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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 1, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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of course, this is a very interesting situation, this is essentially a challenge for us, because a lot of problems arise, in fact, we seem to be in a single trade space, but we cross borders, colleagues, of course, always try to take this topic into account in our decisions, but that’s all no matter how relevant it is, it is always especially relevant only for armenia, but the seamlessness, traceability,
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led to such a situation that all the restaurants were closed, and milk was produced. receiving a large amount of milk, we realized that we needed to enter the market, which was done: in a very short time , consumers fell in love with the product, when restaurants were operating at full capacity again, it became clear that it was time for us to expand production, we began to look for investors and contacted the eurasian development bank. as a result, the project was supported and already in august twenty-two a trilateral agreement was signed between the government of armenia, the eurasian bank and the company. for the opening of an agricultural complex in the tashir community, an issue of no small importance for the food security of the republic, which is still forced import a considerable part of products from abroad. belarus. active work to achieve self-sufficiency is carried out in close cooperation with eac partners. this is a legendary, once famous throughout the soviet union, plant for the production of refrigerators. it all started in minsk. 1 and
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minsk-2, these were the names of the first samples released in the sixties, but today these are already so-called smart refrigerators, which are in demand not only in belarus, but in russia and kazakhstan. the buyer also becomes more demanding, today smart home technologies are being widely introduced, which means that, accordingly, already, that is, the refrigerator is connected to the internet, we are already starting to produce refrigerators equipped with a wi-fi system that will be able to connect to a smart home. therefore, we are trying to move in the trend, which means this is the main task, this handsome tram, it is absolutely known, will go to krasnodar, this trolleybus will go to novorossiysk, there is already an order, this trolleybus will go to st. petersburg, but before you send it, of course, you need to make sure that everything is fine, i’ll go and have a look.
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what’s inside this trolleybus, that tram, it’s all made here in belarus, or in the vastness of yaats, of course, let’s say, today the share of some kind of imported component from those countries where we bought it earlier, and some european ones then the components there and so on, it is practically reduced to zero, so today there is a trolleybus, today there is a tram car, and an electric bus is 97%. list
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of domestic components, it’s called there would have been no happiness, but it was not happiness that helped, western sanctions were introduced against the enterprise, but this is precisely what contributed to the growth of domestic production and strengthening of cooperation with the eac. now belkomunmash annually adds 30-40% to its production volume. this year is already fully contracted. orders today are accepted in advance for 25-26 years. the main buyer of trams and electric buses is russia. previously tram.
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“we are in astana, it was here exactly 10 years ago that the agreement on the creation of the eac was signed. at first there were three participating countries: belarus, kazakhstan and russia, then armenia and the kyrgyz republic joined. the treaty on the eurasian economic union has been signed. astana, may 29, 2014." 10 years ago, on may 29, 1914 , a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council was held in astana, following which the presidents of russia, kazakhstan and belarus signed an agreement on the eurasian economic union. work on the document began in november 2011. then
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the heads of the three states adopted a declaration on eurasian economic integration and it became a roadmap for the development of the union. at the same time , we agreed on free movement. goods, services, capital and labor, those same four freedoms, and pursue a coordinated policy in energy, industry, agriculture and transport. well, in general, over the past decades, since kazakhstan joined the ias, and we have had positive dynamics of economic indicators, first of all, despite all the externally negative factors, based on the results of last year.
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the enterprise can be found not on a map, not on navigator, but by smell, because we are at a confectionery factory, here is its director timur sadykov, timur, hello, good afternoon, tell us what you produce here, how much chocolate, how many candies and how this enterprise appeared in general, this year our enterprise the kandiber factory is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, we are known not only in kazakhstan, but beyond its borders, the share of exports is about 40%, and... we produce various kandiber products, ranging from the simplest caramel to the most complex candy products, in particular chocolate, waffles, marshmallows, marmalade, and candies, proline, fondant, this is the widest range, the creation of the eurasian economic union opened up for
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kazakh producers, a whole huge market opened up, not only of kazakhstan, but of the entire eurasian economic union, there are no there are no customs barriers, there are no excise taxes, and it is easily cleared through customs and sold throughout the territory, a large open market has appeared, a large open market has appeared, it has become difficult to compete, but this encourages us to produce higher quality products that are more in demand, and which will be available to our customers. the confectionery factory made an important conclusion: a single economic space is both a challenge and new opportunities for manufacturers who gain access. we drive a few kilometers into kostan and the small town ends up at a tractor factory. this is part of a huge holding company, which occupies a leading position in the production of agricultural machinery in kazakhstan. here he is, the giant
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a handsome, kirov-born, famous tractor, 47% of which is made here at the kostanay tractor plant. the inside is no worse than normal. in a passenger car, an easy chair, air conditioning, a radio, so that tractor drivers now have access to the fields with all the amenities, not to mention the fact that they don’t have to go to st. petersburg to buy agricultural machinery, everything is produced and sold here, which is reflected in the final price. the partnership began in 2018, then the kirovets came to kazakhstan as an imported car and was sold at about 150 units per year, but of course this a very cool product and the agromaazh holding company came to the conclusion that this product needs to be localized on the territory of the republic of kazakhstan. we arrived at the st. petersburg tractor plant and a joint venture was organized on the territory of kazakhstan. the flight from kostanay to astana is only one hour. if kostanay is cozy,
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beautiful, but still small, then astana is the capital, the grooming and scope of which will be the envy of many cities in the world. we are talking with the head of the kazakhstan automobile union. she says that. a number of major projects the production of components for automobiles is now being launched, we will not name it so as not to jinx it, in the next 5-10 years we can expect concrete results, but we are worried about the problems of labor. today, the main task and, let’s say, the main challenge for kazakhstan in particular is the training of qualified personnel, and we believe that within the eac we will be able to increase technical and technological potential, namely cooperation projects, they play a major role in this . to make it easier create production chains; the ias is launching a mechanism for financing industrial cooperation projects. over 5 years, it will support cooperation projects totaling up to $1 billion. the results of ten years of
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work of the eurasian economic union were recently summed up at the anniversary summit in moscow. over 10 years, the total gdp of the state of the eurasian union, according to available estimates , increased from 1.6 to 2.5 trillion dollars. trade turnover with third countries increased by 60%.
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colonialism from the respective presenters countries and this is the moment we have to come to
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africa. it is important for us to take our rightful place, to be at the forefront of the digital race at the global level. cooperation in the field of digitalization should become the driving force for the sustainable development of the integration association. therefore , kazakhstan supports the initiative of the eurasian economic commission to develop the four freedoms of the union in conditions.
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as for the financial market, there is a process of formation going on here; as for
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the goods market, there is no customs control, a unified system has been created technical regulation, if we take the service sector, then in the single market format today services are provided in 140 sectors, based on this we say that today our businessmen are freed from the need to re-establish a legal entity, as well as obtain a permit.
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almost 3 billion soms were allocated to the project, including funds from the kyrgyz-russian development fund. just as the streams of this icy mountain water rush downwards, capital and labor are flowing into the ias countries today. and the kyrgyz republic is one example. we are going to the mountains, a few kilometers from bishkek in the ala archa natural park, a meeting is scheduled with the chairman of the cabinet of ministers of the kyrgyz republic, okolbek japarov. the first thing i say is, what switzerland, what courchevel, you need to relax in the mountains of the kyrgyz republic. for the third year in a row, all our hotels are full and there are not enough hotel beds. you said about courchevel, we invited his chief manager, he and his wife came here to our mountains and fell in love. now we are launching a big ski
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project. over the past 3 years, the gdp growth rate in on average about 7%. and in 2022 , the gdp growth rate was more than 9%. i believe that the correct macroeconomic policy, a selected professional team, and the creation of favorable conditions for our business, for our citizens, including primarily within the framework of the ias, helped us stabilize the economy after the post-video period and take advantage of all our advantages. union so that the economy of kyrgyzstan will finally work at the right rhythm and speed. the formation of a common market continues in the ias countries medicines, by the end of next year all medicines on the eas market must comply with common eurasian standards. by march of this year
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, more than 15 thousand applications for registration of drugs according to the rules of the union had already been submitted. everyone got involved in the work.
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of course, a significant role in the integration of ias belongs to russia, which is actively participating in the eurasian agenda. over the past 10 years, russia has also seen a lot of changes; despite the sanctions, the country achieved special results last year. the role of the eurasian economic union in the development of russia in actually very serious, thanks to the union.
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approximately 10.5% of all railways in the world. the search for new routes is becoming perhaps the most important trend. here is a subsidiary of russian railways. 2 years ago
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i sent my container train from russia to india for the first time, and it also passed through the territory of kazakhstan. over the past year, the share of transportation by rail with friendly countries increased by 45%. for the same last year, more than 81% is. in exports are made up of friendly countries and the lion's share of this volume comes from those countries that are our partners in the eurasian economic union; the volume of transportation through border crossings with kazakhstan and exports in this direction are growing. the eurasian agroexpress project is in particular demand among partners; as the name suggests, it is an accelerated transportation of food without wasting time on clearance. without cargo downtime, this is a large-scale agrologistic project of the countries of the eurasian economic union, which is aimed at developing accelerated container shipping
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and multimodal transportation of agricultural and food products, both for export from the countries of the eurasian union, as well as in internal distribution between the countries of the eurasian union, to receive counter imports from our neighboring friendly countries. we are located in the logistics complex of one of the largest marketplaces in russia and yais. every day 400 thousand different items come and go here. and now i am pleased to introduce you to sergey belyakov, managing director of the largest marketplace. kind day. tell us how it all works, how you connect between. all our countries, the countries of the eurasian economic union. well , you correctly noted that the main feature of our company, in general of the marketplace model , is the ability to connect a huge number
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of sellers, our partners, with an even larger number of buyers, for example, in the twenty- third year we quadrupled the company’s turnover, the total turnover of the company is 1,700 billion rubles, and part of this turnover is turnover. related to the conduct operations within the countries of the eurasian union, so it has grown fourfold. the most in-demand goods that are most often moved between yas countries using this marketplace are groceries. by the way, here you can buy those same kazakh sweets from kastanay. food and water are also in demand. we decided to send bottles of water from point a to point b in this logistics center to see how the system works. we read the information. and the place where it is placed, because it is important, it is not it just got here like that, when it got here, it was already marked in the information database,
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we read information from it directly from the product itself from the water, we put information about the tray into the database, now what ’s happening here, well, right away they started moving, these are your wheels , yes, we note where it came from, here is the parcel, the goods went along the sorting belt, this is very expensive equipment, so where is our water? we're waiting, now she should be here somewhere, so it's clearly not her, some kind of big box, and we'll see her, i it seems that this is it, for sure, over 10 years of work ias was able to prove his worth, successfully fulfilling all the goals he had set for himself. the union is a major integration project with enormous potential. today, one of the main directions is interaction with leading regional associations: the un,
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the sco, asia, the african union, brix, as well as with countries such as china, iran, vietnam, serbia, indonesia, saudi arabia, egypt, the uae and a number of others. today the union positions itself as a reliable partner, constantly strengthening.
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present to the heads of our governments how we see the digitalization of the principle of four freedoms in the context of widespread digitalization; work will also continue to increase the transit potential of the eurasian five; we are preparing to sign an agreement on a unified customs transit system; generally speaking, we are moving forward to do i? one of the most significant centers of development of the modern world, allowing to increase the competitiveness of the economies of its member states. this is ours main strategic task. over the past 10 years , the eurasian economic union has shown its ability to adapt to external challenges. the tasks assigned to it require further efforts of joint interaction for the successful development of the neu member countries in
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the future.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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let's start with urgent news: belgorod is again under fire from the armed forces of ukraine, and the agency's lentinform agency reports that in the last few minutes about twenty sounds have been heard in the sky over the city. explosions, tas correspondent also reports that an air defense system is working over the city, well, in just the last 15 minutes about 40 explosions were heard. well, now the latest information about the incident in the moscow metro, where a train stopped in a tunnel on the sokolnicheskaya line, people had to be evacuated, now traffic has been restored, there are no casualties. there is a sports station near the lobby, our
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correspondent, emil mirsaev, is working now.


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