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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went. they got up by storm, for the first time
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they wounded me there, all the bullets were out, one was in the basket, i had no more strength to fight, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i i didn’t even notice, i’ll still be grateful to the stranger.
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we continue the broadcast, anton potkovenko has already joined me, then it’s time for the fifth studio, anton, hello, what will we talk about today? speech? alexander, greetings, well, we will discuss the most current world news, of course, on the eve of the st. petersburg international economic forum, which will be held from june 5 to 8, more than a hundred countries have already confirmed their participation in this grandiose summit, without any exaggeration. and its main theme sounds like the basis of a multipolar world, the formation of new points of growth, just like the west, that same collective west resists the formation of these new points of growth and the formation, in fact, multipolar world, we will talk with grigory karasin, chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, goes on a video call with the fifth studio, grigory borisovich, hello, good afternoon anton,
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so, let's first talk about the fact that the united states allowed the armed forces of ukraine to carry out targeted strikes. american weapons against objects on the territory of our country were allowed, but without the use of long-range missiles, only in the border zone, but this follows from the actual statement of the us presidential advisor, john kirby, who said so. in what do you think, well, we can probably call it the ambiguity of this decision, yes, i would like to discuss it with you.
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country, what is all this polemic and rhetoric about? oleg, i want to tell you that these numerous and varied statements by the american military, political figures, comments by journalists, statements by ukrainian unfortunate politicians and the military, too, indicate that they simply want to fool us, entangle us in confusion with...
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some spells to force our public thought should be thought in the direction of whether this concerns the entire volume of military activity. nato in ukraine or just parts and so on, in my opinion, this is artificial in nature , specially confusing our own western, western at the same time public opinion, there are no practical results from thinking on these topics, except for taking into account by our military, strategic forces, so we understand that the machine is loaded against us, it works, it works every day.
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it's gotten to the point where he's now on once in the philippines, he asked for help from psychotherapists. this is probably the most pressing issue for the kiev regime; psychotherapists, probably, can really provide filipino help in setting people up for some more earthly, calm train of thought, because what is now happening in the kiev administration in the kiev top resembles a fire in crazy. returning to these discussions about who gives and what restrictions, permissions to use weapons against our citizens, i would leave this question a little aside for
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subsequent analysis, i repeat, we remember all this, it is recorded in subsequent trials of those guilty of all these... everyone paid attention to the fact that statements were made from the mouths of western military-political experts, they were published in the american and european press, regarding this that russia has noticeably increased its military production in recent
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months and increased the combat readiness of its armed forces; such statements are not made by chance; they are apparently true and cause concern.
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many world powers, there is an interesting opinion from a swiss expert that the director of the geneva center for security policy , thomas griminger, expresses the wish that the conference in switzerland should not turn into an anti-russian event, so in your opinion, how possible is it that it will not turn anti-russian, this is firstly, and secondly, in your opinion, to what extent is it possible in the current international political situation for a meeting with the participation of both moscow and kiev on equal terms, well, in particular. kiev, in particular, china and brazil, not so long ago, in their memorandum, expressed wishes for precisely such a format, for such a meeting. well, first of all, i would thank thomas greminger, whom i have known for a long time, for such a warning
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that he publicly expressed; the organizers of this media event called the world are unlikely to listen to him, yes. the conference in switzerland was convened for something completely different, it was convened in order to throw mud at our homeland, to do everything so that russia would be pecked. uh, neither representatives of the people's republic of china, nor
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representatives of saudi arabia, nor representatives of brazil will come there, and representatives of the yury, in a word, will gather there, the political fraternity of the second generation, so to speak, the second rank, uh, some vice-premiers, so to speak, vice-presidents, and so on, in order to make their mark, to fulfill their propaganda duty. in front of the so-called western community, we will hear a lot of abuse, so we will see how to react to this, special attention, it seems to me, there is no point in paying attention to this geneva gathering, it is true that it is not in geneva, but in switzerland, and we must react to it completely calmly, it will not open anything new, we will wait until the conditions are ripe in order to hold a serious event in which i would take part russia. other major powers, that means, with an invitation from some kiev
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government, i don’t know who will head the kiev structure at this time, our cause is just, so we need to treat this calmly, yeah, gregory, i want to move on to the situation in georgia, the law both agents adopted, president zarubishvili’s veto was officially overridden. this bill, around which there was so much controversy, was published; in general, these debates continue. in your opinion, what will change in the country with its adoption, in your opinion, will unrest rallies continue within georgia? here is a video, and, accordingly, these rallies continue, there are tops with georgian flags, but the majority of the flags are actually not even georgian, but the eu and the american stars and stripes, which in general is very typical in the context.
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is blushing, in fact, uh, polish politicians, not all, but some, the polish press is so charged with someone, not historically, but already at this present stage, with russophobia, uh, and the desire to demonstrate their pseudo-greatness, that sometimes they just take the stupidest , rash steps. this statement about mobilization is evidence of precisely these trends, i would like to hear this from warsaw less often, thank you, thank you very much for your detailed answers grigory karasin, chairman of the council of the council committee the federation for international affairs was on the air at studio 5, discussing current world
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those who chose social studies are tested, 276 thousand people have registered, and physics, this is approximately 90 thousand schoolchildren, innovation of the year, you can retake one of the exams to enter the university before the end of the admissions process. the fsb of russia, together with customs officers, stopped an attempt to import a large batch of drugs into the territory of our country. the intelligence service said that the attackers tried to smuggle prohibited substances in the truck’s cache through the verkhny lars checkpoint. in total, more than 2,000 briquettes were discovered. at the verkhny checkpoint lars, 2,112 briquettes with a narcotic drug weighing more than 200 kg were found in the equipped cache of a cargo vehicle. ukraine’s colossal losses at the front, personnel shortages at enterprises in the rear. this is a reality that
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even western publications are now writing about. thus, bloomberg published an article about the acute shortage of personnel due to the total mobilization announced by the kiev regime. the topic will be continued by evgenia petrukhina. ukraine is entering the stage of exhaustion, due to the tightening of mobilization at factories. personnel, this is what bloomberg writes, 4,000 vacancies, a ukrainian metallurgical mining conglomerate is trying to fill, there is literally no one to manage the steel smelting furnace. 15 employees, 15% of the company’s employees are already in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and how many have fled the country, but why are the places empty, are there really no applicants, there are only them to come, they are afraid, the shopkeepers catch you right at the plant checkpoint, they issue summonses, in general ... everyone is trying to escape from men
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of military age, based on the principle of escape who can, the point is not to you need to recruit an amount, the point is to recruit someone so that you can report that supposedly the required amount has already been recruited and even more will be, that is, here we are not talking about achieving some results, here we are talking about in order to demonstrate this so-called... after this incident, the dnepropetrovsk shopping center even published this appeal, they are trying to justify themselves, they write that someone who has already been mobilized is trying to escape, he is a violator, and passers-by
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have also begun to help him, so they should also be held accountable , and may attract to the responsibility of those who are about to send a man with a heart defect and mental retardation into a trench? the odessa military registration and enlistment office recognized him as fit within 30 minutes, apparently without going into details. he was diagnosed with oligophrenia, mentally retarded, the commission recognized him as a water person. probably, the members of the commission have a similar diagnosis, here is the answer from the odessa military registration and enlistment office, they say, if a person has a mild degree of eligophrenia, who would doubt it, you can immediately become a tank crew, and then why be surprised by such a shot, when mothers are in they are storming military registration and enlistment offices alone, this is krivoy rog, this woman is in krivoy rog.
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women who are mobilized without military experience are unlikely, to put it mildly, to influence the outcome of the military situation; the mobilization reserve of the ukrainian regime has already been virtually exhausted, and even according to individual data from western analytical centers, recently published information from a british research institute about , that in fact by the end of this year the number
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that it is quite possible that the next contender for involvement, and by and large moldova will be forced into this conflict. based on the results of blinkin’s visit, appropriate decisions were made and defense cooperation was deepened, relevant specialists from the pentagon are already operating at the headquarters of the armed forces of moldova, and additional infrastructure for deployment is being formed, including perhaps so it is quite possible when the last ukrainian is mobilized, the west, judging by apparently he can propose to fight in the independent moldova, a completely predictable tactical move, because moldova is not a nato country, but will this bet work on chisinau given such a bloody deficit in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine?
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slanno petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the machine would have had access to the money on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money could be transferred to a secure account , ringing the window to the bank, she hung up, whatever the scammers pretend to be, to get
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money out of you, hang up. no talking.
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in buryat and transbaikalia, the area of ​​forests is growing fires, as well as fires in yakutia, the khabarovsk territory and two dozen other regions of russia, how the fire is being fought and where the situation is most difficult. in moscow at this moment they are saying goodbye to artur chelengy. polar explorer or hero of the soviet union, died in the eighty-fifth year of his life. the scientist will be buried at the novodevichy cemetery.
11:00 am
india for the third consecutive term, his coalition wins a majority of votes in parliamentary elections. what plans are the party politicians making in a report from our own correspondent in india. and we start with the news last hour , the governor of the altai republic, oleg kharakhordin, announced his resignation from his post. according to him, this is due to the transition to another job. kharakhordin's term as head of the region expires this year. oleg kharakhordin is 52 years old, he worked in the office of the presidential envoy in the central federal district, then in
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the department for...


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