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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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achievements: fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. now economic news, briefly. russian companies placed a record volume of bonds worth rub 390 billion in may. the result is one third higher than last year, the businessman writes. the publication specifies that... reimbursements took place even on additional weekends and holidays, which is rare for the russian debt market. this activity is associated with tough statements by the central bank on supplies; it may be raised at the next meeting of the board of directors this friday. in russia began to implement the open banking standard. credit institutions combine data about their clients. you can see all your product accounts in one personal account and make transactions on them. the largest russian companies are taking part in the pilot project.
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banks, so vtb will exchange information with alfabank, sberbank stevenkov. the ministry of finance supported the idea of ​​​​officially recognizing mining. cryptocurrency mining could become a new type of economic activity. the news is written about this with reference to the ministries. now the legal framework for work there are no miners, first you need to pass a law on the rules for the issuance, accounting and circulation of cryptocurrencies. this issue is already being studied at the ministry of development. the initiative is also supported by other ministries. and brand oil fell below $78 per barrel for the first time since february. wti is trading at 74. commodities have been falling in price since the middle of last week. one of the factors was the recent opec plus meeting. the cartel intends to abandon additional production cuts from october. this will lead to a small market next year. surplus market participants also fear a drop in demand for fuel due to a decrease in business activity. it was news.
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the production of civilian drones in russia is gaining momentum. according to the national project , the target production volume is 3,200 aircraft per year. what problems need to be solved to turn unmanned aviation into a full-fledged sector of the economy. watch the special report by dmitry morocco. this year, more than 18 thousand large medium-sized drones for civilian use will be created in russia. thus, the market volume will immediately grow three times. and by 2030, according to the national project, it is planned to produce 32.00 devices. but in order to make unmanned aviation a full-fledged sector of the economy, a number of tasks still need to be solved: simplify legislative requirements, increase the localization of production, and attract.
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uh, taking into account what has been happening now for the last one and a half to two years, the demand for ethereals is increasing more and more, and i really hope that we will cope with the tasks that we face. tasks there are many challenges facing unmanned aircraft today: with the onset of summer, one of the most pressing is monitoring forest fires. since last year, the bas company began flights over yakutia for the preventive detection of fires . following this, she implemented another
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major project, a scientific one, using drones to count harp seals in the white sea. and in the murmansk region, drones are monitoring the construction of the lavna seaport, the largest infrastructure project in the north-west of the country. drones can come to the rescue in cases where every minute counts. in the nizhny novgorod region, this year they tested the technology of delivering medicines by drones, and the search and rescue team lisa alert. for 6 years now he has been using unmanned technologies to quickly search for people, during this time we have been able to find more than 140 missing people in this way, we find many, it’s another matter to have time to save, but yes, there have been such cases too, in my opinion, the first one was three or four years ago, managed to save my grandfather, his watch was left there, in principle, found with the help a drone was recently found, by the way, not far from this place they also found a man with a drone. property
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of aircraft, it is especially beneficial to use them for work in hard-to-reach areas or in conditions harmful to human health. the geoscan model 401 has successfully proven itself during monitoring of more than a hundred municipal waste sites in seven federal districts of the country. it analyzes accumulated volumes of garbage and can even determine the chemical composition of emissions. firstly, a drone is an opportunity to significantly reduce work time, simplify. task of collecting data and significantly reducing the cost of obtaining this information. first of all, a drone is a source of information, it is a source of data about space, geospatial data. and today, these solutions make it possible to obtain very accurate, geodazhically, cartographically
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linked information, which is used by specialists to identify and make management decisions. there are already dozens of promising industries for application. pilots from agriculture collection of cadastral data before geological exploration of mineral resources. the volume of government orders alone for aircraft until 2030 is estimated at 200 billion rubles. of these, 100 billion in the next 2 years. among the operators are ministries and departments, as well as such large companies as gazprom, rosneft, russian railways. the state transport leasing company is responsible for deliveries under government orders. it's almost complete now. contracting procedure for the needs of federal executive authorities, 92% of contracts for this are for this block of customers concluded, and now the question is to monitor the correctness, timing, quality
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of the supplied drones, it is for this reason that stlc is included as a basic supplier in the implementation of the national project, one of our main tasks is to develop manufacturers, which today may not be so large , promote their products, we want to introduce amendments to the national project that will allow such manufacturers to be more widely involved in supplies within the framework of the state civil order, and well, the models are probably similar to those models that are used today for supplies by small medium-sized businesses. one of the effective measures of state support for the industry is preferential leasing , under which drones will be supplied to customers for a period of 3 to 5 years at a rate of 3.5 to 8.5%. for the implementation of the program, stlc received 2.5 billion rubles of budget funds, the total amount for this year , taking into account extra-budgetary funding, is more than 3 billion. in addition, in the near future the company plans to launch marketpce, where it will be possible to purchase or lease
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drones, or order a wide range of range services with their use. for the end consumer of these products, for the operator who will receive the drones on leasing, this is a bet. within 3-4%, that is , these are probably rates today that we are unlikely to get even when receiving a loan from a bank, that is, these are very preferential conditions, we, of course, need them here, we need a pool of operators who will provide services using these drones. one of the main criteria when choosing drone suppliers is the use of domestic technologies in production. most drones are still assembled using imports. details, however, the level of localization is gradually increasing over the next few years and should increase from the current average of 70 to 90%. there are still difficulties with the production of our own engines, navigation and control systems, but as the industry develops , more and more solutions are appearing, notes ivan
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antsov, executive director of the developer radar mms. today we are actively working in the field of import substitution and from radio-electronic components and units. well, let’s say there’s an autopilot here, we use servo drives today we are replacing, uh, the computers that are on board, well, firstly, there are different types of drones, with internal combustion engines, with electric engines, and in both cases we have made great progress in this regard in our country today. the full cycle of creating a new model of a domestic drone, from design on paper to production at the enterprise, takes 3.5-4 years, this also includes tests, for conventional vehicles they can... carried out in a wind tunnel for hydrodrones landing on water, in special hydrodynamic pool. but the test of strength does not end there. behind these heavy doors is a climate chamber. here, drones are tested in weather conditions, heat and cold from minus
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to +70 and humidity. then the drones are tested in the field, only after which can they begin serial production. a prerequisite is registration of the aircraft... with the federal air transport agency for heavy drones weighing more than 30 kg, the requirements are increased, a procedure is needed here certification, well, this is no longer just a drone, a real helicopter, how difficult is it to get? there are serious difficulties, because today the standards that are used in aviation are, of course , complicated for such devices, complicated in that sense and expensive, yes, because in order to certify such an aircraft, carry out all the necessary work, well, the cost of this work will be hundreds million rubles, as part of a national project. some certification costs are expected to be reduced. this is extremely necessary, given that heavy
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drones can be useful for transporting large volumes of cargo over long distances. but in order for them to actually begin to perform the functions of couriers, the legislative framework still needs to be finalized to create algorithms by which drones will be able to use airspace without posing a threat to other ships and objects on the ground. drones delivering cargo are already sharing the skies with manned aircraft, while... as part of an experimental legal regime that is designed to assess the extent to which such proximity safely. so far, such an experiment is being carried out only in a few regions, for example, in the nenets and khantemansi autonomous okrugs, as well as at the alferyev airfield near moscow, where a competition for the delivery of goods by drones and aerial logistics is taking place. yes, the competition is being implemented within the framework of an experimental legal regime, we have instructions from the government based on the results of the competition to draw conclusions and proposals that can be made to...
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to solve the most difficult problems: pass teams need to prepare drones a complex route with dynamically changing coordinates, landing at a precisely specified point, all this in automatic mode, manual control is not allowed under the terms of the competition. this competition sets the task of transporting cargo according to the scenario that is needed specifically by the system... with today's technology stack, these scenarios are completely impossible to implement, a multi-link route is required, precise autonomous landing is required, the most important thing is to evade oncoming aircraft, which can be found in the air space. drone operator evgeniy single-handedly assembles the aircraft in just a few minutes. this model is equipped with a high-precision satellite positioning system that helps track the drone's position in space. in the future , there should also be one that will allow drones to recognize others. and automatically avoid collisions, in the future these systems are now being actively developed, a
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collision avoidance system, accordingly it can be based either using a video camera with an on-board a computer and neural network algorithms to determine obstacles to avoiding them, but so far today i have not seen a single ready-made such system from any developer, but in general, in general, everything goes to the point that it will soon appear for... solving problems in the field of unmanned aviation, we need specialists with a high level of competence, researchers, engineers, designers, programmers; over the past 3 years, the number of vacancies mentioning unmanned aircraft systems has increased by 3 and a half times. today the unmanned industry is also an extensive educational cluster, thousands of specialists take courses in specialized training centers, and by the thirtieth year the goal is to train at least a million professionals. despite the fact that the operator controls the drone from the ground, and sometimes... simply monitors the implementation of the program, the tasks assigned to him are no less complex than those of an aircraft pilot;
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the training has its own specifics. there is a significant difference, in my opinion, in the training of specialists for manned and unmanned aircraft. external pilot an unmanned aircraft is more an operator, his work is connected with a ground control station, he... must have competence in programs, must understand route construction. as of september 1, the federal educational program for driving drones will be launched in schools and colleges across the country. for the project, it is planned to purchase 17.00 training drones and equip a classroom area for training flights.
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now the footage is from belarus, i would like to once again greet all... participants meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council and thank our belarusian friends roman sanich you for organizing all the events at the highest level for the traditional. belarusian hospitality, quite recently, colleagues have already said this, on may 29 we celebrated the tenth anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the creation of the eurasian economic union, and of course, these two significant events for the five countries provide an opportunity to evaluate the achievements of integration, which we have achieved to support each other in the most difficult situations, i want
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to say, we have something we can all be proud of, and something we can strive for. as russian president vladimirovich putin noted at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in early may in moscow, the union brings real benefits to each of the participants in the association. in all the five countries we see positive dynamics in key macroeconomic indicators. since the creation of the union, the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled, agricultural production by more than a quarter, and industrial production by more than 20 percent. in the current quarter these two. outpacing the world rate, the average world growth rate, real wages are steadily increasing, unemployment rates are decreasing, well, all this against the backdrop of such a difficult
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unfavorable external environment, the formation of a new architecture of international relations is growing... such mechanisms need to be developed, and participants of the commonwealth of independent states should be involved in them , other countries with which our economic ties are strong, this will allow us to effectively use already proven tools to reduce barriers for manufacturers. the union also has general sanitary, veterinary, and phytosanitary requirements; their implementation
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is the key to the free movement of products produced in the territory. five to protect the life and health of our people. cooperation in building a unified transport system of the union is expanding, and the formation of modern eurasian routes, of course, will help us ensure the sustainability of production and logistics chains, and the consequence is to speed up the delivery of goods, simplify the conditions for conducting entrepreneurial activity. my colleagues and i approved the report on joint work to modernize the transport infrastructure that is included. on corridors in the east-west and north-south directions, we count on strengthening active cooperation in the field of transport, which fully meets the interests of all states of the union and the eurasian region as a whole. it is also important to continue coordinated actions on the digital agenda, i support roman sanovich, your proposal for the mutual recognition of digital digital signatures, we will we are ready for this; modern solutions generally
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make our interaction more effective, more efficient, and increase the availability of information and services. online trading, electronic payments, and business platforms are becoming increasingly in demand, and russia supports the idea of ​​the eurasian economic commission for the development of digital projects; of course, we are ready to provide all possible assistance in launching the implementation of new advanced technological initiatives. the priority is also to further improve customs regulation, we are in uzbek yesterday we talked about this in detail, but first of all, to optimize procedures for both sellers and buyers, including through the use of single window mechanisms and green corridors and electronic declaration methods, marketplaces and other e- commerce services are increasingly in demand, and this means we need general and understandable transparent rules for everyone. at the end of last year , changes were made to the customs code of the union, which significantly simplified how
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to purchase goods on internet sites fives, so their subsequent design. well , now we are faced with: the task is to agree on an international agreement on a unified customs transit system so that other states can join the already formed union system, this will facilitate the transportation of goods, make it possible to apply a common transit declaration, but naturally track the movement of goods using navigation seals , as well as guarantee the payment of customs duties. in general, i will say that all ongoing projects are aimed at bringing legislation closer to each other deepening integration processes, this is in demand as... pain with counterfeit goods, fakes, helps to better control the quality and safety of products, naturally, their movement, routing. in russia we are consistently expanding the list
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of labeled items. i urge my colleagues to join this work; as practice shows, everyone benefits from this, including the state, businesses, and consumers. one of the competitive advantages of the eurasian economic union is its openness to mutually beneficial and equal cooperation with all interested. countries, i am sure that it is necessary to expand relations with the cis, the sco, with asia, brix, with individual states of asia, africa, the middle east, and latin america; today the union has free trade agreements with vietnam, serbia, as well as trade and economic cooperation with china , our agreements are being worked out with egypt, with the united arab emirates, with indonesia, and negotiations are also underway with mongolia; one of the tasks for the future is provision.
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this is very important, especially considering interest of our iranian partners in deepening interaction with the european economic union, we welcome such an intention and invite iran to a constructive dialogue and expansion. practical cooperation. dear colleagues, one of the key decisions during the ten-year stage of the union’s work was, of course, the adoption by our main five states of a declaration on the further development of economic processes within the framework of our integration. this is our guideline for the future. i urge you to be more actively involved in preparing a road map for the implementation of declarations. russian president vladimirovich putin noted that the union has all the possibilities.
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arctic emergency rescue center, opened by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. the project was developed taking into account the climatic features of the region. the arctic center will protect the population and territories critical to national security from natural and man-made risks. the area of ​​responsibility is the entire checkpoint and part of the northern sea route, where economic activities are carried out and the population lives, as well as major economic and infrastructure projects are being implemented. 50 specialists, most of them are rescuers, they are armed with the most modern special equipment, including all-terrain vehicles, airboats, rescue vehicles and
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off-road vehicles. you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste. kova is delicious and period sber has increased the deposit rates for the best interest rate to 18% per annum, and when you open a brokerage account, you can also receive three sber shares as a gift, hurry up to open a deposit for the best interest rate until june 30, sberbank. in the russian lotto we will draw a golden barrel for country houses in honor of the anniversary, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. remember what they told you. when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong,
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that is difficult to understand.
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the area of ​​forest fires is growing in buryat and transbaikalia, as well as fires in yakutia, the khabarovsk territory and two dozen other regions of russia, how is the fight against fire going and where the situation is most difficult. they were importing drugs by truck at the verkhniy lars checkpoint and a heavy load of a large batch of prohibited substances was detained. they found everything. in moscow they said goodbye to artur chelengarov, polar investigator and hero of the soviet union, died at the eighty-fifth year of his life, the scientist will be buried at the novodevichy cemetery. how soon will the free trade agreement with iran come into force? these and other topics are discussed at a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council in belarus. mikhail mishustin called for increased cooperation within the community. to catch up and overtake
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china, narendra mode will take the chair of the prime minister of india for the third term in a row. his coalition wins the majority of votes in parliamentary elections. what plans does the politician's party have in the report of our own correspondent? in india. more than 100 natural fires have been registered in 19 regions of russia. the most difficult situation is in the trans-baikal territory and buryat. and a state of emergency at the federal level was introduced there. rosles-khoz has already sent 400 fire fighter paratroopers from the air forest protection service to these regions. in total , more than a thousand people are fighting the fire. during the day , 65 natural fires covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 hectares were extinguished in the regions. the number of fires continues.


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