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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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their economic development, implementation of national projects, increasing social benefits, support for motherhood and childhood, projects to combat complex diseases, social infrastructure. more than 3.300 million rubles. will be additionally sent to a number of regions for the implementation of a program for relocating citizens from emergency housing. the funds will be used to resettle emergency housing stock in eight regions, these are the republics of buryatia and ingush. ikomi, primorsky and khabarovsk territories, amur and smolensk regions. now again a small advertisement, and then a documentary film about the revival of the saur mogila memorial in the dpr. only in alfabank,
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the trumpet is calling for a new day, i can’t be late, i ’m going to donbass again, at such moments it seems that life is... outside your neighborhood, institute, social circle, the construction team made it possible to look at everything from a new angle, look beyond the horizon, and this experience cannot be replaced by anything, the experience of a student fraternity, not a single vacation by the warm sea will give a feeling of real life,
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a sense of community and closeness with those who shares the same values, together create something big, eternal, see, see how your hands... build something new and amazing from nothing, and also new acquaintances, sometimes from such distant places that you are involuntarily surprised by the geography, greatness of my country, the sound of train wheels, the music of the road, which brings me back once again to my friends, brings me back to this world, which is no longer on tv, or somewhere where every minute is life here now, that’s the one...
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you don't know the feeling when a child sparkles like a little sun from yours. gift? consider that you have not yet begun to live. student teams are not just a youth association, a kind of hobby. this is a separate life position, a philosophy, if you like, a conscious construction, first of all, of yourself as a person. as a phenomenon, detachments originated in the late sixties of the last century. and we have always been closely with...
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in the spring of 2022, our colleagues from the federal agency for youth affairs and the administration of the president of the russian federation contacted us about the fact that the shakhtarsky district of the donetsk people's republic in the summer the surmogila memorial complex, which was destroyed in 2014, will be restored. we gladly responded to this call, because we remember that komsomol students took part in the construction of this memorial complex in the sixties. the first monument at saur mogila was built in memory of the bloody battles. immediately after the great patriotic war, the inscription of the monument reported the loss of the fifth shock army; in the late sixties , a decision was made to build a majestic memorial at saur-mogila, its the construction became a significant event for donbass. on september 19, 1967
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, the grand opening took place, more than 300,000 people came, veterans, representatives of public organizations, the entire soviet army and just local residents, many still remembered the bloody battles for this mound. at the top of the mound, a nine-meter sculpture of a soviet soldier was installed, and an eternal flame burned at his feet. during the battles for the saur grave, all the vegetation on it was destroyed, only one tree survived. a cast iron stove with inscription. this tree is a witness to unheard-of courage and a husband.
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the great patriotic war of the soviet people against the nazi invaders. the red army fought for every centimeter of our land with full strength. the most trained and equipped army in the world came against us, conquering all of europe, but we resisted. and from november 1942, the red army went on the offensive. there was a battle near moscow, a battle for stalingrad, and the battle on the kursk bulge unfolded. bas was occupied by german troops from 1941 to 1943 during these two years, the nazis carried out
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the construction of a deeply echeloned line of defensive structures. saur mogila, a commanding height that had important tactical significance. at its top, at an altitude of 278 m, there is an observation post of the sixth army of verv, concrete fortifications dug deep into the ground. in the summer of 1943 , the headquarters of the supreme high command set the command of the southern front the task of pinning down and, under favorable conditions , defeating the donbass group of nazis, preventing the transfer of forces to the area of ​​the kursk salient, where the decisive battle of the great patriotic war, the kurdish battle, began. on july 17, troops from the southern and southwestern fronts broke through the defenses of the wehrmacht army and occupied a bridgehead on the western bank of the mius river. in order to eliminate the breakthrough in the red army, the german command additionally brought into battle four divisions from
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the wehrmacht reserve and transferred four tank units from other sectors of the southern direction and several air groups from the kursk direction. stubborn bloody battles began at the bridgehead, throwing more than 400 people into battle tanks, at the cost of huge losses in manpower and equipment, by august 1 the enemy managed to eliminate the breakthrough. however, the goal of the operation was achieved: the southern front, through its active actions, pinned down large enemy forces, which made it possible to successfully develop the red army’s offensive in the kursk direction. a new offensive by soviet troops began on august 18, 1943. as part of the donbass operation, troops from the southern front began storming the saur graves. the final height was taken on the morning of august 31st. 1943 about the assault on heights a song was written: listen to the winds over the saur
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graves, and you will understand who saved this land, whose courage in battle freed the donbass from the enemy who did not submit. the soldiers of the fifth shock army, who participated in the assault on saur mogila, wrote to the reichstag wall after the capture of berlin. stalingrad, saur mogila, warsaw. so they saw the key battles of the entire great patriotic war. but the messages of the ancestors who cleared our land of fascism, unfortunately, were forgotten in ukraine. as in 1941, trouble came to the land of ukraine. in 2014 in kyiv in the capital of bratsk republic there was an armed anti-state coup. nazi torchlight processions began to take place in kiev,
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persecution of the russian-speaking population began, but the people of donbass, like the population of crimea, opposed these criminal changes, active military operations began against the regions that did not support the actions of the pro-fascist kiev authorities, a regular army was thrown against the republics of donbass, the ukrainian air force began bombing peaceful settlements in response... to the ongoing injustice, to residents of donbass, miners, drivers, teachers, men and women stood up to protect themselves from the brown plague, which revived in the 21st century. as during the great patriotic war, donbass became a place of bloody battles. during this period, saur mogila again became a strategic line of defense; in july and august 2014 , the height played an important role in the encirclement of the five thousand-strong group of the ukrainian army, trying to unblock the izvarin cauldron. ukrainian armed forces began an assault on saur mogil, which was preceded by massive shelling of artillery and rocket launchers
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times the incoming forces of the nazi azov battalion made several desperate attempts to take control of the heights, but they were repulsed by the heroic actions of the fighters of the vostok battalion and the dpr artillery, and the nationalists suffered huge losses. during the fighting, the soviet memorial to the liberator of donbass was practically destroyed. in 2022. after recognizing the independence of the donbass republics and the start of a special military operation, the government of the donetsk people's republic, the government of russia and president vladimir vladimirovich putin decided: restoration of the symbol of victory over fascism in the donbass, a working group was created, which was tasked with restoring the monument on saur mogila as soon as possible. the first time i went to saur grave was in early may 2022. when we got there together with the sculptor, together with members of the military historical society, of course, we
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saw a rather sad picture: just a hill and ruins on the top of this hill. our task was to respect the traditions of the past and recreate it in the form in which the authors intended, we carefully studied the technique, stylistic artistic solutions of sculptors and architects of the past, so that the modern monument would be exactly the same as it was in the late sixties at the opening of this memorial. when we talk about the restoration of the saur mogila memorial, this is a big job.
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that is, we scanned, sculpted, modeled, and the result was an exact copy of that soldier, modern mafs appeared, small architectural forms, modern paving, lighting, landscaping, that is, modern technology, but a historical appearance. on the new pylons the heroes of the defenders of donbass, of modern times, are depicted, that is
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, if you look closely, you can find these images so that, probably, everyone could even find some kind of... his hero, there have been many such stories that a person came to the memorial, and he saw his relative, the main thing is that everyone sees a piece of themselves and a piece of their history in the recreated monument. at the very last moment, when tragedy struck, the legendary corsa died, it was no longer clear whether it was possible to make it in time, but the sculptors made it, they stopped work, and managed to make it so that corsa is also on this obelisk. these memorials standing nearby today, the heroes of a special military operation of very young guys, heroes of the great patriotic war, you know, it seems to me, well, this is the most important meaning, because the guys today are performing the same feats as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers performed, we had different approaches, we tried
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to approach from different sides, but the republic was both unrecognized and at war, but remained with... dear friends, i am glad to welcome you here on the territory of saur mogila. i think that this is not our last meeting, because this is a place of prayer, we should definitely come here only so that those destinies that were interrupted here 80 years
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ago, definitely with the arrival of young people here, they feel it. they understand that their work did not just happen, that feat, those events that took place during the great patriotic war, they cannot be forgotten, they cannot be rewritten, because even youth, who are already the third, fourth generation of victorious warriors, they came and recreated it all with their own hands, this is our historical justice, in the spring of 2022 i was looking for an opportunity to take part in... i literally had a few hours to think about it, we packed our things and sent here, those steps that are now behind me, we had a hand in them, together with the workers
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of the military company, who made the formwork, poured concrete, this project was really difficult, the guys abandoned their usual conditions residence and here they lived in an execution camp, ate in a field kitchen, went to work every day without days off, they flew over them towards the front line... in four pylons, this is the infantry, thank the tankmen, artillerymen and pilots, they were completely destroyed, we were engaged in their restoration, we also erected three new
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pylons, which are dedicated to the heroes who have already been fighting since 14 for the independence of donbass, pylons, yes, i think that’s what pylons were called here, high relief is what’s on them, and of course , in the end we were already preparing for the holiday, at 8 september. when it was the independence day of donbass, we also took part there. i believe that young people, in principle, should not forget their history and participate in some events dedicated to restoration or some work related to the restoration of historical justice. i consider myself a patriot of my homeland russia, i realized that i simply have to. to take part in this, it seems to me that all this is not in vain, and i’m standing here now and feeling some kind of trepidation, guys, future generations who are looking at
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this greatest monument, they understood what the history is, how important it is to preserve it, the restoration of the suur grave is a very personal topic for me, because firstly, this complex was built in honor...
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isolni madzharkova potoa salty glorious summer days, with the beginning of a special military operation, russian student detachments, with the support of the united russia party and mutual assistance actions, we together took an active part in humanitarian missions in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. doctors helped doctors in hospitals, construction teams restored the infrastructure of the affected cities and towns, monuments to the great patriotic war. i noticed that
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after returning from humanitarian missions, the guys changed, they matured, they saw with their own eyes how pain came into the lives of peaceful people, the suffering of the death of loved ones, how everything that was dear was destroyed for many years by the kiev authorities, they talked with the heroes of our time. touched important historical events and were able to contribute to peaceful life, young guys went there, and adults returned, i i am convinced that they can be trusted with the future of our homeland.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the machine would have had access to the money . they recorded a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently
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dictate your card number. so that they can transfer money to a safe account, i’ll call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking, using air defense systems over the belgorod region three ukrainian drones were intercepted by the neptune anti-ship missile, the ministry of defense reported this, earlier drones attacked several populated areas at once. in the grayvoronsky district of the region, as governor vyacheslav glodkov wrote in his telegram channel, one person was injured with jump wounds, he was taken to the hospital, and before that shibekin was fired upon in the armed forces of ukraine, there were regular bus stops under fire, six people were injured, with details, egor grigoriev, we are now in place the arrival, which took place here in shibekino at about the beginning of nine, is not far from
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the automobile ring. to the city market and arrived on the roof of one of the warehouses, which had been mothballed for a long time, was not in operation, there are no military personnel or military equipment there, we see that the firefighters have finished most of their work, now they are already shedding structures from the inside in order to to prevent a re-ignition, several cars were cut down nearby, here we see the fields with flat tires, its windows are broken, here such fragments are scattered all around.
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bus, there were passengers there.


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