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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 2, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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several specialists, and a surgeon, a traumatologist, a neurosurgeon, a resuscitator, an ultrasound diagnostic doctor, a decision is immediately made, in such cases, to do a pont, that is, examination of the whole body, because if we fall from a height, we can get any polytrauma, that is, everything is according to the rules of the new standard of emergency care, usually patients who required the intervention of various specialists had to be transported to offices, sometimes even to clinic buildings, where sometimes there were long waits, precious time was wasted, now you don’t even need to take tests to the laboratory, the authors of the new standard resorted to the good old method, and this is a mailbox in the anti-shock room, all the tests, here they are stored in these flasks, they have just been taken and then they are sent by pneumatic mail to laboratory, literally in a few minutes there will be results, an x-ray machine with a cat function, another computed tomograph, that’s all...
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for an urgent examination in the next rooms, and the patient may also stay in the emergency department for a day, for example, if no intensive care is required, the doctor decided to observe him further before hospitalization, all living conditions are provided here, even hygiene items are provided: bright, spacious rooms, multifunctional beds, a control panel for staff, a remote control for the patient, and here is a bathroom, toilet and shower. in the center of the botkin hospital there are six general surgical, traumatological, gynecological, hybrid, four endoscopic operating rooms, in the intensive care unit there is a ward with an isolated box, in case it comes to an infectious disease, a helipad, it is necessary in the conditions of a metropolis and the scale of the clinic itself, next to the reception there is a waiting room for relatives, sofas, drink machines, a point for charging phones, encrypted on the screens. information about patients, so that
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only relatives know who we are talking about; doctors periodically come in and inform about the condition of patients and the prospects for treatment. these wards are equipped with all the necessary engineering systems, we have an air conditioning system, a ventilation system, a fire alarm system, in addition we have our own... four adult and two children's clinics are already ready to provide emergency care according to the new standard, the rest are on the way, the task is to bring them to the level of flagship centers, as part of the implementation of the new standard of emergency care , flagships are being built in moscow, in six more hospitals, the city authorities expect the results of this work by the end of the year. the reconstruction of the emergency departments of the capital's clinics will all be well under way... but at the same time, the speed
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of construction should not affect the quality of service. very soon the vast majority of moscow hospitals will switch to the new standard, all to ensure that medical care is faster and of better quality. mortgage. sberbank for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property, submit just one application for a mortgage in the domklik service, a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile will wake up a rainbow in the sky, your smile will be unique.
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the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. hello, this is the church on russia-24, i’m alena berezovskaya, today we’re talking with the rector of the russian orthodox university, alexander shchepkov. alexander vladimirovich, hello. good afternoon. on this week, vladimir putin visited uzbekistan on a state visit, where he answered questions from journalists, you of course touched on the topic of ukraine, which i especially noted, his phrase.
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ukraine wants war with russia, there was a well-known incident this week, a ukrainian armed forces serviceman stole a tank and went over to our side, and it turned out that he was not a newly mobilized man, but a man who had been fighting for 2 years. alexander vladimirovich, is this sobering or a personal
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individual position of a particular person? well, it’s hard for me to talk about this one specific case, you need to know this guy, although in general such an act is quite easy to steal a tank, in general. when will your self-esteem awaken , that’s when you will endure, until how long will you tolerate this comprador authorities, and even more so , some next entente who is trying to control you, in general this is
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an expectation, it is for many politicians, that at some point the ukrainians will shake themselves up like this , shake themselves up like this, that this campard won’t seem like much, when do you think this can be? well, i’m not a prophet, i can’t speak here, everything is in god’s hands. last week, a ukrainian public organization appealed to vladimir zelensky with a demand to exchange their relatives of prisoners of war for the so -called. enemy agents, enemy agents, they recorded metropolitan paul and other priests of the ukrainian orthodox church, i will leave aside the rhetoric of the statement, would you advocate such an exchange? well, in general, we need to save our people in any situation, so when there is talk that you know, they took more of ours, they gave away more ukrainians even more, i think that these conversations are wrong, if possible...
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which have been charged in the russian liberal environment against the immortal regiment, some kind of ridicule, bullying, something else, it all hasn’t gone away, it’s all fast, fast died, and the fact that they tear out the bodies, there are only bones left, that they throw these bones out, this is very symbolic, it shows their fear of this, the fact is that in the russian consciousness, and the russian consciousness he... very church consciousness, in the church there are no living and dead, when we speak, such
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nowadays there is a common expression, the transfer of experience from generation to generation, or they say the connection of generations, and what is the connection of generations, and this is not a connection between young and old, this connection , of course, also exists, it is a connection between the dead, those living now and those who have not yet born, these are deeply mystical things. an event that happened on the day of putin’s arrival in minsk, but this event took place in
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the west of belarus in grodno, a wonderful, very beautiful city, a historical event, they opened a monument to metropolitan joseph semashka, who is metropolitan joseph, and this is the metropolitan, which in the first half of the 19th century brought 2 million orthodox christians out of the uniate. captivity, we are talking about those russians and belarusians who lived in the western, on the territory of western russia, this is the territory of modern poland, and modern lithuania, and modern belarus.
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on his eightieth anniversary of his death, it is known that the patriarch served during the great patriotic war, had contact with stalin, many accuse patriarch sergius of collaborating with the soviet government and, so to speak, making the church an instrument of the soviet state, yes what do you think about this? sergei
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stragorodsky, locum tenens, metropolitan and later his holiness patriarch, a most powerful figure - this is the man who saved the russian orthodox church in the middle of the 20th century. that is why he was slandered, his name was humiliated. with the blessing of his holiness the patriarch, we have published an entire issue of the orthodox magazine, i can show our viewers, well, this is a scientific magazine entirely dedicated to the activities of patriarch sergius. sergius, how...
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the battle stalin faced a very specific task, it was the forty-third year, a turning point year, but we now know that it was a turning point, then stalin did not know this yet, and stalin absolutely needed the consolidation of society, and not just the military who fought on the fronts, the entire soviet society, and society was in a debilitating state , in a very difficult psychological state, something had to be done, it was impossible to live without it. and stalin turned to the church, this was stalin’s task, and the church had its own tasks, the first task was simply to preserve the church, there were 8-10 bishops left, if they die or are shot, the church ends, the episcopal cheratonia ends, the apostolic succession ends, the church disappears, and sergius was faced with the task of preserving the church, which he asked,
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to free those who are still alive, and... to open at least one educational institution for training the clergy and opening one or two monasteries, without monastic life the church cannot exist, and stalin was forced to make these concessions, a very interesting detail: stalin, among other things , offered money, he said: “well, i understand, that the church is in a very difficult situation, let’s think about some kind of regular government funding, what did sergius do? he refused, he refused this money." because this was the last opportunity to maintain church sovereignty, this is from a strategic point of view, he is an absolutely brilliant person, and today the church lives in the rhythm that patriarch sergei laid down, and i believe that patriarch kirill is the successor of patriarch sergius, he is a very important
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figure, alexander vladimirovich, you are the rector of the russian orthodox university, it's just starting now. the applicant race is very difficult, tell us what is the profile of your student, who are these future theologians? these are very nice young men and women, because we accept both boys and girls, we do not have seminaries, we do not train priests, we train future employees of synodal and diocesan institutions, well, our students receive a state-issued diploma, they can work in government agencies , in business, where they want, and the main ones are our theologians,
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these are people who know what it’s like to be in a borderline state, when you can fulfill your duty, or you can hide, fulfill, remain faithful to the oath, or break the oath, and these are qualitatively different people, therefore - we are not talking about the fact that these people, when they return, will be able to fantastically to govern the country correctly, they do not have the skills to govern, but internally, morally, these are different people, so our task, when these people return from the war, is to give them the necessary knowledge, they have the main thing, they are already different, they are different, they are people, who will never betray, but for... these are the skills let them enter our russian orthodox university, we will give them skills, legal, media, any, this is a craft, we will give this. you are not only a rector, but also a philosopher and
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public figure; i would like to discuss a few more socio-political topics with you. the state duma is finalizing the autumn bill on limiting the use of words of foreign origin in the public space. we are talking about anglicisms and barbarisms, for example, sail, open, barbershop and so on. these words are not... clear to people older generation and are familiar to young people, you, as rector, communicate a lot with young people, what do they think about it, and what do you think about it? you know what young people there think, this is the second question, everything is fine for them, but where is the danger? in principle, the appearance of words in the russian language with foreign roots, it doesn’t matter, turkic, persian, latin, greek, is okay. but the russian language is especially immune, and it digests, it takes what is needed and
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throws out what is not needed, these could be words, these could be proverbs, some i’m not at ease there, but it’s french, tracing paper, it’s a french proverb, it lives normally, naturally it has long since become russian, bazaar, persian root, market, the simplest russian word is german. fair, russian word, fun fairs, german word, russian word only one, tork, slavic root, trade, trading area, trading is a square, here is one slavic, three, three non-slavic roots, what a gorgeous range of words we have, as it were denote one and the same phenomenon, a danger in another, a danger that few people pays attention, latin.
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in other cities we live relaxed, it all goes away, let’s stop at this one for now, i ’ll think about the other two, i’ll tell you in the next program, thank you very much, all the best. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems like the expanse
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of the large boldensky pond. always preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert will take place. reflection, live broadcast from the bolden estate. june 6 at 21:30 on the russia channel. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships. and we admire
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how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. you ran away from the orphanage five times, six times, go to one place, even bad people can’t cope there, disobedient people.
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at the beginning of the hour the last message from belgorod: two kamikad drones attacked a gas station in the village of golovchina. fortunately , there were no casualties, the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov reported. a little earlier, the air defense system shot down five ukrainian drones on approach to the city; in shubekin, six people were injured during the day from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the victims were taken to the hospital. they received medical assistance. less than a few days had passed since the western masters allowed ukrainian militants to strike russia with nato weapons, when they began to strike the belgorod region with rszzo khaimer made in the usa. our military correspondent evgeniy podubny has all the details. during the actions of our troops to repel air strikes carried out by the enemy, it became known that the formation of the kiev regime was joint.


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