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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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now aviation is working, of course, there is an effect from this work, in general there are 10 forest fires in the republic, and the most difficult situation is in the moisky district, where the area covered by the fire is almost 30,000 hectares, and the fifth class of fire danger remains there, i note that large fires arose due to careless handling of fire, in the first case it was already proven that it was a special fire, in another case the workers built molds and set fire to pipe remains and could not control it. what is it about fire? spread into a large fire , the crew of the mi-8 emercom helicopter from the krasnoyarsk territory was attracted; since the beginning of duty, it has dropped more than 51 tons of water; it is also involved in the transfer of forces. today , the head of buryatia flew to the moisky district with additional reserve forces from other regions on board. we have a difficult situation with fires in our republic, and there have already been more than 160 fires since the beginning of the year. and the total area of ​​fires, which
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is today in the republic - forest fires burned 52,000 hectares, so in general the situation is difficult, in transbaikalia it’s true it’s worse, there 200,000 hectares have already burned, in irkutsk 18, we have 52.00 hectares, the most difficult situation now is the muisky district, there were 27 fires there in almost a month in may, this has never happened before, and usually we still have dry thunderstorms, it's not dry thunderstorms this year. over the past 24 hours, according to the morning report, six new fires were discovered on the territory of buryatia in the burbuzinsky, kurinsky and severobaikalsky districts. ilya kashlinov, ale kanosov, lead buryatia. firefighters in the tyumen region also had a difficult weekend. first they had to save residential buildings in one of the villages from fire, the next day a large natural fire broke out near the gardening community, linden island. dry grass caught fire and flames engulfed the area. in 5 hectares, specialists from the ministry of emergency situations, together with
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aviation security, extinguished the fire. and on other topics, total mobilization is gaining momentum in ukraine. against the backdrop of the law, which came into force in may, priests were called upon to inform on their parishioners. if they refuse , they are threatened with being sent to the front. they write about this in ukrainian public pages. meanwhile in supreme rada was told about hidden mobilization among rescuers. the deputies recalled that the personnel of this civil service have reservations. to avoid publicity of condemnation, workers are forced to write reports for transfer to another unit in order to immediately go to the front. similar cases were previously reported in the kiev mayor's office, where the kiev regime is trying to put all utility workers under arms, and this despite letters about their reservation. according to ukrainian media, they are trying to send even seriously ill people into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, including number of people with mental disorders. the western press, including bloomberg, writes about aggressive mobilization in ukraine.
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reports a shortage of personnel in strategic sectors due to the sending of almost the entire working population to the front. and here is more footage of mobilization in ukraine, you can see how a potential recruit receives a direct blow to the face from a man in military uniform and loses consciousness. but apparently, this fact does not cancel being sent to the front. and one more video, according to the authors, it was filmed in kievskaya areas. between the military and a group of people who are trying to stand up for a fellow resident. a fight ensues, interestingly, the kiev regime is trying to pass off such footage as russian propaganda. us president joe biden does not want to be responsible for starting world war iii, the white house said. at the same time , washington and the european union continue to make loud statements on the topic of attacks by western weapons on russian territory. maria skorodilka has all the details. the streets of bavarian cities
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turned into rivers, powerful downpours, houses are flooded, bridges are washed away, cars are drowned, and there are deaths. baden wüntenberg goes under water, but the german authorities are drowning the country in war. to fight against russia, the german authorities are calling to raise a million reservists, according to the american training manual, habitually erasing nazi history, all the crimes in it, they openly say, their aggression, for the sake of peace. our grandparents and my grandparents also contributed.
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threats await us from all sides, and no matter who we fight with, we must confront this threat. interfering with ukrainian conflict, germany has become a hostage to american russophobia, experts believe. washington’s trick is that the united states can say, well, you can wage a war in ukraine, ukrainians are fighting there, not our soldiers, ukraine will be destroyed, but not new york. this is a dangerous development for any country, namely the united states, to have a say in our security. which itself remains unaffected by the corresponding consequences of these decisions, and the fact that washington openly fires at russia with its tactical weapons have long been no secret, but john kirby literally signed in an interview with reporters that biden understands all the consequences.
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it is limited to the kharkov region, it is limited in terms of the targets that they can hit. president baidin is aware of the consequences. by openly fighting with russia, the west is afraid of responsibility, reporters hint to themselves. sources in the white house, but biden ignores everything, to the cries of the americans, shame on you, the american president just waves his hand, all because the destruction of ukraine is the only result of the strategy west - said ex-swiss intelligence officer jean baud, kiev's allies do not want to stop the conflict, they dream of russia's surrender, but this is absurd - military experts say. such is the stupidity of macron, the danger of macron, and also the danger of scholz, rishi, sunak. tony blinkin, repeating the same nonsense, we will give them the green light, don’t they know that the russians know that all the intelligence of these high-precision weapons systems is not obtained by ukraine itself, it does not have the technical capabilities to program these weapons, she decides to launch them, all other aspects are the work of other
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countries, but the west stubbornly declares that it is not participating in this conflict, it only helps, launches missiles towards russia, trains the armed forces of ukraine, supplies weapons, and so does the authorities. bosnia and herzegovina sends weapons to kiev, reselling them through several countries, said the president of the serbian republic dodik. the largest customers recently, according to him, are nato countries, for example, spain, germany and switzerland. at the same time, nato lies, and non-participation in the war will burst with the very first retaliatory strike from russia, german journalists state. therefore, the defeat of ukraine will be perceived as a defeat for nato and the west. ultimately, what is at stake is nothing less than the omnipotence of the former. masters of the world - the article says. maryalka, news. the situation in the ukrainian energy system is rapidly deteriorating. against the backdrop of infrastructure destruction and a summer increase in demand , electricity shortages are also growing. and as ukrenergo reported, it will not be possible to correct the situation with imports. all
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we’ll find out more details from alexandra nazara, she’s joining me. sash, good morning, tell me, what’s going on with the tariffs? sash, good morning, in june tariffs for ukrainians increased by more than 60%. the energy system of ukraine is in a difficult situation. on sunday , emergency power outages occurred almost throughout the country, despite the fact that its supply was already limited, hourly schedules were established for industrial and household consumers, but this was not enough, in fact, the energy sector of ukraine lost almost 50% of its capacity , but the most the main thing is that ukraine has lost almost 90% of the so-called shunters... in case of a lack of power at thermal or hydroelectric power plants, today they are trying to maneuver simply by rolling blackouts, that is, when consumption grows, they simply randomly cut off entire regions from electricity. as kiev reported, on the night of
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june 1, two more hydroelectric power plants were critically damaged, including the largest dnieper, as well as two thermal power plants. the russian ministry of defense, in turn, spoke about the execution of a group strike by high-precision weapons against energy facilities that support the operation of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. this was a response to kiev’s attempts to damage russian energy and transport facilities. the ministry of energy of ukraine noted that since 2022, the local energy system has suffered severe damage. for example, out of the 18 gw that the country generates in winter, it lost up to... eight, in addition, more than 800 heating supply facilities were destroyed or damaged, their restoration will require about billion dollars, over the past few months , the dneproges and
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trypillian tes in the kiev region, bushtynskaya in the ivanofrankovsk, vinnitsa, zmeevskoe and so on have been destroyed or seriously damaged, that is, there really is a problem of restoration. because the equipment has its own specifics, the cis countries had their own standards, they differ from european ones, with the problem of spare parts. due to the difficult situation in the energy sector, the national bank of ukraine has reduced its gdp growth forecast for this year from 3.6% to 3%. now, apparently, it will have to be done again reconsider for the worse. the kiev administration, meanwhile, sees advantages in constant power outages. they said that this would help the townspeople maintain their family budget, because on june 1, tariffs for the population were increased once again, by more than... 60%, the maximum prices for businesses were also increased in may by a quarter compared to
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the previous month, and in june by a quarter, what is stable in ukraine is rising prices and falling living standards; in general, final products become more expensive, because electricity is included in the cost for many goods in agriculture and industry, in general, everywhere, an increase in tariffs will simply lead to an increase in non-payments, some large consumers will close, others... a ban on coal exports. sasha, we were allowed
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to supply more than a million tons of coal. thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova, she spoke about the situation in the energy sector of ukraine. and to other topics. foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in guinea. it is from this country that his new tour of africa begins. lavrov’s plane landed at the capital’s airport early in the morning. there he will spend several meetings with government officials. as part of the trip, chapter. foreign ministry plans to discuss various issues. let me remind you that russia and guinea maintain friendly relations. moscow notes similar positions on international policy issues. now we’ll switch to a short advertisement, then we’ll discuss the latest news from donbass with the head of the dpr denis pushilin. this is sasha. it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends,
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we will discuss the latest news from donbass with the head of the dpr denis pushilin, he has already joined us. hello, denis vladimirovich. hello, alexander. let's start, of course, with the topic of shelling in the region. what is the situation now? alexander, the situation remains difficult with the shelling, and if we talk about the last week, then unfortunately, seven people died and 24 people were injured. and if we talk about dynamics or trends, then the question still remains complicated, because if we talk about the dead and wounded, then in april 39 people died, in may 30 people, and at the same time, 139 people were wounded in april and 137 people in the month of may, but again, if
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we talk about the destruction of infrastructure or damage to residential buildings, then in may they were supported by...
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support, of course, from the employees of the fsb for the dpr, who are now supervising the work of the kupol system, which does not allow or counteracts to a greater extent attempts to cause damage to the civilian population by drones, but in the last week alone, the anti-air system was able to prevent the penetration of drones 185 times into civilians. territory on civilian objects, so this is how we now organize our work, our activities, because the safety of civilians comes first, but here such comprehensive work is being carried out. there is currently an active discussion the fact that the american authorities agreed to strike with their weapons deep into russian territory in some areas, specifically in the kharkov region. do you
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think anything will change in connection with this? alexander, from my point of view. here are statements from a number of western countries, including the united states of america, and well, nothing more than the legalization of previously used western weapons on russian territories, including the belgorod region, we see that such facts have been recorded, and we we understand perfectly well that here the ukrainian regime tried, where possible, to cause damage, so... and russian territories, regardless of what weapons they immediately have the opportunity to use, so here again we are talking about some kind of fundamental change. the situation on the front line, of course, is not necessary, here we can say that if at some points this complicates the work of our unit, but in
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no case does it change the general outline of the tasks of liberating the territory as donetsk people's republic, and directly on the creation of sanitary zones, where the enemy was pushing for this with his unreasonable, thoughtless... the day before , the armed forces liberated umanskoe to the west of avzeevka, what is this settlement like, how badly did it suffer? alexander, this is a small village of umanskoye, but it should not be underestimated from a military point of view, the settlement there is located 11 km west of kavdievka and is one of the settlements within the framework.
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let's move on to economic issues, a regional emergency regime has been introduced in the dpr due to the situation with the destruction of crops, this happened due to unfavorable weather
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conditions in early may. is the damage extensive? alexandra, yes, indeed, and the agrometeorological conditions within which the decisions were made are indeed very difficult. now we ’ve been pushed into an emergency mode, but what kind of weather conditions are these, well, we saw very long frosts in early may, which are uncharacteristic, we saw unfortunately, the low moisture content, and high daytime temperatures, this in turn led in some places to damage to winter crops, and in others to complete destruction, if we talk about damage, then this is... about 74,000 hectares, this about damage and destruction we can talk about about 2,000 hectares, and naturally,
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now specialists are making the necessary decisions so that aerial reseeding is possible in certain areas, and of course here for our farmers... no less important was in the plan managing an emergency is an opportunity to get a little financial support here, that is , the emergency regime allows you to reconsider with financial and credit organizations deferments, conditions, payment terms, that is, for the funds that were involved in the sowing campaign, and not so long ago mikhail mishutin said , which is russia's gdp since the beginning of the year. actually grew by 5.5%, a little less, household production more than 5%. which industries are showing growth in the dpr?
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alexander, here everything is traditional, the coal industry, metallurgy, and light industry, mining of non-metallic materials. our growth for, if we take the same period of this year and twenty-third year, is about 11%. and good dynamics, but of course there is something to work on and security issues interfere here, but nevertheless we see that it is now building its work very well, increasing the volume and outline of yumk donetsk, these are metallurgical and coconut enterprises, so we are here too, let's just say we are building quite high hopes in the plan. here is the development of industry, accordingly, filling the budget for the development of the economy, so the trends here so far have a positive trend, in conclusion:
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water, because sanitary standards do not allow kindergartens and child care institutions to work more than four hours a day, if there is no certain amount of water to ensure work of this institution, so here is a combination of such factors, within the framework of this , a decision is already made at the defense headquarters, and if we are talking about makeyevka now to a greater extent, what is
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prospects that by september 1. the front line is approaching, it will change in september, then we will be able, well, on a different scale, within other territories, to talk about the full launch of child care institutions. thank you for the interview, denis vladimirovich, i will remind you that the head of the dpr denis pushirin was in direct contact with the studio.
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pushkin. a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and, it seems, the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, how our hearts treasure his words forever. on the poet’s 225th anniversary, this is where a concert, reflection, and live broadcast from the bolden estate will take place, june 6 at 21:30 on the russia channel.
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my obediences are gray, they are over, and these are all, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, halay, mahalai, would you know how to assemble this in 5 seconds, without your own? let's figure it out, pray, black one, it’s also stupid to throw the gang away, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here, i’ll go through alone, i’ll quickly get burned, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, legon, i didn’t drive badly, there’s someone else who
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’ll do it to who, naughty people. yes!


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