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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

11:30 pm
in a whirlwind of successes, failures, hope fills you with wiggle, in the rhythm of a worker there are many tasks, your break is filled with piclunch, meat sauce, satisfyingly hot, fills you with meat and noodles, a warm sunset over the roofs, life fills with joy at wiclunch, we found out that the phone even works at zero, the account was canceled, with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and kats work. connect support at zero to the beline application. beline is the safest operator. catching a firebird pyro is not easy. but everyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on come to the island and make a reservation. all inclusive, lunch. and clouds, among millions of hotel apartments. island. rest begins at o. appetite anywhere. dad will tame dad can, but
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there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can! yota! order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases and withdraw cash for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable! after the collapse of the ussr in 1991, in the post-soviet republics, ideological followers of collaborationism appeared. hiding behind the law, countries reviving nazism tried to blame russia for aggression. it is we who always follow the letter of the law, the norms of international law, we always try to conduct some kind of negotiations on the basis of some generally accepted agreements, we appeal to some documents.
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statehood and it is its destruction, as historical experience shows, that entails the liquidation of statehood and disunity in society, the extermination of the russian population, the extermination of other ethnic groups, other nationalities that made up the people of the soviet union, this also has not become a thing of the past, if you now read...
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the names of toponyms from the names of soviet and even tsarist times to the names of
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the nakadnik only of jewish nationality , we turned to them and said: you know, after all, probably, justice should prevail, they all suffered equally, they froze, they died, in general, it was an absolutely terrible part of the great patriotic war, world war ii, we were told no, during the time that leningrad was under the nazi blockade, more than a million civilians died .
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in marriages of several years, these children of war were forced to watch how their relatives and friends died. young prisoners of nazi concentration camps, the youngest of them are already over 80, but they will never forget the horrors they experienced in childhood. hunger, cold, mockery. german doctors experimented on them and pumped out their blood. hundreds of thousands of children died. a german came with a policeman, the policeman said, quickly gather your brood, you will go to germany, my mother began to cry, began to beg, not to take him to germany, he said, quickly, otherwise
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i will kill your slave along with my brood, when the war began, shuri levchuk was in his seventh year, his mother had them there were three, shura, her sister and younger brother, in august '43. before retreating from the city , the nazis drove their family to germany, and i remember how they drove everyone on foot to the belarusian sorting station, 2-3 km from home, they drove them in, there was a freight train there, they drove everyone into wagons, there was a raincoat, a cry, women fell, fainted, people were pushed into carriages like cattle, in terrible cramped conditions and stuffiness they traveled for a whole week, in complete uncertainty, without food and...
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it’s a shame, it’s a shame, both men and women , it was so unclear to me, how could it be that all the prisoners were given striped shirts. at night we never saw their parents, we mostly dug trenches and did
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agricultural work, so my sister worked with the adults, and they worked like that and they let me straighten my back, shuri was lucky, she was not yet nine years old, they didn’t take her to work, but the younger children were sent to weed the beds, where she could secretly gnaw carrots or beets, in the camp they fed only spinach and... her belly was big, like a ball, when you look at it, it seemed that if you touch it with a needle, it will burst, he put his hands on this stomach, walked all the time as if he was singing a song, i want to eat, i want to eat, i want to eat, he knew that no one would give him anything,
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they put us under this hole, they took blood, well, we had blood of the fourth group, the fourth, apparently, needed our blood and they left us, because they took the blood of others, apparently they checked first, and then left those that they needed, how much blood the girls took, they didn’t understand, those children who lost consciousness in they never returned their barracks.
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one day, local residents from nearby villages were rounded up, locked in an unfinished barn and set on fire, someone tried to escape, they were shot on the spot; on the same day, in the village of grachevka , several hundred were also shot, according to one source and even several thousand, according to other data from civilians. for 2 years, punishment was carried out in the mosalsky district and its environs. they burned about 130 settlements, more than 10 thousand residents were driven into captivity, some of them, including children, never returned home, i looked at archival data of how the germans drove the civilian population into captivity, of course, the smoke becomes a hair's breadth, houses were burned , houses, entire villages were burned, can you imagine, let
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’s say shumayev, let’s say there were 87 people in the village or 120 people, practically all of them into occupation. together with their inhabitants , the villages of korolevka, new utruby, yusovka, zhukovka were erased from the face of the earth forever; their names were preserved only in archival documents. in korolyovka, there was also a local population, there were a lot of refugees, they kicked everyone out on the street, they installed machine guns, machine guns, machine guns, and shot them, about 300 people died on the street when... they set up a column, which ones were not burned, and who were left alive, they didn’t even lead the germans through that tree, it was scary to watch there, during the occupation the nazis killed almost 2,000 residents of the mossal region, mostly women, old people and children. in several regions of russia, courts have already recognized the killing of civilians during occupation as genocide;
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facts of genocide have already been established in court in nineteen regions, kalininskaya.
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region until march 1943 there was a prisoner of war camp, this prisoner of war camp was also joined by civilians who were captured by the germans on suspicion of having connections with the partisans or of some kind of family relationship with the red army, and so on further with the communists. documented evidence of mass executions, torture, and other crimes committed by the occupiers against the local population. today they are kept in local archives. the headquarters of the punitive detachment was located in the village of gromovk. in the house of collective farmer alexei krylov. there was a detention cell under the window of the headquarters. adapted in a completely cold barn, the cell did not have any heating devices, people were kept in it in the winter, november, december, january and february, to the headquarters
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punishers brought soviet citizens from neighboring villages of the region, suspected of dissatisfaction with the fascist government, they were brought from all over the leninsky district, there, as they say, the point was, first they were taken, they were caught somewhere by patrols or someone else, then they were taken for interrogation - to me they said that there was such a detail in the case materials that the germans had a helmet, nails were driven inside, so they put it on the head of someone they tortured and beat on this helmet. soviet citizens brought in for interrogation, regardless of age, were subjected to terrible torture and humiliation, after which the tortured were taken naked and naked into an anti-tank ditch located 250 meters from the village of gromovka, where , after digging a grave for themselves, the unfortunate man was shot.
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they exchanged things there for food, there was a famine, then who was suspected of espionage, these were the one-way roads in this thunderstorm, a certain karlu, the only german in the camp, was in charge of the executions, all the rest of his employees were local collaborators, one of them was seventeen years old a guy named labanov after the liberation of gromovka, he showed the place of massacres. the first excavations of the burial began then in the spring of '43, the remains of 28 people were brought to the surface, and then they stopped, there is a note in the act that
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they stopped due to the fact that the ditch was mined, and they started searching, no one else was involved in this matter at all, it turned out that there was a bridge from the place of execution from the village, on different banks of the river, we found this bridge, the remains of it, the place itself is still... for example, a mass murder against a certain group, yes, that is, genocide is a crime against a certain ethnic, religious group, and so on.
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we are talking about the genocide of the soviet people. in march 2023, the state duma adopted a statement on the genocide of the peoples of the ussr by nazi germany and its accomplices during the great patriotic war. we continue this work, we are preparing materials. to the trial in other regions of the russian federation, where we also collected evidence of nazi crimes. in addition, the investigative committee is actively there is a headquarters for coordinating search archival work, together with search teams, our employees are looking for burial places of red army soldiers and civilians killed during the great patriotic war by the nazi invaders. students of departmental educational organizations are also involved in this process; the results of such work make it possible to restore justice and preserve the memory of our heroic ancestors who gave their lives
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for the liberation of their homeland. this is not just a tribute to the victims that our people, our country they brought it for the sake of their independence, but this is also a guarantee of our sovereignty. our independence for the future. without historical memory it is impossible to be a nation. and the work to preserve historical memory continues. search teams are looking for mass grave sites. investigators are studying archival documents and finding new evidence of the atrocities of the occupiers. because the years that have passed since the end of the war are not able to erase the memory of nazi crimes.
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they weren’t fed for months, they were left to die in the field, they dumped everything on a heap, covered them with tires, covered their tracks for the most part, i’m already listening to the second interview, where a person speaks a memorized text, let’s do a check, news.
12:00 am
artur chelengarov, a distinguished oceanographer, hero of russia and the soviet union, deputy of the state duma, died; he was 84 years old. this was announced by the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. vladimir putin expressed deep condolences in connection with the death of chelengarov. the president sent a telegram of condolences to his family. putin and chelengarov were friends for many years and knew each other very well. these are the words of the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov. i sent a telegram to the scientist’s relatives
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