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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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a patriot, a responsible and aspiring person, strong, wise and original, a statesman, it says. artur chelengarov devoted his entire life to research in the arctic and antarctic. in 1985, he took part in the rescue of the research vessel mikhail somov, in february 1986. for his leadership of this operation, he was awarded the title of hero of the ussr. in the same 1986, he eliminated the consequences of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, and also. a year later he led the voyage of the nuclear icebreaker siberia, which on may 25 of the same year reached the north pole, and these are just a few facts from his biography: he effectively solved problems in any field, in science and lawmaking. artur nikolaevich was elected to the state duma for seven convocations, defended the interests of the country and citizens, vyacheslav volodin is quoted as saying by the state duma press service. farewell to chelengarov will take place on june 4 at the cathedral of christ the savior. and
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they will be buried at the novodeevichy cemetery. last night, the russian armed forces launched a massive attack on the infrastructure of ukraine at facilities that were used for provision of the armed forces of ukraine. explosions occurred in several regions at once, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, ivano-frankivsk, lviv, odessa and vinnitsa. the country's largest hydroelectric power station, dnepro ges, was also damaged. now she is in critical condition, reports the kiev-controlled regime. administration of zaporozhye. we got to a gas storage facility in stryn, deep in the rear of the country. this, by the way, is a new item in the reports of attacks on ukrainian targets. kiev, of course, assures that there is nothing military there, however it is known that the city had the largest underground gas storage facility, and since soviet times an airfield with warehouses. no sooner had the talk of supposed permission for kiev to strike russia died down than the western press immediately...
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the first news from the american media, the united states allowed ukraine to strike deep into russia. this is repeated many times, like a mantra on all channels, obviously to convince the public that an important discussion has been summed up, although there is no subject for dispute, strikes with nato weapons have been carried out for a long time and regularly.
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at the moment, the west is doing everything to create the appearance that it is not participating in the war, the west categorically denies this fact, this is demagoguery, because the west is already a participant in the war, the west supplies equipment, provides data for targeting, the west is the first to gain access to this data.
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not ukraine. the west sets these coordinates to carry out attacks on russia. this means that the west has long been a participant in this war. western soldiers have been there for a long time, and among them there is a french victim. poles and germans, they pretend that for individual nato countries there is some difference in which russian regions to shoot at and with what. this policy does not give ukraine permission to use earth-to-earth missiles, but rather longer-range ones on russian territory. the narrow geographic scope is an attempt by the biden administration to limit the risk that the conflict in ukraine could escalate into a direct clash between washington and moscow. guided aerial bombs, such as glsdb, already fly at a distance of 50 km into russian territory. 120 maybe beat the haymars multiple launch rocket system, the american attacks ms and the european storm shadow scalp, the range is not less than 300 km, from the border with ukraine you can easily reach lipetsk, orel and voronezh. even cnn could not pretend that such
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weapons had not yet been used on russian soil. the lifting of this taboo seems to mark a new chapter in the war, although russia and the rahne have already faced ukrainian strikes using western weapons on territory that... their own, precision weapons cannot be aimed at the eye or on a map, everything happens through a satellite, and in ukraine it’s actually the only sich 230, designed to monitor the weather in the ionosphere. ukraine, in fact, does not have a space constellation, but all the american ones, first of all, the french ones, by the way, there are also satellite constellations there, they are working according to plan. this means connections in terms of creating interference from space with the russian control system, along this route off the eastern russian coast of the black sea opposite sochi and novorossiysk the american global holk drone circled all day long immediately after this, there was an attack by
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atak ms missiles on the crimean bridge, successfully repulsed by the russian military, and this was the route of the british rive joint reconnaissance aircraft west of crimea, but again along the russian borders. if we take the algorithm, identifying targets, identifying targets - this, of course, is the prerogative of westerners, nato countries, uh, using either a satellite constellation, well, a satellite constellation is basically an american constellation, either from drones, or airplanes, reconnaissance aircraft, uh, flying tasks, well, of course, choice goals and the formation of flight missions, too, are formed by officers of nato countries who are located; they can be either on the territory of ukraine or carry out this remotely. ukrainians simply do the most they can - press a button and execute the start command. russia understands perfectly well that
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the formal permission the west gives itself to strikes on our territory is going to continue and most likely make them even larger. by the united states and its allies for the vast majority of strikes using advanced missile systems provided by the usa. in prague, western diplomats spent several days pretending to be in public
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debate about whether to allow it or not, and even divided into opposing sides. it is impossible for italy to use our weapons outside. it is impossible for ukraine to use it in russia, because we are not fighting against russia, we are defending ukraine, this is not the same thing . it turned out that italy and germany are against it, but the latter is not entirely categorical. we are convinced that ukraine, in accordance with international law, has the right to defend oneself against these attacks. to achieve this goal, it can use any weapon in accordance with its international legal obligations, including that.
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thousands of people in budapest today demonstrated against their country being dragged into war across europe. andrey grigoriev, inna koshkina, news! directive number 21, the strategic planning document for germany's attack on the ussr, known as plan barbarossa, was presented to the nuremberg court as military evidence nazi crimes. when we talk about the policy of genocide, we immediately say that it is deliberate.
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it is precisely against the soviet people, because this is a historical fact, that we want nazism to never again arise from anyone’s land. in the once occupied areas, investigators have collected hundreds of facts of nazi crimes, and the work is still underway. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war, preferring not to remember hitler’s plan. by mass destruction of the civilian population of the ussr, it is important that all those involved in
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the inhumane treatment of people, the murder of civilians and prisoners of war, are identified, their names made public, even if these criminals are already dead. what we, as children of war, have experienced are
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passions, witnesses give testimony, we managed to find them thanks to the painstaking work of the investigative committee employees. in order to record the details of these crimes, the investigative committee is carrying out large-scale work, which is carried out specifically created the directorate for the investigation of war crimes and genocide and rehabilitation. the soviet union in the genocide of all peoples of the soviet union. of the more than 27 million dead, more than half were civilians, which generally indicates the nature of the... the essence of that regime and its problems that
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our country had to face. as part of this criminal case , numerous forensic examinations are carried out to identify the victims, the whereabouts of their relatives are established, a large array of documents is studied, and witnesses are questioned and requests for legal assistance are sent to other countries. the investigation is certain. it has been established where and under what circumstances the fastas shot women and children, gassed even disabled people, burned, tortured, starved, and covered civilians alive with earth. when the kursk region was occupied by the germans in 1941, lena bonin was 3 years old; in the fall, the nazis came to his native village of anatolyev. leonid tikhonovich remembers how their children were herded to the village council by the nazis
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they demanded that adults hand over local partisans. anatoly kuselo was considered a partisan. who comes to you, with what intention, what? but no one, no one, is absolutely superior, they were not told anything, they were then. team next time, which means the young men stood in one direction, the women with children who stood on the second side.
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he was surrounded in the early morning of december 17 , 1942. everyone was gathered in the center of the village, and their houses were searched. in almost every house, the punisher found fresh baked bread. this became a formal reason for destruction village the punishers decided that the bread was baked for the partisans. on this terrible morning , there were 44 residents, women and children, in the village;
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there were 26 children. everyone who was in the village was shot by the punitive force. after all the buildings were destroyed, thanks to witnesses and relatives, we were able to identify the names of the residents of the victims in the village of bolshoy dub. today , the big oak memorial is installed at the site of the massacre. residents of several neighboring villages are also buried here. the bells on the grounds of the bolshoi lub memorial ring every 150 seconds based on the number of civilian victims of fascism from three villages: bolshoy dub, zvezda and kholstinka.
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in 2021, the investigative committee of russia combined criminal cases about nazi atrocities against civilians into one, about the genocide of the peoples of the ussr. this decision was made by chairman alexander bastrykin, assessing the scale of punitive actions. it has also been proven that their goal was the complete destruction of the civilian population of the soviet union. a mass grave of civilians and prisoners of war was discovered. near the village of rastinaya gorka in the novgorod region. installed that the murder of these people was carried out by a specially created team of latvians who entered the service of nazi germany. during the forty-second and forty-third years , they killed at least 2,600 people. in the bryansk region, during the war, there was
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a resettlement camp for prisoners of war and civilians, dulak-142. it held at least 80 thousand people, 4,000 of whom were tortured and buried. the numbers speak for themselves. more than 76 thousand residents died in the bryansk region. about 60 thousand were killed in the krasnodar region soviet citizens. there are at least 2,000 civilians and prisoners of war in the novgorod region. more than 400.
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it was impossible to escape from the concentration camp that the germans set up in the shchegrovsky district on the territory of the prigorodnenskaya school. he was considered one of the most brutal in the region. no wonder it was called hell behind barbed wire. in '41, this is the month of november. uh, civilians were kept here , uh, not only of the city of chigry, shigrovsky district, but also of other districts of the kursk region. also, military personnel were kept here, uh.
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on the day of memory and sorrow took place the solemn ceremony of their reburial, the burial of my own grandfathers, my triple sisters, probably, the buried girls who were shot during the occupation. valentina shcheglova and local historians helped search engines use the memories of local residents to find the approximate location of their execution. there was a great conservation here; all the remains were raised here. the guys dug them up and not in one day, they probably dug more for a whole week. this cellar was dug deep, well, everything was found. search operations within
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the framework of the project without a statute of limitations are carried out in all regions occupied during the great patriotic war. found remains and items are immediately transferred to the investigative committee for examination. thanks to excavations by search teams and declassified archival data . thousands of soviet citizens, but also studies those that were never completed during the war years.
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the main war criminals were convicted of committing war crimes by the international military tribunal in nørberg, but at the same time, during the war and post-war years , the leningrad, minsk, smolensky, kharkov, krasnodar, nikolaev, riga, bryansk and other trials of fascists and... accomplices. however, there were other nazi crimes that were previously unknown. the results of excavations by search teams and declassified archives made it possible to establish the circumstances of the nazi atrocities against civilians in many regions of our country. and during the declassification of documents , an understanding has already arisen that we know very little, in general, yes, yes, trials took place , right?
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stands before the country, before our diplomacy. millions of civilians died in nazi-occupied lands. the occupied territories of the soviet union were subjected to all forms of genocide provided for by the united nations convention. this was definitely genocide of the civilian population , destroyed in every possible way. this includes mass murder.
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with the participation of eyewitnesses of those terrible events, we conduct using video recordings. and people help, even if the person was not a direct eyewitness, then he knows certain information already from the words of their parents, who were eyewitnesses, for communication with the partisans, for example, they burned the village, the puzovichi, burned the village of all the inhabitants, they were all driven away, the king and burned, they told me this, and there were children, right?
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they led, well, who was wearing what, they led towards the enemy, there were policemen and, that means, the occupiers, who were germans, led them, well, they led them to the edge of the village, then grandfather, he said, children are coming to kill us, run to different sides, and mothers and matveyka ran in different directions, what happened to the little brother, she didn’t she knew, but they punched her. both legs were hit by machine gun fire, but she was able to run anyway. after the massacre, the police forced two local residents to dig a hole. after that they were killed. all the bodies were thrown into the pit and buried. the unmarked grave became known only in 2022. a medical and forensic examination established that 14 adults and seven children aged from two
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to 15 years were buried there. nature got busy with this, they started doing excavations, it all became public , and then they called us that there would be a burial. according to archival documents so far, sixteen victims of the mass shooting have been identified. the granddaughter of one of the victims has been identified; her mother did not live just a little before this event, when we carried out the reburial process. we invited the granddaughter of a destroyed family, when she arrived in the republic of belarus she saw the work we were doing, this woman could not even hold back her tears, there is somewhere to come, to lay her head, because so, well, i prayed, of course, yes, there is relatives who are not dead, and now we will of course we can come, we have a grave
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where we can come. in 2023 , a law was passed in belarus that allowed trials against nazis involved in the genocide of the belarusian people during the war, even after their death. russia was the first, 20 years ago, to submit to the general assembly a resolution on the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, which was adopted.


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