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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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all this began to be excavated, all this became public, it was made public, we received a call later that there would be storage, according to archival documents, so far it has been possible to establish the identities of the victims of the mass shooting, the granddaughter of one of the victims has been identified, her mother did not live just a little before this event, when we carried out the reburial process, we invited...
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in 2023, a law was passed in belarus that allowed trials against nazis involved in the genocide of the belarusian people during the war, even after their deaths. russia was the first 20 years ago to introduce a resolution to the un general assembly on the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, which was adopted with several others.
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shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only at a delicious point, apply for a loan on sber and... get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with sber. what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. after the collapse of the ussr in 1991 , ideological followers of collaborationism appeared in the post-soviet republics. hiding behind the law, countries reviving nazism tried
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blame russia for aggression. it is we who always follow the letter of the law, the norms of international law, we always try to conduct some kind of negotiations on the basis of some generally accepted ones. in ukraine they open halls of memory for the servants of nazism, they are given awards and books are dedicated to them, parades of ss legions are held, they discriminate against the russian-speaking population and actively rewrite history for themselves, in a very well-planned and thoughtful
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attack in the information field, on our historical self-awareness, because historical self-consciousness. ..
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concerned the change of geographical names, toponyms from the names of soviet and even tsarist times, to the names of those who were recognized as criminals by the tribunal, torchlight processions were organized regularly, the right sector did not hide its claims to inherit...
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by military necessity, a plan of destruction famine was part of hitler's general
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concept of a war of extermination. we had many issues that our german colleagues categorically refused to resolve, including the issue of payments to blockade survivors leningrad. the germans, at one time, a long time ago, about 15 years ago, decided to do this. one-time payments to blockade survivors only of jewish nationality, we turned to them and said: you know, after all, probably, justice must prevail, they all suffered the same, they froze, they died, in general, it was an absolutely terrible part of the great patriotic war, the second world war, we were told no, during the time that leningrad was under the nazi blockade, she died...
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having spent several years in barracks, these children wars were forced to watch their loved ones die. young prisoners of nazi concentration camps, the youngest of them are already over 80, but they will never forget the horrors that they experienced in childhood, hunger, cold, mockery, german doctors experimented on them and pumped out their blood. hundreds. thousands of children died, a german came with a policeman,
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the policeman said, quickly gather your brood, you will go to germany, mother began to cry, began to ask, not to drive away germany, he said, quickly, otherwise your slave along with his i will create for the broods. when the war began, shuri levchuk was in her seventh year; her mother had three of them, shura, her sister and younger brother. in august 1943, before retreating from the city , the nazis drove their family to germany, and i remember how they drove everyone on foot to the belarusian marshalling yard, 2-3 km from the house, there was a freight train there, they herded everyone into wagons, there was a raincoat, screaming, women fell, fainted, people were pushed into carriages like cattle, in terrible cramped conditions and stuffiness they traveled for a whole week, in the unknown, without food and water, without sanitary stops, many women
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cried non-stop, and shura’s mother too, they took them to berlin, there the filter went through everyone, they stripped all the men, women, children, they stripped everyone naked, they shaved everywhere, shaved off all their hair , i sat there, early in the morning at 3- 4 a bell rang along the corridor,
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a bell like that, everyone went out into the corridor, a prisoner, they were driven away, they came for the whole day, they came for about 12:00 at night, we never saw their parents, they mostly dug trenches and worked in agricultural work, here is my sister worked together with adults, and they worked like this and allowed me to straighten my back. shuri was lucky, she was not yet nine and was not taken to work, but the younger children were sent to weed the beds, where she could secretly nibble on carrots or beets. it seemed as if you touched it with a needle, and it was like a balloon, when you looked at it it would burst, and he put his hands on this stomach,
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walked all the time, singing a song, i want to eat, i want to eat, i want to eat, he knew what he wanted. won't give anything. according to the emergency state commission to establish and investigate the atrocities of the nazi invaders during the occupation. more than 164 thousand people were kidnapped from the territory of the smolinsk region alone to hard labor in germany. of the 11 thousand children taken into slavery, only one in ten returned to the soviet union. if we talk about the number of eastern workers, yes, they were used. at enterprises in the economy of nazi germany, then almost 1/3, these are peaceful soviet citizens who were driven into captivity, colossal numbers, the sventsin was in such a place, it was 40 km from krakow, in such a, you know, in a niche, so there never
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there was no commission, nothing happened, the germans did what they wanted there. there was also a house further down where they did various experiments, they did these on these prisoners, but they needed us for something else, they needed blood, so they pumped this blood out of us. ksenia alkhova spent 3 months in asventsi together with her sister lida, there children half dead from hunger and illness were used as blood donors, the cloud was built in, they brought us into another barracks, there was. a board and a hole were placed under this hole, they took blood, well, we had blood fourth group, fourth, apparently our blood was needed and they left us, because they took the blood of others, apparently they checked first, and then left those that
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they needed, how much blood they took, the girls did not understand, those children who lost.
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millions of other concentration camp prisoners, few managed to survive. even before the start of the war , before the invasion of nazi germany into the territory of the soviet union, the ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated, the rest were to be marked, then there were to be used as slaves. january 1942 is choking. german offensive near moscow. wehrmacht troops begin to retreat from the capital. by that time, the small town of mosalsk, 80 km from kaluga, had already been there for 4 months. under occupation, inspired by this outcome , they begin to actively attack, seeing such an offensive, well, the germans are trying, in general,
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apparently to deal with civilians, so it seems like there are very few eyewitnesses left in this place who saw this. the nazis carried out a wholesale purge of villages, all residents were driven into captivity to the west.
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in the village of gromovki, kalinin region , there was a prisoner of war camp until march 1943. this prisoner of war camp was also joined by civilians who were captured by the germans on suspicion of connections with the partisans or some kind of family relationship with the red army and so on with the communists. documented evidence of mass executions, torture, and other crimes committed.
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district, suspected of dissatisfaction with the fascist government, they were brought from all over leninsky district, there, as they say, there was a point, first they took them, they caught patrols somewhere or someone else, then they took them for interrogation, they told me that there was a detail in the case materials that the germans had there helmet, nails were hammered inside, so they put it on the head of someone who was tortured, and beat on this paint, soviet citizens brought for interrogation, regardless of age, were subjected to terrible... graves,
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the unfortunate were shot, and the clothes of the dead, wearable, shared among the executioners, unfit, spoiled in the process of torture was burned. for several years now, search engines and members of a movement without a statute of limitations have been searching for the grave in which lie the remains of about 200 residents of the oleninsky district. 263 people, in my opinion, quite a lot of people were shot, they shot mainly those who... somehow ended up between villages and were exchanged there for food and things, there was famine, then who was suspected of being a spy, there are a lot of them here the one-way road was in this thunderstorm, a certain karl, the only german in the camp, was in charge of the executions, everyone else his employees were local collaborators, one of them , a seventeen-year-old guy named labanov , testified after the liberation of gromovka. place
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of massacres. the first excavations of the burial began in the spring of '43. the remains of 28 people were brought to the surface. and then they stopped, there is a note in the act that they stopped due to the fact that the ditch was mined. and the search began; no one else was involved in this matter at all. it turned out that the place of execution was from the village, on different banks of the river. there was a bridge we found this bridge, remains. we still can’t find the place where his remains are. according to official data, in the tver region alone, as a result of the targeted actions of the occupiers, more than 40,000 civilians died. in our criminal code there is an article about genocide, it allows, in fact, the facts that horrify us to give them a specific legal assessment, in accordance with those positions that...
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are indicated in the article, well, for example, mass murder in relation to a certain groups, yes, that is, genocide is a crime in in relation to a certain ethnic, religious group, and so on, we are talking about the genocide of the soviet people; in march 2023 , the state duma adopted a statement on the genocide of the peoples of the ussr by nazi germany and its accomplices during the great patriotic war. this is a job. we continue, we are preparing materials for trials in other regions of the russian federation, where we have also collected evidence of nazi crimes. in addition, the investigative committee actively operates a headquarters for coordinating search and archival work, together with with search teams, our employees are looking for burial places of red army soldiers and civilians killed during the great patriotic war by the nazi
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invaders. in it. a guarantee of our sovereignty, our independence for the future. without historical memory it is impossible to be a nation. and the work to preserve historical memory continues. search teams are looking for mass grave sites. investigators are studying archival documents and finding new evidence of the atrocities of the occupiers. because the years that have passed since the end of the war have not
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capable of erasing memory. about nazi crimes. an air raid alert was announced in eight regions of ukraine today at noon; nikolaev authorities reported an explosion in the city, details were not provided.


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