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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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looks like safari. here, for example, is footage from the lviv region, where a potential soldier is trying to escape from military commissars on a bicycle. shadow, getting rid of the move, knocks him down with a minibus. by the way, lviv trade center does not deny this fact. the official response explained that they were working on emotions, since the citizen behaved aggressively and used obscene language. now about the coordinated work of russian units in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation.
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paves the way for assault units operating at the forefront of the southern donetsk sector. geocinths also are conducting counter-battery warfare, their main targets are artillery pieces in the armed forces of ukraine, but if necessary, the installation can fire at armored vehicles. there are practically no foreign analogues for this machine, there are two or three, but they are very complex, it is like a kalashnikov assault rifle. geocinths also work against enemy rear units. the main thing is not to stay in one place for a long time, so that nothing comes in response, when the drone flies, we never go in one direction, we maneuver, we go 300 meters in one direction, right there we turn back so that the enemy artillery doesn’t focus us and tell us where, so that we don’t get hit, and these shots were taken on the neighboring sector of the front, on the march of the t-80 bvm, tankmen and marines of the pacific fleet support the infantry advance.
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the tankers completed 100%. this is the same tank that took part in the battles for novomikhailovka, then the combat vehicle received numerous damage, rollers, dynamic protection, barbecue, optics, even a cannon, but the tank withstood numerous explosions and the crew managed to return to the place under their own power location. now the damaged tank is undergoing maintenance in the rear area, and the crew is preparing for new offensive operations. the next strategic goal is konstantinovka, from it there is a direct road on the coal. in india, the counting of
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the forty-four-day parliamentary vote is ending, prime minister narendra modi's party is in the lead, and if he wins , the seventy-year-old politician will begin his third prime ministerial term. our own correspondent in india, evgeny davidov, joins us, evgeny, greetings. what are the official numbers by this hour and what are voters saying? they voted for 44 days. yes, alexander, i greet you. so, india, of course, is frozen in anticipation; today during the day the results of the parliamentary elections should be announced. at 8:00 am , the counting of votes began, electronic ballots were opened in the presence of representatives of all parties participating in the elections. and, of course, millions of indians are watching the progress of the vote counting live, up to this minute, eh.
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ahead is the party led by the current prime minister narendra modi pharadyat, i’ll tell you a little about the elections, in order to become the ruling party or coalition, it’s enough to get a simple majority of 543 seats, it’s enough to take only 272, and by this moment the ruling party has about 300 seats, the numbers are certainly not as big as analysts initially assumed, but quite well...
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but it’s good to be, and life is calm, our country should become economically stable, these are the aspects we vote for, there will be no sharp growth, our youth are now looking for work, but we must strive to sustainable, stable power. it is very important that we each have the right to choose our own government and who will ultimately take care of us in the future. i think this is the main thing. interestingly, the current elections in india have broken several world records. firstly, they became the longest, and the election campaign started on april 19, a month and a half ago, polling stations were opened even in the most inaccessible places, so that everyone eligible to vote could vote. such in india, those who are over 18 years old, about a billion, and to be precise, according to the figures of the central election commission of india, 968 million people, and the turnout was more than 60%, thus, in total they voted, and
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642 million people, this is the data of the center, the center of the election commission india, the numbers are, of course, impressive. we have created a world record. india set a world record, 642 million people cast their votes, this is a historical moment for each of us, for the entire country, this is one and a half times more than in large countries sevens, in the usa, france, great britain, japan and 2 seconds more than in all 27 countries of the european union, and these are not all voters who just voted, all this shows the incredible strength of india, i am grateful to the caring residents of the country who took part in the event holiday what else these elections will be filled with is temperature records, weather conditions, now in most parts of the country in recent weeks there has been a suffocating heat. in newdelhi, the other day
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the absolute temperature record was broken, the temperature in the indian capital was 52° above zero, now, of course, it’s a little colder, only +47, well, you can probably see it in my face. and , of course, it was not easy to hold elections in such conditions, but in general we can say that the indians did it, now we are waiting for the official results, the data should appear today during the day. alexandra, thank you, you also did it +47 in a jacket, this was evgeniy davidov about the preliminary results in the parliamentary elections in india. and to other topics: about 100 fires are being extinguished in russian forests, this information was kept safe. the most difficult situation with natural fires. in transbaikalia and buryat, more than a dozen outbreaks in yakutia and seventeen in the amur region. in the khabarovsk territory , four fires were extinguished in one day. according to the regional ministry of agriculture, 11 units of equipment and three aircraft are involved in fighting the fire. in total , 60 fires were extinguished across the country, a special
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fire-fighting regime was introduced, and more than fifty regions were introduced. residents of moscow and the region were warned about the high risk of fire today and tomorrow. in the trans-baikal territory due to fire situations declared a state of emergency at the federal level. 105 paratroopers and paratroopers from the arkhangelsk, tomsk regions and the altai republic are being deployed to help local specialists. there are currently 26 active outbreaks in the region. my colleague peter pashchenko has all the details. according to the latest data, there are 28 fires active, and in general in the region this month for... transbaikal region alexander osipov, in fact, on monday evening, a decision was made to introduce a federal emergency regime, what it gives to the region, but first of all it will help
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the federal forces accumulate funds to help extinguish fires. today both regional and federal forces are working. a total of 1,462 people are involved in extinguishing forest fires and 105 pieces of equipment. 50 we need a rescuer from the ministry of emergency situations. we also thank you for your support that the decision was made to allocate additional helicopters through the ministry of emergency situations three. they've already arrived, that's for sure. yes, they have already arrived and are starting to extinguish, something is already extinguishing. and one down the line ministry of natural resources and in addition, we ask that an additional helicopter be found through the ministry of emergency situations. last weekend. an amphibious aircraft of the russian ministry of emergency situations b-200 has arrived in the region, which will be used to extinguish a fire in the event that a natural disaster threatens populated areas, so far in this sense the situation is stable, it does not threaten populated areas, and a helicopter not 8 of the
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russian ministry of emergency situations is working in transbaikal region. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always tells his friends, yes. masha will help you any minute. but vanya never will make you wait. start a cool career at alfabank. bring your friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. sellers at the megamarket are changing. megamarket, just grow up with us, appetite anywhere, only dad will tame it,
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this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the garbage or not, so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win, sberbank has increased the deposit rates. soon, i won’t be late now, mom,
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guess who started a new job today, there are many new vacancies every day, you will find not just a job, but your place. we continue broadcasting. today is the second day of prime minister mikhail mishustin’s working visit to minsk. he will take part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council in an expanded format; the day before he spoke at a plenary session dedicated to food security of the eurasian economic union. we will find out all the details from alexander nazarov, she will join me. sasha, good morning, tell us what proposals were made. sash, good morning, for example, about creating a joint agricultural technology development programs. mikhail mishusin proposed that the eu countries jointly develop agricultural technologies, while it is necessary to introduce
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innovative solutions based on robotics, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, the russian prime minister said at the plenary session of the food security of the eurasian economic union. a decision has already been made to subsidize industrial cooperation projects; we also propose to prepare a detailed program for the joint development of agricultural technologies. i. i hope that the state, union members will support such an initiative, well, another task is the adaptation of the agricultural sector to changing climatic conditions, which is essential. here is the provision of water resources, the creation of effective irrigation systems . russia has serious technological competencies and developments in this area. and we, of course, are ready to share them. mikhail mishustin also proposed coordinating production and export plans. the existing mechanism is planned to be extended for a year. transition to a common policy
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will allow all participants to increase profits rather than compete with each other. the position of the ias allows the optimal routes to deliver food and water to almost anywhere in the world. the territory of the union contains approximately a tenth of the world's fresh water reserves. 10% of all arable land, significant reserves of grain fertilizers. if we talk about energy surplus, it is possible to provide energy to any point where we will do joint investment projects related to... food processing, we have more than 13% of the world's wheat reserves are more than 16% of the world's barley reserves. our fertilizer reserves, too, if we talk about nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, amount to approximately more than 10% of the world's reserves, and by generation
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more than forty. to ensure food security. effective logistics and modern transport corridors are needed. in this regard, mikhail mishustin called for the continuation of the construction of agricultural hubs along the route of the eurasian agroexpress project. meanwhile, yas's supply of its own food already exceeds 93%. and russia is setting itself large-scale tasks. our president determined the priorities for the further development of russian agriculture in a decree on updated national goals. by the end of the decade , military-industrial complex production will be increased by a quarter, and exports by one and a half times. well, of course, this is a very ambitious task, and we have already begun to implement it. we plan to significantly increase the production of grains, legumes, oil crops, meat in livestock farming, well, first of all, lamb poultry, as well as other
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assortment, including oil and fat products, cereal flour, confectionery. particular attention will be paid to the development of agricultural machinery, breeding and genetics, the production of food and feed additives, and veterinary drugs. this will help not only achieve food independence, but also provide food for 600 million people on the planet, the prime minister said. mikhail mishustin and other participants of the eurasian intergovernmental council visited the belagra 2024 international exhibition. they tried dairy products and got acquainted with various agricultural machinery. not cooperation in the field of industry and the creation of joint products remains less important for ias. on the track of the russian economic union there is a separate program and separate funding for the creation of cooperative projects at the level of three or more countries. such projects are also
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appearing now, they undergo such a scrupulous examination, again with... to ensure that raw materials, materials and components from third countries are not used when creating a joint product. the topic of cooperation was discussed at a meeting of the intergovernmental council in a narrow composition. what tasks the eac participants will solve first of all will become known today, when the meeting is held in an expanded format. sasha, signing of multilateral documents is also expected. thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova. with a story about the prospects for cooperation between eac participants in the industrial sector. and now we move on to news marked urgently. thus , prime minister mikhail mishustin approved changes to the list of curators of state programs at the level of deputy prime ministers. this was reported by the press service of the cabinet of ministers. according to the updated according to the instructions, deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev will oversee the state program for the development
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of agriculture and a number of other programs. also, to those directions. 276 thousand people and physics were registered, which is approximately 90 thousand schoolchildren. new this year, you can retake one of the exams to enter the university before the end of the admission process.
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the festival of theaters of small towns of russia has started in ufa. for the twenty-first time, the project, organized by the state theater of nations, brought together professional creative groups from all over the country. this year, out of 200 applications, the expert council selected the 16 best. over the course of a week, members of the jury will have to review and evaluate 16 competitive works; the festival
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involves almost all theater venues in ufa, for example, six shows from theater groups from all over the country will take place here on the stage of the bashkir state academic drama theater. but there is also a non-competition program, within its framework, for example, the novosibirsk red torch theater showed its vision of gogol’s dead souls. dead shower, you keep you young garazi bon gorazit, this is just made up for cover, he wants to take away the daughter of our governor, performances of small large forms, several productions a day for each of the sixteen creative groups from small towns in russia, this is both an opportunity to express oneself, to evaluate one’s colleagues, highly professional jury, here is a festival that has been going on for many decades, several decades, the twenty-first is a festival, here it is... this is a golden mask for theaters in small towns, one might say. task the organizers and jury of the festival not only evaluate the best performance, but also discern
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among the participants those who, perhaps, will soon be known throughout the country; it is in small cities, as a rule, that directors and actors have more scope for creativity. of course, this is a talent fair, because you know, moscow is always some kind of very nasty exam that you need to pass for some. sometimes cold spectators, we have already seen everything, in this sense the atmosphere of the spectators in such small towns is much warmer, therefore here they can afford more, hence the unusual list of nominations, among such very picky critics, fairly standard awards for best production, male and female roles, there is a special prize for hope, i think this is a surprise prize...
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she called for an explanation for the ban for scott ritter's departure from the usa. the ex-intelligence officer planned to attend the st. petersburg international economic forum, but he was removed from the new york-istanbul flight. according to ritor, the reason for the refusal was not given; the american state department everyone said they could not comment on the situation with the non-admission. the columnist himself said that the white house is afraid of his participation in the forum. on the basis of the russian university , special forces were trained in the chechen republic. another group of volunteers, all of them will carry out the combat missions of a special military operation, what the soldiers were trained to do, arthur mustaev will tell you, like this, with a fighting spirit in
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an excellent mood, volunteers from all over the country are preparing to be sent to the northern military district, many are going not for the first time, i’m going there for the third time, i can’t sit still at home, guys we need to help, the geography of the svo participants is vast, but... there is a real military brotherhood of volunteers from all over the country, from all over the country and even from neighboring countries too, everyone is trained, trained in shooting and medicine. all volunteers receive valuable knowledge on the basis of the russian special forces university. experienced instructors teach shooting from various types of weapons, combat in urban and wooded areas, first aid, all those skills that have helped save more than one life.
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more than 18 thousand were trained volunteers, everything is at the highest level in akhmad, today it seems to me, but it doesn’t even seem like it, but it is true that this is the most promising unit, the best unit, we stand for each other and will never hurt each other. the equipment is ready, the last minutes before takeoff, after training at the russian special forces university, all volunteers enter into a contract with the ministry of defense, after which they end up at the akhmat special forces location, where they immediately
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begin combat missions. arthur. mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan loluev, news grozny. comrade colonel, the problems of people with disabilities were discussed in melitopol by representatives of the all-russian society of the deaf by the authorities of the zaporozhye region. the main goal is for people with hearing impairments who live in new regions of russia to be able to take advantage of a nationwide support system. in addition, the children's rehabilitation center received humanitarian aid, textbooks, and educational toys.
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new programs in the youtube channel that can help people socialize across all areas of their lives, such as housing and communal services, banking, and other issues relating to the life of each person. as part of the visit to the rehabilitation center, we provided materials, namely educational and developmental games for children with hearing impairment, as well as methodological materials for... the employees of this rehabilitation center itself on how to conduct educational activities, with the ministry of culture within the zaporozhye republic , we will still be able to organize a visit to the theater of facial expressions and gestures for those people with disabilities hearing, hearing impaired people who cannot, for some reason, attend events organized by the russian society of the deaf. still, my
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obediences, they are over, they are all, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what? you wanted a miracle from me, akhalay, makhalay, the demonstrator would know how to assemble this in 5 seconds, without your demonstration we’ll figure it out, pray, black, throwing the gang is also a crap, it’s time to pay, water from here i’ll say that if i go alone, sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, here you go,
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