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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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15 armored fighting vehicles, including three us-made bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 19 vehicles, three grad multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles, as well as 51 field artillery guns. a subdivision of the vostok group of troops improved the tactical position, defeated the manpower and equipment of two brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, two territorial defense formations of the brigade of the national guard of ukraine. in addition, four counterattacks were repelled.
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marine corps, three formations of the armed forces of ukraine, territorial defense brigade brigade of the national guard of ukraine, the enemy in a week in this direction lost up to 325 military personnel, three armored combat vehicles, 24 vehicles, 17 field artillery guns, including three american m-777 howitzers made in the usa. aviation and air defense systems shot down two mik-29 aircraft and two. su-27 aircraft of the ukrainian air force, 14 operational-tactical attack missiles made in the usa, 17 guided aerial bombs, hamer, made in france, six harm anti-radiation missiles, made us, six neptune anti-ship missiles, 58 us-made hymars missiles, czech-made vampire and alha, and 312 unmanned aerial vehicles. in a week. 45
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ukrainian military personnel surrendered; in total, since the beginning of the special military operation , 607 aircraft, 274 helicopters, 24,902 unmanned aerial vehicles, 524 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,208 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,325 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 9,972 field guns have been destroyed. ..
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well, let's turn to the basic law, the constitution of ukraine, according to which it is a parliamentary-presidential republic. now the country is actively promoting the idea that since martial law has already been introduced, no elections can be held. in general , of course, this is the case, but the details are important here, a lot depends on them, because according to the law on martial law, while it is in force in the country, elections to the verkhovna rada are not held, and its powers are extended, but with the presidential elections completely another. so, the presidential elections in ukraine should were held, let me remind you, on march 31, but due to martial law they were not held . if everything is clear with the parliament of ukraine, as was said before, then the law on martial law does not indicate that the powers of the president are also extended, we have also already said this. so, according to article 111 of the constitution of ukraine, in this case, power should come to the speaker of the verkhovna rada, and as a conclusion, vladimir zelensky is now illegitimate.
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our task was taken by a stone, in the morning we were attacked, i open my eyes, but i’m alive, i see a leg now the blood is splashing, nothing happened, he says, it’s just mom, she says, she will be very worried, i say, now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried.
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and who is this me? guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here and space pirates, i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to offer you my heart with my hand, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s possible in some other way, any interference in time can lead to this, 100 years from now. well, now about the weather: the last day of spring in moscow has become the warmest since the beginning of the year. at the capital's main weather station at vdnkh , thermometers recorded a temperature of almost
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30°. and, by the way, they declared the swimming season officially open. but meanwhile, weather forecasters remind us that thunderstorms will soon begin to bring down the heat. we'll talk more about this with the presenter. snowdrifts, which some residents ironically called snowdrifts. other vortices, dust vortices, which arise due to uneven heating of the surface, are becoming increasingly common. this time , residents of nizhny novgorod became witnesses to the appearance of such mini-deaths. region and bashkiria. heat and its manifestation
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are not always a cause for concern. heat-loving honeyeaters in the moscow zoo tolerate the heat remarkably well. the animals even taught each other to ride on a makeshift swing. however, hanging mostly in the shadows. it is abnormally hot even in the arctic. today, may 31, murmansk became one of the warmest in the history of meteorological observations. the air had already warmed up to +26.5 by noon. then the heat was brought down by downpours. in the leninsky district of the city they turned into hail with a diameter of up to 1 cm. people hid from hailstones under bridges at stops. nastya was accompanied by flashes of lightning and peals of thunder. the following video is from the slavinsky district of the krasnodar region, the rapid escape of a domestic cat from the yard under the roof was captured by its owner, the cat rushes at breakneck speed, driven by the impacts
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of large hailstones. atlantic cyclones undermine the strength of the fine anticyclone, which in recent days has determined the weather in a large part of the european territory of russia, therefore. the abnormal heat zone will change its geography and will shrink by sizes. on the eve of thirty-degree temperatures were observed over a vast territory from the north caucasus to the black earth region and the urals. small islands of heat appeared in the northwest. tomorrow the thermometers will show + 30 in some places in the middle and lower volga, as well as in some areas of karelia. following the anticyclone retreating to the banks of the volga , thunderclouds are increasingly making their way onto the russian plain. by tomorrow they will. will cover the entire west of the central zone, another mass of frontal clouds will continue to swirl near the spurs of the caucasus. in some places to the south in the center countries, the showers will be quite heavy and bring up to 10-20 mm of moisture. by the way, according to preliminary forecasts, in june in the center of the country there will be a little more rain than normal, which
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cannot be said about the arid south-west of our country, and the total number of flights in the middle zone will be close to normal with a slight excess due to waterlogging. precipitation in july; a slight deficit of celestial moisture of 10-20% is expected in august. in moscow now at vdnkh it is +29.8, at balchik +30.3. it's raining in places, thunderstorms in the northeast. in moscow, the first days of summer will pass under accompaniment of fleeting thunderstorm rains, mosaic hail with a diameter of up to 2-3 mm is not excluded, and squally winds during a thunderstorm. the coming saturday and sunday at night will not be lower than +14-17, at the height of the day -27-30, which is 6-7° above the climate norm for june. so warm in the capital , summer starts no more than once every 5 years. on to the next one. week the probability of rain and thunderstorms will remain several degrees fresher, after a series of days of abnormal heat,
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the temperature background will return to its climatic channel, a normal summer will be average stripes. well, now to other news, also generally related to the weather, an extended meeting on the flood situation was held by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. the topic was discussed on the federal territory of sirius with the participation of authorized presidential representatives in the southern and north caucasus districts. the heads of the region also joined the meeting. and the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations, and what statements were made, nika yankovaya will tell you. in the north caucasus and the south, the start of the rainy flood season is predicted in june. in some regions there are already showers in the krasnodar territory, but the situation is predicted to worsen in kabardino-balkaria, karachaevo, circassia and ingushetia, taking into account the difficult mountainous terrain , the situation there can develop rapidly. deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev at the sirius scientific and technical university held an extended meeting with... presidential representatives in the southern and north caucasus federal districts,
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as well as the heads of regions and the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations, including via video conferencing. dmitry patrushev emphasized that it is important to carry out systematic work to prevent and minimize possible damage and, of course, respond to all calls in a timely manner. rosvodoresurs and its constituent entities should carry out the planned preventive measures in full. in particular this. informed the deputy prime minister about the situation in the territories under his jurisdiction, as well as about measures that will minimize
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possible damage during floods. so in the stavropol and krasnodar territories, as well as in north ossetia, this year the overhaul of bank protection and hydraulic structures. dmitry patrushev especially noted: it is necessary to ensure step-by-step control of the implementation of all necessary measures for the period of floods: preventive measures must be implemented in a timely and complete manner. nika yankovaya, dmitry dunaev, nikolai portnykh. lead sirius. well, now let's move overseas. in the united states, both presidential candidates have come to grips with campaigning among blacks and latinos. according to sociologists, the outcome of the november elections may depend on them. both biden and trump went to the area with the highest concentration of people of color. about what came out of this in the america program with valentin bogdanov.
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what if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, urals bank. nothing extra, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. the united states is rapidly changing ethnically. according to some estimates, by 2060. e non-hispanic people in the us will be a minority, what will the american
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politics, one can only guess, but already in this presidential election the votes of latinos will become critical, these are 36 million us citizens or 15% of the electorate and the votes of blacks, both of which have always been considered the support of the democrats, both of biden. now he is losing, and trump is finding. when it comes to african-american voters, trump's performance is truly impressive. in 2016, when he was just... beginning his journey in big american politics and opposed hillary clinton, the republican candidate received only 8% of the votes blacks, but already in 2020, after 4 years against biden, this figure in favor of trump was 12%. now they are saying that in november he can gain 17 or even 20%
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of the black vote, this cannot, on the one hand, not frighten the democrats, on the other hand, this... is ahead of the president , as new polls show, donald trump biden in the five most important states that are the main battleground: a thirst for change, dissatisfaction with the economy, the war in the gas sector among young people, blacks and... literally looming over the head of the white an alarming reality, but it has already become home, and his team, his headquarters, literally pushed biden on a trip to those states where
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the african-american community is especially strong. the first point of the program was a trip to georgia. to atlanta, where biden was met at the boarding ramp by all the black political activists of georgia, but it’s funny that on the streets of this state there was no excitement about biden’s arrival, he was not at morehouse college, this is a famous educational institution, it is famous primarily for that it was finished at one time by martin luthor king, jr., biden was literally met with protest there. african-american students who actively support palestine in the current conflict condemn the white house for the policy of connivance towards israel that the american administration is currently pursuing. this is not just about palestine, we black people remember mass incarceration: cease fire now,
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stop sending weapons to the genocidal regime. respect international law and do not try to use us for... the quintessence of everything that is happening, a symbol, graduate, you can probably call it even if you like, the panic that the democrats are now experiencing, not only students, but also average people are turning away from them. age and this is very understandable, because the horror stories with which biden has already continued to scare the african-american community in michigan, if they work, they only work for the older generation, but it’s still the same song about how the republicans are white people who are trying to drive blacks almost during the times of slavery, and if not during the times
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of slavery, then in the times before the fight against racial segregation, in general, it all works, maybe for the older generation. in the fight for the votes of black americans, the democrats, ironically, do not disdain completely black pr, they began to produce videos, one of them dates back to the times when the so -called central park five were heard here in new york, to briefly retell this story , that case was in eighty-nine, a white
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woman was raped in the center of new york in central park, the perpetrator was not found. but at the same time we frolicked that same evening teenagers, violated, so to speak, public safety, threw stones, teenagers, african americans, hispanics, in general, the police grabbed everyone, forced testimony out of them, forced them to confess, in the end they all went to jail, and they were even lucky, because that the criminal who actually committed this crime, at some point, having fallen into religion, he himself admitted that he did it, but... the democrats dug up how donald trump, who then lived in new york, was already a famous new york real estate developer, wealthy man, commenting on this case, demanded. from the law enforcement system, from the american courts to execute these teenagers, and now these words spoken more than 30 years ago
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are turning against donald trump himself. donald trump does not respect blacks, he refused to create his apartments for black families and called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. it's more than anger, it's hatred. this is why trump has warned of a bloodbath if he loses the next election. in short, biden spares no effort or resources to in order to turn the support situation among ethnic minorities in their favor. these pastoral videos featuring biden, where he has a sweet conversation with his african-american son and father, are shown on american channels.
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runs, this time threatening to become an attempt to retain power, now he is again a dictator and overturn the actions of the constitution. at the same time, it cannot be said that these videos and these attempts to attract hollywood stars are something new, original and unexpected. this is all again oriented rather on people of the older generation, because well, biden doesn’t go with it on tiktok, biden doesn’t use artificial intelligence particularly strongly here, that is, the youth remain. not covered, this secondary nature of biden’s election campaign aimed at african americans is noted even on pro-biden channels, we are dealing with
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an asymmetrical political struggle, this is a challenge for the democrats, they have not yet realized that they need to abandon some traditional methods and be more aggressive, then there are advertisements - that's of course good, but you need to meet people on the ground, talk to them, here donald trump did not disappoint, he literally decided... to turn over the electoral board, he decided to conduct reconnaissance in force, or a raid on the rear and went to the very eat the pro-democratic district of new york, the south bronx, well, just a few numbers, the main population of the south bronx, 65% are hispanic voters, those same latinos, 31% are african americans, 35% of the residents. this district lives below the poverty line, which is also important, for a republican in new york has not voted for president since 1984, the last republican
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who took new york was ronald reagan, well, specifically in the south bronx last time they completely supported biden, 83% of the votes were cast for him, but this is not confused donald trump. he felt like one of his own, he is a native new yorker, that is, he came to the city where he grew up, which he knows very well, and he remembers what new york was like and what
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new york has become, and of course, republican candidate in some sense paraphrases frank's song senators new york new york, if you can do it in new york, you can do it anywhere, it's probably clear that trump doesn't expect to win in new york, although who knows, but in any case with this... appearance of this support, primarily among latino voters, he sends a powerful signal to those states where there are many latinos, these are primarily arizona and nevada, and what is significant is that some of the theses that, in general, seemed would, should not find support from hispanics, well, for example, trump’s desire to fight illegal immigrants, because many of them are from latin america, nevertheless... these are the points of the program, as we personally saw when talking with those who came to this rally, they quite resonate in their hearts, let's just
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listen to what they have to say on this topic? biden's unsuccessful policies, his calls: come here everyone, create problems, because when all these people come to cities at his call, they cannot find work, there are too many of them, where there are a thousand workers 200 people arrive, and this creates problems, so we need to close the border, restore order in the country, and then move on to other issues. like i said, it's quite large and african american in the south bronx.
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what happened that evening in the bronx was a real tragedy, many of them did not understand how to react to it, but in particular the governor of new york state, kathy hochul, simply called thousands and thousands of people who came to listen to trump clowns, in real hysterics alexandri ocasio also fought cortez, such a defender of all minorities, is a young congresswoman from new york, she represents the district neighboring the southern one. and of course, in this meeting in support of trump , she saw a threat to her own electoral prospects, well, she stooped to outright fakes, for example, she began to talk about how trump allegedly took all these people there on buses, and this was later refuted even by the sin channel. there were more people than democrats would like to see, since this is one of the most democratic areas in the entire country. i've been to a lot of these
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rallies and often met people who traveled hundreds of miles to see donald trump, but one of the things i noticed here is that so many people are locals from the bronx. hardest of all, alexandra acasio cortez got it from this woman in a military cap, this is medellin brame, her son, an afghanistan veteran, was killed by bandits in garlim, and in general avoided the terms that they could have received, they avoided it, why, because they were patronized district attorney, alvin brack, now. brame directly says that instead of catching bandits, fighting real crime, people like alexandri acasio cortez, people like alvin brack are exclusively busy hunting donald trump. every single one of us here needs to rise up, get angry, fight, register, go vote. and not only in presidential, but in local
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elections, they are even more important. be that as it may, the rally in the south bronx was truly a milestone event for the presidential race; no one could have imagined that donald trump will gather such an enthusiastic crowd of very democrats, but what happened is what happened, now there will be a lot of food for thought for various analysts who will... try to predict the dynamics of support for republicans from hispanics or african americans, but trump promises to build on the success of his next he threatens to hold a rally in new york in the very center of the largest us city in the medison square garden concert hall, which is also designed for several thousand people.


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