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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the poet’s 22nd anniversary, this is where the concert and reflection will take place. live broadcast from the bolden estate. june 6.
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at 21:30 on the russia channel. if we have sports, they have records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday. we love traditions. we honor our history. we value family and strong relationships we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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the ukrainian security service began a hunt for opposition leaders, and radical verkhovna rada deputy leshko tried to intimidate local residents.
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in kiev they are different and will not negotiate with us, but we are basically on our own now, but at the same time we are obliged to obey, and what were your demands, what were you expecting at that moment,
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and of course local authorities , that is, so that we are here, so that our territory, namely lugansk region itself, yes, it was subordinate not only to kiev, but at the same time, despite everything, it could be independent in making its decisions, well , since this lasted for a long time, they set up tents near the white house, a tent city, the guys lived there, spent the night, it was cold, locals whoever was there brought food, hot tea, because well, the tent, the bare floor was blown by everyone...
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in almost every regional center , rallies were held, where their delegates were chosen for the people's veche in lugansk. a rally was going to take place via the internet, and people people came and came, caring, caring about their native land, about their future. the future of their grandchildren, when the question arose of sending to lugansk, young children, volunteers who might take part in the storming of the hut, the building of the sbu of the city of lugansk, that is, preferably volunteers who served in the ranks, preferably
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of the soviet army, who received the consent of their parents or wives, and these guys were sent to the city of luvansk, but to support... each gathering, based on the results of, let’s say, this gathering we will make some kind of decision, here it is the bars of the sbu entrance car gates were dented, these gates immediately flew into the base of one of the first barricades, from one intersection to the second there were two barricades in
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this direction, two in that direction, and between them a huge tent city, and people came from the regions , there were people, separate detachments were from
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april at 4:00 in the morning, the special unit alpha dnepropetrovsk came to me, and as it turned out, on that day, precisely at that time, 15 people were arrested at once, detained, precisely six, here are six of us , they put us in a temporary detention center, and on april 6 -
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on command, our guys were great, they understood everything perfectly, the guys had just arrived from the maidan, vitalik himself was extinguished there four times, that is, he was a guy who understood what commands he was giving . by and large, somewhere around lunchtime they brought us, and at the same time we saw that the sbu building had already been so thoroughly stoned, and nevertheless, naturally there was a question, what next, well, they freed us, and what will happen next, and it was decided to communicate with general sbu petrulevich, to which we received the answer that we got what
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we wanted and now we can disperse, well, in a more rude form, and the answer was elementary, what will happen next, because having released six people, today we also understood that all those who were on the square, people got into the lens of the sbu, work will also be carried out on them, accordingly, literally there within a week we will all be arrested in this way again, but... there will be no one to resist, it naturally became so a certain descent of the situation and we then we have finally entered the sbu building, we are the joint headquarters of the army of the south-east, we are appealing to the people of our regions, the building is completely under our control, we call on the entire population of the regions to come out in support of our demands, that is, it turns out that by your arrest they themselves provoked the situation around the sbu . in fact, when the hut had already been taken, all the bridges had already been burned, there was also
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an arsenal with weapons, yes, which we did not know about at that time, of course not, when we went down to the basement, there we saw something really very significant arsenal, the question immediately arose, why this arsenal, why so many weapons, because there were about 5,000 barrels of machine guns alone, and i’m already silent about everything else, have you found the answer to this? they suggested, they didn’t actually find the answer, but they assumed that most likely a provocation was being prepared with the forces of the right sector, that is, good fellows should have arrived who would strengthen the borders, thus, in general, they would blockade the region itself, only not only luhansk region, but i think that in donetsk would have done the same later, that is, we stopped this preparation at the initial stage. that is, without knowing all the plans, but you worked, it turns out to be ahead of the curve, and so it happened,
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they captured the sbu building, dismantled the weapons and we didn’t know what would happen tomorrow, we will win tomorrow, in fact it was a low probability, so tomorrow either russia will enter, which was regarded as a fairy tale, or tomorrow the nazis will enter here, vinitsky amon, there will be someone else there who will slaughter everyone, kill us there, torture us in prisons, absolutely a real prospect, if if... this caused unjustified powerful artillery shelling, because then later shells, mines,
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missiles, missiles flew across the city, here was a hurricane, missiles were death, when in their heads they were already fighting with the russian special forces, the very in fact, these were simple miners, simple mechanics, simple railway workers, simple local office plankton, who were just students who defended our russian land here. ukrovsk tank, a little further, the second one, i received this certificate in gorodchansk, this i have a certificate number 138, yeah, that is, in front of me there was already 137, that is, there is no, no last name, no first name, no patronymic, because... what will happen next is unknown, but it was entered into the computer on
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flash drives, and these flash drives from the chief of staff, were most tied to a grenade in cases, to an f1 grenade, in case the lists were not obtained, a congress of delegates of our entire lugansk region was held, at which a decision was made, the first one, on the election of a people's governor valeriyevich swamps. not very entrusted me with a high post, who is in favor of adopting an act declaring state independence of the lugansk people's republic.
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she returned to pick up her things and was extremely surprised that her things were preserved; the police went over to the side of the people of the lugansk region without resistance. there is no need to touch anyone, i ask you not to fight, i came with one goal, to save everyone, and for us to work for
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the people. vigilante checkpoints appeared at the entrances to the city, april 15. sent an army with heavy military equipment, artillery and aviation to the residents of donbass, bloody battles in slavyansk on the outskirts of lugansk. on june 2, the assault on the border guard unit by the militia began early in the morning and continued for several hours. one of either the deputy commander, or someone, well, someone from the authorities was shooting from the attic. we went to his in his. office, he has an ss uniform hanging there, a portrait of hitler, a bust on the table, a flag on the table, well, a man, well, clearly he’s not a reenactor, he’s no longer a reenactor, yeah, that’s in the office at the beginning, that’s an official , that’s by border troops, on the sleeve, yes, this is also on the sleeve, this is our detachment, the first 100 volunteers who armed themselves here,
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sent the slavic ones and the scouts had not yet put out the dry clothes in the tents, they dropped in, there were bundles of these, uh. i’m deciphering, the first ukrainian division of the ss azov, yeah, it’s still may of the fourteenth year, of course, later azol got rich, began to produce these more luxurious ones, there were residential buildings nearby, on that day several passers-by suffered from random bullets, recalls medic raisa bondarenko, this i will remember the day for a long time, i i was... i found my shift just in time, at 4:00 in the morning a shootout with the border outpost began, a lot of civilians were injured there, because people were going to work, they were hit by random shrapnel, by random bullets, and until the night we were sorting, hospitalization, well, from that day on our city
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moved almost, well, every day. various areas of the city by shelling, there, for example, in a field a man was going to work, he had a gunshot wound to the head, we drove up and took him away, these are the cases, people were randomly exposed in the yards, there was a garbage truck, the driver died in the garbage truck, and a person passing by also came under fire.
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there was a line of attack, so it went through, so it turns out that the nurses, starting from the tractor, where the bulldozer is standing, the window on the fourth floor was completely passed through, that’s where it flew in, that is, the nurse came there, right into the building itself, but here’s everything was flogged. in principle, it is visible now, until the reconstruction has been done, you can see that the tiles have been knocked out. svetlana giza walked through the city center that day to meet her husband, they we agreed that we would see each other in this park.
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on the corner of the building here there was a man lying with his arm practically torn off, and naturally, we could not run further, we stopped, i shouted that we needed ambulances, we needed ambulances, when we ran to the administration, then on the right side near the administration, there there was such a mess of people, in general, people were screaming, there were a lot of dead people, eight people died from the strike of the ukrainian plane, dozens were injured.
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my husband has complete damage to the central nervous system, according to the conclusion his system, like the doctors said , it was all mixed up in his head , something flew up like this, he did all the things exactly the same way in the abdominal cavity, right there, like this , not a single living place was done, all the insides were affected, this is what they released, what released so that
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in half before your eyes he will drown, but, but the plane was hit by missiles, the plane, then according to the administration, the plane was falling in a dive, i filmed it myself, i saw it all, it died, and i served the aviation, i understood , that he hit the nurses behind the gun at the same time, it’s all like once 1,450 of these shells flew into the park into the building, plus the rockets went off, well, i have one from that salvo, the second one is there, but the official kiev stated
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that it was just an air conditioner,
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it turns out that these guys are here who were in the militia, i personally knew a lot of them, these are the ones who were at the very, very beginning, that is , the blockade, when there was a blockade of lugansk, these guys stood shoulder to shoulder with these guys, looking at each other. it was not in vain that all this was done, in your opinion, at a high price, very at an expensive price, but not in vain, not in vain, and i was once asked a question, if there was an opportunity to change something, would i change it, yeah, no, we wouldn’t change anything, we would probably make some adjustments and we wouldn’t have allowed any events that could have been avoided, yeah, but at the same time , we would definitely have chosen the course. exclusively this one, we began to defend our land, the graves of our ancestors, our traditions, the standards of life that our ancestors bequeathed to us, and
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we did not do anything else...
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arthur chelengarov, an outstanding scientist, died oceanographer, hero of russia and the soviet union. deputy of the state duma, he was 84 years old, this was announced by the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. vladimir putin expressed deep condolences in connection with the death of chelengarov. the president sent a telegram of condolences to his family. putin and chelengarov had been friends for many years and knew each other very well. these are the words of the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko also sent a telegram to the scientist’s relatives. i'm shocked to have passed away.


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