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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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the eurasian economic union is working on free trade agreements with egypt, the united arab emirates and indonesia. russian prime minister mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council in belarus. he also spoke about the successes and achievements within the union. since the creation of the union, the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled, agricultural production by more than a quarter, and industrial production by... in the current quarter, these two indicators added about another one and a half and 5.5%, respectively, and at the end of last year, the gross domestic product of the five, you know all these figures well, increased by 3.8%, outpacing the world rate, the average world growth rate, real wages are steadily increasing, unemployment rates are decreasing, well, all this against the backdrop of such a difficult unfavorable external situation, the formation of a new... architecture
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of international relations, increasing sanctions pressure, primarily on russia and belarus. russian president vladimirovich putin noted that the union has every opportunity to become one of powerful, independent, self-sufficient poles of the emerging multipolar world and to be the center of gravity for all independent states that share our values ​​and strive for cooperation. i am sure that with joint efforts we will achieve this. a festival of theaters in small towns of russia has started in ufa. for the twenty-first time, the project organized by the state theater of the nation brought together professional creative teams from all over the country. this year, out of 200 applications, the expert council selected the 16 best. now the strongest in the nominations will be chosen, and the winners will have the opportunity to present their productions on the capital’s stage. murat zaripov will tell you more. presentation for those who. more often he himself is on stage,
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they play right on the street, in an improvised auditorium, theater troupes from all over the country, participants in the twenty -first festival of small town theaters in russia, usually festivals of small town theaters are held in small towns, but this year the organizers decided to make an exception, this a unique gift from ufa honor of the 450th anniversary. during the week, a jury member will have to review and evaluate 16 competitive works; almost all theaters are involved in the festival.
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creative groups from small towns in russia, this is like an opportunity to express themselves, to evaluate their colleagues, highly professional juries, here is a festival that has been going on for many decades, several decades, this is the twenty-first festival, this is a golden mask for theaters, small towns, one might say that the task of the organizers and jury of the festival is not only to evaluate the best performance, but also to discern among the participants those who... perhaps the whole country will soon know, it is in small cities, as a rule, that directors and actors have more scope for creativity, of course, this is a talent fair, because you know, moscow is always some kind of a very nasty exam that needs to be passed for some very picky critics, sometimes cold spectators, we have already seen everything, in this sense , the atmosphere of the audience in such small towns is...
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theatre, it could be a director, maybe an actor, maybe an artist. best productions traditionally will be presented in moscow, on the stage of the theater of nations. murat zaripov, sergey shilipin, zemfir abzalov, news from ufa. russian regions continue to implement new principles of environmental, social and corporate governance. thus, the evrras plant in the sverdlovsk region launched one of the cleanest blast furnaces in the country several years ago. there is a company in yekaterinburg that... makes street furniture from
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recycled plastic, and a world -class student campus is being built in this city. how the sverdlovsk region is changing, look in the special report by alena logvinova, immediately after the advertisement. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen when you have a headache. this loan is just hit only in the private bank. vacation is coming soon, let's get ready, with avito you will move to a new level of savings, thanks to a wide selection of new and like-new
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we are in yekaterinburg, the fourth most populous city in russia, svertlovsk region, the industrial center of the urals. the current strategy for the socio-economic development of the region is designed until 2035. the sverdlovsk region will remain an industrial region, while the share of high-tech production of creative industries. yekaterinburg should become'. eighth place in the ranking in terms of the state of the labor market, it takes into account socio-economic development, wage levels, unemployment, second
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place in the list of event potential of regions, it is compiled annually by roscongress. let's start with ferrous metallurgy: in nizhny tagil, at the evrras plant, one of the cleanest blast furnaces in the country operates, let's see how companies from other areas are developing, in the sverdlovsk region there is a special economic zone, the residents of which implement principles. how the education system is changing in yekaterinburg , a world-class student campus is being built, in conclusion, let’s look at high art, the hermitage ural center opened 2 years ago, the project plays an important role in the development of creative industries. the main industries of the sverdlovsk region are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. evrras ntmk is one of the city-forming enterprises of nizhny tagil. now there are two modern blast furnaces operating here. europnetogisky metallurgical plant launched a blast furnace furnace number 7 in 2018, the project was 2.5
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million tons of pig iron per year, almost 6.00 filters are collected and the sealing vortus is cleaned, as they say in the company, this is a blast furnace, one of the cleanest in russia. the blast furnace is equipped with two foundry yards, but the control is fully automated, the intelligent system itself collects and analyzes information, more than 12... parameters, after which it determines the optimal operating mode, emissions during cast iron releases are captured by the aspiration system, thanks to its degree of cleaning air is 2 and a half times higher than in blast furnaces of the previous generation. if earlier we collected about 20 - 40 tons of fine dust there per day, at other aspiration installations, here the values ​​​​already reach up to 200 tons, that is, these are all the emissions that we collected. then they were sent to the processing of recycling, so to speak, of the waste that we collect,
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now it is clear that almost everything is immediately sucked up and nothing reaches here, if there were no aspiration plant now, we would be here with you we couldn’t stand because we simply don’t see each other. the plant has been modernizing its equipment since 2000; over the past 20 years, evraz has reduced emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by almost 40%. enterprises are participating in the federal project. the importance of its presence in the city, reducing the impact on the environment,
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therefore it continues to finance the three projects that remain, will be implemented on time, this is before the end of 2026, the region pays great attention to the topic of ecology, several companies at once waste recycling projects are being developed; the construction of a complex has been announced in yekaterinburg, which will allow the reuse of broken bricks, wall blocks and concrete in construction. here is another example of an already operating production. in the svertlovsk region , the production of street furniture from recycled plastic has been operating for 3 years. it was organized by the smart environment company. the uniqueness is that disposable dishes, lids and plastic bags are used. the product consists of 30% plastic, another 70% - a mixture of river sand they plan to partially replace it with crushed glass. for example, it requires one bench to be released. outdoor furniture made from polymir sand material does not rot, does not
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burn and practically does not collapse, the cost is a third less than that of conventional manufacturers, we saw, which means how other like-minded people do it, there are already about 15-16 enterprises in russia, this is not the first started, but we saw that there was such a network of such eco-factories, we really liked the strategy, and we decided... to invest money in the twenty-third year, only here we we processed about 45 tons of plastic, and it turned out to be 2,800 products, but we are at the initial stage, that is, in fact, we have just started working, this year, according to our plans, this should all be doubled, raw materials are purchased from companies , which accept waste from the population and prepare it for processing; one of them , uralftorma, is located in the next building. processes more than 600 tons of waste monthly, our production workshop is divided
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in such a way that one part of it is used for processing polymer materials waste, there are four press plants of different production capacities and one large sorting line, sorting into paper fractions, we remove extraneous fractions, we do all this on the order of a company that is engaged in processing or production of final products, they set us the appropriate requirements and we already we are preparing this with the goal of the project is not only to reduce the volume of waste, but to save trees. in the meantime, many developers prefer to buy wooden outdoor furniture. current investment in the main capital and the number of highly qualified personnel. in 2010 , a special economic zone appeared in the region. its participants receive various benefits. income tax is only 2%. land and transport property tax - 0%. the special economic zone titanium valley includes two sites, their total area exceeds 390 hectares. we are located
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on the uktus site, whose residents specialize in production. carried out an audit, the second stage has already gone into detailing the tasks, we, together with the team of the special economic zone, just stormed, and what can be changed, as a result, a strategy was born with an implementation plan until the thirtieth year, the goal
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is based on the fact that we introduce new management elements from the point of view.
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we are trying to build with each of these residents a certain direction from a sociological point of view, how they will participate in the life of the city. new companies are coming to the region, which means new personnel are needed in the sverdlovsk region - one of the most progressive education systems. a world-class student campus is being built in yekaterinburg. the first stage is already ready, there are dormitories for 8,500 people, a community center, and a medical center and a sports arena. the total area of ​​all objects will exceed 400,000 m2. the campus is a large-scale, unique space, designed not only for study, but also for a comfortable life for students, and includes educational and laboratory buildings, co-working spaces and technology parks. a training field with athletics tracks is ready within walking distance of the water sports palace. all these objects are a legacy of the international university
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sports festival. it took place in yekaterinburg in august 2023, in parallel with the celebration of the tercentenary of the ural.
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in terms of approaches to responsible financing. in recent years , more and more new museum spaces have been opening in yekaterinburg. the city is positioned as one of the regional centers. contemporary art. the hermitage ural center opened in 2021. all three floors are somehow connected with the hermitage, either expositionally or historically. on the ground floor there is a hall for
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temporary exhibitions from the state hermitage. on the second floor there is a permanent exhibition of objects of western european art. most of it was donated by the hermitage in gratitude for the preservation of its collections during the great patriotic war. on the third floor there is a memorial area. dedicated to the events of the evacuation period. and behind me, for example, there is a work supposedly by jordaens, a mellagralant, it is one of those objects that was given to us by the hermitage, in gratitude for saving their collection in wartime, we bring two exhibitions a year from the armitage collection, each time these are first-class things , absolutely brilliant in concept and composition. exhibitions, if think about it, this is a completely unique opportunity for the regions, why, because over the course of 15, 20, 25 years , the entire permanent exhibition of armitage will pass through this building. at
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the end of 2023, tactile copies of works of permanent exhibition of western european art of the 15th and early 20th centuries appeared in the museum. they are accompanied by signs in braille and objects that help to more accurately reveal the content of the exhibit. approximately 100,000 people visit the ural hermitage every year. this is how the sverdlovsk region is developing, introducing environmental standards, social and corporate governance. and we ’ll move on, next time we’ll tell you about the stovropol region. june 4 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. june 4, 1916 , brusilovsky breakthrough. the offensive operation of russian troops began in galicia and bukovina. brusilovsky breakthrough. the operation against austro-hungarian and german troops was developed by general brusilov. enemy troops lost 1.5 million people. the brusilov breakthrough was called the most successful operation of the first world war,
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an outstanding achievement of military art. wars are ending. for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run. and the main thing is to win for it, there is such a job: to be a defender, when you become a professional, it becomes your life’s work, a military matter, serve at the call of your heart, join your people. when we went to mariupol, we went not only
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to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, we got off, for the first time there they got tired of me they were wounded, all the bullets were gone, one was a root, there was almost no more strength. i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i’ll still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy here, this is the studio run by philip trofimov, 10 gigabits per second via laser bureau 1440, then the very thing that promises to launch a domestic access service in 3 years. satellite communications, announced the successful testing of one of the key elements of the future orbital constellation of the laser system inter-satellite communication, as stated
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, more than 200 gb of data were sent from one spacecraft to another at a distance of 30 km at a speed of 10 gbit and a number of errors comparable to those of conventional optical fiber. let me remind you that bureau 1440 of the space division of x-holding launched a second batch of experimental satellites into orbit in mid-may, this time for... that is, a non-ground -based 5g network and laser inter-satellite communications, if everything goes according to plan, then by 2027, the group will already be from serial satellites will number 250 devices, the space communications service itself will go into commercial operation mode, it is interesting that the idea of ​​​​organizing communication between low-orbit telecommunication satellites using a laser was put forward by a russian project 10 years ago: the developments
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were put up for sale. some strange news from meragenerative neural networks. the region's largest technology exhibition, tex, opens today in taiwan, but some announcements have already taken place. and, among other things, the company invidia, which tightly rode the hype around artificial intelligence, so that its value increased more than 10 times in 4 years and approached the $3 trillion mark, introduced a special neural network for gamers. gassist is this. the bot, which can be launched both in the cloud and locally on the player’s computer , is trained to provide in-game tips on where to look for something in the virtual world, how best to act in a given situation, and so on. globally, this is approximately the same thing that some players were already looking for on the internet, on various forums, only now in one merechat, which also perceives what is happening on the screen as a context, that is, in theory, it suggests more accurately and quickly. however, some players of strict rules have already
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called it: cheating, the more ethically neutral ability of the gaming neural network to inspect the gamer’s computer and recommend the optimal settings for each individual game. another story from tenkov bank, which made just such a card for the blind, visually impaired, it differs primarily in these curly cutouts or, as they call it, cutting on the short side cards. they claim that they were the first to do this in russia. the fact is that mastercard started promoting something similar a couple of years ago. but there the main task was to distinguish the type of debit card from a credit card by touch, all the cards have the same cutouts, fortunately, the card is only a debit one, but in addition, together with visually impaired clients, they selected a comfortable font and contrasting colors, which is useful not only for those who are completely deprived vision, however , the main thing is probably still the return of the element of tactility to the map, which could previously be embossed with the card number and owner's name.
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what is the fundamental difficulty that is currently on the market? first, convex cards or impossing, which used to be very actively used, this was in fact the only application technology, now almost all manufacturers, all banks and financial institutions are moving away from it, because there are certain economic and technological difficulties with this production, except however, as they say, not all people with visual impairments today know the font. and not all for payments and other things interact with the world using smartphones, probably this is a cutout on the map that allows you to identify it by touch and understand how it is oriented, so far the simplest universal way to simplify the life of a significant group of clients.
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how soon will the free trade agreement with iran come into force?
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oleg khorokhordin announced his transfer to a new position, who will now take the place of the head of the region? they were importing drugs by truck at the verkhniy lars checkpoint, a heavy truck with a large shipment of prohibited substances was detained, a total of more than 2.0 briquettes. the governor of the altai republic, oleg kharakhordin, announced his resignation from his post. according to him. this is due to a transition to another job. hrahorden's term as head of the region expires this year. oleg kharahordenov is 52 years old, he worked in the office of the presidential envoy in the central federal district, then in the foreign policy department of the presidential administration, was deputy head of the secretariat of the chairman of the russian government from 2019 in the rio governor, and then the governor of the altai republic. it's impossible to win.


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