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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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nothing, that is, they consider themselves entitled to rape, rob, kill, do whatever they want, no one can resist them, although the partisans are already burning their cars, killing tsekashniks, it will all end with them just really starting to be killed, the territories of ukraine will be formed , free from the tsk, internal battles will begin, but while people are being driven in, people are dying, and the ukrainians cannot understand the main thing, because they will be driven into eighteen-year-olds, and sixteen-year-olds will be... driven, and eighteen-year-old women will be sent to the front, west made a choice for himself, ukrainians are only needed to die, note that if before they said all ukrainians want to go to the left, now they don’t care, he says: you should all go die, this is the only thing the west wants from ukrainians, they will deport, they will send to slaughter, that's it, the romance is over, the romance.
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who will accumulate this topic, and i think that most likely this is a significant time factor, but it will be very short in time, i will say, because the social base for resistance in ukraine is very is great, so i can simply state now based on the events taking place, the fact is that all the commands and all the orders are no longer working, and in any case, that information field, and that information agenda that exists within the country, is precisely what is creating more and more doubts in ukrainian society regarding the prospects. well, let’s say the surveys are different, diverse, contradictory, mutually exclusive, but nevertheless they do not provide a certain picture. let’s say, one of the latest surveys, 80% of ukrainians understand that raising energy prices will not solve the energy issue, of course, will not solve, this issue may no longer even be relevant, why raise it, well, of course, completely different tasks are being set here, then there is the foreign policy agenda, which the countries of the asia-pacific region were talking about, there is a need
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to understand more deeply the situation inside, listen , they don’t need their problems, ukraine is not the first country there in terms of attention, in terms of interests, they have the first problem, in terms of research, i told you already in the spring that this singaporean institute is doing interesting research, they have this south china sea, although in the first place it was hamas, this is the war between israel and palestine, in these polls, yes, ukraine is in the center of some attention, but it is by no means they who live their lives.
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gave results, they support the states, but this does not mean that there is absolute loyalty to the states, it does not mean, well, it’s just that the country really no one told nakhodsky that he was not an american, no, no, there are processes there, listen, there is something there study, there is a really subtle history there, there is a subtle history there, but for ukraine, it’s true, they live their own lives, this needs to be understood, and in order to participate in this agenda, you can only participate indirectly, but returning to the ukrainian topic and to the possible...
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scenario of events, i will say this, even yes, plus the australians, look, what kind of sociology is going on there, where are the australians, well, more than 50%, now this is surprising to me, they are against aid to ukraine, it seemed...
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article 103, even though he will bang his head against anything, even against his own ass, well, that’s the law, vladimir, the next stage is this is when it becomes a factor in political life within the country, and the prerequisites for the strengthening of the front in ukraine now
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exist, and it is precisely the factor of legitimacy that poroshenko has, a legitimate deputy of the verkhovna rada, a legitimate tymoshenko, a woman with a scythe, well, i know yours. razumkov, not ours, him, his, too, his, not ours, him, panochka vasilya, the whoremonger, we will remember viktor fedorovich, then it turns out, but what about remembering him, he has a friend in rostov, there’s no way to move out of the apartment probably can't, yeah that was the same explanation, yes, well, i guess i don’t know at all, but where are all these former ones, well, who is where, well, they were all shouting there, walking around, and what’s not on the front line, why are they leading a detachment named after me there yourself, not just. it would be interesting, the guys are all rich, they can easily afford the luxury of buying tanks, rszz, everything, come on, have a good day, vladimirevich, so i’m looking at my fellow countrymen who are there, those who are really there, in donetsk everything , this is the elite
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, this is what happened, a unique story, not all the elite of donbass, but a significant part, they remained there, well, that such a reality turned out, i’m not talking about that, but those people who told us for so long. russia never solves problems quickly and dynamically, this is called vanity. crimea, this crimea, was also not fast and not dynamic, it was just the first stage, and after that , for more than eight years, it was included, analyzed, and so on. it’s fast and dynamic, there
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’s simply a task here, it’s really a big army, millions of people, and the big task facing russia must be solved in the interests of the russian states, this is a typical feature. that ’s why, for some reason, all their lives, the residents of ukraine want the whole world to solve their problems for them, now it’s just not, but what, well, 11 million guys, well, 3 and a half solved the problem, came to russia, 8 million, only in 4 months, find a way, the water will find a hole, if you want happiness, do something yourself, something, vladimir did it, he struggled for many years, it turned out, he did it, he struggled for many years, it turned out, well, essentially here everyone's in the studio, right?
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some figure appears in the puzzle, which is encrypted there, zelensky has this filipino crossfort, that’s how he doesn’t, how he doesn’t try to draw everything, it turns out to be a very obscene illustration. regarding the global south, everything is also obvious, you see, the states are now not so much through some kind of authority there, intimidating pressure, as they are already flooding the global south with money so that they at least come and vote, this is generally not typical behavior for americans, i just returned from south africa, well, we were there as fate abandoned you, abandoned you a little. here in south africa there were national elections and we represented the russian federation as
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a direct delegation to the elections, as international observers, but there was a lot of communication with absolutely all political forces, with all political parties, people representing all layers of society and so on, that’s interesting, without names of the party, a party that shows such a bright russophobic position, they take out blue and yellow rags, the ukrainian ambassador comes to them all the time, they walk her there in the atlantic, or bathe her or... they are drowning, it’s unclear, something else, and an interesting moment, while they themselves come out to talk, well, i thought, in general , some kind of provocation at first, and people come out, listen, he says, let’s win quickly, we see that you are right, but you understand, the americans give money, but for me it was a revelation, i’ll tell you honestly, because why somewhere on the other side of the world, and making excuses for what they do, well , it would seem unnecessary, regarding the summit in switzerland, well, you need to understand that it’s not some kind of summit, not even a gathering, and not even switzerland.
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remember that switzerland, in relation to us, specifically me, including, imposed sanctions earlier than britain or the usa, that is, switzerland galloped right ahead, and in every possible way showed its negative attitude towards the will of the russian people, towards reunification, towards the return of our southern russian regions, now regarding the situation, switzerland is now holding an interesting vote, at the end of which they want to return to a neutral status and recognize only security council sanctions, is it that they will lift the sanctions on you and me? well, not otherwise, probably, that is, everyone will remove the sans, uh-huh, well, i want to return to the topic, the front, yes,
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the fact is that literally on june 4th is our anniversary, the first, that is, a year, exactly a year ago, the so-called began counterattack, well advertised, told how they would get there, how they would fish there, swim on the yalta embankment, go in parades there, and so on.
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ended, also obviously, it didn’t start yesterday on the front line, but what exactly did it mean for them, well, on the front line in the zaporizhzhya front, after all, work in the recruiting industry and so on further, these have already become such names, and not just proper names, they have already gone down in history, and sometimes they also put the emphasis on rabotino and sounded like some kind of borodino, you know, this parallel a couple of hundred years later was even stronger, it was precisely at the forefront that our number of enemy manpower was much greater than our guys who were defending, we had problems with counter-battery combat, with drones, all these problems began to be solved over time, but the counter-offensive began precisely in those difficult conditions. and low bow to the russian soldier, the russian officer who stood, who not
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only repelled this counter-attack, but today is moving forward, step by step, and this is truly the quality of our people, our great people, because here it is impossible to divide who is which part of the russian of the people, because this is our unity - this is our strength, which simply inspires and gives strength to go forward, this is the heroism, and this self-sacrifice that was, but would it have been possible without - a second front, such civil front, when people acted according to the formula “russian help russian”, thank you very much to the foundation, yes, yours, including ordinary people who actively did everything, donated everything they could to... among many volunteer groups here was my good friend, a wonderful russian man, kirill fedorov, who actively supported our flyers, our helicopter pilots, k-52 alligators, mi-28 night hunters and so on, which were precisely knocked out by heavy equipment on the zaporozhye front. kirill fedorov, let me remind you, this is a russian activist who for decades also fought and is fighting for historical
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justice, to return home in every sense, he was caught. minions in the baltics, yes, he was imprisoned, tortured, was released on a large bail, and after he paid the bail, he fled to russia, during the hostilities he provided assistance, well, over 300 million for sure, i’m not really there i thought he could tell there himself, i think it’s known, but why am i talking, this is a man who for the past two years has not been able to obtain russian citizenship for years, i raised this issue on this program a few days ago, well, excuse me, well, as if repeating the teaching, yes, sergei viktorovich lavrov yes... raised this question, that is, a lot of other people, where we have someone... then he’s sitting here, as far as i know, i’ve talked to the migration service there now, they took his case, they’re looking into it, of course no one will send him out now , they’ve just extended it for him, he doesn’t have a deadline on june 5th yet, he’s already been extended, yeah , that is, well , at least they told me that we extended and they will continue to study, see what can be done so that we deal with this issue
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with all our might, that is, i thank you very much to the whole world, everyone there everyone everyone everyone understands the task, because why is he doing this, well, this is my personal position, yes, well understanding a little the psychology of these devils, yes, well, because due to the fact that he lived in ukraine for many years and was at nato headquarters back in ninety -nine, and other points that stoltenberg says, we don’t care about all these red lines , we crossed them and crossed them we will overstep, they raise the temperature, trying to provoke us into some kind of rash,
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let’s say, actions, emotions, yes, to show that, well, that’s the principle. the militants of the trans-reich can directly beat the patriots that germany gave on the territory of russia, yes, that is, we see that i, here, here, here, something like this, that is, we see that there is clearly a provocation to , well, more precisely, translated into russian, it’s not some ukrainian cameraman caught on the street who will be sitting behind this volume,
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these are clearly soldiers of the bundeswehr, that is, therefore , you must agree, there is something completely epic. that is, we once gave independence to greece, and now the first greek pilot came to kiev to teach how to kill russians on an f-16, what an ungrateful bastard, the greek people are not like that to destroy everyone, i think that he will be ostracized in greece, well well, there are a lot of problems in greece now, yes , i think there will be even more, there will be even more, yes, because they hand over their...
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no, they control the political elite ukraine, ermak and the office of the president, the americans are pouring in 60 billion, well, let them pour in, this
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is about ukraine, and this is about zelensky, this is about him, this is about his family, this is about ermak’s family, why would he exchange his happiness for some ukraine, but he didn’t care about this ukraine, how many should be sent 1000, he will send 100, 200, 200 he will send, he speaks and says that after the adoption of the law. mobilization, the situation has improved significantly, the repressive measures have simply become stronger, people are simply being pressed, women are being beaten, men they push them into beads, they take them there to these very tsk, it’s just that due to repression the volume has increased, the shaft has increased, that is, the tsk reprimanded that they mobilized such and such a number of people, but these are not soldiers yet, these are people who were taken from the street and brought to the shopping mall.
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this is a necessary measure that they go to in order to close the front end, there are those 3000 who are really fighting, not the 100 million that are in tu there, relatively speaking, for the most part, this front end, there is no one to close it, it there is no one to close, but some they covered time with meat, they just sent people away, they died, the average life expectancy of a ukrainian soldier was 4 hours, but they can’t win the war like that, and the task they were given was not about defense, this is not a story about defense,
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they understand that they won’t get it, vasilyevich, although you already said today, well then it’s concretely basic, well, logical, oh how, because the future of ukraine will probably save it.
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separate from kiev, there is such an important thing, there is a very beautiful city - khmelnitsky, in fact, where it was, this is a petition signed by the ukrainian cossacks to the russian tsar, in this city of khmelnitsky there is a university named after grigory skovoroda and a ukrainian porn star recently performed there. they made a platform, the platform is called the platform of opportunity and invited her there for lectures, when she was not just a lecture, she answered questions and so on and so on, that is, the porn star came to one of the leading universities, especially the leading university of the pen, that’s for sure and told me. young
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girls, boys, how to survive in this situation, what is the future? well, he told me, he told me, of course, they asked her, one of the questions was like, listen, probably in the business you are in, it doesn’t matter to have brains, you need other parts and so on, equipment and so on, she answered, you know, in any profession, and especially in mine, you need to have brains, well done, because you need to have brains, brains, no, you can have everything, look, what am i saying? and we, we are talking about the drug business, we are talking about a gathering of thieves in kiev, who divided the money from uhilants, we are talking about the sale of weapons, we are talking about cannabis, we are talking about the casino here, of course, there was a casino, how many soldiers who were at the front lost everything because they played in an online casino, and now it turns out that the future of ukrainian students in ukraine is porn, that is, what else should ukrainians try or what else
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should the ukrainian government impose? people, so that later they can find a way out, even through such, i beg your pardon, businesses and so on, this will lead to what, this can lead to lead, this can lead to the fact that when you say that people will end, people will not just end, they will simply go crazy, simply, simply become mentally ill, and there is no way out of this situation, unfortunately, it’s the only one she didn’t say that you need brains, but that you need to work with your head, well, vladimir, your editors are great, or editors or editors, which is correct? depending on what they go to work with briefcases or with briefcases in success pedagogical ones put documents or documents there i wrote down this one of yours the end of the case excites or excites, i ’ll work on this phrase that you finished, so that somehow you said there might be something to earn, yes, i haven’t heard this phrase for the first time, it’s the author’s, it seems right to me, i should research it, but it’s in
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rhyme, that’s all. see you tomorrow.
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