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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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in a certain sense connected with the bundeswehr, i gave lectures, not often, but i gave lectures to bundeswehr officers, i know them very well, i know the structure of the bundeswehr well, i understand their psychology well, i understand very well how they are configured to fight what, very well i understand that this point, if you are threatened, but this threat is not put into action, this is nothing more than the weakness of the enemy, who, like the german generals and the german military, know how to use this weakness, so this serves...
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to a certain extent as the basis for adoption political decisions at the top of the same scholz, you think he makes it on his own, suddenly a decision, come on, well, the americans said, and now we will give permission, nothing like that, for this there is also an inspector general of the bundeswehr, this is a military man, this is not a minister defense, which is civilian, and the inspector general of the bundeswehr, who collects under himself this entire structure, all this information that he receives from military counterintelligence, information that he receives from...
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with feet of clay, on the one hand offensive, well, it’s true, they say that it arose long before hitler, it seems like dedro was once the first to use this formulation, but nevertheless , these parallels are immediately drawn, and i read now that here are four countries, it’s a pity that they did not write four winning countries, four countries discussed the issue in closed meetings about how to deal with russia, the four countries are great britain, france, the united states of america. germany, that is, these are not four winners, the defeated, but the former defeated, now, who is already is not considered defeated, and the four countries are discussing, of course they are already, they say, well, this ear of corn, well, yes, they want all this, andrei viktorovich, when i don’t remember, he talked about a preventive nuclear strike, about a year and a half, probably there was this conversation ago, but my attitude to this, you know, i am also against nuclear war, and in this case, the point is not that...
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not some kind of sample, no test, but some kind of... then a demonstrative explosion, not some kind, it is repeated only yes, we will carry out, we will use, we will use, i really want, i conclude my speech here, i just really want what i said today to be perceived not as my point.
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and what happened, but the lack of a fair examination leads to the fact that they draw the wrong conclusions, because...
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if it turns out that they cannot be used under any circumstances, they probably still need to be calmer, calmer. a special military operation is not only the courage of the russian military, the power of our weapons, modern technology, it is also logistics. the most important role is played by military transport aviation, which is engaged in the transfer of personnel and equipment there too. there are many real heroes, together with the commander of the military air forces, lieutenant general vladimir benediktov, i visited one of our main air bases. let's watch the movie, then go back to the studio.
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so, well, we are in tver, in fact, this is the military capital, unofficial, the twelfth military transport division is based here, it is called the heaviest division in the world, why? because the an124 is now in service, the largest mass-produced large one in the world the plane no longer exists, ruslana was legendary before that. which this year, unfortunately, we are stopping operation, about 60 aircraft were produced, 67 aircraft, some remained in ukraine, we had about 60 in the fleet in ita, why is the heaviest division, the long arm of the government, the long arm union, the long arm of moscow, there are such expressions, in general
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, what is the idea, the long arm it was and is, it was like a military component of all these operations , including these last extreme peacekeeping ones, well, all these ones like that let's say bad things... 217 people were assembled to conduct a military council. comrade officers, comrades officers.
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i understand that military transport aviation is always a little in the shadow, but without it nothing will happen, i understand how you love the sky, and how the sky loves you, few people realize what feelings the crew has who takes the guys there and then returns them home. all this goes through the heart, through the brain, through the soul, but if you don’t deliver them, and you don’t bring them home, then who will do it, the country should know you and
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love, in the thirty-first year the official date of creation was the year where it came from in the thirtieth year in the kiev district there were teachings. here are paratroopers with tb-3, paratroopers come out from the wing and so on, one of the shamans also says to me: you are the elder brother, i say, wait, how are you in the thirtieth year, i am the thirty-first, you are the elder brother, no, you are the elder brother, airborne.
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with the arrival of the marshal, he justified the separation of aviation into a separate company and the creation of this means of the supreme high command a22. there was a plane of this class, then ruslan came to replace it, oh which we’ll talk about a little later, we’ll see, well , the barkle 76 was the main workhorse before the collapse of the union, we reached about 700 aircraft. ukraine for a minute took away 2008 new latest models, which were then successfully commercialized, well, they were destroyed, to be honest, but thank god, an assessment of the situation was made, development, expansion of reproduction of these l76 in bulyanovsk, accordingly. thanks to viktor vladimirovich livanov, who substantiated the need to re-create an aircraft that is already flying
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six decades, we had a regiment near novgorod the great, there was a village like krechevitsa, here the regiment commander at that moment was one hundred and two, so tasks are coming in, we need a landing operation, what needs to be done, well, he says to the landing party, why are we saying we need to withdraw the embassy, ​​three boards enter kabul. starts hammering, this one caught fire, starts shooting at him, instead of taking off from
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the runway, he taxis, targeted fire comes at him, he taxis up to this burning plane, picks up people, takes almost everyone left there, these guys hammer at him all the nurses, which means that when he’s taxiing, he’s taxiing over the smacks of these shells, explosions accordingly, in a word, he begins to take off, he doesn’t mind the wind in terms of aerodynamics, but... when the people arrived, they realized that they had survived, well, how according to slavic traditions
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, it is customary for a trial, so to speak, tea, coffee, then he says: listen, what about us, they started about the paratroopers, the paratroopers saved us, wait, the paratroopers - yes, after all, the pilots were still hiding for a minute, that’s why they got it, i think he has the thirteenth star stepanovich’s hero of russia, in my opinion, from memory i say, this is one of the episodes of such a peaceful, let’s say, feat of peaceful life, what is it? here, from here, let's say it lands, it comes out here at an altitude of 600 m, it turns in this protected area with maximum rolls with maximum reduction, these are the eggs, 2 and 2 eggs of these , it turns so the first approach makes the second , it comes in on the second approach here, the height is 300 m out of 300 m he goes from the end of the non-working one to
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this he takes from 300 sits down here he goes out to a kilometer and a half at a range of not four. here it spins like this, that is , here it is, that is, it is important that the starting point is higher than the range of the action, yes, this is the scheme , to be honest, i haven’t flown for two years, but now we’re flying off , everything is fine, well, let’s go with god 100
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meters and we can dial to the left and then let's go all the way to the left, turn around , now let's go, the hell is great, watch the speed, watch the speed, with such rolls you can and should carry out an afghan takeover, and so you dumped everything onto the runway almost at
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landing four, 230, great, all of us went. this year too, accordingly, we carried out the task, the only thing, let’s say, unfortunately, we probably found an ice floe, prepared it, landed people and equipment there, people will land there , they will prepare a strip there, the strip was cracked by the ice floe, the landing didn’t work out, so these missions of the expedition were not completed, when they flew to wuhan, they didn’t know where they were flying, they put on
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masks, helmets, on the plane, they flew, the first boards, who flew where into the unknown, actually, returned here, but. ..that they are alive alive, but what to do? god knows, they were given 10 days of detention, well, we’re alive, let’s continue to fly, well , we also had ebola, we also flew, well, a number of things like that, we are in a regular parking lot, the plane of the local regiment 196, so who commander? i am senior lieutenant sidorov, senior lieutenant already has 76 commanders, when they fly at the parade over moscow, when the senior lieutenant, captain, is it true that captains fly? of course, everything is real, these guys are young, what year are you from? 2020, ship commander, when did you become commander? in last year on march 25, 3 years later i commanded 76, this, this is all true, what kind of raid was this year? this year the flight time was 82 hours, for six months, for six months, our norm is 80 hours a year, well, 80-100, but in fact the flight time,
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overflight today is 250-300 and there are even for 1. that is, such work is well done there comes the corresponding one who is the eldest by age of that crewman you who by position are flight technicians pod well bartech who prepare borscht cracklings everything was fed from our father and mother well as starley nothing poke will be promoted to general there will be a lieutenant assistant something like that exactly what year of manufacture was it, twenty-third , not yet, what year was it this year? 3 hours is also normal, in general he had 63 hours during the entire school, probably yes, here in six months, that’s why they go to italy, they all have it like a rumor, no advertising is needed, they will all come with..
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option main transportation means personnel and equipment, that is, this is an empty cabin, equipment comes here , respectively, people can sit there if there are places left somewhere, or personnel transportation, personal transportation . is being compiled. on these seats, the central row accommodates 145 people, if the second deck is 225, that is, this is the option, well, for transporting people, it means landing like, here 120 per 120 paratroopers sit, it turns out that leaving the plane in four streams is allowed, but in peaceful conditions we we work in two streams, through the doors, left and right, according to military time, you can go to the left, right, and two streams go to the rear through the ramp, if we talk about a new plane, like this... well, comparison means, on this plane parachute deuces, an old bemdeshka, it weighs about 8200 from the parachute system, the new bmd 4,
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which took a long time to accept, took a long time to explain, so to speak, justified, it is 16 from mon, this plane will not lift three such cars, will not lift the engines, which means the most the main thing is that it won’t lift, or rather it’s impossible to land in terms of controllability, that is , like this... imbalance occurs 16 tone - this is not 8 tone, the plane may not be able to maintain control, so the new plane has a slightly different balancing, that is, a stabilizer, some other angles installed, a slightly larger range of angles, which means there is also a sanitary option, there are four options, which means there are options for installing up to 100 people there, and such a stretcher, there is an option for installing modules, the same plane, by the way, there is one on chkalovsky, it’s called a scalpel , this is a flying operating room.
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well, the assault cabin, well, let’s start from the bottom, let’s start from the bottom, this piano, the so-called navigation cabin, is amazing, get your panel, somewhere in leptig, i don’t remember, somewhere in germany, the captain comes up and says, you can look, i say, it’s clear, i showed the cockpit, it’s base and base there, then we go into the navigator’s room, i say, open it, it shows what it is, i’m talking about a computer, what is it, a virus-board computer, he again, that ’s about three times asked me, so to speak, he seemed to think that we were fooling our heads, well then he said, yes, you are russian, apparently invincible after all, that’s why we still use it tactively, well, the machine
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programs turning points, the coordinates are entered into the automatic control system performs with a padded coordinate flying in a machine gun, it is clear that a western pilot will never be able to steal our car, he simply will not even understand that he does not have enough intelligence, and even more so, determination, therefore, that is, you have the best view, the best view, but on... takeoff on landing, well, the crew's jobs, respectively, the commander, co-pilot, engineer, roadman, a standard set of instruments, flight control aircraft engine control instruments, we call them alarm clocks, like many pilots, but now, while flying on a new plane, a guy is sitting, also a captain lieutenant, he says to me: i say, and this is like a computer, all glass cabin, he says such words to me, well, you know, he says, it’s probably a little difficult for you to master, i looked at him like that, by the way of the radio operator, i
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say, do you hear me, i say, well, who else should teach whom, well, they really grasp all these buttons, they quickly succeed, the relearning is generally elementary, the main thing is, of course, somewhat different, other motors are more powerful, which gives in general - then power reserve and fuel economy important point i want. tell us about the escape system , the crew’s workplace is equipped with a parachute, well , i’ll say it again, when we work with people, we don’t have the right by law, this one is the so-called assault shaft, it comes out from there, they open from there, the hatch opens the crew leaves outside, accordingly presses them and goes out there, conveniently, accordingly the commander of the last, here is the bartach, who is located there in the cargo compartment, he can leave through the doors, so this is it. it must be so that under the engine don’t get in, yes down, just down under don’t get in this on this suction flow, close here we’ll collapse here, well, there are all sorts of different things, devices, air conditioning systems,
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oil there. hydraulic systems, well, various miscellaneous other things, well, the standard cabin is a little basic . they celebrated 50 years this year, they are not lagging behind in this, 2021 is 50 years of operation of the aircraft, it came into service around 74 years ago, that is , the boys use the equipment that their parents and grandfathers supplied , for me they are already some grandchildren in essence, well, successfully they master, i say again , they switch to new equipment with a click, for them it’s just right, well , there’s really a different cabin, it’s nice there, i’m sitting there, when you take off, i tell the engineer, listen, you’re not tired, he sits, does nothing , it keeps moving on its own, here he sits, it keeps watching the goki, take something, it still flies in the machine gun, you can unlearn it, so i never had a chance to use the wing, no, the wing area is 300 squares, now i’m showing, how this is done, it means, well, you just can’t rise, rise like this, take this , step on it with your hand and look at this, there the crew comes out, well, for... for
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inspection, that’s the point, well, on ruslan there are 600 square meters, here we generally have to walk in safety ropes, but i think it ’s slippery now, there is a means of rescue on board for the crew of passengers above the water, there is a psn hatch, an inflatable rescue raft for six walls of the crew, there are six such sweaters. airplane, that is , if there is a splashdown, it can also splash down, the hatch is reset and automatically inflates, well the crew spends 40, 40 minutes on the water, it is believed that the valve is turned on during splashdown, it lands and that means there are 90 tons of fuel in the wing of the aircraft, this is the wing storage, this is the slat, the front part comes out, deflects, this is
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the flap. the flap is multi-slotted, which means there was such an academician cheplygin, a great airodinist, as he spied, in general, this idea of ​​​​a flap, he looked at how to reduce, well, an airplane, in order to reduce the speed, you need to somehow do it, well, on a large one it doesn’t holds, it has to be done somehow, that is, either speed or wing area, lift formula component, so he saw how it lands, watched how the bird lands on the water, it splits like that, p and lands, and the idea came to create... this flap, there are two factors: an increase in area, such cracks are created, they too the air is pressed onto, well , there is a flow that is created by lifting forces, this is the idea of ​​the banality of the bird, nature’s beauty, as the great mikhail valentinovich kovalchuk says, yes, you need to look after nature.
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this is sergei pavlych, sveshnikov was awarded a presidential decree on april 22, which means that happens, takeoff from the ivanovo airfield, a planned flight to the airfield in ita, to the northern, to the northern part of the country, which means the same thing, on takeoff , a fire breaks out for about 30 minutes, the crew is working normally, not a single word of informal vocabulary. one thing i do when i listen to radio traffic, well, it’s like real people, he acted so calmly according to this scheme of the shortest approach that i say, this needs examples, we are now telling this to everyone , we are teaching it, so here are these last moments, here is the cemetery , here is the so-called bogorodskaya village, this is well, this is ivanovo, if it was a degree here, a degree here, there would be no village, this is a plane with 60 tons of fuel. it’s either a cemetery,
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that is, the crew did everything that, as they say, they could, that they could, that they were trained in, military transport aviation has means of rescue, there are, but when we rescue, we don’t use them, we sit on parachutes, but don’t have the right to apply if there are people on board, paratroopers, for example, yes, there first , again, the landing is first in technology, say, work, then the crew, of course, extremely. the country has lost true heroes who, despite the danger of difficulties, they always fulfilled their duty to the end, the heroic deed of the pilots will forever remain in the memory of everyone who knew them personally, who... saw their
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