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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, we went there for the first time.
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all the bullets were out, one was a root, i had no more strength, almost, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy . what do you remember about this one? we'll tell you the story
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right now. hello. on june 4, 1741 , the second komchatka expedition started vitus bering to the shores of alaska. 15 years earlier, the great navigator entered the chukchi sea through the strait, which was later named after the bering strait, thereby proving that the shores of asia and north america are not connected. the task of the second kamchatka expedition was to explore the coasts of north america. at the time of the start , the traveler was almost 60, they left on two ships, but a storm scattered them, the pocket boat st. peter with a bering on board went to the shores of olaska alone, they discovered the island of kodiak and others, but the ship was thrown ashore and the expedition had to stay for the winter, which 19 people did not survive, including vitus bering. the following year, the survivors were able to return to kamchatka. the expedition was of great scientific importance; maps of the village were compiled for the first time.
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on june 4, 1916, one of the most successful operations of the russian army in the first world war began, the brusilov breakthrough. in 2 months, the troops of the southwestern front under the command of a general. brusilov managed to defeat the armies of austria-hungary and germany and occupy a number of important territories in europe. including volyn, bukovina and part of galicia. the enemy was driven back an average of 100 km. austria-hungary and germany lost more than one and a half million people. russians about 470,000. to repel the russian offensive, germany and austria-hungary transferred many troops from other fronts. this made the french offensive easier and saved them from complete defeat. italians. after
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the brusilov breakthrough, the strategic initiative in the war finally passed to antantium. a new form of front breakthrough has also appeared in several areas at once. this tactics were developed in the last years of the first world war, and were also tested by the red army during the great patriotic war. and on this day in 1940, the dunkirk operation ended, it is also called the miracle of dunkirk. at the beginning of world war ii, european countries. surrendered to the germans one after another. france was almost captured. the germans drove large allied forces to the sea near the town of dunkirk. suddenly general gudarian's tanks stopped advancing. then britain and france gathered all their warships. and through the radio, newspapers asked the population to who has anything that can float, go to the aid of the army. and in 10 days, under enemy fire, 340,000 soldiers and officers of the allied armies were taken from the continent. junker operation. the official name operation
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dynamo made it possible to maintain a professional british army, although all heavy weapons were left with dunkirk. why hitler allowed the allies to evacuate, historians. is still arguing, according to one version, he thought that the infantry and aviation would cope without the tanks that would be needed to defeat the french military groups in the north, and according to another, the most famous wanted to quickly make peace with england in order to create a reliable rear in the west for the campaign to the east, and in the summer of 1940 he openly called on churchill to sit down at the negotiating table, but he, as is known, refused. on june 4 , 1977, the draft of a new constitution of the ussr was published for the first time in our country for public discussion. the union lived under the constitution of the year thirty-six, but much had changed by the seventies. the new law was discussed everywhere, about one and a half million meetings were held at enterprises, collective farms, military units at the place
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of residence. the people proposed 400,000 comments on amendments, some made changes to the text, even suggesting moving to a multi-party system and dividing the functions of the party. states to introduce the principle of regular rotation of government representatives at all levels, such ideas, of course, were rejected, but in october the new constitution of the ussr was finally adopted, all the deputies, or rather, accepted this constitution with such triumph, now i’m going to give congratulatory telegrams, congratulate my voters happy holiday. it confirmed the leading role of the communist party, but introduced a new form of property; in addition to state and cooperative-collective farm property , public property appeared. the organization established free education of all types, secondary and higher, citizens of the ussr had new rights to health care, housing, and free scientific, technical and artistic creativity. for the first time, it was prescribed that parents should take care of raising their children, and children should take care of
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their parents. with certain edits the constitution of 1977, or as it was called, brezhnev’s, was in force until the collapse of the ussr. this was the day in history. ukraine is moving to the stage of exhaustion due to the tightening of mobilization at factories, there is a shortage
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of personnel, this is what bloomberg writes, a ukrainian metallurgical mining conglomerate is trying to fill 400 vacancies, there is literally no one to manage the steel smelting furnace. 15 employees, 15% of the company’s employees are already in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. how many have fled the country, but why are the places empty, are there really no applicants? eat, only they are afraid to come. tetskashniks catch you right at the plant checkpoint and issue summonses. in general, ukrainian enterprises may fall like dominoes. bloomberg writes that plant managers are even considering the option of closing some production areas. everyone is trying to escape from the men of military age. based on the principle of save yourself who can, the point is not to recruit the required amount, the point is to recruit someone so that you can report that supposedly the required amount has already been recruited, there will be even more to come, that is, right there we are not talking about achieving some results, here we are talking about demonstrating this so-called work,
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so as a result we see this hunt for people, here it is, this hunt, dnepropetrovsk, this man in a black t-shirt, literally ready to be torn into pieces just to be shoved in. into the minibus, let me in, i ’m not lying, well, show me, show me, you’re not lying, no question, but i’ll show you, show me now the orientation to this man, and apparently, this man still managed to escape, these footage of him breaking out of the hands of the military commissars, after this incident the dnepropetrovsk trade center even published this appeal, they are trying to justify themselves, they write that he has already been mobilized, is trying to escape, he is a violator, and passers-by have also begun to help him.
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here is the answer from the odessa military registration and enlistment office, they say, if a person has a mild degree of origophrenia, he is fit, who would doubt it, you can immediately become a tank driver, and then why be surprised by such a shot, when mothers...
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that in fact, by the end of this year , the number of dead ukrainian military personnel will exceed the mobilization potential which is available today. western curators are trying to squeeze all the juice out of ukraine. what next? it is quite possible that moldova will be the next contender for involvement, and, by and large, forcible involvement in this conflict. based on the results of the visit.
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an unusual picture from the moment the ambulance arrived at the hospital. the car does not stop on the street at the entrance to the reception department, but drives into an equipped box. and immediately to triage, a department where arriving patients are quickly distributed, depending on their character injury or illness. already in the updated emergency room , the work of doctors and doctors immediately begins. specialties are met in advance by the ambulance crew, diagnosed immediately, so in this clinic since the end
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of april, from the patient-to-doctor format, when you had to wait in line for an appointment, to the doctor-to-patient format, this is when the doctor examines the patient at the registration point, these are some of the the main requirements of the new standard of emergency medical care, which is being actively introduced in the capital, here is a striking example, the thirteenth city clinical hospital. surgical building, major renovation, improved layout, wards, examination rooms, operating rooms, now nearby, everything to save time, the emergency department is a small full-fledged hospital, doctors, nurses and their assistants, we’ll talk about them later, monitor the movement of ambulances in the regime online, how many ambulances are now heading in our direction, in our direction now 1 2 3 4 5 6. and they know in advance what the patient came with, almost at the doorstep, measuring pressure, temperature,
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checking saturation and immediately to the necessary a department equipped with the latest technology: computed tomography scanners, x-ray machines, endoscopy, mechanical ventilation, intensive care beds, ultrasound equipment, you can perform minor operations, even like that, even like that, that is, ligating a vessel or providing some kind of minimal assistance for stabilization and... after that he is transferred to the intensive care unit or to a large operating room, already there for serious things, in principle, there is everything here: a breathing apparatus, a defibrillator, an anesthesia apparatus, the patient is seriously ill, he is taken in the direction the red line drawn on the floor, yellow for moderately severe patients, and the green line for those whose diagnosis is not so serious, but even if alarming predictions are confirmed during the examination, the staff, thanks to the new conditions, have an emergency course of action. suppose that during an examination it suddenly became clear that the patient needed
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urgent vascular surgery, but previously for this it was necessary to take the patient to the elevator, even to... in the reception area, in the corridor to show the way to the desired department, and even in the room expectations, there is one, they communicate with relatives, for example, like now, if she is hospitalized, then we talk about what telephone numbers, what telephone number can be called and where we are, please, the hospital staff trained in new algorithms, without stopping from
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work, step-by-step actions from the reception the patient before providing emergency assistance, the instructions were given by representatives... practically less than an hour, and since we have just started working in this standard, i think 2-3 months after all the services have clearly adapted to this new according to the algorithm, this hospitalization time will be even shorter, and accordingly, the speed of medical care after the diagnosis has been established will increase. moscow was the first in russia to develop and implement
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a new standard, a measure necessary for a metropolis; people are on duty in the capital every day. thousands of ambulance teams, more than 4 million visits per year, 60% of the total number of hospitalizations, and this is at least a million patients, are emergencies, so we must talk about high quality of treatment and maximum emergency speed interventions. well, our hospitals are different, there are hospitals that had good emergency departments and which did not need to rebuild anything, adapt to the new standard, there were hospitals that were built a long time ago, and of course their emergency department. did not meet modern requirements. for the main 97 conditions, most often with which people are admitted to the hospital, we have worked out a complete diagnostic algorithm, these are the studies that should be carried out, and the time periods in which they should be carried out. clear sequence the actions of each medical worker, be it a doctor or a nurse, immediately formed the principle
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of triage, in which patients immediately fall into the streams, yellow, green, red. the total time for emergency assistance was reduced by an average of one and a half times; four flagship centers were the first in the capital to experience the new moscow standard. now they are training colleagues from other clinics in the city. a specialist at the botkin hospital, yuri barinov, is one of those who developed the algorithm: painstaking work. the team formed by the city health department had to fly to the world's leading clinics to see the authors of these modern emergency care standards. then they made their contribution and made adjustments.
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it was quickly decided how to get rid of the chaos in emergency departments, logistics, speed of care, the latest equipment, then the innovation was tested at the botkin hospital and other flagship centers for a long time. thus, the modern standard of emergency care in moscow is uniform medical algorithms for each health worker for all cases of intervention; about 90 step-by-step instructions have been created, high professionalism in team work, special requirements for discipline and competencies of employees, advanced digital solutions, electronic documents with doctor’s 24-hour access to them, the digital assistant triage is used with the help of which doctors are assigned depending on the type of intervention. a unified standard for equipping with equipment, both large and mobile. a unified standard of the organization, here we are talking about new
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technological and logistics solutions in the same “doctor to patient” format. and always the focus is on the person. the botkin hospital started working according to this standard from scratch and built a new building. there used to be a parking lot here, a gigantic room. there is a separate entrance for patients who get here on their own and a separate one for those who are brought by ambulances. there are large screens on all sides, using them you can track the movement of ambulances, as well as know preliminary information about the diagnosis of a patient who is on the way. previously, in the office-type reception department, sometimes it was impossible to understand who faster.
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shock room, this pensioner was brought in by ambulance 3 minutes ago, fell from the fifth floor balcony, conscious, surgeon, ultrasound doctor, traumatologist, neurosurgeon, already at the ready, now who is sick, well, for example, a headache, yes, the head is playing, registering the patient in electronic medart simultaneously with the work of doctors, one talks with him, the other examines him, tests are immediately done, several specialists look at them at once, and a surgeon, traumatologist, neurosurgeon, resuscitator, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, a decision is immediately made, in such cases to do punkt , that
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there are studies of the whole body, because if we fall from a height, we can get any polytrauma, that is, everything is according to the rules of the new standard of emergency care, usually patients who require the intervention of various specialists had to be transported to offices, sometimes even to clinic buildings, where sometimes not... . did without long waits, precious time was lost, now you don’t even need to take the tests to the laboratory, the authors of the new standard resorted to the good old method, and this is a mailbox in the anti-shock room, all the tests, here they are. are stored in these flasks, they have just been taken and then they are sent by pneumatic mail to the laboratory, literally in a few minutes there will be results, an x-ray machine with a ct function, another computed tomograph, everything... for an urgent examination in the neighboring rooms, and also in the emergency department the patient can stay for 24 hours for help, for example, if resuscitation is not required, the doctor
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decided to observe him further before hospitalization, here all living conditions, even hygiene items are provided: bright, spacious rooms, multifunctional beds, control panel for staff, a remote control for the patient and there is also a bathroom, toilet and shower. in the flagship center of the botkin hospital there are six operating rooms for general surgery, traumatology, gynecology, hybrid, four endoscopic, in the intensive care unit there is a ward with an isolated box, in case of an infectious disease, a helipad, it is necessary in the conditions of a metropolis and the scale of the clinic itself, nearby with a reception waiting room for relatives, sofas, drink machines, a point for charging phones, on screens encrypted. information about patients, so that only relatives know who we are talking about, doctors periodically come in and inform about the condition of the patients and the prospects for treatment.
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these wards are equipped with all the necessary engineering systems, we have an air conditioning system, a ventilation system, a fire alarm system, and we also have our own. four adult and two children's clinics are already ready to provide emergency care according to the new standard, the rest are on the way, the task is to bring them to the level of flagship centers, as part of the implementation flagships are being built in moscow for a new standard of emergency care in six more hospitals; the city authorities are expecting the results of this work by the end of the year. the reconstruction of the emergency departments of the capital's clinics is in full swing , they will all... most moscow
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hospitals will switch to the new standard, all to ensure that medical care is faster and of better quality, which reflects the whole of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the big boldensky pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve
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his words. on the poet’s 22nd anniversary, this is where a concert, reflection, and live broadcast from the bolden estate will take place, on thursday at 21:30 on the russia channel. in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions.
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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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every time i start a show, i don't i know, next time we will go on air or not, because humanity has never been so close to a nuclear disaster, for some reason they compare this period with the caribbean, nothing like it, during the kari crisis.


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