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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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eu countries can not only achieve complete food security, but also provide food for 600 million people around the world, prime minister mikhail mishustin said while speaking at the plenary session on food security in the eurasian economic union, which was held today in minsk. well, now anna lazreva joins us, we welcome how they plan to achieve these. hello, through serious investments in science and innovation, it is also important to develop work technology, artificial intelligence and biotechnology. the head of the russian government, mikhail mishustin, invited the eu countries to develop agricultural technologies together. he expressed the initiative while speaking at the plenary session on food security of the eurasian economic union. issues that relate to scientific cooperation of joint educational projects are still in the integration field.
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the existing mechanism is planned to be extended for a year, the transition to a common policy will allow all participants to act together to increase the profits, and not compete between himself, the prime minister said. mikhail mishusin emphasized that the eu’s position allows for optimal delivery of food and water to almost anywhere in the world. on the territory of the union there is approximately a tenth of the world's reserves of pressed water, 10% of all arable land, more than 13% of the world...
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wheat reserves, more than 16% of barley, 10% of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, more than forty ruts. the level of self-sufficiency in food has been increasing every year; by the end of the twenty-third it was more than 93%. at the same time, russia sets itself ambitious goals. the priorities for the further development of russian agriculture were determined by our president in a decree on updated national goals. by the end of the decade , military-industrial complex production is expected to increase by a quarter, and exports by one and a half times. well, of course, this is a very ambitious task, and we have already begun to implement it. we plan to significantly increase the production of grains, legumes, oilseeds, meat in livestock farming, well, first of all, poultry, lamb, as well as other assortment, including oil and fat products, cereal flour, milk. confectionery
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products, it is important that farmers have everything they need for new successes, mishustin emphasized, according to him, special attention should be paid to the development of agricultural machinery, genetic selection, production of food and feed additives and veterinary drugs, this will not only help achieve food independence within the association , but to provide food for 600 million people on the planet, said the russian prime minister. mikhail mishustin said that over the past 5 years, russia supplied about 380 thousand tons of food as humanitarian aid to countries in africa and asia. the country continues its mission to fight hunger, but sees resistance from the west. in february , the free transfer of 200,000 tons of russian wheat to six african countries was completed ; over 10 thousand tons of fertilizers were sent to malawi, kenya, zimbabwe; unfortunately, due to
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the actions of ill-wishers, even more fertilizers were detained in european ports, although russia decided to send these goods free of charge to those in need . to provide food security in the eu also requires efficient logistics and modern transport corridors. in this regard, mikhail mishustin called for the continuation of the construction of agricultural hubs along the route of the eurasian agroexpress project. the moscow region branch of the defenders of the fatherland foundation is one year old. during this time, it processed more than 11,500 requests. employees alone.
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and topics that are important to solve in your own way, so once again my words of gratitude to you, your work is very difficult for me and we understand those who come, representatives families, a variety of issues, including very complex, very complex ones, our task is to be there, to do everything that depends on us, now economic news, briefly: russian investors submitted more than a million applications for the exchange of blocked assets, the total amount exceeded 35 billion rub. this was announced by the investment chamber, which acts as the organizer of the auction. in total, russians will be able to return up to 100,000 rubles. the exchange scheme involves funds of foreigners located in our country. this way they will be able to exit the russian market, and residents will be able to exit the foreign one.
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avtovaz sold more than 40 thousand lado cars in russia in may. this is 70% more than in the same month last year. of these, 15.00 is. elvesta, which became her personal record since the start of production in 2015. in total, since the beginning of the year, the concern has managed to sell almost 178,000 cars, an annual increase of about 54%. russia increased supplies of fish and seafood to japan by 22%. in the first quarter of the year they exceeded 20,000 tons. growth in monetary terms by 16% to $187 million. this was reported in the analytical. center of the fisheries union, thus exports returned to the pre-sanction level of the twenty -first year, inflation in turkey is again striving for record values, in may it reached 75.5% in annual terms, the national institute of statistics reports.
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the previous maximum was noted in november of the twenty-second year, almost 84.5%. prices are rising most strongly in the education sector; housing prices have risen noticeably, as well as services. hotels and restaurants. the turkish ministry of finance previously stated that they expect the peak of inflation in may. it was economic news. short. if the european union will expand its sanctions to the nuclear sector of the russian economy, this will primarily harm the old world itself. this opinion was expressed by the head of magathe, rafael grossi. he emphasized that the situation with nuclear fuel differs in key ways from how things are with oil and gas. grossi also recalled the dependence on russian nuclear fuel. as well as components for nuclear power plants for many powers is approaching 40%. it must be admitted that the law adopted in the united states to limit the supply of russian uranium includes a number of reservations, in some cases supplies from russia may still continue, because
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currently 25% of the uranium consumed by the united states comes from the russian federation, and the same applies to many european countries. speaking at a session of magatha governors, grosse also confirmed that russia has no plans to decommission the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is subject to regular shelling. according to the general director of mgt, russian specialists are carrying out repair work at the facility and are supporting nuclear security. blogger elena blinovskaya filed for bankruptcy; the founder of the sensational marathon of desire is now in jail for tax evasion. we are talking about an amount of more than 900 million rubles. if you add. therefore, tax penalties, this amount is approaching one and a half billion. read more, varvara nevskaya. this statement of bankruptcy of elena blinovskaya appeared in the electronic file of the moscow arbitration court today. to resolve the issue of insolvency, who owed over 918 million rubles in taxes, the queen of marathons
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hired a separate team of lawyers. the legal decision on bankruptcy in blinovskaya’s situation is justified, not to say expected. this measure greatly simplifies the life of the debtor; in fact, if this application is found to be justified, a financial manager will be appointed who... will deal with the sale of the property, the sale of the property takes place at auction, and after the sale of the property, the proceeds will be distributed accordingly between creditors. at the moment , blinovskaya has already paid to the russian budget more than 140 million rubles. if the court grants the bankruptcy petition, blinovskaya will be freed from debts to repay which the sold property will not be enough, but even according to rough estimates there should not only be enough, but also... there will still be enough left for a comfortable life, the amount of seized property exceeds 1000 desires
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60 billion rubles, while the debt, including pensions, is about one and a half billion. only one of the cars in her luxury car fleet , lamborghini urus, is valued at 50 million. in addition , blinovskaya owns a bentley continental and several premium suvs. the blogger’s property also includes about two dozen apartment buildings. in the capital, crimea, a. even in odygea, yaroslavl, yaroslavl and kostroma regions, however, it is not at all a fact that full repayment of the debt will help blinovskaya avoid criminal liability. the fact is that bankruptcy is a criminal matter, they are not connected in any way, because she is brought to criminal liability for committing a crime, within the framework of the criminal case they are considering whether a crime was committed, that is, if she no property or insufficient property. then it is precisely the inability of elena blinovskaya to satisfy
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the demands of creditors recognized by the arbitration court that will release her from this obligation. there are two articles in blinovskaya’s criminal case. in addition to tax evasion, the woman is also accused of money laundering. for almost 6 months now she has been in season number 6 at the moscow printers, where she shares a camera with a doctor and a candidate of science. however , elena is apparently not happy about this neighborhood. on may 28 , the defense asked to change the conclusion. guard on prohibition of certain actions. the appellate instance rejected the request. blinovskaya ended up in the pre-trial detention center by court decision when, while under house arrest, she threw a new year's party, where she also thought of inviting one of the witnesses in her case. together with elena, her husband became a defendant in the criminal case, who in march of this year signed up as a volunteer in the northern military district zone. if the court nevertheless finds the woman guilty, she can spend up to 16 years in prison.
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as sergei sobyanin noted, kutuzovskaya and now you can make a transfer in 4 minutes; one of the largest transport hubs in moscow has been built from scratch. well, there the filyovskaya metro line was reconstructed, the mcc and mcd4 were built, 11 ground transport routes were launched, but how much more convenient has it become for passengers? they can save time, our colleague, maria valieva, found out all this. the opening of a 160 m long pedestrian bridge completed the formation of a large transport hub; now, in order to transfer from the kutuzovskaya mcd station to the metro, passengers no longer need to go outside, it is warm here in winter and cool in summer. walking along the passage, or rather along the pedestrian gallery, you can learn the history of the construction of mcd-4; photographs hang everywhere here. the time for a transfer has been halved, if earlier passengers spent an average of 8
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minutes on it, now it’s only four, great, that is, you won’t have to walk around, just switched, yes, i’m very glad, i go to work every day, so this will help speed up the process of getting a job, so i’m very pleased, thank you. new moscow city station - part of the transport hub, metro, mcc, water bus stops, everything is nearby, thanks to which passengers of the city station, the construction of which we are essentially finishing today, the city
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station of kutuzovskaya mcd-4 is located between poklonnoye and moscow city stations, on a new connecting branch between the kaluga and nizhny novgorod directions of the railway. we are now, together with moscow, transforming from transport hubs into city stations, as agreed, you can buy tickets at the stations, yes. implement some small purchase, comfortable, light, most importantly, you can move from one point to another, as we call it, dry feet. transport accessibility - the headquarters of sberbank, four buildings on kutuzovskaya are already in operation, the fifth is under construction. now we have 24,000 employees working here, this is the largest in the country, 600,000 km, and next year we are commissioning the last building, and where we will have more than 30,000 employees in this place alone, and the addition will be
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about 6-7 people at a time , it will be...
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to dig in transbaikalia and buryatia, a state of emergency at the federal level has been introduced; according to the latest information, right now 38 active forest fires are being extinguished in these regions, about a hundred thousand hectares are burning. all the resources that exist are working, switch to reserve, almost constantly from other regions of the republic. over the past 24 hours, six new fires have been discovered in buryat; dozens more fires remain active in the north of the region, as well as in transbaikalia and the irkutsk region. forests have also flared up in the tyumen region, the situation is worsening in yakutia, where the area of ​​fires is over over the last 4 days it has grown to 1800 hectares. the main cause of the disaster is dry thunderstorms; they occur at high temperatures and low humidity. there is currently no threat to populated areas and economic facilities.
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637 people and 42 pieces of equipment were involved in extinguishing forest fires. the work is complicated. at work sites. currently, the build-up of forces in the most burning areas continues. the forces of the federal aviation forestry service joined in saving the forests. such units are called aerial firefighters. they work in regions with the most difficult conditions. 130 units of equipment and 20 aircraft. to provide assistance at the request of the governor of the trans-baikal territory. federal reserve forces of the fbo aviales-okhrana were promptly delivered to the region. currently 230 people are working on the most complex fires. every air fire department must have paratroopers. they are transported on mi-8 helicopters with an increased flight range. due to the presence of additional fuel tanks , the equipment can operate in heat up to 50°c.
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evgeniy is an observer pilot. it defines the place where paratroopers will land. let's fly in a helicopter, the landing of paratroopers will be carried out by firefighters, carried out by koshevnikov's descent devices, they are hooked up, well , the cord is hooked up to the helicopter, the descent devices are hooked up, well, when we fly up to the fire, we are looking for a site, selecting where they can be dropped off, if there is no prepared site, we lower the fire triggers and things and people into all active fires that are difficult to reach and difficult to navigate; to extinguish fires in the mountains, paratroopers they use a controlled oncoming annealing, a saw, a shovel, a hoe, the main methods of our extinguishing, filling with water, laying, installing a mine strip, annealing,
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which are needed for the tools, they are all with us on horseback. direct extinguishing it will not work, it is very dangerous, and it is better to retreat and cool down. traditionally, the cause of some fires is the human factor. such fires are more difficult to extinguish due to the unpredictability of the location. it is impossible to calculate in advance exactly where it will flare up and how much it will diverge. now they are most hoping for help from the weather. in transbaikalia, the tyumen region and yakutia, light rain is expected in the coming days, but it will be heavy in buryatia. theorologists, what is it and how dangerous is it, let’s ask the leading specialist of the faubus center, evgeniy teshkovets. yes, he's live. evgeny, hello, there are thunderstorms in moscow, it’s somehow difficult
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to call it a swamp. good evening, colleagues, the word swamp, in my opinion, quite accurately describes the unstable synoptic situation. there are currently no pronounced cyclones, anticyclones, or anticyclones over the russian plain. fronts. still, the atmosphere is buzzing. a thunderstorm arrived in some areas of moscow within half a day. twice in the digunin area lightning struck a lightning rod in one of the high-rise buildings. residents of solntsevo will remember nenasta thanks to the large hail. the sudden change in weather was accompanied by increased wind, which knocked down trees and tore off advertising posters. previously, settlements in the nizhny novgorod region were at the epicenter of ninasti. in the city of kstovo, squalls overturned a construction crane on an abandoned construction site, tore it off its mountings, overturned it and partially the administration brought the stage out onto the roadway. one of the districts, no casualties were reported. in yaroslavl , the main negative weather factor was heavy rain. in some areas, cars in
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parking lots were submerged up to their hoods; they tried to save the hallway of one of the shopping centers using a man-made dam made of sandbags, but failed. the temperature background tomorrow will remain 3-8° above the climate norm for june, even in the russian north the anomalous heat is +20-25, in the middle zone from +25 in the central in russia, up to +30 in the south of the black earth region, in the southern regions of our country, in crimea, krasnodar territory, kherson, zaporozhye, rostov, volgograd, saratov regions, kalmykia, astrakhan region, as well as in the republics of donbass and the north caucasus, the maximum thermometer will show plus. pay attention to the dynamics of the +25 isotherm refreshing with showers. if yesterday 25-degree warmth passed through the russian north at the latitude
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of arkhangelsk, then tomorrow the july temperature will be pushed 1,300 km south to the black earth region, to the latitude of voronezh. on tuesday the synoptic map of most of the russian plain will be represented by a north atlantic cyclone, the partial core of which, having broken off from the mother center, will reach arkhangelsk tomorrow, as a result , a high concentration of clouds in the sky is predicted, accompanied by local but intense rains, with the largest number of showers in russian in the north, the volgovyad region, the upper middle volga region, in bashkartastan and orenburg, where thunderstorms will be accompanied by mosaic hail with a diameter of up to 2-3 mm. the only exception will be between the volga and don rivers, where in the area of ​​​​high atmospheric pressure, the day promises to be sunny and hot again. in moscow today by 3 p.m. the air had warmed up to +26.2, there were intense showers with thunderstorms, wind gusts reached storm-force 15-19 m/s. tomorrow in the capital
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, in the rear of the cyclone, there will be heavy downpours, 9 liters of rainwater will fall per square meter, thunderstorms will thunder, thanks to which it will be a little fresher, but up to the required climatic norm. at dusk +12:14, daylight hours - +23:25. in wednesday, thank you. the russian national football team continues to prepare for the next test match at the base in novogorsk near moscow. today the training was open to the press. our sports correspondent danilo makhalin visited it. it would seem that the season in russian football is over, the championship has been played, the cup has been played, but for some the work is still ongoing, the best of the best at the disposal of valery karpin as part of the national
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team continue to prepare for the match with the belarusian national team. this time from journalists they didn’t hide anything, a warm-up, a cool-down, an exercise with the ball and a fully played two-way game, in which even the fifty-five-year-old member of the coaching staff, karpin’s assistant viktor onobka, understood the participation along with everyone else. it’s always visible, of course, there are some physical conditions there, this is completely different, but to give a pass, to receive it, you can see the level. after undergoing a medical examination at the paris club psg, krasnodar goalkeeper matvey safonov came to the national team. his transfer has not yet been officially announced, but the national team understands everything and is already congratulating him. first of all, he congratulated him and said that we were very glad and proud.
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and this will probably happen after the game, maybe on the way to minsk on the plane, so what could be there, what could be difficult, what problems could there be. the last time our players played with the belarusians was 9 years ago, in addition to mironchukov and golovin, then nikita chernov also made his debut in the national team. of course, i know a few guys, here is lesakovich, a striker, a couple of people from the urals, i know they play there, that’s why it’s like this. a strong fighting team, especially since they play at their home stadium, i think that in any case there will be support and i think they will show their strong qualities, but we are going there only for victory, so we will do everything possible. the coach of the russian national team, valery karpin, who pays close attention to the nutrition of football players, does not believe that local cuisine and belarusian potato pancakes can disrupt the system and negatively affect the physical fitness of the players, there are no prohibitions, everything in the world if potato pancakes are eaten every day is fatty,
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as you say, there are different types of potato pancakes, if you eat buckets of them every day, then probably yes, it’s not good, if you eat potato pancakes once, you can go to a tasty place, sit down once a week, roughly or every two weeks, you can sit down in hamburg, what’s the problem? the game with the belarusian national team will take place in minsk on june 7 at the national olympic stadium. daniil makhalin, rasul fitkulin, dmitry maslennikov, alexander stalmoshevsky, lead novogorsk near moscow. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin symbol of supreme inspiration creative flourishing. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface
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of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the poet’s 22nd birthday, this is where the concert will take place. reflection, live broadcast from the bolden estate. at 21:30 on the russia channel.
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18:00 moscow time on the air the main facts of this day. vladimir putin held a meeting today with permanent members of the security council and this is how the head of state outlined the main topic of the meeting at the very beginning of the operational meeting. we will discuss information security issues with you. speaker maksud igorevich shadayev, minister of digital development. let's
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start working. once again everyone.


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