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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we...
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing, for this moment. the crew of the k-52m helicopter destroyed camouflaged enemy equipment and infantry at one of the sites of a special military operation. the strike was carried out using various types of weapons, including the vihar anti-tank missile system. ukrainian militants shelled gorlovka in the donetsk people's republic. one civilian was killed. the blow was struck. ukrainian media reports
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about new explosions in dnepropetrovsk. the day before they announced damage to infrastructure. the air raid alert was announced several times that night, warnings were sounded, in particular, in the poltava, cherkassy, ​​sumy and kirovograd regions. the west’s decision to launch missile strikes on russian territory will in no way change the course of the conflict in ukraine, he said. ex-british intelligence officer mi-6 alastair crook. he stressed delight in washington and brussels. they look stupid about this, because such blows are in fact have been applied for a long time, and have not been able to change the situation. the problems of people with disabilities were discussed in melitopol by a representative of the all-russian society of the deaf by the authorities of the zaporozhye region. the main goal is to reach people with hearing impairments who live in new regions.
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provision of translation for both clergy and church social workers, services are translated into sign language, new programs have been opened on the youtube channel that can help people socialize in all areas of their lives, such as housing and communal services, banking, and other issues relating to the life of each person. we delivered materials
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specifically educational and developmental games for children with hearing impairment, as well as methodological materials for the employees of this rehabilitation center itself on how to conduct educational activities; with the ministry of culture within the framework of the zaporozhye republic, we will still be able to organize a visit to the theater of facial expressions and gestures for those who are actually hearing impaired or disabled according to... hearing, who for some reason cannot attend the events organized by the russian society of the deaf, now footage from telegram channels claims that in these frames eyewitnesses filmed the moment of artillery strikes in the israeli defense army in the south of lebanon , which were inflicted that night, in the video of a series of explosions, but it is still unclear which objects were fired at. now about the weather,
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thunderstorms are again expected in the european part of russia, which regions cannot avoid floods today, ksenia will tell you about it levitskaya. flood season... european russia will be tormented by thunderstorms all week, which regions are at risk of suffering from them today and how bad weather will affect the temperature background. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobas center, i’m ksenia levitskaya. hello. showers and thunderstorms will not leave the russian plain yet. the atmosphere has entered a period of summer instability. on monday, lightning flashed over moscow again. this time nature, one might say, took pity on the capital. the heaviest precipitation was observed outside the megalopolis. for example, these shots from korolev near moscow. of course, it was blowing outside, and in some places the wind tore off banners from advertising accounts, but overall everything worked out. the disaster caused much greater damage to the city of kstovo, nizhny novgorod region. there, after yesterday's storm,
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there probably wasn't a single undamaged billboard left. a storm in the central square even tore a shell stage out of the ground and almost carried it onto the roadway. and at one of the construction sites. very powerful. it is even more surprising that no one was injured from the bad weather. and here is yaroslavl threw down a tower crane. there was indeed a thunderstorm at the beginning of the week, and it shared the fate of the mythical atlantis. according to the local weather station , the volley of rain brought down a quarter of the monthly rainfall on the city. the result was seas in the courtyards of flooded shopping centers. they tried to protect one of them from water using a dam made of sandbags, but it didn’t work. a lot of rain fell in vladimir the day before. as you can see, it was impossible even to travel here by bus without getting your feet wet.
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drivers abandoned cars that had stalled in deep puddles. bad weather led to other emergencies, thus, not far from the regional center, lightning set fire to a residential cottage. storm cloud caps. will continue to grow over european russia today. look, due to active convection, thunderstorms will cover almost the entire territory of the region, with the exception of the south, north-west, as well as the murmansk region and the nenets autonomous okrug. so localized but intense showers are again forecast for tuesday. the greatest amount of precipitation will fall in the russian north, in the volgovyad region, in the upper middle volga region, bashkiria and orenburg region. in some places rain may accompany. two to three millimeter hail. at the same time , the temperature background will remain july. please note that the +20 isotherm will reach arkhangelsk and murmansk today. in the middle zone the air will continue to warm up to +20-25. well, donbass, the don region, the lower volga, kuban and the north
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caucasus will experience thirty-degree heat. let's say, in donetsk, until friday + 30-33. towards the end of the working week, thunderstorms will freshen the atmosphere a little. as the weekend approaches , the heat will begin to intensify again. in moscow the weather will be more unstable, only wednesday in megapolis will be without rain. in total, about 22 mm of precipitation will fall in the capital over the next four days, which is almost a third of the monthly norm. the heaviest showers will occur on thursday, while the daytime temperature will not drop below +23. tomorrow is generally +27:29. that's all i have. goodbye!
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sber has increased deposit rates with the best interest rate to... warmth and comfort with rehau windows. in the russian lotto we will draw
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a golden barrel for country houses in honor of the anniversary, an additional chance to become a millionaire in every draw. tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. what do you need for your trip? the road to where there are no roads, close to go further. calculation to improvise. time to forget about it, technology to take a break from civilization and plenty of space for photos. jetur is designed for travel. dedicated to our elders and loved ones, convenient loans, excellent deposits, in the branch and online. special conditions, special relationships. these are good goods. one ruble per purchase will help children with disabilities to their families. the magnet will double every
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ruble collected. let's collect 50 million rubles together. read more about help for thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - you are with us, this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer. russia and
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now economic news alexander, our citizens receive 20 million calls a day from telephone scammers, and as we read in sberbank, criminal call centers are often located in ukraine, tell us what the scale is there in general? tatyana, there are about 400 such call centers there, for now on to another topic. the first reading of the package of bills on amendments to the budget and tax changes may take place on june 20. this date was proposed by the relevant committee of the state duma. when the meeting finally takes place, there will be to decide by the state duma council. he has already sent bills to the regions for discussion, said the chairman of the house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin. among the tax changes, in particular, the introduction of a progressive personal income tax scale for those who earn more than 2,400,000 rubles. per year, for example, families with two or more children. with low incomes, they will actually pay only 6%, thanks to the family's return.
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there are about 350-400 fraudulent call centers in ukraine working against russia. stanislav, deputy chairman of the board of sberbank, spoke about this news in an interview kuznetsov. in general, scammers receive 20 million calls per day at sberbank prices. over the past year, they managed to steal more than 250 billion rubles. the bank also noted that since the beginning of this year it has helped its clients save more than 150 billion rubles from scammers. in approximately one case out of 100, people believe telephone scammers, that is, about 200,000 citizens a day can fall for their deception, however , for sberbank clients, the banking protection system is triggered, it automatically prevents theft, its effectiveness 99.8%. in some cases, employees help personally by phone or in the office. prevent theft of money from clients. steel consumption in
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russia will grow by approximately 1-2% over the next 5 years. severstal general director alexander shevlev said this in an interview with tas. this is a historical record figure for the russian federation. a good base for further growth. if bvp grows as forecast, it will support increased steel consumption. today we estimate that steel consumption. will grow by 1-2% annually for 5 years, while the pace may be higher if programs are related to infrastructure construction, import substitution in mechanical engineering with gasification of russian regions. will expand , the vanadium plant for the production of fera vanadi in the czech republic left the evrras group. according to a message on its website, in february the company medco, registered in the united arab emirates, became the sole shareholder. a russian group bought the plant 16 years ago and named it evrrasnik. in may twenty-second she
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came under uk sanctions. then the plant changed its name to check vanadium. at the same time, the group. evrras vanadi tula, europe's largest producer of vanadi pentoxide, remains active. that's all for now, more news in the next hour. dad, are you going home soon? soon, i won't be late now. there are many vacancies on avito , you will find not just a job, but your place. increased deposit rates best interest rate to 18% per annum dazzling white friday discounts up to 50%. xiaomi redmi note 13 smartphone for only 16.999. envidio eldorado - chief expert on white technology. if you are, be the first. the first, whoever you are. gdr fuel unlocks the potential
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thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, the megamarket is just to grow with us, that’s sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for everyone. alfabank is the best employer
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in russia. let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this hour. improvised explosive devices, hand grenades and foreign- made mines were destroyed in the lugansk people's republic. dangerous finds neutralized the sapper of the international mine action center. they explore power and gas pipelines, agricultural roads. employees of military-industrial complex enterprises in ukraine are taken to the front right during data reconciliation. the management sent it. a complaint to the cabinet of ministers, this is information from the ukrainian media, there there are more and more videos about the hunt for potential soldiers, the hero of this video tried to escape mobilization on a scooter, but was hit by a minibus. washington intends to introduce visa sanctions against tbilisi without delay. this step is a response to the adoption of the law on foreign agents in georgia. earlier , the state department stated that us-georgian
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relations would be reviewed. a chinese zombie took off from the surface from... the earth, the device collected soil samples from the far surface of the moon for the first time. it is reported that the module successfully passed all high-level tests temperature. the rules for assigning a single benefit for children have changed, and since june , alimony is also calculated differently. how the targeted measure of support for low-income families works and what has changed, irina matyushenko will talk about this in the program instructions. on june 1, the rules for accounting for alimony when assigning a unified child benefit will change. we will tell you in 5 minutes what this will affect in the program. first, let us remind you what a single allowance is. this is a targeted measure to support low-income families with children under 17 years of age. she's been working since her early twenties third year and replaced a number of old payments. to receive it, the level of
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family income per person for the last year must be below the subsistence level per capita for the region where the applicant lives. who is taken into account? first of all, the husband, wife, all minor children of adults under 23 years of age, if they are studying full-time and are not married. if the parents are divorced, then only the income of the applicant spouse is taken into account. in this case, family members will not include military personnel serving upon conscription, persons deprived of parental rights, persons serving sentences in the form of imprisonment, as well as persons put on the wanted list, that is, these persons will not be considered family members for the purpose of granting benefits. as a general rule, grandparents to family members. not only salaries,
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business income, interest on deposits and other investments are summed up, but also alimony and other payments, then the number is divided by 12 and also by the number of people in the family, if it turns out to be less than the subsistence level, the family is considered needy, provided that she doesn't there are too many properties, but this is from... ru, from them you can find out all the details. what changes from june 1? rules for calculating alimony. previously, the applicant could indicate any actual amount received, even if the former spouses did not settle the issue in court. now, if there is a court decision, then everything remains as before, the actual money received will be taken into account. you will need to enter the numbers yourself. if enforcement proceedings are opened, the social fund will request data from the federal bailiff service . to force a debtor to properly fulfill his obligation
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to pay alimony, what tools does the bailiff have? well, first of all, of course, everyone knows - these are restrictions on traveling abroad, this is the seizure of property, this is, accordingly, the sending of identified property to auction for further. their implementation, but in addition, it can also, for example, limit the debtor’s right to introduce vehicles, a relatively new norm, in addition, accordingly, in just a couple of weeks ago, in the third reading, the state duma adopted a new law that will provide for the creation of a unified register of debtors for maintenance, it is assumed that such a rule should encourage them to do so.
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the period on the basis of an agreement on the payment of alimony is carried out within a three-year period that preceded the presentation of a notarized agreement on the payment of alimony for collection, in cases where the withholding of alimony on the basis of an agreement on the payment of alimony was not made through the fault of the alimony payer, the collection of alimony is carried out for the entire period, regardless of the three-year period. and the amount of debt is determined not independently by the recipient of alimony, but by the bailiff, based on the amount of alimony determined by the agreement
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on the payment of alimony. and one more point that i would like to voice is that we have criminal liability for malicious evasion of alimony payments. so, let’s repeat the main thing: from june 1 , the accounting rules change: alimony when assigning a single benefit for children, if there is a court decision, then the amounts actually received are taken into account means, you can specify them yourself or the data will come from the bailiffs. if there is no court decision, the amount indicated in the application or notary agreement will be considered income. alimony cannot be less than a quarter of a month per child. would you like to learn more about what social protection measures are in place in russia or how best to engage in charity so that your help reaches you. those who are really in need, write to us on telegram, send questions, we will ask experts about everything and tell you our instructions in the next issues.
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pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place better. his reflection is how our hearts treasure his words forever. on the poet’s 22nd anniversary, this is where the concert and
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reflection will take place. on thursday at 21:30 on the russia channel. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, and we admire. all the way
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the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country more by exhibition russia.
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