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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 2, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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worked at the plant for 43 years and the banderas came here, natural banderas came in, not even the army, it was the banderas that came in, what an army, they just came in, he dismantled the store, as if he hit the car right through, the store, people with their hair flying out, and the gas station opposite, there you go go, you will see the gas station attendant was killed, what harm did she do to them, this girl, and i was at work just in the morning i went to work, at lunchtime this was already happening here, we the whole plant stayed overnight, everyone spent the night, nothing began to travel, no walk or complete. all everything died when ukraine came, everything died, that was all, the tram, hot water, gas, electricity, everything died, they had to shout this slogan of theirs, bandera’s, no one ever shouted it here, because we are russians, we came , they immediately started beating, they just came in to blow up, they started to blow up a store, a gas station, kill, shoot, they went to the bempha, they started doing this, that’s all we ask, girl, you’re the one just talking to me, go up to him, ask, he will tell you who he is, butt, it’s just
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a child’s game, the rest is so, that is, you’re in in general, they didn’t interact and tried not to communicate, because it was yes, i didn’t communicate with them at all, but i communicate with you because you are russian, i didn’t communicate with him, because these are funnels, these are funnels, these are funnels, that’s all there were 11 of them around me, that’s all , that’s all, they sat like this, i sat, and my wife cried, they ate polydol, but they didn’t go anywhere in principle, i immediately said, i’ll die or i’ll wait, i can’t leave, and my wife too or death. or freedom, that was our principle. in the private sector of avdeevka find a house that remained undamaged after the battles is impossible. according to the testimony of townspeople, the ukrainian army used most of the buildings for military purposes. however, life is returning to the city. most houses already have the sign ming no. the engineering troops tried to make these places safe for the avdeevites at an accelerated pace. there was a lot of work.
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everything here was mined deliberately, there were a lot of unexploded shells around. the russian military liberated the city on february 16, and just a month later, at the request of residents, they organized a polling station. yes, they even managed to vote here in the presidential elections, such a polling station, a fence cut by shrapnel, but it was also important for people here to be able to cast their vote and express their vote. their will, there is a local school in avdeevka, in this form now, they constantly just instilled in children a love for the flag, for ukraine, that is, yellow-blue dresses, in fact, everything is everywhere here, even the walls are yellow, some posters blue, that is, everywhere it’s just as if they were trying to write down love for the subcortex from childhood ukraine. this is how the country is. well,
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actually, the school suffered such destruction because the armed forces of ukraine were traditionally located here. at school we were primarily interested in the library. rewritten history textbooks in ukraine are no longer news, as is education aimed at hatred of everything russian. what can schools do to protect themselves from attacks used for military purposes? then the military officers who sat in this school probably also read this book, read it and laughed a lot, i think, here even the sign has been preserved in russian.
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also, confidently, from the time before 14, remember the names of the partisans, that is, the memory of those who gave their lives during the great patriotic war, for the future generation, was most likely honored here by those who were not actually exposed to bandera’s ideology, there are many around. knocked down by shell explosions, just everything, literally, what the eye can reach, is covered with shrapnel, but at the same time such a contrast has been preserved everywhere, flowers that once grew, were planted with love by someone, are preserved everywhere, here is a local one... . transport,
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the main one, the bicycle, high-rise buildings, or rather what’s left of them. apartment buildings were badly damaged; for many years the ukrainian army used them as military facilities, headquarters, warehouses, military locations, firing points, right in the windows of apartments. one of the central streets of the city, heavy fighting took place here, as can be seen, in fact, from the surrounding situation with the naked eye. the temple survived, but of course suffered. this spring, despite everything, apartment buildings in avdeevka also have flowers.
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people came up to us, you are from russia, from moscow, please tell all the people in moscow, from us with love, here. here they draw when people come from the mainland, as they say here now from the mainland, like this geographically is not entirely correct, but nevertheless, this is how they wait here, nadezhda vasilievna was born and raised in avdeevka, did not leave even during active battles for her native city, you were offered evacuation by the ukrainian side when they were here, but i wouldn’t say, somehow they came just once, yeah, and said: why are you sitting here, i say: where should i go? i have nowhere to go, that’s all, that is, they didn’t tell you that here you go, a bus, no, no, it was very difficult, of course, it was, well, nothing, we survived, like your children, grandchildren, you alone survived all this, my son lives with me, so
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does my husband, even under shelling the family went about their usual business, they say here that the people of donbass cannot, without difficulty, in any conditions, have their own garden, eat potatoes, and onions. but how did you plant a vegetable garden, you planted it like this, now you’ve planted it, you were waiting for rain so that the little carrot itself would come out a little, because that they planted it in dry soil, now the dose has gone, something will happen, for svetlana ivanovna avdeevka became home in 2000, she moved here from pervomaisk, the city of vlnr, we just lived there in an apartment, and bought a house here, it was cold there then , the child is small.
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you see the phone, i don’t know the phone. igor ivanovich does not address his son, he simply tells the world about him; he died defending his native land. it changed, he went to work at the dpr police. he lived in donetsk at that
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time, in donetsk, because avdeevka is here was occupied. we contacted by phone and video. it was in 1414 that he left for donetsk, what? from the very beginning, when the maidan began there, recruitment began here, he served in the berkut, there are a lot of berkut, let’s go there. he served until the twenty-second year, until the month he died near ukledar, during the capture of coal, you haven’t seen him since the fourteenth year, you saw him on the phone, video calls, everything, there was no meeting, but no, well, how was it occupied here, they were looking for him the sbu is here, well, they knew who was on the other side, so they came to you. passed by, but didn’t find us, the neighbors already
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told us, it was just lucky that there was no home, but we went here for the summer to this house, a country house as one might say, and it was empty, that is, they were apparently looking for you based on your registration in the apartment , in a paratsky way, but the neighbors didn’t say it was taters, so you can say that you were lucky. nikolai alekseevich would never be able to hug his son again and in order to help his grandmother, who was ill, the young man got to ovdeevka with his temple for life. my son was killed here, he walked from donetsk with a friend through a minefield, through these all the posts, how he got there, i don’t know, but the deceased’s grandmothers are here too, the mother-in-laws, well, he was killed here for the truth, for the fact that he could not hide, so that this is the former sushnik. well , the former policemen, they climbed into the looting, he said that if you steal something from me, i
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took everything from the police, well, they killed him for this, his parents are lying here, his son is lying here, the deceased uncle is also lying here, where should we go, god, how old was your son, he was 22, young, she’s professional, that’s more than 30 years of driving experience, they were preparing for it, they say
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for the worst, we were preparing like a storm, and all these cities thought they would destroy us here, so thank god, thank you to the guys, the attack aircraft, who came in like that, laid down their lives, they are still laying down everything, you also drive carefully, birds fly here, so this is very neat, we will try, thank you, we had 220 children, i’m a little worried,
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please don’t worry, it’s a shame, the garden was good, but why was the garden so destroyed, the military were stationed there, no, you know, well , i think this was done purposefully because even photographs of our destroyed kindergarten were taken to america, no need. to america, photographs of children's seedlings, destruction were taken to america, to show how russian troops destroyed it, they did not destroy it, the kindergarten group was destroyed from the chemist's village itself, that is, there was no russia there. svetlana valerievna is waiting for kindergartens to open again in avdeevka , she will be able to return to work, and she is also waiting for an early meeting with her loved ones. where are your children and grandchildren? everyone is in russia, they left a long time ago, well, in the fourteenth, in the fifteenth year they left
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to donetsk, now the older children, grandchildren in crimea, in yalta, here, the youngest daughter in st. petersburg, why did the children leave, well, the children left, because it was impossible to find here, my grandson was one and a half years old, and naturally, it is necessary it was time to take them out, we were a joy to husband, how... we were very friendly and now they forced us to leave with the priest, so he says: we will take them out, it must, and i kept thinking all the time, my grandmother was famine, she survived the war there, she survived dispossession , we survived and we will survive and we must rebuild avdeevka, everything should be fine. avdeevka
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includes the yasenovatsky municipal district. yasenovataya was on the demarcation line for 10 years.
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where they lived before, to create a social effect here from all kinds of organizations, so the task is exactly this, and of course communications, communications there is no electricity, no water, we generate everything with the help of generators, in an autonomous version, with the help of all kinds of portable means at low power, now the task is, of course, by the end of the year to ensure that everyone has electricity, full electricity, system electricity, we have already formed defective acts for nineteen apartment buildings in the city of avdievka, the principle of choosing houses is to
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delay with the least... get passports, now return home, but at home we have work to clean, but not enough, yes, that is, the flowers sprouted, there were snowdrops, they were growing, now
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they are so beautiful, and between them there are a lot of other tulips popping up.
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boiler room and boiling water, they were able to survive . he helps fellow countrymen, works in local battles for the city, but they lost their son, their children there wasn’t, i adopted a boy, one, two, now they took my son, they took him from work, he went and took him, they took him, i don’t know where, they tried to find him. help me find it, i don’t know where they took it, when ukraine was still there, they mobilized it there, the ukrainians took it, almost everything. those who remained in avdeevka, unfortunately, were injured. now people are gradually regaining their health. i was wounded in the apartment, like this, my head is covered in stitches,
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this side, here are the stitches, i was sitting like this, sawing wood, my son walked into the water, and i think... she pushed me, come into the apartment, i went, i think i’ll go, now i’ll put some tea on the stove. i was drinking tea when it flew in, it was like a rocket, in general, a brutal wave, i just got out of my chair, the washing machine held me, it took an hour and a half to take out the glass, i even took out the glass here at home, this is when it happened to you on march 13th. one o'clock in the afternoon last year, and in 2023, and the neighbor from the nineteenth house was killed at this time, for 2 weeks the force was in the basement, because it was scary, despite what
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raisa had experienced, she would not leave her native avdeevka getting ready, she, like everyone here, is confident that the city will quickly return to peaceful life, i’m only in ovdeevka now, i’m nowhere else, then there are no more shots like that, as we hid him and the neighbor. you were just sitting like that , cowardly, and now that’s it, so the potbelly stove is standing, they’re already getting upset there, they’re building, they’re building a hospital, you and your wife haven’t evacuated for all these years, why is it 2 years, because i didn’t want to go to the other side, i’m a russian person, i was waiting for our russians to come to liberate, but they suggested evacuation in general, and they suggested, well, i...
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yes, i lived in a multi-storey building, then, when it flew into my house, the children told me,
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mom, come to us, and i moved in with the children in my house, and they literally just bought a house before that, so i lived from them, and then the children were taken away, well, because all our children were taken out of avdeevka, our children and grandchildren were taken away, i was left alone, i... alone in my house, firewood, coal, water, wells, and where is it now? your children? well, in russia, they ended up traveling through europe, yes, they left through europe, and to russia, and here i am now i live in my brother’s house, together with my brother, a shell came into the house and exploded, well, we closed half the house, we live in half the house, they repaired the roof, the guys helped us, and we want to plant a vegetable garden, so i bought some seeds, so we’ll put things in order, clear them. all this, yes, we want to go to avdeevka. now avdeevtsev is supported by a huge number of russians, humanitarian aid is regularly brought here, and those who heal the souls of people
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who survived a terrible time also come here. can you imagine what these people went through, and we must, of course, and not only must, but want, and we just have a desire to have these. to hug people in our native style and shelter them and somewhere to cheer them up, somewhere to cheer them up, that’s why we come just to talk, to say a few warm words, how spring cried, what will happen ahead, the dance of snow and rain. dream warm the way for me, my spring loves you, and it will be warmer, bury the snow. rain, dream
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, warm the way for me, you will see my spring, it will be warmer, who planted the flowers, here, people, people, people were all sitting here, everything is about arrows, everything is destroyed, no, you understand like, crazy, yes, life goes on, yes, this, this is all living, yes, and i want beauty, i generally want it. i want to work, i want to resume everything honestly, so that it will be good, from the residents of ovdeevka, hello to everyone, big, to everyone who sees us.
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russian troops of the center group occupied the village of umanskoye in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported. during the fighting in this direction, five enemy counterattacks were repelled. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to over 360 military personnel. group unit the north continued to advance deep into the enemy’s defenses in the kharkov direction. the troops of the west and east groups took a more advantageous position, the southern group improved the position along the front line. and here
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are some other successes. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, within 24 hours, hit the p-18 air target tracking radar station, as well as concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 103 areas, using air defense, two mig-29 aircraft of the ukrainian air force were shot down, 50 unmanned aerial vehicles and 23 missiles were destroyed. ukrainian drones attacked several settlements in the grayvoronsky district of the belgorod region. governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this in his telegram channel. according to him , one person was injured with shrapnel wounds and was taken to the hospital. and earlier they fired at soo.


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