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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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confidently from the time before the fourteenth, remember the names of the deev partisans, that is , the memory of those who gave their lives for the future generation in the great patriotic war, was most likely honored here by those who were not actually subject to bandera’s ideology. there are a lot of craters around. from the explosion of shells , just everything, literally everything the eye can reach, is dissected by shrapnel, but at the same time such a contrast has been preserved everywhere, flowers that once grew, were planted by someone with love, have been preserved everywhere, that’s the local trance.
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more precisely, what is left of them. apartment buildings were heavily damaged. for many years, the ukrainian army used them as military facilities. headquarters, warehouses, military locations, firing points, right in the apartment windows. one of the central streets of the city. there were heavy battles here, but you can see, in fact, with the naked eye from the surrounding conditions, the temple survived, but of course it suffered, near apartment buildings this spring, in spite of everything, in avdeevka... there are also flowers, people came up to us,
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you are from russia , from where from moscow, here please tell all the people in moscow, from us with love, this is where they draw when people come from the mainland, as they say here, now from the mainland, this is how it is geographically, not entirely correct, but nevertheless, this is how they wait here , nadezhda vasilievna was born and raised in avdeevka, she didn’t leave and during active battles for... one city, you were offered evacuation by the ukrainian side when they were here, but i wouldn’t say, somehow they came the same thing, one time, yeah , and says, why are you sitting here, i’m telling you where to go, i have nowhere to go, that’s all, that is, they didn’t tell you that here you go, there’s a bus, there’s no way, no, no, it was very difficult, of course, that’s okay, you survived, like your children, grandchildren, you alone survived all this, my son lives with me, and
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my husband, even under shelling, the family went about their usual business, they say here that the people of donbass cannot, without difficulty, in any conditions, have their own vegetable garden, and eat potatoes, and eat onions, but how did you plant a vegetable garden in , they planted it like this, now they planted it, they were waiting for rain so that the little carrot itself would crawl out a little, because they planted it in dry soil, now the dose has started, something will be for... we bought a house here, it was cold there then, the child was small, one second, my husband died, and my mother and i then bought a house here, like now the situation, in comparison, in comparison with what it was, it has become calmer, now they have been driven away, it has become much calmer, these are not the same sounds, even my dogs know this lucky one, oh well,
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igor ivanovich does not address his son, he just tells about him to the world, he died defending his native land, on the fourteenth it changed, he went to the dpr police, to work, he lived in
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donetsk at that time, in donetsk, because here ovdeevka was occupied, they contacted by phone, by video, it was in the fourteenth that he left for donetsk so that... from the very beginning, like the maidan it began there, recruitment began here, he served in berkut, many berkut went there, he served until the twenty-second year, until he died while running near ukletar, under the bribe of a coal darter, you haven’t seen him since the fourteenth year, i saw him on the phone, video calls everything , meet. well, how was it occupied here, they were looking for him here is the sbu, well, they knew who was on the other side, they came to you, they came, but they didn’t find us, the neighbors already told us, it was just
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lucky that there was no house, but we went here for the summer to this house, how lucky you can say. and it was empty there, that is, they were looking for you apparently by your registration in the apartment, but by your registration, but the neighbors there didn’t say, this is taters, well , you can say that you were lucky, nikolai alekseevich will never be able to hug his son again to help his grandmother, who was ill, the young man traveled to ovdeevka at risk for life, my son was killed here, he walked from donetsk with a friend, through a minefield, through these posts, that’s how he got there. i don’t know, but here are the grandmothers of the deceased, too, svikrukhs, well, he was killed here for the truth, for the fact that he could not hide this very thing, a former sushnik, well, former policemen, they climbed into the looter or he said that if something... then you’ll steal me, i’ll hand everything over to the police,
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we killed him for this, my parents are lying here, my son is lying here, the deceased guy is also lying here, where were we going to go, how long have we been? how do you live now is it normal now than what are you doing now, while the city is still in such a state, well, now we are waiting for things to get better at the employment center, to become a driver, to work as a crane operator, to restore the interior of the city. to work, of course, that 55 years, what else, for now, well, how is my health, such a strong physical condition, of course, i can’t work, but so it’s normal, you can, she’s professional, that’s more than 30 years of driving experience, we were preparing, they say, for the worst, we were preparing
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like hell, and all these cities thought they would blow us away here, so thank god, thank you for the guys, the stormtroopers who came in like that, there was a good kindergarten, a child in our city, well, the garden was destroyed, very destroyed, well , there is hope after all to resume everything, we had 220 children, i’m a little worried, don’t
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worry, please, it’s a shame, the garden was nice, but why was the garden so destroyed, were the military stationed there? no, you know, well , i think this was done on purpose, because even photographs of our destroyed kindergarten were taken to america, no need for a bed. to america, photographs of kindergarten, destruction, taken to america, show, how the russian troops destroyed it, they destroyed it, the kindergarten group was destroyed from the village of khimika itself, that is, russia was not there. svetlana valerievna is waiting for kindergartens to open again in avdeevka, she will be able to return to work, and she is also looking forward to meeting her loved ones soon. where are your children and grandchildren?
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avdeevka must be rebuilt and everything should be fine. avdeevka is part of the yasenovad
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municipal district. yasenovataya was on the demarcation line for 10 years. all these years we've been coping with endless problems here shelling and learned to live in special conditions. in the administration of the city of isnovata, all the leaders are local residents, whose children are here, whose parents and families are here. therefore, there is no need to motivate anyone. 16,000 large-caliber shellings in the city. more than 75% damage, it’s just not immediately visible, we always came out after shelling and immediately repaired it. we have a lot of experience, you are absolutely right, so of course we will transfer this to avdievka. the task was to provide people with all types of services, which we actually have in other cities, but god said it was possible, that is , on the territory of the city of obdeevka you can apply for a passport of the russian federation, you can get it, you can get almost all social benefits, a pension, you can get highly qualified medical care on the territory and you can get work. people who undergo a medical examination with us, they are officially employed there, on the territory of ovdeevka we have already opened a branch
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of a utility company, a site, and people are now working there, now the task is restore housing, return people to the apartment buildings in which they lived before, create a social effect here from all kinds of organizations, so the task is exactly this, and of course communication, communication there is no electricity, no water, we generate everything with the help generators in an autonomous version using all kinds of portable means at low power. now the task, of course, is to ensure that by the end of the year everyone has electricity, full electricity, system electricity, we have already formed defective acts on apartment buildings in the city of ovdeevka, the principle of choosing houses is to give people a normal, normal apartment, normal housing with the least damage that could be established very quickly, as quickly as possible, people are asking how they can to return to their home, often these people left a very long time ago, they first left for active hostilities, now they are trying with all their might to return, they must help everyone, but at the moment you yourself know
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then all the gristles jumped out, it was already falling, windows and doors were falling on us, then they pulled it out, pulled it back, got passports, now we have to return home, work awaits us at home, we have to clean the house.
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all the flowers, that is, it’s important for you to return home now and put the city in order, of course, but what about, well, well, well, our city is small, but cozy. in donetsk, now they are cleaning, our chemist, they are cleaning all the roads, good, very good, beautiful today they call us, they gave us free to call, and he says, good,
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they are removing it, that is, you even have a connection, you and your husband, you even have a connection, you and your husband have already called each other. well, of course, zenovia vasilievna lives in avdievka with her husband, he helps fellow countrymen, works in a local boiler room pumping water. they were able to survive the battles for the city, but lost their son. there were no children of my own, i established it. a boy, one, two, now they took my son, they took him, he was on his way from work, they took him, they took him, i don’t know where, they tried to find him and help. find it, i don’t know where it was taken when ukraine was still there, they mobilized him, the ukrainians took him away, almost everyone who remained in avdiivka, unfortunately, was injured, now people are gradually recovering their health, i was wounded in the apartment, this is it, my head is all in stitches,
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this side , here are the seams, sat like this. i was sawing wood, my son walked into the water, and i think she pushed me, come into the apartment, i went, i think i’ll go now, put some tea on the stove, drink some tea, when she flew in, this very rocket, in general, a beastly wave, i just oh, kick out of the chair, the machine held me back washing, one and a half hours. they took out the glass, i even took out the glass here at home, this is when it happened to you, on march 13, at one o’clock in the afternoon, last year, yes, 2023, and i killed my neighbor from the nineteenth house at that time, i lived in the basement for 2 weeks because it was scary ,
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despite what she has experienced, raisa is not going to leave her native avdeevka, she, like everyone else here, is confident that the city will quickly return to peaceful life, i’m just in vdeevka now, i’m nowhere else, then there are no more shots like we did with that neighbor were hiding, just sitting like that, cowardly, and now everything, so the potbelly stove is standing there, they are already upset, they are standing there, the hospital is already being built, you and your wife have not been evacuated - all the years, why, this is 2 years? i didn’t want to go to the other side, i’m a russian person, i was waiting for our russian liberators to come, but they offered evacuation in general, yes they did, but i know what it is there, we had a case where they took a person out and took him to a field , they took away the documents, they gave me an asshole, go for a walk, they took everything away from my pension, we
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had such volunteers, this family can’t live.
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bought it, so i lived with them, and then children they took them out, well, because all our children were taken out of the obda, the children and grandchildren were taken out, i was left alone, i lived alone in my house, firewood, coal, water, wells, and where are your children now, well, in russia, they in the end they traveled through europe, yes, they left through europe, and to russia, and now i live in my brother’s house with my brother. there a shell came into the house and exploded, well, we closed half the house, we live in half the house, the roof was repaired, the guys helped us, and we want to plant a vegetable garden, so i bought some seeds, so we’ll put things in order, clear there. all this, yes, we want to go to avdeevka. now avdeevtsev is supported by a huge number of russians, humanitarian aid is regularly brought here, and those
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who heal the souls of people who survived a terrible time also come here. imagine what these people went through, and we must, of course, and not only must, but we want and, we just have such a desire, for these people. to hug them in our native style and shelter them and somewhere to cheer them up, somewhere to cheer them up, that’s why we come here, just to talk, to say a few warm words, like i cried spring, whatever is ahead, dances with snow and rain. dream to warm my way, my spring is for you, my lubista, and it will be warmer,
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it will bury the snow, warm up the road for me, you will see my spring, it will be warmer, who planted the flowers, here, people, people, people planted everything here , yes.
10:53 pm
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creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, how our hearts treasure his words forever. on the poet’s 22nd birthday, this is where the concert will take place. reflection, live broadcast from the bolden estate. june 6 at 21:30 on the russia channel. still , my obediences are over, not all. forgive me, lord, all my hope is in you, absolutely. wild
10:58 pm
guys, this is your obedience, you will save yourself, just save from others, there are no former disobedients, what you wanted from me, a miracle, akhlai-makhalai, because i would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, without my own demonstration let's figure it out, pray, black, abandoning the gang is also a sin, it's time to pay.
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11:00 pm
arthur chelengarov, an outstanding scientific oceanographer, hero of russia and the soviet union, deputy of the state duma, died, he was 84 years old, the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin announced. the president sent a telegram of condolences to his family. putin and chelengarov were friends for many years and knew each other very well - these are the words of the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. the chairman of the federation council also sent a telegram to the scientist’s relatives valentina matvienko. an amazing man, strong, wise and original, a patriot, has passed away.


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