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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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freed from ukrainian captivity, they were delivered by military transport aircraft . now the military will undergo treatment and rehabilitation in hospitals of the ministry of defense. let me remind you that the day before it became known about the exchange of prisoners in the 75-75 format. it took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates. in eight regions of ukraine today at noon it was. nikolaev, odessa, poltava, sumy, cherkasy regions. nikolaev authorities reported an explosion in the city, but details were not provided. since the beginning of the day , the air raid alert was announced twice throughout territory of the country. reports of explosions came from odessa, vinnetsk and lvov regions, as well as from controlled kiev-zaporozhye. ukrainian power engineers reported serious damage to two thermal power plants. in the lviv and vinnetsk regions, critical infrastructure was destroyed by explosions. ukrainian military commissars are on
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the hunt for recruits to the country's churches. residents of the kiev-controlled kherson regime report that several employees are on duty near churches. they look for men of military age among the parishioners, and they work even during weddings or funerals. earlier , messages appeared in the ukrainian segment of social networks that the mobilization age could be lowered to 18 years instead of the current 25. this demand was allegedly put forward by the united states. along with this, by the way, the mobilization of eighteen-year-olds has already been discussed if they receive a military specialty. there is news for conscripts: every seventeen-year-old must personally register for military service, especially for those who are currently abroad; this cannot be done remotely. state duma deputies will consider the possibility of recognition the activities of the clooney foundation and its followers are undesirable in russia. this is how yamal clooney commented on george’s initiative to achieve the arrest of russian journalists abroad.
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head of the parliamentary commission on non-intervention vasily piskarev. and here is the statement of maria zakharova. the clooney foundation's defense of journalists is their persecution through criminal prosecution for political reasons based on ethnicity. an official representative of the russian mit drew the attention of unesco and the osce to chitykluni’s russophobic statements. press secretary vladimir putin dmitry peskov called the idea of ​​american human rights activists crazy and called on our journalists to turn to them for argumentation. previously, the employee is what we call it. the clune foundation for justice on american radio appealed to the international criminal court and the countries of the european union with a request to initiate criminal prosecution of russian media employees, including chief and non-chief editors for the quote “propaganda of war and coverage of war in a pro-russian manner.” and young journalists from europe, asia and africa gathered at international children's media summit in the far east. it is held by a children's creative association. unpres with the support
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of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. on international children's day, participants organized the action horizon of responsibility, the future in the present. the action was held in the format of an open dialogue. the participants talked about the brightest heroes of our time. the guys who took risks to help others showed leadership qualities or brought bold ideas to life. at the international children's media summit here in 220 young journalists gathered in the ocean. they came to us from 53 regions of the russian federation, from four countries, from russia, of course, as well as from abkhazia, from cyrus and from egypt. shift participants will work on seven different tracks. we have brought a special television studio from which there will be live broadcasts, and the guys will stand behind the director's console, behind all the cameras, and will broadcast live what is happening here. we are gathering guys in the ocean, in orlyonok, in artek, so that...
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the committee of russia, its employees are engaged in uncovering war crimes of the past and crimes related to the rehabilitation of nazism now. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. feel free
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cash for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. directive number 21, the strategic planning document for germany's attack on the ussr, known as plan barbarossa, was presented to the nuremberg court as evidence of nazi war crimes. when we talk about the policy of genocide, we immediately... say that this is a deliberate policy, that is, it a well-thought-out policy for extermination, the germans came and began to release everyone one by one, left, right, left, we didn’t know, right
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for extermination, it provided for the extermination of millions of soviet civilians, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across to this execution pit. i prefer not to remember hitler’s plan for the mass extermination of the civilian population of the ussr. it is important that everyone who is involved in inhumane treatment of people, murders of civilians and prisoners of war is their names have been established with the same publicity, even
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if these criminals are already dead.
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numerous forensic examinations are carried out to identify victims,
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the whereabouts of their relatives are established, a large array of documents is studied, witnesses are identified and interrogated, and requests for legal assistance are sent to other countries. the investigation reliably established where and under what circumstances the fastas shot women and children, poisoned them in gas chambers, and killed them. "anatolia kusela was considered a partisan nest, how, who comes to you, with what
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intention, what? but no one, no one, absolutely, is not higher, nothing was reported to them, they, then there was a team the next time, which means young men, old men in one direction, women with children who stood. according to the second, he gathered this part of the left of old men and young men, they were under escort, sent them all to the forest, all those present who remained in place, they heard the sound of single shots from machine guns. having shot the men, the punitive forces returned. the question was the same: where are the partisans? but this time he remained unanswered. decided to destroy it village.
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was in the village, they were shot by punitive forces, after which all
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the buildings were destroyed, thanks to witnesses and relatives, we were able to identify the names of the residents of the victims in the village of bolshoy dub. today , the big oak memorial is installed at the site of the massacre; residents of several neighboring villages are also buried here. the bells over the territory of the big oak memorial ring every 150 seconds, according to the number of civilian victims of fascism. of the three villages, large oak, star and canvas, buried on the territory of the memorial complex. in total , about 237,000 civilians were killed in the kursk region during the occupation. residents of the reich ministry of food and agriculture, was herbert bakke, proposed a plan that provided for the wehrmacht to provide food at the expense of the population of the occupied territories. as a result of this implementation of this plan , 30 million people were supposed to die, die of hunger. minister goering called these people superfluous. in 2021, the investigative committee
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of russia consolidated criminal cases of atrocities nazis against civilians into one. about the genocide of the peoples of the ussr. this decision was made by chairman alexander bastrykin, assessing the scale of punitive actions. it has also been proven that their goal was the complete destruction of the civilian population of the soviet union. a mass grave of civilians and prisoners of war was discovered in the village gorka area, novgorod region. it was established that the murder of these people was carried out by a specially created team.
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the numbers speak for themselves. more than 76 thousand residents died in the bryansk region. in about 60 thousand soviet citizens were killed in the krasnodar region. there are at least 200 thousand civilians and prisoners of war in the novgorod region. more than 400 thousand people died in the leningrad region, almost 220 thousand in crimea. almost 4,000 people were killed on pskov soil.
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cruel in the region, it was not for nothing that it was called hell behind barbed wire, in forty-one - this is the month of november, civilians not only of the city of shchegra, shchegrovsky district, but also other areas of the kursk region were kept here, military personnel of the great patriotic war were also kept here patriotic war, who were brutally tortured here, shot and dumped on the territory of this dogans camp. they were beaten, starved, and killed right in the yard. according to the recollections of surviving villagers, in winter , killed prisoners were thrown into a large hole in a nearby pond. the evidence of the conslagger, it was this barbed wire, we can see now, it still remains here. the remains were subsequently reburied at the grieving mother memorial. in
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2018, the sokol search team during renovations on the school grounds. found the remains dead prisoners, on the day of remembrance and mourning there was a solemn ceremony of their reburial, the burial of my own grandfathers, third-grade, i probably have sisters, girls buried who were shot during the occupation. valentina shcheglova and local historians helped search engines use the memories of local residents to find the approximate place of their execution and burial.
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initiates new criminal cases regarding the extermination of thousands of soviet citizens, but also studies those that were never completed during the war years. for committing military crimes. the international military tribunal in nuremberg convicted the main war criminals, but at the same time, during the war and post-war years, leningrad,
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minsk, smolensk, kharkov, krasnodar, nikolaev, riga, bryansk and other trials of the fascists and their accomplices took place. however, there remained other crimes of the nazis, previously unknown, the results of excavations by search teams. all the defendants in the cases that were initiated at that time, and by the nkvd bodies, these cases, they remained uninvestigated and not all,
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in fact, the criminals were named. this is especially important right now. the non-yurmer tribunal seemed to put an end to the arguments about who fought for a just cause, who for world domination, using absolutely inhumane means. methods, but unfortunately, attempts to revise history, rewrite it, as we observe these attempts, we see them especially clearly in the example of ukraine, which is why the explanatory work carried out by our public organizations, which is carried out by our ministry, other structures, the ministry is so important culture, russian historical society, russian military historical society from...
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the soviet union were subjected to all forms of genocide, which are provided for by the united nations convention. this was definitely genocide of the civilian population, they were destroyed in every possible way, this included mass murder, by execution, this was the infliction of grievous bodily harm, torture, and starvation. for 4 years of occupation. on the territory of belarus alone, the nazis carried out 140 punitive operations, 11,726 were completely or partially ignited
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villages, including together with residents. the investigation into the column case of genocide received a wide response from the population. we interrogated more than 18 thousand witnesses, all our investigative actions, with the participation of eyewitnesses of those terrible events, we... said and the children were, yes, all of them, all of them, only those left, i say, alive, only those who were not in the village, and the village they also burned, and
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the whole village was burned down by the occupiers, on july 14, 1943 , about 500 people were killed, of which almost 230 were children, everyone was crying because there lived... relatives of all of them, now footage from the kremlin. father alexander, i want to thank you for organizing the work of the circle of good foundation, it works effectively, you have a good team of very, very professional people, and people who treat children in need with such warmth.
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doctors gave an unfavorable prognosis: for such children there are unique medications, they are prepared individually, and we deliver them very quickly, this allows treatment to begin before painful, irreversible symptoms appear. mom, having learned about given the child’s illness, she refused it; the foundation was able to supply the medicine in the coming days after the diagnosis was confirmed. and the treatment was successful, you know, a miracle happened, a family immediately appeared in moscow, who said let’s take this child into their family, and thanks to the care of the parents, thanks to the circle of good foundation, the child develops in the same way as his peers, you know, children, who survived both the disease and the treatment, they are very kind, they are very deep, they have something to tell adults, i recently spoke in the public chamber, 12 years old, despite... what
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she is forced to move in a wheelchair, she has amazing energy, she embraces life, she lights up everyone around her, she wrote letters to the fighter moslov, she inspired the whole class, the whole school, this book contains such amazing stories of children who return to study, return in sports, return to creative activities, they perform in competitions, these are children who literally embrace life, teach this to adults, there are now 25 such children in the circle of good foundation. and please accept a low bow and gratitude for the creation of the fund from the parents of these children, i wish you success in this noble, very good deed, the circle of good, that’s what this fund is called the circle of good, so you and i have created this structure, and thank god, it responds with its practical work to achieve those purposes for which this
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structure. was created, so i wish you every success, we will try to provide everything that can be done to support you, to support your work, thank you very much, these were shots from vladimir’s meeting putin with the head of the kruk good foundation, archpriest alexander kachenko. next, watch the continuation of the documentary without a statute of limitations, genocide. oh, i can’t, they burned everyone, is it possible to do this?
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there were policemen and that means the occupiers, who were germans, brought them, well, they took them to the edge of the village, then grandfather, he said, children are coming to kill us, run in different directions, and mother and matveyka ran in different directions, what happened to the younger brother, she didn’t know, but both her legs were pierced by machine gun fire, but she was able to escape. after the massacre the police they forced two local residents to dig a hole, after which they killed them, threw all their bodies into the hole and buried them. the unmarked grave became known only in 2022. a medical and forensic examination established that 14 adults and seven children aged from two to 15 years were buried there. the prosecutor's office took care of this and...


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