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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 2, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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jewelry and even the camera we use to film it all. this is metallurgy. last year, despite any sanctions, according to the ministry of economic development, the industry grew by 3.3%. and the production of finished metal products generally showed tremendous growth, almost 28%. now there will be company life stories that are somehow connected with this important sector of the economy. and our first story. from the murmansk region, nickel in sheets, then cobalt, all this... metals are extremely necessary in many
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sectors of the economy, and these are the products of the murmansk plant. the obtaining process is quite complicated, now we will tell you about it in more detail. nickel cobalt are, so to speak, metals of strategic importance. without nickel it is impossible. obtain alloy steels, which are necessary for civil construction and defense enterprises in including, and nickel is now actively used in the development of electric transport and green technologies, these are the so-called lithion batteries, also in the product lists are ultra-pure carbanyl nickel powder, concentrates of dracon metals, all this is contained in ore, which is mined beyond the polar regions in order to enrich it ...
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to put it simply, in a bath with an electrolyte there are cathodes, on which a nickel anode is deposited, the task of which was previously to heroically dissolve, giving away the useful metal. the sediment contaminated the process, now the powder serves as a raw material that does not dissolve, the product has become cleaner. since the middle of twenty -three, we have released the first experimental batches. and we see that we are successfully
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competing in this market with suppliers in asian countries. using the new technology , 70% of nickel is already produced, and volumes have increased by 30%. but such equipment, one might say, is exclusive, it is a special tap, inside of which there is another tap, it is needed in order to lower and lift sheets of snicker from there in the bathroom. the modernization of the enterprise is underway, the finished products are already ready they cut it manually, starting from this year robots are working hard, russian specialists helped with this, and our ethical specialists, yes, domestic, and production, software, that is, everything was done directly on our own, our own, there was equipment setup, improvement - these are also environmental programs. they began
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to extract salt from the wastewater, the waste became income, it is sold, and now a project for the entire volume of recycling of our salt waste is at the design stage. well, i’ll say that the costs are certainly not small, but since we a responsible company, the project costs about 10 billion, and the new building for electrical gas purification will reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 100 tons per year, it will become easier to breathe for those who live nearby and of course the employees, there are plans to create new jobs, including new ones projects, for example with rosat, it is planned to organize the production of lithium hydroxide, this material, so that the viewer understands, this... is precisely used for the production of the batteries themselves for electric vehicles, yes, yes, this is the main composition of the cathode in the battery, as for demand for products, well, as they say, load nickel in barrels, yes, yes, yes, yes, supplies throughout russia are growing, it should
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be noted that the share of the russian market has grown recently, but by no less than 50%, and this great, this means that more and more import substitution of production is taking place. but yes, indeed, at the moment we supply a larger volume of nickel to the world market. regarding exports , due to aggressive sanctions, it was, of course, necessary to rebuild supply chains; here companies could use support. of course we at the political level with southeast asia, naturally, building political communications, this allows, including our colleagues, how to say. to be a guide for them, including for large enterprises, but our main task now is to help small medium-sized businesses, and the export center that works for us finds precisely these points of growth and rebuilds our business, precisely to the east, because that,
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of course, many enterprises, including small businesses, were focused on border areas, on finland, on norway, this it’s clear, here they are nearby. export reversal. the following figures for asia show: last year, russia’s trade turnover with china set a record in terms of volume. in order to promote our products to the chinese market, the russian export center held the second festival fair made in russia, this time in harbin on the sidelines of the russian-chinese expo. vladimir putin visited the stand as part of his state visit to china. more than 90 companies promote their products with support. manufacturers took part in business missions, signed contracts. we, as a russian center of expertise, have created a program to increase awareness and promote
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russian products, made in russia and fair festivals, as the most comprehensive tool for bringing together russian companies that are ready to show their products in one place. ready to find our potential buyers, negotiate with them, all interested partners, both at the level of wholesale buyers and retail, so festivals are an assembly point in one place for several days of all interested parties, we held such a festival fair for the first time, made in russia in launi province on the eve of the chinese new year in february, and we saw a huge demand for such events and the effect, returning to metallurgy, it cannot be said that sanctions and reduction in prices for the world market, of course, did not have a positive effect on exports, but as we said, production volumes still increased, because in russia the demand for such products increased by 12.7%. according to rosstat, last year by more than 27 percent
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produced more finished metal products, 13.6% more vehicles and trailers, produced more aircraft and ships, and machine tools. agricultural machinery, for example, the workshops of the cherepovets metallurgical plant, a key asset of one of the largest steel producers, 11 million tons per year, last year the company... it was believed that steel production would increase by 5%, and cast iron by 3%. for example, consumers of the large, large automotive industry, they have really increased their volumes, and we are trying to respond very quickly to their needs and increase their production volumes in precisely this
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assortment. by the way, in order to produce more, they built a new blast furnace, which they called cherepovchanka, and another northern one was stopped for modernization. investing 37 billion rubles. the plant will increase blast furnace productivity from 12 to 132 thousand tons of pig iron per day and the furnaces are becoming increasingly digital. of a modern blast furnace , we can even look inside the technological process using a special thermal imaging camera, we can see how things happen inside the blast furnace iron smelting process. the company is trying to switch to russian equipment. she writes software herself, in particular for the furnaces that prepare metal for the 2000 rolling mill, the largest in the world. we did this ourselves absolutely with our own hands, it was entirely made on those or... the company created a neural network that
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recognizes defects, they are developing their own equipment for rental. once the export system is fully built in all the technological models that we have planned, we will extend it to all operating blast furnaces. plus, it was possible to replace foreign technical fluids, paints, wolves, substitution of imports - a guarantee that work when the country needs metal. will not stop, in particular the sharp rise in demand in the pipe industry, this is the story from lipetsk. 180,000 tons of pipes per year, such is the capacity of this plant in the lipetsk region, and this enterprise is the only one in the country that makes pipes from high-strength cast iron. prominent graphite, what kind of raw material this is, what its advantage is, we will now tell you.
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all the pipes in the warehouse have been sold, they are taken for supplying water, transporting it, and for heating. demand. it still has the corrosion ability of cast iron, that is, it is 10 times, well,
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depending on the type of operation, it is 8-10 times slower to corrode than steel. to produce more, they are modernizing equipment and training specialists together with educational institutions. the shortage of personnel is affecting us, so today we are forced , together with the polytechnic institute , to open a department of foundry production. including with the participation of our specialists. supplies they go not only in russia, they take pile pipes abroad. its uniqueness is that it sinks into the ground due to vibration. we loaded it wherever we shipped it, to germany, austria, switzerland. the need for these piles in europe, according to our estimate, well, based on western literature, is about 50 million pieces. we are the second in the world to master this pile. and now a new direction. more than a hundred in the arsenal of the russian export center,
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free participation in exhibitions abroad, business mission, training, reimbursement of expenses for logistics, certification, patenting, analytics. such analytical services, which are provided on our one-stop platform, i repeat once again, they are absolutely free, they are one of the most popular online services that allow a large number. and existing exporters, analyze other markets that are still unfamiliar to them in order to reorient themselves to them, and companies that were not exporters, but sense export potential, probe the right export strategies in the right markets in order to make as few mistakes as possible in practice. as for financial support measures, they are presented on the “my export” digital platform. the bank, which is part of the rec group, has helped 600 exporters
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successfully develop the export of products from russian metal. large oil and gas fields, nuclear facilities and even the moscow metro. they all use equipment produced at this
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saratov plant. in particular, these ball valves are located on pipes along which coming. oil at the dawn of factory life, and this was 20 years ago, the enterprise produced brass valves for risers, well, now the enterprise is part of a group of companies that exist in central russia, in the urals and produces tens of thousands of products. to say that there is probably no pipeline in russia where our return valve does not exist, it protects against the counterflow of the environment, that is, it allows the environment to pass in one direction, but does not pass in the other, it does not have a control body, it is self-actuating, valves for toxic means, smart with electronics for liquefied natural gas, this, for example, can
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be used at such facilities as imalg, arctic spg, arctic spg-2 and so on, many. only foreigners supplied such products to the russian market, but this is in the past, here is an example. the peculiarity of this fittings is that it is possible to carry out inspections and some repair work without dismantling the fittings from the pipelines. uh, the famous nord streams were built on a similar type of ball valve. but we are not talking about some foreign copies, in particular pressure self-stabilizer - russian know-how. this. a series of damping chambers, which , due to the internal design of the ae, dampen the shock wave inside themselves that occurs in the event of a water hammer. demand has grown, the load is full, there are orders for export, and in an area, as they say, with a high entry barrier. not a single nuclear power plant that is being built in russia or abroad with
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russian participation can do without our fittings. we are very proud of this. from new directions. africa, we work with the russian export center, we went on business missions around cis countries, and you were just in africa, we also have contacts there now. by the way, over the past year, ds supported a record number of companies, 24. volume growth by 23%, there were more transactions abroad. after the inauguration of the president, a decree was immediately issued that updated national goals, and one of the... very important national goals is precisely the continuation of support for exporters and the restructuring of support measures is taking place to those most in demand in the current conditions, but as a strategic direction, export support has been defined in national goals and we are faced with very ambitious tasks to increase the volume of non-real
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energy exports by 2/3. let's return to production; seeing demand, enterprises are expanding. this year we plan to put into operation another industrial site, about 3,500 km, we hope somewhere that this will give an increase of plus 20% to output. there will be new jobs, the main thing is to find and train scarce specialists. this year we launched a mentoring project and entered into agreements with our universities. with polytechnic students and this year we plan accept 30, somewhere around 40 students on our site, but we want to participate in the new professional project. the pipeline valves market in russia is estimated at 200 billion rubles. the share of imports was more than half. their
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enterprises are actively working with their elbows. yes, they need support, including long-term money. but it’s worth it, it should be said that the industry of the saratov region is very strong, in the twenty-second year alone we replaced about 37 different types of goods that were no longer supplied to us, especially this was related to the radio-electronic industry, an industry related to space, we are no longer talking about import substitution, but we are talking about our own goods and products that are now supplied to us, supplied to more than... countries of the world, then we will go to st. petersburg, where we will see including the metallurgy of the future. the construction of the metro in st. petersburg was stalled for a while, but now
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the pace will increase. not only foreign tunneling accounts are entrusted with gnawing the underground granite of the cultural capital, but bukovsky the plant also makes its own, the first in russia, well, in general, it does a lot of interesting things, now you’ll see everything. it all starts in the foundry, a new workshop, where there are robots and metallurgists, complete safety, modern equipment and, of course, specialists have opened up new opportunities. we work from elementary carbon steel to very complex combined stainless steels, nickel, cobalt alloys, and the parts, the quality of which is checked with a 3d scanner, can be of
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very complex shapes, for example, mushroom propellers for meteors, hydrofoils, instead of european ones, we mastered the most complex parts for the nuclear industry, well, in russian terms there is history, we made an alloy, thanks to... our talented metallurgist, so we managed to win a competition for the supply of castings for pumps, for nuclear power plants, yes, of course, we would like to make the pumps ourselves, in principle, in soviet times , the buzsky plant actively participated in the nuclear program, during its history for more than 160 years the plant produced aircraft engines, tanks, tractors, even ruby ​​stars of the kremlin, so the challenges are to do something... new not frightening. for example, a centrifuge for water purification was tested; these used to be german, but the st. petersburg water utility, and in the future moscow, would buy their own? yes,
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today there are no domestic analogues of such equipment; for us it is such an engineering challenge to try our hand at making a domestic model. another challenge, two tunneling bills and... depositors of tubes for metro builders, we expect to compete for the supply of such bills to the dzhukba sochi highway, quite a lot is needed there, let's see how we succeed. but actually, the metallurgy of the future, two gas atomization plants. designed for producing metal powders from melts of metals, iron, tin. zinc alloys based on these metals, as well as aluminum alloys, you developed it yourself, yes, it was developed by colleagues of our company, such a powder is worth its weight in gold,
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an export product, 3d printers use it to print parts, it is sprayed to increase strength, for example , engine cylinder blocks, by the way, the plant made its own printer, which makes molds for casting, already there are potential customers. well, if you compare, for example, making equipment for a complex part in the traditional way and here, how much faster is it in the end? well, here you can do it quite quickly, that is, the difference in the technological time frame for technological preparation will be about 4-5 weeks. what next? modernization continues, including with the support of the industrial development fund. the plant wants to produce. this is for drones, air navigation, making tantalum powder for microelectronics, its in russia is not allowed to develop the production of metal-cutting tools, there is
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a tool here that was not previously produced in russia, but there is a tool that is, uh, we so call this import substitution, not mm, this is a milling cutter - specifically for the task of metalworking. we can say with confidence that we are no worse, if we talk about the cost of our tool, it is several times cheaper, and the most important thing is that there are specialists, there are not enough developers, not enough designers, not enough technologists, although we are doing everything efforts, thank god that we managed to prevent collapse in due time, just when the president signed a decree on the entry of the plant. to the concert at almasantey, yes, and we managed to stop this process of degradation, so then young people appeared and so on. painstaking work with educational institutions,
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equipping equipment. and practice, and practice again. more and more companies are ready and, importantly, able to create decent working conditions in order to develop metallurgy, a market of strategic importance. these are the stories we managed to tell you, and of course there will be more, yes there is.
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difficulties, world prices, aggressive sanctions, but the main thing is that there is demand. there are large government orders in russia, new regions need to be restored, this is construction, that is , metallurgical products will help make people's lives better.
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three people were wounded during shelling by the armed forces of ukraine in the village of voznesenovka, belgorod region; doctors
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are assessing the condition of one of the victims. more details egor grigoriev: we are now at the place of arrival, which took place here in shibekino around the beginning of nine, this is not far from... the automobile ring to the city market, and the arrival occurred on the roof of one of the warehouses, which had been mothballed for a long time, was not in operation, there are no military personnel or military equipment there, we see that the firefighters have finished most of their work, now they are already watering the structures from the inside in order to prevent a re-ignition, several cars nearby were cut down, we see the fields with flat tires, they were beaten up...


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