region, and also thanked the countrymen for everything they have done together, and promised to continue to do everything in the future to develop the prosperity of their native land. a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile will wake up a rainbow in the sky, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely and conveniently with sberpay, select
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before june 30. sberbank. meet the free children's savings card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free, a payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. the fsb, together with the ministry of internal affairs of the federal service for financial monitoring of the sberbank security service, suppressed the activities of an organized group involved in the theft of agricultural equipment worth 850 million rubles. from february to september last year, the accomplices submitted to a credit institution in the city of stavropol leasing agreements concluded with ten individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for the purchase tractors. dump trucks. subsequently, the equipment was sold to other contractors, the obligations under the contract were not fulfilled. according to available data, in the period from february to
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september last year, the accomplices submitted to credit institutions in the city of stavropol leasing agreements concluded with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for the purchase of tractors and dump trucks. subsequently, the agricultural machinery was sold to other contractors. contract obligations have not been fulfilled. messages appeared on ukrainian social networks about the americans are demanding this from kiev that the mobilization age can be lowered to 18 years. let me remind you that during the discussion of the law on tightening mobilization. they said that the document included a provision about the possibility of mobilizing eighteen-year-olds if they received a military specialty. against this background, journalists drew attention to an article in the ukrainian legal journal. newspaper, which explains the procedure for military registration, in particular it says that seventeen-year-old ukrainians who are abroad, will have to appear in person at
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the military registration and enlistment office. summons for registration are being sent today to those teenagers who are in ukraine. foreign ministry official maria zakharova commented on the so-called discussion in the western information field about whether nato allows kiev to attack. they play with words, increase the degree of emotionality, sing in all directions. this is a fictitious discussion, you simply cannot participate in it. ukrainians are not able to use coms, stormshadow and scalps on their own. this is only possible with with the help of space reconnaissance. the flight mission of these munitions is formed in the nato countries themselves. in one case, they are delivered to missile systems directly from nato ones. in another, they are transmitted via tablets, but in any case, the maximum participation of ukrainian military personnel in this process is to suggest a target on the map, then it’s up to the nato members, and
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these goals, as a rule, they determine themselves in washington, london, paris, they must realize, in russia they perfectly understand the role of nato in delivering these attacks, and the westerners have nothing to do with it to blow these lexical bubbles, ukraine does not need to give them any permission or no permission for this. this is the work of nato, and they will have to answer for it. the plan for a conference on ukraine in switzerland is at odds with china's demands and the expectations of the international community. this was stated by the chinese foreign ministry, emphasizing that in this regard it is difficult for beijing to participate in such a meeting. the official representative of the department noted that china always insists that both the russian and ukrainian sides should be present at the peace conference. in the ministry was informed that china will continue to promote peace negotiations in its own way. russian intelligence officers in volchansk opened and uncovered firing positions in
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the ssu, as well as a stronghold and an evacuation route for personnel. our pilots and artillery struck at the new coordinates. now reconnaissance is faced with an even more difficult task - to operate on the other side of the volchie river, where the troops of the kiev regime are still stationed. with soldiers who have just returned from a new raid. yegor grigoriev communicated, we're boarding, here's to me, here's to well, it’s good, the scouts of the north group cross the border with the kharkov region, move towards volchansk, part of the way is recorded by a camera on the helmet of one of the fighters, they left the path, i say, let’s return to the path, the leading groups are with a lot of mines and explosives hunters, there are still some. they walk extremely carefully, attentively, concentrated, but there is no tension, they even sharply point out the holes in the ukrainian defense, just for what they have had enough money for a month and a half.
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the first tea after another successful exit, the fighter with the call sign moto did not have time to catch his breath, we persuaded an interview, now our position is in the city itself, so it’s much simpler there, there are buildings there, we now have a closed position, that is, we can’t see the birds, lately we’ve been working on the retreating enemy, who is retreating, the motorcycle is responsible for fire support , limits the enemy’s approaches, and covers
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the reconnaissance soldiers going ahead. the armed forces of ukraine in volchansk tell us that there were a lot of casualties, wounded and dead, those who are fleeing are incinerating everything around them, blowing up bridges, it’s strange, but they are also proud of this, they themselves they film it on video for social networks, the enemy, losses cover rotations, gathers new forces, because every liberated street is a difficult battle for our fighters, you have to run, jump, and hide from the bird, when we work well, the bird usually corrects us, and that is, they start there yell, they say, throw more, it’s still nice. when the work turns out, excitement appears , you want to work even more, the commander of the reconnaissance company twirls the now unusable helmet in his hands, on the last task he saved his neck from a mine fragment , did not hit his neck, his call sign aries has stuck here, extremely suitable for a reconnaissance, for a reconnaissance , of course, stubbornness and determination are needed, and patience, patience, specific tasks, and somewhere you need to be
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smart, somewhere you need... somewhere you need to be patient in an ambush, to be smart enough to choose a place for observation post, for example, they reveal enemy firing points, strong points, clusters of ukrainian armed forces, rotational routes, evacuation and supply of ammunition, then artillery and attack aircraft are in action, for a reconnaissance the main thing is to obtain information, he enters into battle extremely rarely, but he is always ready to fight back, and the battle can be exclusively close-quarters, which most often shows fear in the enemy’s eyes. frightened , the enemy does not understand what to do, in general the enemy does not like shooting combat, he immediately runs, surrenders, now the enemy is covering himself with drones, 120 have passed, clear, even we do not have time to reach the opornik, they are already ready to surrender, we say , wait, we at least need to get to you, that is, we have already taken the northern part for the most part, now
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we are carrying out targeted sweeps like... some, so that every outing is successful, of course, preparation is being carried out, both physical and moral, life is the main incentive, fighters are asked to show a standard traveling kit, in addition to weapons, ammunition and medicine, a classic kit, as if it were a fighter, food, if he leaves for a week , accordingly, well, he takes more with him, it’s better to take more water, because if you can still get food somewhere, you can’t find water everywhere, birch trees, you see, but we go to birch trees. now the scouts of the north group have a special task complex. the enemy has gone beyond the volchiya river, which divides the city, so our soldiers have to overcome water obstacles, as always, quietly and quickly. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, news.
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