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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
who wrote a book about this and olaf scholz today, who, in principle, with the same surname , actually not only took a step towards starting a war, he has already drawn germany into this war, and i very much doubt that he will be able to remain in the memory and in the annals of germany, as one of those chancellors who did something for germany, he will sound like a destroyer of germany, despite all his cowardice and inability to lead this process, but...
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order.
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it’s interesting how from the stage everyone is as one, we will now win, we ran, turn, we get up, we take weapons in our hands, where they are handing out a machine gun, we are territorial defense, give us women with plywood machine guns who learn to shoot, everyone, as one, we , let’s go at once, and where did we get to, when they cross the river, they’re already offering to let crocodiles in there, that’s not enough, they say, but why did you all run away, you all had to fight to the last drop of blood, to the last ukrainian, we are dashing bastards, who are they, yes, cossacks, cossacks, cossacks and what next, and
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what’s next for them, where did everything go from the narrative, that this is a profitable investment, because you give money for weapons, ours are going to die for you, because we will run out, that’s all , suddenly a phrase came: didu, dida, can you stand next to me here on the private line, give us yours, you have the french, give us the french, eh? this is a separate issue, we need to get to this, we had to get to this stupidity, besides, well, there’s a delay in hysterics, apparently they told him that man, sorry, we have the discount on cocaine was only for legitimate leaders of the state, and you’re done, it’s overdue, so go buy it at the market, friend boris hasn’t come for a long time, the supply has ended, that is, the dirt has gone and...
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the kid has a storm in his head, a typhoon in his brain, he carries one like this, he says: higher, higher, higher, stand against me, why don’t you, he says such things, you’ll just listen to him. you’re telling me, it’s too late, what should we do, and most importantly, who are you, a watchdog, who are you, a watchdog? ok, we are dealing with the arabs there in palestine, but you don’t really care donbass killed his own people, as he believed, you are barbosin and in general, think better of it before
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you yap at someone, the owner, that’s it, you won’t get any help from israel, the americans tell him, don’t cry, you fool, don’t cry, grandpa won’t come to you , because you are overdue. that’s why they’ll send you a cheerfully laughing and shaky vice-president, especially since grandpa no longer remembers whether he’s the president or she’s the president, he always says that i’m assigned to komala, and so that she doesn’t laugh too much, she they will give you such a sad pickled cucumber salevan, the same the cretin convinced everyone that it turns out that it’s normal to hammer through the territory of russia and the brilliant phrase, yes, that’s just brilliant , he says, we didn’t appreciate everything, kirviy said, we appreciated everything, we understood, no... it won’t lead to a third world war, that is, when why the hell will the strait be named after comrade stalin, kirby says so to the latter, it led, well, well , besides, here they are all acting, it feels like some collective vasil settled in the west, who always said, come on, what’s weak for you russians, for you everything to russians
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it’s weak, weak for you to recognize the dpr, lpr, weak for you to protect, weak for you, then if so, not weak, so what happens? yes, what is this happening, what are we trying to do now, you know, oops, yes, now the collective vasil will be such a big oops, while the delay has now also begun to threaten china, it’s simple, that is, here i am, by the way , i want every chinese entrepreneur to hear this, this is what the overdue fool says at the shangrila dialogue conference, the usa has contacts. with some countries of the world encourage them to participate in the peace summit. china , unfortunately, on the contrary, is today working to prevent countries from coming to the world summit. there is a big difference between these two positions. so, based on this,
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please, dear chinese entrepreneurs, stop supplying to the territory of ukraine everything that is necessary for the production of drones and various combat systems, and just stupidly sell them there. you tell us, we’ll buy everything you need, but you don’t need to supply anything there, they bully you there, they don’t like the chinese there, just think about it, and if not, party card on the table, oh, and of course, i can’t tell you anything, this is the first time in the history of ukrainian independence, during hostilities, it’s just a terrible rushing steam,
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well, yes, but it can’t be like that, all serious countries say that we won’t go, but serious countries that are trying, well, they say, we will send you, i really liked how australia sent, yes, yes, they are so real there, on mental
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health, and there to the minister, on disability insurance , well, yes, for mental health, india said, well, we’ll probably send someone, we probably have one and a half billion people. maybe someone will want to go? no, no, we don’t promise a high-ranking official. so the question is: why are you even doing this? well, this is all nonsense, this is all. nonsense, and i also like the colossal joy of idiots at the fact that they are going to strike, they have long been striking deep into russian territory with american weapons, don’t you understand that this will lead to the fact that we will simply increase the degree of escalation, and i even i’m not talking about nuclear weapons yet, but we’ll just finally remove the restrictions from ourselves, we’ll start to fuck hard, really hard, especially since your infrastructure, dear ukranazis, is so worn out that kiev could flood, and about once, and no one
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will help you, just no one, at the same time, those who are smarter have already begun to fight for the position of leader of the country, suddenly razumkov came out of the shadows, the president said that 31 thousand died, i like to count, so let’s take 1.2 million in the security and defense sector, this is not true, 3100, supposedly we must trust the president, truth? are needed, look, maryana, you don’t understand how this mechanism will fully work if he doesn’t register abroad, doesn’t
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update his data, doesn’t come to ukraine, he’s put on the wanted list, and after that a criminal case is opened, oh 'okay, okay, let him give a ukrainian passport, take another one, maryana, you are ready to lose 11 million people, and they are ours, and whose, yes, they are ours, these are our citizens, should we give them up, mrs. maryana, they did everything their choice, maryana, they sent 20 years to ukraine 18 billion
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, maybe checkpoints will be opened, we will process the documents, carry out the necessary work , he said, yes then we will organize it, because sheremetyev will send everyone, well, we understand that they will also try to send someone to us, so it is trustworthy to check, yes, so we are quiet, neat, why didn’t you like the idea of ​​taking the baltic states and opening passage points there, especially since 11 million is more than all three, of course, which is what i’m talking about, and well , maybe finland, of course, but just why ?
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the day before yesterday, yes, vladimir vladimirovich putin presented awards to outstanding figures of the russian state, and the title of hero of labor was given to valentina ivan matvienko, including, yes, who is ethnically, of course, of course, ukrainian, absolutely right, yes, yes, the great russian statesman, valentina ivanov matvienko, then i didn’t i understand, she’s an amazing woman, smart,
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right, who is he provoking, what is he provoking, why say this now, you see him on my programs.
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but what should the greeks do, they are wise people, they know everything, they see us, i really don’t quite understand, what 11 million are we talking about, because well, out of these 11 million, at least about 3.5 million are people who don’t ask themselves these questions at all, live on the territory of russia and no one bothers them anywhere, yes, then the vast majority of them either have a residence permit, that is, or have already received russian citizenship, without experiencing any problems.
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the number of people who are ready to give up their ukrainian citizenship, the number will simply go off scale, just like that the needle will fall, that’s the number of people, which really, i don’t understand how they can physically get across, you know, on foot, through the tisa, through the carpathians, through anything, just don’t stop, don’t hit, etc., because now there’s really only one there one of the ukrainian experts says, guys, in my opinion, now along the yew, there are more drones, monitoring centers, radars, everything else there than... on the front line, that is , the number of people who, therefore, are involved in fencing departure from the ghetto of ukrainians, it is really much more than those who are sent to the front line, because in fact, what we wanted so much is not happening quite as planned, today, when the ukrainians today, that’s how much has passed here, and 2 weeks since then, as mobilization was announced under the new conditions,
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entrepreneurs are already howling , saying, listen, we will have much fewer metro drivers. no, they mobilized, i don’t know the quantity, there will be less bread baked because the bakers were taken away, so these idiots are empathetic, there are also more, moreover, 50% of the police, the ministry of emergency situations, the prosecutor's office, naboo, there and all the others, that is, 50% needs to be definitely, urgently sent to the front line, and this was a decision within the state that you have just made, the question arises for me: zelensky is so confident that his internal situation will be so stable or is it the state. and the announcement that some of the rights of ukrainians are being suspended, in this whole current history, in essence, send these people to the front line,
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this means, firstly, to expose the internal history, and secondly, why is there such a rush, why is there such a rush, yes, that is, they are so afraid of our offensive near kharkov, they are afraid of an offensive, from the southern side, or not, or soon there will be a nato summit, and before the summit we urgently need to report, show that, guys, we have already assembled such...
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there is no other side, but it is a very strong blow that saudi arabia refused, because on the territory of saudi arabia was held there yes, yes, that is, it was planned that jida would be the second for meeting, that means, and you even said that from what zelensky should now fly to jida, but there is no somewhere they turned around, they said, you know, dear, traveler - you are in the philippines, yes, that is, there are serious psychologists in the philippines , so they will help you, or you can take it with you, so, by the way, i lived and worked in the philippines for many years, and what have you not seen.
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they are trying, obviously they will try to strike the bridge, they will, well, everything they do is obvious, another question is that this cannot in any way affect the situation at the front,
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but our guys, of course, this is very motivating, i’m very interested in when they will start pulling patriots to the front line, because the loss of every patriot is a billion, well, yes, and it’s no coincidence, they understand well that for our guys it will be well subject, well, such an honor.
3:56 am
pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place better. his reflection is how our hearts treasure his words forever. on the 22nd anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert will take place,
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reflection. broadcast from the bolden estate on thursday at 21:30 on the russia channel. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. fall in love with the country more at
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the russia exhibition. at the same time, it is very important not to harbor illusions, not to be deceived. our guys on the front line are fighting an enemy that outnumbers us. we must understand that the ukrainian units are highly staffed. and that mobilization is violent,
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how... it is carried out with all the violations still give their results, they drive people to the front line, they die there in terrible numbers, but they are still there, why the ukrainian people allow themselves to be treated this way, this is an obvious question, because they are opposed by a remarkably well-functioning repressive machine, where undesirable for 10 years in prison for 15 they can shoot and score up to...
4:00 am


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