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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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in general, that is, the crew did everything that, as they say, they could, that they could, that they were trained in, military transport aviation has means of rescue, there are, but when as a passenger we do not use them, we are sitting on parachutes, but we do not have the right to use if there are people on board, paratroopers, for example, yes, there first , again, the landing is first in technology, say, work, then the crew, of course, is the last resort. the country has lost true heroes, who , despite the danger of difficulties, always fulfilled their duty to the end. heroic the act of the pilots will forever remain in the memory of everyone who knew them personally and who saw their work.
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i even just heard about their exploits. the awards presented today have become a symbol of recognition and respect from the state and society. it shouldn’t be like this, parents shouldn’t bury their children. there are some laws of nature, laws of life, when such a tragedy occurs.
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does not leave, it’s about how worthy people you raised, what a high standard the departed fathers set for the remaining children, for this i thank you very much. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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after extreme heat, the same extreme downpour, whether a thunderstorm will help return the temperature to normal, what kind of weather surprises to expect from the coming summer, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on: killing the dniester ecosystem in order to increase energy production , what has the transboundary river become after ukrainian experiments? in hydropower, asia and latin america are melting from unprecedented heat, +50 in india, pakistan and mexico, which is causing this global overheating. these reactors power icebreakers, and now entire cities will be powered by them, what are
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the main advantages of low- power nuclear power plants and why are they ideal for export. you are watching the main weather program, i am vadim zavodchenkov. hello, may this year turned up the heat, at the end of the month the atmosphere of the over-druze plain heated up to the limit, and then on the final day of spring it burst into powerful downpours, thunderstorms and hail, and we will tell you about the most striking weather disasters of the week in our review, and then we will understand them reasons we will make predictions. scary footage from balashikha near moscow. lightning struck a random passerby, a man. fell dead, on the last day of the calendar spring , a powerful downpour and thunderstorm hit the capital region, the underground parking lot in the dmitrovsky park residential complex on lobninskaya street was flooded, dozens of cars were partially under water, cars were drowning on the roads of moscow, the howling of car
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alarms was heard throughout the area, water penetrated even into the bus interiors, passengers tried not to get wet legs as best they could, and these are shots from... in some areas of the capital, precipitation was accompanied by hail, fortunately in moscow it was not as huge as in the north caucasus. during a hurricane in cherkessk, one person died, 18 more were injured, a tree fell on a car, and the man inside did not survive. after a powerful hailstorm, it seems that not a single intact car was left in the city.
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summer weather set in, the sun shone brightly all week, the water in the rivers warmed up to the required temperature, so many people rushed to open the swimming season, but to to really cool down, it was necessary to go beyond the urals, arctic air masses broke through to the west of siberia, because of this at night the thermometers dropped below zero, precipitation came in the form of rain and sleet, winter seemed to never leave here, the heat was at its peak came out just in time for the end of the working week, in the middle zone of the russian plain, the thermometer rose to +30-32, a rare anomaly for the end of spring, for example, in moscow may ends with thirty-degree heat only once every 43 years, in tver it has never been so hot
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happened during the entire period of instrumental observations. at the same time, beyond the urals , temperature changes also reached peak values, but here we are talking about '. denmark in the megacities of southern siberia, as if in october the thermometers did not rise above +7–12. it must be said that such cold at the end of spring has never happened here in the entire era of global warming. the reason for such contrasting weather conditions in russia is the blocking anticyclone located above the russian plain. along the western periphery of this atmospheric block in the country received... very warm air from the mediterranean, but beyond the urals the northern winds carried cold air masses from the kara sea. however, with the beginning of june , the situation in the atmosphere will change a little, and although the siberian regions will remain in the rear
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part of the stationary cyclone, now not so cold air will enter here, and on the russian plain the anticyclone will move to the southern latitudes and frontal waves. moving along its periphery will throw not only mediterranean heat into the region, but also masses of thunderclouds, so the degree of heat anomaly will decrease. for example, in moscow, at least until the middle of next week, there will be local rainfall, but if the thermometer in the capital shows +28-29 on the weekend, in the following days it will become a little fresher, in the afternoon up to +26-27. it must be said that nature, which creates extreme heat at the junction of may and june, usually has enough strength to retain the warmth. at least until the middle of the calendar summer, but these are the conclusions of statistics, and about
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the calculation data of our forecasting models i i’ll tell you at the end of the program, don’t miss it, there is not a single surviving tez left in ukraine, objects are either damaged or completely destroyed, the energy shortage is colossal, the kiev regime... has not come up with anything better than how to replenish it in an environmentally dangerous way - to drain the dniester , although there is no reason to be surprised, the banking businessmen have already committed ecocide by blocking the north crimean canal, the topic will be continued by evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, kiev operates on the principle that after us there will be a flood? vadim, in the context of the fact that is happening on the dniester, after these pests , the lifeless desert in the khmelnytsky region is no longer there, the river is very dry in the area of ​​the khatyn
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fortress. in recent days , more and more footage of the shallowed dniester has appeared on the internet. instead of a full-flowing river, there is a desert with cracks. residents of local villages say that they have never seen anything like this in their entire lives. the tributary of the dniester, the kalus river, has also dried up. we lived our lives, this never happened, people, what is going on? river kalios, water on the dniester. the reason for the large-scale shallowing in sharp discharges in the upper reaches of the dniester. the kiev regime, with the help of hydroelectric generation, tried to increase electricity production in order to make up for its deficit. as a result of such actions, the water level in the dniester reservoir in the chernivtsi and vinnytsia regions fell by as much as 7 m. and this is what the depletion of the dniester looks like from space. this is a may photo of a section of the river near the city of khotyn. it is clearly visible that the width of the channel is now half as much as it was. a month ago in april, we are all on the same river, that of moldova,
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that of transnistria, that also odessa region of ukraine, also in the same place, more importantly, if shallowing occurs, but everyone will suffer. the dniester originates in the ukrainian carpathians, the river is quite heavily regulated, and three large hydraulic structures are located on the territory of ukraine, the dnistrovskaya ges-1 and gs2, as well as the dniester gas. in transnistria, on the lower section of the river in the northwestern part of the city of dubasary, the dubasarskaya hydroelectric station operates. then, on the territory of the odessa region, the river flows into the dniester estuary, which is connected to the black sea. environmentalists believe that the situation is the dniester is close to disaster. if ukrainian energy workers continue to work in the same spirit, then about 10 million people in moldova, romania and ukraine may be left without drinking water. ukraine. behaves not just like a terrorist state, but also a state that is completely indifferent to the problems
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of surrounding countries, neighbors, maybe even allies, they need it, they act like animals, kiev does not think about tomorrow, it needs everything here now the rest is not a planning horizon for kiev. necessary to say that even before the latest experiments with water discharges, the dniester had a whole host of problems, large-scale deforestation in the carpathians, where the river originates. the use of huge volumes of water for arable land, all this greatly depleted the dniester. moldovan ecologists reported that over the past 40 years the river flow has been halved. finally, the operation of waterworks leads to large losses of water. after a series of successful russian attacks on ukrainian energy facilities, the kiev regime wants to make maximum use of those capacities that are still functioning. first of all, this is the dnistrovsky ges helmet, because it’s from konev. and dneproges are out of order, and most importantly, 90% of all tests in the country do not work. what will happen
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next, one can only guess; ukrainian hydrologists are apparently counting on heavy rainfall, which should saturate the river with moisture, which is very reckless. according to the nearest forecasts, the region will experience thirty-degree heat in early june, and no rain is expected. the fact that chisinau will be at risk due to the fact that ukraine takes water from itself is it has been known for a very long time, water is used for various purposes, there are issues of agriculture, which must work sustainably, in general the entire infrastructure, the progression of energy problems in ukraine will continue to affect, including... while official chisinau prefers not to react to kiev's antics. the maisandou government pretends as if nothing is happening, but it would be worth expressing at least some kind of protest. water shortages and the coming drought could become a real disaster for region. rosatom signed the first export
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contract for the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant with... asm. a corresponding agreement was concluded this week with the atomic energy agency of uzbekistan and this is a very important step, because such projects in the future will be in demand in countries with low energy consumption. the document was signed during the state visit of russian president vladimir putin to uzbekistan. it is planned to build an acm in the jizzakh region of the republic. with a design capacity of 330 mw, which will consist of six reactors based on the rhythm 200n installation, 55 mw each. a prototype of a reactor installation for a ground station - ritm 200 for the newest russian nuclear icebreakers arktika, sibir and ural. during the operation of this installation
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, they proved their efficiency and absolute safety at all stages of the life cycle. then the idea arose, why not make a ground-based version, and so the rhythm 200 with the letter n appeared. the key feature of the installation is the integral layout. it has important qualities for small nuclear power plants - compactness, high maneuverability and small amount of liquid radioactive waste. low-power nuclear power plants are a very promising area. they can be launched into places that are hard to reach. remote areas, where they will completely cover all energy needs. in addition, they are ideal, for example, for many african countries that do not need the capacity of large nuclear power plants. learn more about the technologies used in the construction of nuclear power plants, as well as about the projects already being implemented by our country. we'll tell you in our
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material. the endless expanses of yakutia are here in 400 km. from the laptev sea on the yani river the village of ust kuiga is located. it was built in the fifties of the last century after the country's largest tin deposit was found in this area. for its development , a transshipment base with a river port was needed, with further access to the northern sea route. in general, this is an ideal place from a logistics point of view, but there is one catch: the main power grid does not reach here. energy has to be generated at diesel stations; there is dozens of fuel for them. used, one fuel load equivalent to 540 thousand tons of arctic diesel fuel, which would require three supertankers to transport, and
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accordingly using this nuclear fuel to generate electricity. emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, emissions of greenhouse gases, that is, small power plants are the optimal solution for remote areas with a decentralized power supply system, with difficult climatic conditions and the absence of a fuel base. the vust kuige station will give an unprecedented impetus to the development of the entire region. cheap electricity will allow us to develop the mining of gold, tin, other minerals, fishing, all these new jobs, good salaries, development. the government of yakutia signed an agreement on the construction of the first modular ground station with rosatom in 2019. the project is based on the latest russian development - the ritm 200n water-water nuclear reactor. this is a safe and environmentally friendly installation that has been successfully tested in the harsh arctic conditions on the latest russian icebreakers. uzbekistan acquired just six of these reactors. to
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the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant in the republic will begin this summer. experts believe that acma is an ideal option for states that would like to develop nuclear energy; countries new to nuclear energy, in principle, may either be afraid or believe that a nuclear power plant of greater power is not immediately suitable for them for one reason or another, in this case a country newbie can really purchase, at least at the beginning, one or more low-power stations in order to try what it is and... and in africa in latin america needs new capacity. we can talk about hundreds of small power units. therefore, rosatom has every chance to take the lion's share of this market. and
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now our traditional column is the space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the iran space research institute, the center of activity. which caused a record geomagnetic storm on earth a couple of weeks ago, returned again and began to terrorize our planet. sunspot region number 3664 has completed half a revolution around the sun. again appeared in the field of view of the earth, but on the left side of the star. barely peeking out from the eastern edge of the solar disk, it instantly revealed two at once. flares of the highest score, so we can state that the active center is still full of strength and energy. according to preliminary forecasts, the possibility of the formation
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of x-class flares will continue in this area for at least several more days. this means that the earth’s magnetosphere will be stormy in the coming days. when the region reappeared , it received a new number 3697. it already appears under him. in addition, we note that in recent days solar activity has been observed in the northern hemisphere of the sun. in may, almost all sunbursts were south of the equator. the attention of astrophysicists is now also focused on region 3691, which is still only accumulating energy. according to model calculations, noticeable activity may appear on wednesday-thursday. they make me happy. that by this moment the region will have shifted significantly to the west and will probably lose the ability to influence the earth, however, surprises cannot be ruled out, because the sun on
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its way to the maximum of the cycle never ceases to amaze, but without magnetic storms, weather disasters on earth now there are more than enough, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, from different parts of the world every day... news comes about all kinds of natural disasters, however, judging by the coverage of territories, then one process is worth highlighting in particular, this extreme heat, the planet was gripped by global overheating, india was melting from the heat, in six regions in the north of the country almost +50 was in the shade, in the capital district of daly an absolute maximum of +49.9 was recorded, well... the hottest spot on the map of india became the city of churu in rajestan. the thermometers here showed +50 and a half. a red weather
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alert has been introduced in the country. in delhi, fresh water supplies are depleting. its supply to homes was reduced from twice a day to once. many people, especially older people, cannot tolerate such heat. hospitals are overcrowded and there are deaths. cases in some indian schools that have not yet been closed by order of the authorities, students lost consciousness from heat strokes, neighboring pakistan is also languishing in the heat, in the south of the country the temperature reached 52°, in some areas recorded a record +54°. residents escape from the scorching sun in the waters of the int river. in most cities. the authorities decided to close public schools and other social institutions. from asia we will move to latin america. due to abnormal heat
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, hundreds of red book monkeys died in mexico. zoologists have discovered at least 83 dead howler monkey carcasses in the state of tabasco. on the gulf coast of mexico, the air heated up to 45°. the primates started dead. from sunstroke. scientists agree that the main culprit behind overheating is the elnenyu phenomenon in the equatorial pacific ocean, and although this process is now weakening, the sea water temperature is still almost a degree above normal, that is, huge amounts of additional heat. emitted into the atmosphere, according to preliminary forecasts , the situation here will return to normal only in the second half of this year. well, what
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surprises can the heavenly office present to russians in the coming months, in which regions the coming summer will be extremely hot, and where, on the contrary, you should not especially count on an abundance of warm days, right now our exclusive forecast for the summer season in russia. according to preliminary forecasts, the first summer month in the european territory of russia will be warmer than usual, and the most expected in the southern latitudes, only in the northeast the average temperature will be within the climate or below normal. the same cold weather scenario due to arctic intrusions is being realized by nature in most of siberia and the urals; on the contrary, well-warmed air masses will make their way to the far east more often. but in in most regions, the weather in june will be equally hysterical. just like
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last may, for example, in central russia the heat of the first ten days will be replaced by a powerful cold snap in the middle of the month; another arctic invasion is expected at the beginning of the third ten days of june. that's all, goodbye! pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large bolden pond will remain forever.
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this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate on june 6 at 21:30 on the russia channel. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. we admire how
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the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. tankers. morye provided a breakthrough in the defense line of the ukrainian armed forces in one of the sections of the southern donetsk direction. the crew made their way through a minefield, withstanding several explosions and helped assault groups to capture a well -fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the west is constantly putting pressure on the republika srpska and demanding sanctions against moscow. in sarajevo, the united states and allies noted that they do not engage in dialogue, they only make decisions for others. the president of the republic, milorad duzyak , emphasized that he will not allow
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restrictions to be introduced.


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