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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the area of ​​forest fires is growing in buryat and transbaikalia, as well as fires in yakutia, khabarovsk territory and two dozen other regions of russia. we'll tell you how the fire is being fought. african tour of sergei lavrov. at these moments, the head of the russian foreign ministry is holding negotiations with the president of the congo. our special correspondent is tracking key announcements. vladimir putin held a meeting with vice-speaker of the federation council andrei turchak, the president invited him to head the altai republic instead of oleg kharakhordin, who resigned. the meeting itself took place in video communication format. i would like to ask you to return to the executive authorities to head one of the regions. the region is promising, especially today, given the rapid development and
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a personal meeting to give you a detailed, informative report on the situation. andrey turchak is 48 years old, he comes from st. petersburg, in the nineties, at the beginning of the two thousandth he was a member of the board of directors of energomashbank, in 2005 he joined the united russia party, joined the coordination council of the young guard of united russia, in 2007 he became a deputy of the pskov regional assembly deputies, then a senator from the pskov region, from 2009 to 2017. governor of the pskov region, headed the region at the age of 33, becoming the youngest governor in the country at that time. since 2017, in rio, secretary of the general council of united russia and again nominated as a senator from the same region. in 2020 , he was appointed first deputy chairman of the upper house. in 2021 , he was re-elected as secretary of the general council of united russia. in 2022, he headed the working group on mobilization and social support for special participants. military operation.
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one after another, countries around the world are refusing to participate in the meeting on ukraine, which will be held in switzerland in june. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov spoke about possible reasons. as for the non-participation of a number of countries, this is an absolutely understandable position. countries do not want to take part in an event that lacks purpose. this is a completely absurd activity, it’s such an idle pastime to discuss. ukraine without the participation of russia, well, this is an absolutely absurd goal setting, but it is obvious that it is not focused on any result; many countries do not want to waste time . one of the key topics of recent days is the official permission of nato countries to strike with western long-range weapons on russian territory. the head of the federation council committee on international affairs, grigory karasin, spoke on our air about the causes and consequences of such western decisions.
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various statements by american military politicians, comments by journalists, statements by ukrainian unfortunate politicians and the military, too, testifies that they simply want to make a fool of themselves, entangle them in the intricacies of decision-making, while massive attacks are being carried out on our territory, on our people, on our cities. and no half-permits, permits with exceptions, and so on, will ever justify this case. we remember all this, record it, and in subsequent trials of those guilty of all these atrocities, we will operate with specific facts, and not with supposedly pronounced restrictions or supposedly spoken permissions. italian deputy prime minister matteo salvini said he was against it. so that his country would somehow
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intervene in the situation in ukraine, in particular by supplying weapons to kiev. he stated this while speaking at a pre-election rally in the city of bari. solviny added that those western politicians who ... go to war, put on a helmet, put on a bulletproof vest , go to ukraine, but do not fool the italians . a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council took place in belarus. it was held in a wide audience, except for the heads of government of the eac countries,
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the prime ministers of cuba, uzbekistan and azerbaijan also participated. konstantin churikov knows what was agreed upon, and he joins on air. konstantin, welcome to what was discussed and what decisions were made. “daria, hello, we talked about many issues, in particular about digitalization, about rules for marketplaces and about expanding transport corridors. in the belarusian nesvezh, at a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council , they talked about deepening economic integration in the eu. chairman of the russian government mikhail mishustin noted the role of the union in development of the five economies. in all states of the association, gdp is growing at a rate above the world average; for example, last year the union’s economies grew in total. almost 4%. noticeable changes were achieved in trade turnover and production growth. since the creation of the union, the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled, agricultural production by more than a quarter, and industrial production by more than 20 percent. in the current quarter, these two
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indicators added about another one and a half and 5.5%, respectively. and based on the results of the past year, the domestic product of the five, you know everything well, these numbers have increased. by 3.8%, outpacing the global average growth rate. as mikhail mishustin said, over 10 years the ias has built a unique supranational regulatory system; it establishes uniform requirements for goods. more than fifty technical regulations have been approved, which cover about 85% of products on the common market, and this is very important for the supply of high-quality, reliable goods to simplify mutual trade.
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which fully meets the interests of everyone states of the union and the eurasian region as a whole. the eurasian five must take into account current trends in trade. as the russian prime minister noted, the popularity of marketplaces requires separate solutions; they must be the same for everyone. marketplaces and other electronic services are increasingly in demand. commerce, and that means we need general, clear, transparent rules for everyone. at the end of last year , changes were made to the customs code of the union, which significantly simplified both the purchase of goods on online platforms in the top five and their subsequent design. well, now we are faced with the task of agreeing on an international
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agreement on a unified customs transit system so that other states can join the already formed union system. the result of today's meeting was approval. since it concerns equal conditions for all participants of the five. after signing the documents, deputy prime minister of russia alexey overchuk spoke about the importance of developing international transport corridors in the ias and what this will bring to our countries. these international transport corridors are critical to the development of economies. and this is important both from the point of view of realizing the transit potential of our countries, and the position of the eurasian economic union in eurasia is truly unique, and from the point of view of providing exporters from the member states
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of the eurasian economic union with the best competitive conditions for entering new markets, first of all, we, of course we are talking about a north-south corridor. not only the prime ministers themselves took part in the meeting of the intergovernmental council ias states, but also the heads of the ruler of the observer countries of uzbekistan and cuba, as well as the prime minister of azerbaijan, which. once again emphasizes the interest of other states in the union and the potential for the development of the eurasian partnership. konstantin, thank you, konstantin churikov spoke about the development of cooperation between the eac countries. polish farmers have again blocked the checkpoint on the border with ukraine. we are talking about the transition to the lviv region, which will be closed for another 2 days until the 6th. protesters do not allow trucks to enter from ukraine; exit is also limited to 12 trucks per 12 hours. the farmers rebelled in winter; blocking the checkpoint is just one of the tactics
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, along with the destruction of ukrainian grain. the reason for the discontent is too low prices for agricultural products from ukraine. polish farmers fear that this will collapse the market and leave them without income. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. they help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph is now in an economical package of 96 capsules. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. are you thinking about which university to go to? you can plunge into...
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special conditions, especially relationships, under silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, inside a beautiful, perfect, plambier, airy, natural, happy mic in the heat of july carries a silver bullet, come on, give me a new grill, a new . you can
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perform in single skating, but play with a team in football; you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals because you have a real football real cup. russian football cup, you are silent like... fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only tasty , period, what men are silent about, painful urination, erection problems, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, langidase against prostatitis, magnet, juicy sausages and hot dogs will help, 129, 99. magnet, price, what you need. what do we bring back from savito’s travels?
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cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito the trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. a smile will make everyone brighter. a smile in the sky will wake up your radula. project demography, all measures to support families with
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children, these are the ivanovs, the average russian requires state support, a national family, in a year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. problems of people with disabilities of health were discussed in melitopol by representatives of the all-russian society of the deaf by the authorities of the zaporozhye region. the main goal is for people with hearing impairments who live in new regions of russia to be able to take advantage of a nationwide support system. in addition, the children's rehabilitation center received humanitarian aid, textbooks, educational
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games, and toys. the mission of the church is diverse and... of course, it concerns people who have lost their hearing for one reason or another, for this is why we are teaching sign language interpretation at the church-wide level, both for clergy and church social workers, divine services are being translated into sign language, new programs have been opened on the youtube channel that can help people. socialize in all areas of their lives, such as housing and communal services, banking, and other issues relating to the life of each person. during the visit to the rehabilitation center, we provided materials, namely educational and developmental games for children with hearing impairment, as well as
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methodological materials for the employees of this rehabilitation center itself, on how to conduct educational activities. with the ministry of culture, we will still be able to organize a visit to the theater of facial expressions and gestures for those people with hearing impairments, the hearing impaired, who for some reason cannot attend the events organized by the russian society of the deaf. in moscow today they said goodbye to state duma deputy, arctic and antarctic investigator artur chelengarov. he passed away. last saturday at the age of 84. relatives, friends and colleagues came to see off the outstanding scientist on his final journey. report by sofia sergeeva. several hundred people came to say goodbye to artur cheyingarov, a tireless explorer, oceanologist, polar explorer, and a man with whose name our country’s successes in the arctic are associated. these are not only
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relatives, friends, but also colleagues in the russian academy of sciences, the state duma, and the russian geographical society. therefore, when we talk about his work in the state duma, this is only a small part his biography. he made himself, and did not look for easy ways. his life was always associated with risk, with the choice of decisions, which then determined the outcome, either research in the arctic, or the oceans, or in politics. arthur nikolaevich, as they liked to joke about him, was
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a man of different polarities. in the guinness book of records he is listed as the first person in the world to visit the southern one in six months. all around and was an amazingly friendly person, such people do not die, they stay with us, and we have a lot of things ahead of us, against the russian world declared war, and primarily because a third of the main resources are located in the arctic, he developed it, and we will continue his good work. chelingarov's life was like
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an astronomical adventure novel, about people like him they say, he was born in a shirt, fell through the ice, burned on a plane. his brainchild is the arctic forum, a territory of dialogue, that is, not a territory of conquest there or else.
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called the pomor vair project, so today i want to say that the next icebreaker will be named after arthur. ceremony the civil funeral service for artur nikolaevich was held in a solemn atmosphere, the funeral cortege left the territory of the cathedral of christ the savior. the arrival of the guard of honor and went to the novodevichy cemetery, where the explorer of the far north was buried. sofya sergieva and naloshchenov, victor barmin, alexander zarubov, conduct. the united states conducted a training launch of the minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile, the us space force base reports. the launch took place from vanderberg air force base in california. it is reported that the rocket without a warhead successfully took off and fell into the water approximately.
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the priorities of washington and kiev in the context of the ukrainian conflict diverge, as the united states fears nuclear escalation, the new york times reports, citing white house representatives. however, the biden administration does not intend to. ukraine has no stronger leader than president biden. the united states has been and will continue to be actively involved in every
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strategic endeavor of this country. the us is escalating, if only the kiev regime can hold out until november. the american voter should not understand during the elections that it was biden who led ukraine to a global crisis, political scientists say. the red lines designed to limit military support for kiev from the west are constantly being erased. china warns that one more step towards escalation and there will be no turning back. the united states uses rules of order as hegemonic narratives; when these rules and orders serve its interests, the united states uses them; when not, it abandons them. all these conflicts are the result of core double us standards. french mercenaries among many.
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the german authorities are busy with other things, preparing for war with russia. german journalists, referring to the current army general, write: “the bundeswehr is working on a plan for deep reform; they want to create a german hub on the border with russia with all the necessary logistics and people. scholz’s coalition does not hide its hysterical plans. the war is much wider than the borders of ukraine, that’s why we we will have to respond in a completely different way. in essence, we must fight the russians the same way we fought the soviets. union. here. only germany has not had money for large-scale projects for a long time. the truth is that the large development aid expenditures we had then were financed by our
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neglect of the bundeswehr. in the federal budget hole and here scholz can no longer help either ukraine, or even more so his residents of germany. there remain stories about the fabulous country of germany. we are experiencing incredible technological revolutions. it was reduced significantly.
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fouled his football player ruslan bezrukov for 100,000 rubles and conditionally disqualified him for 3 month for a joke. at the end of april, rubin beat zenit and prevented the st. petersburg team from breaking away from their pursuer krasnodar. and without any hands then he joked that krasnodar residents should now send a quote for such help: money is at stake, since rubin defeated their direct competitor. the footballer's humor was not appreciated by the ethics committee of the russian football union. ruby after.
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we historically defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same. destroy the country, take away our freedom, but we have always bravely resisted in battle, history remembers everything. the strength, unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing
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victory closer. serve under contract!
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went. they stormed in, for the first time there they got tired of wounding me, all the bullets were out, one was the roots, i had no more strength to fight, i thought that was it, at that moment i came up a local guy came to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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to complete the energy transition , europe urgently needs lithium deposits. and the largest of them are located in donbass. it was there that journalists from the german tv channel zdf were spotted. what was filmed and why? anton potkovenko tried to figure it out. shevchenkovskoye lithium deposit on the border of the dpr with the zaporozhye region. according to experts, it is the largest in europe. the nonsense is very rich.


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