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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was captured near the village of chasov yar. the combat mission , supported by artillery and aviation, was carried out by airborne assault groups. several militants surrendered, including the commander of the evacuation group. washington intends to introduce visa sanctions against tbilisi without delay. this step is a response to the adoption of the law on foreign agents in georgia. earlier , the state department stated that there will be us-georgian relations. revised sergei lavrov
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arrived on a working visit to the republic of congo the program includes negotiations with the president of the country in a wide and narrow format. the focus, according to political scientists, will be issues of trade, economic and military-technical cooperation. ukrainian militants shelled gorlovka in the donetsk people's republic, one civilian was killed. the attack was carried out with cluster munitions; evidence was found directly at the site of the attack. artillerymen from the vostok group of troops struck a militant fortified area in the southern donetsk direction. the fire was carried out from geocind cannons by crews of military personnel from buryat. on in the neighboring sector of the front , tankers-murf infantrymen of the pacific fleet are working. report by our war correspondent eduard punigov. today, artillerymen of the vostok group from... in buryat, they received
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the task of hitting targets in the vicinity of urozhainy, they need to open several fortified areas. with heavy fire they pave the way for the assault units that are working on the front line of the southern donetsk direction. geocinths also conduct counter-battery warfare, their main targets are artillery pieces in the armed forces of ukraine, but if necessary, the installation can fire at armored vehicles. this machine is practically one of the best. there are practically no analogues, there are two or three, but they are very complex, it’s like a kalashnikov assault rifle, and geocinths also work against enemy rear units, the main thing is not to stay in one place for a long time, so that nothing comes in response, when the drone flies, we are in one we never go to one side, we maneuver, we go about 300 meters away, then immediately turn back so that the enemy artillery doesn’t focus us and tell us where to go so that they don’t hit us. and these shots were taken nearby
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section of the front, on the march of the t-80 bvm. marine tankers of the pacific fleet support the infantry advance in the konstantinovka area. tankers from primorye were the first to enter novomikhailovka, clearing the way for the column with landing troops. here is a video of that battle: a tank hits a minefield, explosions follow one after another. enemy artillery immediately began firing at the tank. they shot at us, our gun failed, the gun flew up and hit the gun and the gun went into failure. at this time, our assault units were already entrenched in the enemy’s strongholds. tankers perform their task completed 100%. this is the same tank that took part in the battles for novomikhailovka, then the combat vehicle received numerous damage, rollers, dynamic protection, barbecue, optics, even a cannon, but the tank withstood numerous explosions and the crew managed to return to their location under their own power. now damaged. the tank is undergoing maintenance in
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the rear area, and the crew is preparing for new offensive operations. the next strategic goal is konstantinovka, from it there is a direct road to the ugledar group apu. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the kiev regime is preparing a provocation in the kherson region. as the regional authorities stated, the method has already been worked out, and butch’s scenario can be used. earlier about preparations in kiev-controlled territory. said representatives of the local underground, according to them, directors and war correspondents are already on site in kherson, filming a video about how the russians allegedly hit civilian targets, and to make the picture look convincing, ukrainian militants first shell residential areas from jumping mortars. the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova , called for an explanation of the ban on leaving the country from the united states. the ex-intelligence officer planned to visit st. petersburg. economic
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forum, but he was removed from the new york-istanbul flight. according to ritor, the reason for the refusal was not given to him; the american state department simply said that they could not comment on the situation with the denial of access. he's a columnist himself. said the white house is afraid of his participation in this forum. and now about the fight against wildfires in the regions, according to information forest protection aviation, about 100 fires are being extinguished in forest areas. the most difficult situation is in transbaikalia and buryat: more than a dozen outbreaks in yakutia, 17 in the amur region, six in the khabarovsk territory. during the day , 60 fires were extinguished. more than fifty regions have introduced a special fire regime. about high danger. residents of moscow and the moscow region were warned of combustion today tomorrow. so, a federal-level emergency regime was introduced in the trans-baikal territory due to wildfires, and fifty specialists from the arkhangelsk region were sent to the region. and our correspondent pyotr pashchenko gets in touch.
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peter, i greet you. tell us how many outbreaks are currently active in what areas the situation is. the most difficult thing, tatyana, hello, today in the region, according to the latest data, there are 28 fires, and in general 291 forest fires with an area of ​​almost 198 have been registered in the region this month. extremely alarming, the governor of the trans-baikal territory alexander osipov called the situation, and on monday evening it was decided decision to introduce a federal emergency regime.
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50 we need a rescuer from the ministry of emergency situations, we also thank you for your support, that a decision was made to allocate additional helicopters through the ministry of emergency situations 3, they have already arrived, yes, yes, yes, they have already arrived and are starting to extinguish something, and one is already extinguishing something, and one through the ministry of natural resources, and additionally , we are asking for one additional helicopter to be found through the ministry of emergency situations, well, i will note that last weekend an amphibious aircraft from the ministry of emergency situations russia b200 arrived in the region.
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and now it’s time for economic news, alexander, the state duma council has sent the draft tax changes to the regions for discussion, tell us, when might the first reading be? tatyana, it’s possible that this month, i’ll tell you in more detail now. the first reading of the package of bills on amendments to the budget and tax changes may take place on june 20. this date was proposed by the relevant committee of the state duma. when the meeting will finally take place, the state duma council will decide. he has already sent a bill to the lawmaker.
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regions, almost 48 billion for the extension of payments in the amount of 450,000 rubles. for large families on mortgages and more than 33 billion to increase remuneration for class teacher guidance. the likelihood of the italian bank unicredit leaving russia is low. chief executive officer andrei archel told the financial times. he admitted that he is looking for options, but in modern conditions it is very difficult. leaving russia, whether by selling a bank or otherwise, is extremely difficult because you need to enter an ever-shrinking gray zone where you won't contradict anyone else's political will while avoiding sanctions from both sides. this doesn't mean we
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stopped trying, we are constantly searching. alternatives, but the likelihood is low. earlier , the central bank of italy announced that two italians would be forced to leave russia. companies of one individual in iran for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, the american state department reports, the organizations in question are structures associated with the company ryan rost (afcer), which the united states itself had previously blacklisted, an individual against whom sanctions were imposed , one of the leaders in the country's aviation industry. the us regularly accuses iran of supporting terrorism in the middle east, tehran denies such statements. in winter, ukrainians can expect power outages for 10-12 hours a
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day. this was stated in the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing and communal services. this will result in serious damage to the power system. the committee emphasized that the increase in tariffs will not allow us to have electricity 24 hours a day. on june 1, they were once again increased for the population, by more than 60%. limit prices for businesses were also increased by a quarter in may due to... their tasks on the front line, but have already managed become famous in military journalism. he writes
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vivid notes about the situation at the front, and my colleague anton potkovenko will tell about his exploits and literary talents. a combat officer with literary talent, a volunteer, deputy commander of the kuban z battalion, call sign adler, speaks and writes about the war in such a way that it touches a nerve. he calls the vseushnikov fascists and nothing else, he says that the evacuation vehicle is the most frequently replaced. all that remained was that i lay down next to him, pretended to be dead,
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lay there for about an hour, circled, circled, of course, in in the end they flew away and after that they already began to pull him out, their own people came out to meet him, helped with this, evacuated everyone, the rules of war are always brotherhood in battle, it’s an oath to pull out your fighter, wounded, killed, it doesn’t matter, and the commander is responsible, each comrade in arms is responsible for his own. adler speaks the truth, like a real military officer, that, for example, fear at the front is normal, when he experiences fear, he is more combat-ready, one can say that if you act without fear, you can quickly end, the person did not go for a walk, he is in a dangerous and risky situation, he must be aware of this, and the necessary small amount of fear, of course, must be present, which will allow the person to survive and act correctly in order to win. adler began writing even before the special military operation and continues now, of course, he says, the style has changed, but
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he really has a style, look, the sun is blinding your eyes, the clouds in the sky are scattered into torn pieces, as if they were shot from mortars, this is real literature , and documentaries, adler is published in including in the telegram channel of the military correspondent of the communist party of russia alexander kots, here is the story of how the armed forces of ukraine hit our trenches with detached nato troops. what is a call sign, for example, that they often take a nickname that has been attached to the town, or even from childhood, adler
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has a call sign after the name of his hometown, this also often happens, he writes about those with whom he fights side by side, about the commander of the assault groups of fedya and his fighters, before whom the branches of the trees bowed as if in a bow, this is a breakdown under five-hatted buildings, for which fyodor was awarded the order of courage, adler himself too knight of the order of courage for execution. and combat missions without specifications, but the merits are such that he participated in the may 9 parade on red square. the feeling is indescribable when you walk along red square. thoughts arise that your grandfathers passed here, who participated in the great patriotic war, and you are now repeating their path, and this is a new story, which is being written by our soldiers in the northern military district zone, line by line, front-line notes from deputy kambata with the sunny call sign adler.
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for headaches there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and... improve memory and attention to the ope so that the head works. prime minister mikhail mishustin is on a two-day working visit to minsk. the day before, he spoke at a session of the eurasian economic union and visited the belgro-2024 agro-industrial exhibition, where
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russia presented its exposition with domestic products. and anastasia saw everything. sokhovskaya. kuban apples, volgograd tomatoes, adgegey cheese, bashkir honey, astrakhan black caviar. 13 regions of russia, national exposition of belarus, where even local jamon is much better without the legendary milk, a new product is aerated yogurt. the premieres quickly became a taste. in short, a milkshake, like a children's one, a milkshake, like a children's one. exposition of four football fields. at the plenary session we will talk about the scale of the potential. at the common eurasian table, the largest players at the food market. russia has 10% of arable land. 13% of the world's wheat reserves, 16 barley, 40 knee fertilizers, mikhail mishustin gives the main figures. we are successfully solving the tasks outlined by the president of russia, vladimirovich putin, to implement the national food security doctrine. our country is one of the top twenty leaders among suppliers of agricultural products on the global market,
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in first place in a number of positions for wheat, sunflower oil, and mentai. last year. russian products were presented on the shelves of 160 countries , more than 100 million tons of food and another 40 million tons of fertilizers were exported. visual data from the presentation in russia, for example, only for grain, the increase over the past year by one and a half times is enough to feed not only itself and its neighbors, but also to support those who need it. over 10,000 tons of fertilizers were sent to malawi, kenya, zimbabwe, and nigeria. unfortunately due to action. ill-wisher , even more fertilizers are detained in european ports, although russia made a decision for free to send these cargoes to countries in need in the most difficult ones. over time, russia and the countries of the five behaved very responsibly in the global food market, i am absolutely sure that we will continue
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to behave this way. the same cannot be said about europe, the eu has just introduced protective duties on the import of grains and oilseeds from russia to belarus, this elimination of competitors is a violation of international conventions, the belarusian prime minister says this, the market has a bitter aftertaste of unscrupulous politics. other countries are watching how the arbiters world. being held hostage by such destructive logic is extremely dangerous. ensuring food security goes beyond individual states and becomes a critical component of integration. mikhail mishustin discusses something with his belarusian colleague golovchenko right before the meeting and, of course, while viewing the exhibition. this is our gardening grape tractor that we are planning. to do the russian federation in the south of the krasnodar territory, what we, within the framework of the union state, signed this agreement on admittedly, the engine of industrial cooperation,
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of course, is belarus and russia, our countries have a common industrial policy, dozens of common projects, hundreds of joint ventures, the most famous tandem in agriculture, perhaps, neighbors gomel and bryansk produce agricultural equipment together, this is the key to that same technological sovereignty and guarantees of food security. the union has a five-star agro-industrial potential , a common market of 190 million people, russia and kazakhstan fully cover the needs grain markets, belarus in milk, armenia, kyrgyzstan in vegetables and fruits. a unified view of the common past, an important part of the program of laying flowers on the mound of glory near minsk, it was here that the minsk cauldron closed 80 years ago. the belarusian capital was liberated from the nazi invaders. the united states will change its approach in supporting ukraine and
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is ready to discuss expanding strikes with american weapons on russian territory, the white house announced. at the same time , the so-called peace summit, prolonged by kiev, in the west it seems not needed. in washington it has already been confirmed that biden will not go there. and here ’s why maria skorodilka will tell you about it. baghdad is at its most restless, iraqis are literally attacking american restaurants, smashing windows, destroying stores, accusing the united states of inciting wars around the world, and the white house is no longer even hiding everything that is happening in ukraine directly in biden’s interests. ukraine has no stronger leader than president biden. the united states has actively participated and will continue to participate in any strategic affairs of this country. the united states is escalating the situation if only the kiev regime can survive until november. the american voter should not understand during the elections that it was biden who led ukraine to a global crisis,
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political scientists state that the red lines designed to limit military support for kiev from the west are constantly being erased, the colors are rapidly fading and have become like beige dots, writes the washington post. washington has already fallen out with too many people. china warns that one more step towards escalation and there will be no turning back. usa uses rules and orders as hegemonic narratives; when these rules and orders serve its interests, the united states uses them; when not, it abandons them. all these conflicts are the result of the us's core double standards. french mercenaries, among many other europeans, have been in ukraine for a long time, local media report. this video is being circulated on social networks, in which the russian military captures one of these french militants. european channels will not show this, the residents of germany, drowning from bad weather, are indignant. i was sleeping, son woke me up, shouting: mom, we are drowning,
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we climbed onto the roofs until the rescuers arrived, there is no help from the authorities, what are you talking about? the german authorities are busy with other things, preparing for war with russia. german journalists , referring to the current army general , write: “the bundeswehr is working on a plan for deep reform on the border with russia,” although... there is a hole in the federal budget and scholz can no longer help either ukraine, or even more so his residents in germany, stories remain about
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the fabulous country of germany. "we are experiencing incredible technological revolutions, in we have reduced the bureaucracy in the country several times, modernized all processes in the government, we have no equal. meanwhile, footage of a cemetery of dozens of destroyed american military vehicles, high-ranking generals are being published on the internet, and they are giving zelensky advice. i want to give advice to zelensky, to think about the value of the life of the ukrainian people, what they are fighting for, what the ukrainian people are fighting for."
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the materials are educational and educational games for children with hearing impairment, as well as methodological materials for the employees of this rehabilitation center itself about on how to conduct educational activities with the ministry of culture within the framework of the zaporozhye republic, we will still be able to organize a visit to the theater of facial expressions and gestures for those, in fact, people with hearing impairments, the hearing impaired. who for some reason cannot attend those events organized by the russian society of the deaf.
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