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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

2:30 am
well, of course, by the way, and we responded as we responded to the finns and that we then we then started the war correctly, like this, why do you then formulate your position? this is what our leadership is doing insofar as we have much less opportunities. much less than they have, and the only real trump card we have in the fight against this collective west is our nuclear weapons, so we don’t need to use them, so we need to watch how they will destroy our cities, how they will try to blow up the crimean bridge, how they will try to occupy the belgorod province, enter the kursk province, enter the crimea, he says, but we have nuclear weapons, so if they approach mkad, we will definitely fuck it, so what, no, not like that, but when...
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so you say, we are at war with nato, to fight with nato is now an attack on the kaliningrad region, this is a transition and everything else there.
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and the answers that our leadership gives are very specific, today meade said that to the british that this would lead to fatal consequences, this was said, just a minute, americans, this will lead to fatal consequences, it was not said that you that you under no circumstances will use nuclear weapons, vladimirovich putin said little, conduct a non-strategic nuclear weapons exercise, deliver it, show that there is a second thing that was said vladimir vladimirovich, we know that these are no...
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so many hymers have flown around belgorod, they give, they give, so destroy to hell, enough fighting, don’t give this eternal approach first, what do you have, oh, do you have something unpleasant happened at home, the house says, let’s first come up and ask what time it is, let’s better solve
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the problem right away, initially then we need to enter into a real conflict with ukraine, destroying kiev there, striking at all these nuclear weapons, why is everything there? fine. to do this you need to enter the affected area. to approach the projectile in relation to this discussion, which means, of course, we see that the goal of the west is to use this
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ladder of escalation, to move up along it, and we can now draw some first conclusions make regarding the differences in our political cultures, indeed. at the beginning such a sideways trend began and in terms of attempts to strangle our economy, which it failed, suggests that in general, the response to this escalation ladder at that moment was quite effective, now , as we understand, russian statements were made quite often regarding the fact that
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our patience is running out, we are ready to move to a qualitatively new level of confrontation, and we are talking about today’s interview with ryabkov and , of course, about the statement that he made... the russian president in tashkent on the third day of his visit there, when he directly named some small european states with a high population density that would be the first or one of the first victims of the russian response, i think that in belgium, holland, and denmark, apparently they became very tense on this occasion, it was not the british who immediately saw themselves, but given our immensity, there are no large european countries at all, finland, why? well, because even france fits into the krasnoyarsk territory, just a few sleeps, well, the czech republic is not bad there fits, indeed, we are now approaching the moment when the discussion that we have been having here, it should
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take some kind of qualitatively new form, and of course experts think about nuclear war secondarily, first of all they think about i mean by...
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knock out the air defense systems, we understand everything that they do, it’s obvious, yes, i agree with you, but that’s it, i’ll still say as an economist that we have another line of resistance, this our economy itself, it was said here that we are obviously weaker than the west, well, just this week he admitted that the russian economy has already become the fourth largest among the largest economies on the planet, purchasing power parity. we have created a military-industrial complex, which is generally working successfully,
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so i would not see such determinism and from our economic and economic weakness here, i would note something else, that in the russian federation we have so far managed to maintain and, moreover, strengthen this model , when we have a fast-growing modern military-industrial complex, and there is absolutely... a normally developing market sector, based on the laws of a market economy with moderate influence of the state, moreover, people work in this sector, our business is one of the heroes of the modern era, patriotic and patriotic, ready to cooperate with the state, to help it from the largest industrial companies to small ones companies that make networks there, camouflage sniper rifles, and rebs or... programs are written for it, that is, in this sense, the resistance that the russian
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federation uses or the resources that it relies on this resistance, they are quite significant, they give our leadership the opportunity to choose such an option for the next stage of our response to this escalation ladder, which would be most acceptable for the strategy, by the way, here is... belousov, the man who is now heads the ministry of defense, he is one of the architects of this model of interaction of the military-industrial complex of the ordinary economy, and here i wanted to touch on the second topic, andrei removich, among other things, he is also the chairman of the organizational committee of the st. petersburg international economic forum, which will begin in the coming weeks and this is a bright event that... from which we expect quite a lot, this st. petersburg economic forum began back in ninety-seven,
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by the way, i remember this event on this day in june in st. petersburg it snowed at the beginning of ninety-seven, then there were 27 more forums that took place, well, 26, now there will be 27, which took place in three very interesting waves, the first, and this was not just a small talk among themselves, but such a local forum focused on countries of the cis, it was held in the tavriche palace, and the tavriche palace was enough for him, and then until... the russian president took part every year, it was actually a forum between russia and the global economy, we presented our nobel prize in energy there, and global energy , we held meetings there of 200 of the richest bankers on the planet, and there was... a summit, an energy summit, where all the medjars came, energy, in general, this
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period ended approximately in the fourteenth year, simultaneously with the crimean spring, what begins now, and what we expect from the st. petersburg economic forum this year is its consolidation of its status as a leading world center, where the world majority discusses the entire range of problems that concern them, by the way, these problems are quite well indicated in the concept of russian foreign policy twenty-third year. where it is stated that russian diplomacy has many tasks, and the goals in general are quite local , these are security, ensuring sovereignty, this is creating conditions for the development of our state, its economy and social sphere, and this is multipolarity, and the st. petersburg-kim forum works in all these three directions, recent years, the twenty-second year, have been problematic from the point of view of the fact that this is seriously western...
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on june 7, vladimir vladimirovich’s speech and we are waiting for interesting things forms, the last ones, i will announce a little, on june 8, there will be perhaps not such a bright, but noticeable event, karen kneisel, minister.
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true, everyone is concerned about what is happening in the world, i want to express my opinion, i already work with information professionally six-tenths of years, according to my feelings, based on what we are studying, the world is sliding, unfortunately, into tortorara, every day through the efforts of politicians of the collective west, we are
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getting closer and closer, approaching this cancerous line, no matter what they say , conflict, war, right now nato is waging a war against russia in ukraine, the ukrainians are consumables, everything else is the west, the task is to inflict a strategic defeat on us, so no matter what anyone says, we need to be prepared for the very, very worst severe development situation. in this case, we have, of course, a doomsday weapon, it is the most powerful in the world, no one... no one has one, the brainless in both washington and brussels must understand that if there is a real threat to the existence of the security of our state, i i think that the supreme goloko will agree to make this decision, unfortunately everything is working out, this weekend again a large reconnaissance drone took off from an airfield in italy,
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flew to sevastopol, yalta was hanging in the air at a distance of 80-100 km, conducting reconnaissance our air defense system, here one young man called me a populist when i called, not here, not here, not on your program, that when i called, that it’s time to take action and not allow this, so i think that we need to beat them, i agree with you, not this one, of course they need to be beaten.
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help died and 186 told about what atrocities, what atrocities were committed against them by the azov people, the krakins, foreign mercenaries, that’s how to understand it all, prisoners of war, not a prisoner of war, they went through all the circles of hell, now in the west they are rushing around with with this idea of ​​the ukrainian peace summit, the president of switzerland, viola amher, went to scholz and said there that there were either 60 or 80 countries there. the world are ready to take part in this satanic sabbath, but madame president is sad that such large states as china, brazil, the south african republic, and now saudi arabia, they refused to participate in this sabbath. today there was a message that hungary is waiting to take part in this or not, that there are conversations going on there, india agreed, for god’s sake, this is its
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right, a huge state can decide, but i don’t... i talked to our people yesterday, well , they still remain partners in the united states, great britain, i gave this example, i’m surprised, it can’t be, i say, well
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, it can’t be, i had to warn again, i say, guys, the war will end, there will be nuremberg-2, the direct executor, the investigative committee, most of these names know who mocked our prisoners of war, political leaders like scholz, macron, this is the brainless anna. cut to one bench, no one gets away from this, they make this decision, people die, you look what’s going on in belarochina, there are already victims there, i don’t know, probably 200 people are already coming in, it’s impossible to look at what’s happening to our people, i myself have gone through several such burning conflicts, i’ve seen deaths more than once. but what is happening now is some kind of new war, i don’t even know if i could do anything now in the conditions of such total domination of drones, so i bow my head to
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our military personnel who are fighting and who are now winning on the battlefield, on social networks, we somehow forgot about gaza, on social networks, just the other day a lot of photographs leaked out of israeli military personnel abusing... especially after the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for netanyahu and defense minister gallant, literally , well, he initiates, well, he raised the question, while the question is only standing, of course, it’s good to look at the photographs of the tortured, alexander viktorovich, i fully admit, yes, i feel sorry for everyone,
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the gas department itself, which is still there, published statistics on losses in the gas sector itself, over 35.00 killed, of which 1,500 were children, almost...
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43 journalists, 75 tons of explosives were dropped or used in a small gas area , these are terrible numbers, right now, at least over the life of one generation in the near east, palestinians will never forget this.
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still my obediences, they are over, no, not all, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, former disobedients don’t happen, what do you want from me? wanted, miracle, halay, mahalai, because you would know how to assemble this in 5 seconds? we’ll figure it out without our demonstration, malya, damn it, it’s also a sin to throw the gang away, it’s time to pay, i’ll pour water from here, through the ice, so we quickly slept, if there’s a chance with you, take it, and he didn’t do anything bad to the children, there’s someone else who
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’ll do it to whom ? naughty people, it’s evening here.
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this is once, twice, two weeks and the italians see it and are silent, and yes, and two weeks ago another delivery was made, a large supply - of ammunition, shells for tanks merkava is from the united states, so what is there, but not to be confused, a brutal war is russia against ukraine, a brutal war, yes, and...


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