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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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hello. the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim ovchan. a fight with shooting the day before alarmed the residents of balashikha near moscow. the incident occurred on the territory of one of the residential complexes. two friends got into a heated argument with a man in a red car. after a short scuffle , the motorist locked himself in the vehicle, but one of the drunks inappropriately pulled out a pistol, began to threaten his opponent with violence, and eventually even pulled the trigger. hooligans promptly
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police officers who arrived to respond to the call detained him. a traumatic pistol was confiscated from one of them. now both are being tested for involvement in similar antics. fortunately, the bullets did not reach their target; the opponent of the violent citizens was not injured. invested in herself; a major regional media manager was detained in novosibirsk. according to investigators, alexander zaryanov managed to receive a bribe of almost 10 million rubles. for the contracts necessary for his image to be concluded by bypassing tenders. how the businessman planned to promote himself and what does nikita have to do with it kologrivy. ekaterina likhomanova sorted it out. the morning of the head of the novosibirsk region development corporation, alexander zoriyanov, did not start with coffee. instead of another interview, a major media personality in the capital of siberia had to prepare for interrogation. he is being investigated for taking a bribe. it is known from open sources that ozyryanov headed a joint-stock company for 7 years, the founder of which was the regional ministry of development. the corporation is implementing large investment projects in the region, including industrial and logistics.
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various festivals allegedly paid bribes to the manager for patronage. according to the investigation, in the period from january to march of this year, two employees of legal entities, shares in the authorized capital of which belong to the state, acting by prior conspiracy, received a bribe from two directors of commercial organizations for holding a public event in the regional center. for almost 10 million rubles. the head of the corporation together with his accomplice alexander gomanov, who headed the industrial and logistics park. should be to help entrepreneurs conclude a contract worth more than 64 million rubles, bypassing competitive procedures, and the public event in question was held in novosibirsk in march. the family traditions film festival was organized thanks to the regional development corporation. even celebrity guest nikita kologrievy was invited. according to the investigation , zuryanov paid for his pr in the local media, but his pr people did not think through one point, that the moderator of the event would be nezyrya.
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death in a private clinic roszdravnadzor finds out the reasons for the death of a patient on the operating table. the girl died
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during a seemingly simple intervention, while the clinic itself only promised to return the money for the operation. report by alexander karpov. girls, please tell me, we are waiting for the manager. regarding the death of your patient, will anyone come to us to explain? well, they called while no one comes out, that is, the impression is that this is a common thing, the person has died, the patient has died, in general, it seems that this does not bother anyone here at all, that’s the feeling, that is, that’s all normal, death for cash, a year ago a young successful entrepreneur natalya kazaku handed over 3,000 rubles to the cash desk of sm clinics for an ordinary operation, which they do for free... in any city hospital, they said that the operation was not complicated and would not last more 30 minutes, perhaps on the same day she will be allowed to go home, my mother wrote to me that at 8 am she writes to me, i’m going to surgery, this is her last message, which, that is, she sent me, then there was a shock, i’m not into it
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i believed it, only in the evening the relatives were informed that natalya is in intensive care, recovering from anesthesia, and she was already dying due to a medical error after the patient underwent surgical treatment. her health condition worsened and she died without regaining consciousness. establishment of all the circumstances of the woman’s death under control in the ostankino inter-military prosecutor’s office. nothing was said, only that she fell into a coma, and during the operation. the fatal mistake was that the surgeon did not control the fluid flow and its outflow, and that the uterus was partially damaged. experts will establish all this, alas, too late. more 2 weeks natalya. was in a coma, but the doctors clearly had something to hide. they didn’t even tell us where she was taken, to which morgue, we were given documents from the alaganatom, incorrect, because death occurred from uterine fibroids, well, this is impossible, this does not happen, but
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what the real cause of death turned out to be, cerebral edema, sepsis , a criminal case is being investigated into the death of a patient in one of the private clinics, searches have been carried out from the clinic... this is not the first criminal case of the private security department of the vsm clinic. another victim victoria timofeeva lost her eye after drops containing caustic acid were prescribed by an ophthalmologist. 1 millimeter of this one drop was enough. and i just felt such a burning sensation that it’s like they’re burning your eye alive. i screamed like that. that's it, this is a thorn in my side. the blindness is complete, but instead of apologies and explanations, the clinic seems to simply clean up information about the victims. they deleted the entire database regarding my wife. when the investigator sealed the file from this clinic, she looked through the database, and
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there was no data concerning my wife there. and no one remembers about the operation that led to the patient’s death. the doctor who did it does not work here, unfortunately, for a very long time. how did it work out? this is especially true for the capital. moscow is now officially the world leader in terms of the most annoying traffic. according to debtrans of the city , 60,000 electric scooters are available for rent on the streets of the capital. this year alone, they have already made 18 million trips. this is almost twice as much as for
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the same period in 2023. other major cities countries are still lagging behind in terms of numbers, but are also actively developing kicksharing. here's an interesting statistic. a school graduate is being interrogated in the moscow region. who almost chopped up his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend with a machete. the teenager sneaked up on the couple in the entrance and attacked them with a huge blade. the victims received serious injuries, which threatens the young jealous. reporting by alina skachkova. in this entrance, a couple of lovers almost lost their lives. the young people took the elevator down to the first floor and did not even suspect that what was waiting for them here was man with machete. for the attack, he specifically chose the stairwell, a cramped, enclosed space, where it is almost impossible to return from the blows of a huge knife. there are dark spots on the steps - these are already washed away traces of blood, and this, apparently, is an earring in the shape of a cross, which the girl defended. it turned out that the student ’s beauty was inadequate. familiar, this is her former boyfriend, a seventeen-year-old teenager, just yesterday's schoolboy, who, according to investigators, wanted
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to get rid of the couple out of jealousy, the children yesterday were a little shocked that we we were walking, we came, when we returned home, there was a pool of blood next to the entrance, everything in the elevator was covered in blood, and a machete in the entrance cut them somewhere. the jealous man inflicted many wounds on the girl’s new beau, twenty-five-year-old nikita gutrov, including cutting off two fingers. the victim could not stand on his feet. the victim comes to her senses at home, her
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shoulders are striped, the vengeful aggressor is detained and is already pouring out his soul to the investigators. during interrogation, the teenager admitted his guilt and was charged with attempted murder. two people. tomorrow the court may send the teenager to a pre-trial detention center; meanwhile, in the house where the attack took place, anxiety does not subside; dozens of children playing in the yard became unwitting eyewitnesses of what happened. alina skachkov, anton sitnikov and dmitry frolov, lead the duty department. in koma , members of the region's largest group of drug traffickers, who produced mephedrone on an industrial scale, were sentenced; however, only the perpetrators were sentenced; their foreign curators are still at large. how the criminal drug business works, why mephedrone became the number one drug on the black market in our country. a special report by andrey romanov about this. in a laboratory hidden on the outskirts of a remote village. the republic of koma is undergoing a chemical reaction, measure 110 thunder, so
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it is so lifeless as i am it. a self-taught chemist in a gas mask and a chemical protection suit learns experimentally how to brew mephedrone. the broadcast of a multi-part story about how novice drug fighters, as they say, went down to earth, was organized by one of the three participants in this crime drama. he thought about the consequences in time and decided install cameras in the premises and secretly communicated the plans. friends of the security forces called me in august, said that everything necessary for the laboratory had arrived, well, we went with him , took it all, began to collect it for the laboratory, then i didn’t really take part in this, but i saw it all. he told us the whole picture of what happened, when they got settled, from what period they carried out criminal activities, when they received equipment from the operator, the police followed the so-called for some time...
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firstly, this is literature, so that, roughly speaking, people are already ready, have read what is needed, this is a list of what precursors are also required, where to order on what website, the laboratory usually works for several months, then the mephedrone workshop is raided by the police, by that time foreign curators manage to make millions on their puppets and forget about them forever, considering them waste material; by the way, the organizers of this business choose mephedrone for support for a reason.
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we have from kamchatka to kaliningrad, he it is cheap, it is prepared literally in any laboratory, almost at home, drug dealers lure potential users. classic tricks - this is a promise of unbridled energy and an unprecedented surge of strength. mephedrone is touted as a magic drug that will help you dance the night away. the fairy tale ends quickly, the unbridled raft is replaced by completely different dances. in a matter of weeks, mephedrone addicts no longer dance after the next dose. the fate of western curators of mephedrone laboratories consumers care little. one
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will always be replaced by others; they are much more upset by the detention of the so-called cookers and the closure of laboratories after successful special operations. dries up, but only until new chemists are recruited. the court put an end to the story of the so-called coma cooks: the defendants received 14 years in prison, their whistleblower, just in case , left the republic forever, he is too afraid of the place for crossing the road to the drug cartel. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. footage of the arrest released barnaul maniac vitaly. according to investigators, he took the lives of at least 11 women, and then lay low and even made a career as an official. manishin has been in custody since last year, and very soon the high-profile criminal case will begin to be considered in court. the story of the famous bloody rector of the polytechnic maniac, based on his own testimony, in the material of fyodor eliseev. until now, these videos have not
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been released to the public. footage of the arrest of the most famous maniac in the altai territory. bird-watching in the early morning by security forces they drop in to visit the home of a former official of the administration of the kalmansky district of the altai territory, farmer vitaly manishin. the owner's common-law wife meets them on the veranda and goes to milk the cow. in a matter of seconds , the woman finds out that the man with whom she lived for a couple of decades may be that same bloody rector, the killer of at least eleven women. verifier. we are employees of the criminal investigation department, employees of the investigative committee, now the decree will be followed in your house a search has been carried out, okay? it took 23 years to catch the alleged butcher; in the summer of 2000, one by one , applicants to the barnaul polytechnic university began to disappear. first, three sixteen-year -old girls, strangers to each other at different
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times, it became obvious that a maniac was operating, then two more girls disappeared, then the university staff came under suspicion... it was a mistake, the monster was simply posing as one of them, i introduced myself as i am the person who has the opportunity to resolve the issue of guaranteed one hundred percent admission, in addition to five applicants, the investigation team was interested in the disappearance of two adult women, they also disappeared on the square in front of the polytechnic, this place is known among the townspeople as the frying pan, everyone came here to meet the students , here they tried to... catch the maniac with live bait, but even so, neither the hundreds of police officers on duty, nor the traffic police posts, nor the leaflets with portraits of the victims bore fruit, the monetary reward announced by the father of one of the missing people also did not find a hero, out of despair the parents of the girls even turned to psychics, of course, you just wasted time getting to know the girls, where you followed them, went out onto dimitro street, a car
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parked near the building, the polytechnic maniac took the girls into the forest, raped them, killed them, demonstrate. the killing mechanism, how, in this way. manishin admits that he felt a thirst for blood back in 1989. then a girl he knew rejected his advances. the gentleman allegedly flew into a rage and strangled her, and after the first murder he could no longer stop. enough having had enough of creating a stir, the bloody rector lay low, even made a career, became deputy head of the administration of the kalman district of the altai territory, and then they came for the official, and he confessed to everything. what did they do when she scratched and kicked, i held him with my hands. employees of the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the regional department of the investigative committee of russia found the fifty-three-year-old official when they returned to the investigation of his very first massacre, and then realized that his handwriting the criminal is the same as that of the polytechnic maniac. during interrogation, manishin confessed to a series
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of murders and showed where he hid the remains, including those that no one had found over the years. numerous interrogations were conducted. both the accused himself and witnesses from among students, applicants, and university admissions officers during the period of the crimes, as well as interrogations of residents of the kalman and rodinsky districts, where the defendant lived and worked. the trial of the barnaul maniac is taking place in the kalmansky district court, in the place where he allegedly committed his first murder. today his period of detention was extended by 6 months . the trial of the most terrible urban legend of barnaul will begin in a matter of days: june 17. fedor eliseev, alexander polivka, lead the duty department.
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marathon queen elena blinovskaya may soon be declared bankrupt, at least lawyers on her behalf filed a corresponding application with the arbitration court. if this happens, blinovskaya will become, perhaps, the richest bankrupt in the country. the point is that the bills property, the scandalous blogger was arrested by court order. at the same time, debts to the state. for tax fraud are growing at a frantic pace up to half a million a day, so blinovskaya came up with a new marathon for herself, how to save her valuables, if she is declared bankrupt, all the money from her accounts will be seized, the real estate will begin to be put up for auction, but as soon as the debt is repaid, the rest will be returned to the owner, because 60 billion rubles were seized from her, and she owed less than one and a half billion, in general, bankruptcy may turn out to be purely technical. bring, a bike rowdy without brakes, vyzhevsky policemen and even some... local residents really want to meet a rider who creates a real riot on city streets, rushes along the sidewalks at high speed, almost knocking people down, flies out onto the roadway, forcing
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drivers to slow down , and just then immediately throws hysterics and provokes a fight. read more daniel sakharovichko. this first-person video has been discussed on the internet for a week now. a cyclist rides along the warm streets of vesenny and izhevsk, he rushes towards embankment, but contrary to the rules, does not dismount at the traffic lights. an offensive hysterical reaction naturally outrages men, they try to talk to the impudent cyclists, they reprimanded you, but who are you not to reprimand, why are you shouting, are you nervous or something? i’m very nervous, maybe you weren’t raised, or maybe your parents are a savage, just like i’m a savage, a savage, but men react calmly to hysterics and apparently decide that wasting time on such a character is useless, but the little guy rides off triumphantly, retiring to safety the distance screams: this could have been just an outrageous incident, one of many trivial conflicts on the street, except that defiant behavior for this cyclist
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is the rule, not the exception. judge for yourself. please, get in what you need, moreover, the cyclist himself actively posts all these videos on the internet under the nickname archiebrutal, cruel archie, if translated, as if he is boasting about his rudeness. by the way, archie yells and swears even at... inanimate objects, another part of the cruel archie's blog consist of rides and a little casual communication with young athletic guys, if you regret everything, then you can then not leave the house at all and sit on the couch, archikh wants to be with them and teaches inexperienced guys his strange philosophy, it’s like with women, no women, no problems , inept races. lame videos and numerous photo sessions for the sake of such narcissism. the video blogger does not strive to win the hearts of the audience with anything else.
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despite his short blogging experience, archie has already won people's love, pedestrians are fighting with a boor, his own weapon. you, why? to participate in the competition? what kind of competition? best poop ever. the police remained partial to archie’s work. it was on one of the social networks. a video was discovered showing a cyclist moving around the city of izhesk in violation of traffic rules , while provoking citizens to conflict. an investigation into this fact is currently underway. unlike passers-by, the police have the opportunity to force the cruel archie to think about his behavior, for example, give him 15 days to do this, and zhersk with i would gladly take a break from cycling. and perhaps an apology would finally appear on the ill-fated blog. daniil with a dry hand, news, defunct part. the entire operational feed of legal news. in telegram channels there is a duty unit and a partial detective, subscribe, also our investigation, we watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release
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is completed, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel , my obediences are gray, they are over, not all of them. forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what they wanted from me, a miracle, wow, wow, the demon would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, without our own demonstration, we’ll figure it out, pray, black one! it’s also a mistake to cheat on the guys, it’s time to pay, i’ll hurt from here, so if i’m alone, we’ll quickly
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fall asleep if there’s a chance with you. hold on, i ran into you badly, there will be someone else who will do this to whom, disobedient people, i’m still with you.
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explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, on the app or on the website, when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, we entered, for the first time there we grew up, i was wounded, everything bullets.
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that’s all, at that moment he came up to me . i didn’t have the strength to post anymore, i thought that a local guy, where he came from, i didn’t even notice, i’ll still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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the russian army continues to advance, has taken more advantageous positions, and has successfully repelled 12 attacks in the ssu, zelensky’s formation was lost. almost 1,750 soldiers, mercenary officers, a tank and seven other armored vehicles, as well as 32 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems, including the american haymarc, were destroyed. the mtr is suffering huge losses and many of kiev's european allies are ready to solve three problems at once: to saturate the kiev troops with...


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