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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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halfway, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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best evenings, the pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing greater than happiness, a national project demography. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us. hello, there is a live broadcast of the new program on duty. part in maxim movchan's studio. the pursuit of image led to the isolation ward. the court in novosibirsk determined a preventive measure for the director of the regional development corporation, alexander zaryanov. he is suspected of receiving a bribe, which he allegedly spent on his pr. by according to the investigation, novosibirsk entrepreneurs, including businessman artyom muslimov, paid pr media managers
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of local media in the amount of almost 10 million rubles. in return , they received contracts worth more than 64 million, bypassing competitive procedures. investigators also established. that zarianov’s colleague alexander gomanov, general director of the industrial and logistics park, took part in the corruption scheme. as a result of the meeting, zarianov was sent to pre-trial detention. gomanov and artyom muslimov will be under house arrest during the investigation. on the same day it became known about the detention of high-ranking official vitaly vitukhin. he heads the department of investments, consumer market, innovation and entrepreneurship of novosibirsk. a criminal case has been opened against him for abuse of power. it is not yet known whether the accused are related to each other. in demand, they operated according to the methods of the nineties in the krasnoyarsk territory , members of yaroslav malinovsky’s gang will appear in court in the near future. investigators have completed the criminal case against the members of the organized crime group. by according to security officials, the group included dozens of people who were engaged in extortion. malinovsky himself carried out much more ambitious schemes and
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is still hiding abroad. material by olga zhurenkova. while the probable leader of the organized crime group, yaroslav malinovsky, is hiding from russian justice abroad, his accomplices are alone. one goes to jail. the day before it became known that a criminal investigation into five gang members accused of hooliganism had been completed in krasnoyarsk. in last february, members of a criminal group beat two men near a fitness center. footage of the brawl was captured on cctv cameras. for secrecy , the attackers hid their faces with masks and removed registration plates from their cars. members of an organized criminal group of at least 14 people were located near the fitness center on vosmogo street. established , detained in a short time, the capture group visited someone at home, such as nikita gubernyuk, everything happened
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so quickly that the young man, judging by the footage, he didn’t even immediately remember his date of birth, another member of the criminal group was detained in... in the kemerovo region, you have the right to know what you are accused of, to receive a copy of the decision to initiate a criminal case, to receive a copy of the decision to prosecute you as an accused, a copy of the decision to apply a preventive measure against you, a copy of the indictment of the indictment or indictment, you have no idea, the alleged organizer of the organized crime group yaroslav malinovsky is now wanted, according to according to some reports, his gang included more than 50 people; they were responsible for robbery, hooliganism, extortion, arson of a car, theft, previously his name. appeared in a high-profile scandal with the construction of an aquatic complex on tatyshev island. several swimming pools and a food court were built on the territory, but nothing can be built here. this is an archaeological heritage site area. investigators believe that the company caused damage in excess of 80 million rubles. in addition, the fugitive
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malinovsky was under the control of a network of illegal pawnshops. they bought from organizations and sold jewelry without a license. in a couple of years, the pricing business brought its creator more than 12 million rubles. five defendants in the criminal case for hooliganism face up to 7 years in prison, four more members of the organized crime group and the probable leader of the gang are wanted, five criminal cases have been opened against yaroslav malinovsky, including the creation of the leadership of a criminal community, extortion damage to cultural heritage sites. dmitry manushev, lead the duty department. now there is breaking news that na... receives directly from the feed news agency, you can also see it on your screen. so, it is reported that two people were injured during a shooting in the capital’s bibereva district, here is the first photograph from the scene of the incident, it can be seen that police officers are working, they are wearing bulletproof vests and helmets. and further details follow. the incident took place on kostromskaya street, and it is also mentioned that
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the streets are partially disconnected. teachers say that an unknown person shot at public transport from the window of the house. and further clarification follows, here is a short video from the place incidents. it is written that fire was fired at the bus from an air rifle. further, the prosecutor's office reports that the butyrka interdistrict prosecutor's office is monitoring the establishment of the circumstances of the incident on the street. roma. it is also written that two passersby required medical assistance, a man and a woman. the ministry of internal affairs also comments on the incident. and, oh, there are also photographs from the scene here . you can see how the employees of the russian guard and the police are working here. so the police are holding events aimed at identifying the attacker and bringing him to justice established by law. in bryansk, a former corruption fighter was arrested in a corruption case. photograph.
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through an intermediary , he received from an individual entrepreneur engaged in the illegal sale of counterfeit tobacco products a bribe in the amount of at least 44,000 rubles to ensure unhindered trade. bashki dmitry frolov, he served in one of the elite units of the special services, held the position of deputy head of the department
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spacecraft of the economic security service of the fsb. dmitry is prohibited from being held in public custody. next to the former security officer is banker georgy shkurko. both are accused of corruption. according to investigators , for years frolov received money from the businessman for loyalty and patronage. over time , a little bit has accumulated, 87 million rubles. frolov acted together with the now former head of the spacecraft management department, kirill cherkalin. in october 2021, he already received his sentence; during searches, cherkalin was found with just think about 12 billion rubles in cash. by the way, cherkalin later published his colleague and testified against frolov. as a result, the corruption tangle was unraveled. investigators found other accomplices. all participants in the shadow scheme were charged. georgy shkurko was given 4 years and 8 months in prison for giving a bribe. the court released the banker due to his departure. punishment, frolov went after him with a smile on his face. the prosecution demanded that ex-fsb officer frolov be sentenced to
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fourteen years in prison for bribery. against this background, the verdict was quite unexpected. by according to the court decision, the former curator of russian banks was given a much more lenient punishment. 6 years of general regime and ordered to pay a fine of 800,000 rubles. and then they released him completely due to the expiration of the statute of limitations and criminal prosecution. the bribe case was reclassified as a particularly large-scale fraud. but even this decision did not suit the former security officer. he instructed. a new twist in the story of a scandalous hunt in kamchatka. the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered an internal investigation into information about unlawful actions of an employee of the eastern interregional investigation department for transport. this was reported by the official telegram channel of the department. after we aired an investigation into illegal hunting of
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bears from a helicopter, according to eyewitnesses, poachers shot directly from the air, which is prohibited by law. information has appeared on kamchatka telegram channels about the possible involvement of a high-ranking investigator in the massacre of animals. local journalists published these photographs. they allegedly show one of the participants of that same hunt, and here is the owner of the helicopter on which the hunters flew. previously in the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs. announced the initiation of a criminal case. the state duma became interested in the flayers' air safari. let me add that the illegal hunt took place back in april, but the footage appeared in the public space only last week. according to one version , the inspectors themselves decided to tell the story so that the matter could not be hushed up. the ministry of natural resources of the kamchatka territory is also interested in a fair investigation. now the breaking news is ours the editors receive it directly from the news agency’s feeds and you can also see it on your screen. so, telegram. the honest detective channel reports that in kursk the court nationalized the assets of
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hortes producers. the leninsky court of kursk nationalized the assets of the company of the founder of the alcohol holding global spirits, evgeniy chernyak. he is originally from ukraine. safety in the far north. the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, as part of a trip to chukotka, opened the first emergency rescue center in the region in pivek, and a new approach is being used. in the management of the rescue unit will also be located in one place. and the aviation link. report by alexander mostova. national.
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the new center was created in accordance with the development strategy of the arctic zone, which was approved by the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. i am confident that the new center will improve the safety of the population, including those living in hard-to-reach areas of the arctic, and will reduce the response time of the rs forces. i thank everyone who took part in the creation of the arctic integrated emergency rescue center. i wish everyone health, success and a peaceful sky above their heads, the rescuers who will serve within the walls of the center, even greater professional success, we personally thank the respected alexander vyacheslavovich for his direct participation in the implementation of this project and attention to our
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district, the ribbon has been cut, this is a historical moment for the residents chukotka. the opening of this center is a significant event for the population of chukotka, since until this time there were no rescue units of the ministry of emergency situations in the region in russia, our specialists are armed with modern special equipment, fire engines, all-terrain vehicles that are capable of reaching the most inaccessible areas, which is very important for working in the conditions of the far north. the rescue center project was developed taking into account the harsh climate of the arctic. in one block there is a rescue unit and an aviation control unit . they are already working here. from specialists for whom a horizon of possibilities has opened, in the event, god forbid, a person gets lost, lost, now there are us, trained people who will do this work, we have equipment to get to hard-to-reach areas, how do you help people, at the moment we
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have in our arsenal both water and off-road equipment, as well as road equipment, our off-road equipment is all-terrain vehicles, tracked vehicles are snowmobiles , atvs are a huge opportunity, firstly, they save people’s lives, prospects and development in the city. the minister spoke with rescuers and toured the spacious rooms of the new center. all conditions for comfortable work have been created here. first aid post, canteen, gym and even its own library. everything is fine, something is missing there. all information now goes to the crisis management center; dispatchers monitor the situation in different areas of chukotka in real time. all this is working, being worked out so that we check each and every sensor, that this system is very good, well done. pevyak is the pearl of chukotka, an important point of the northern sea route, which is a transport corridor of global importance. this is the shortest the route between the european part of russia and
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the far east. for transit, it is attractive because it is 15-20 days shorter than transportation through the suede canal. areas of the russian arctic, we will reduce the response time, and most importantly, we will increase security in hard-to-reach areas so we will ensure the constant readiness of forces, the large-scale exercises that took place here last year speak about the development of security in the arctic.
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it is developing rapidly, this is a priority for the region, in general, the arctic is a direction for our country today. in the regions the far north has great potential, because the role of the northern sea route is only growing, and at the same time, attention to safety issues, which our rescuers provide around the clock in the conditions of the far north, is growing. alexander mostova and evgeny kirilenko, leading the duty unit from the arctic. vladimir kolokoltsev chaired a meeting of the board of the russian ministry of internal affairs dedicated to combating it crime. the fight against cyber scammers is now one of the department’s priorities. the statistics are insignificant, almost half of the crimes that are committed in our country, happens remotely. over the past year and a half, scammers have stolen more from citizens at a distance. 210 billion rubles. people are losing since 2020, the number of attacks using information technology has increased by 1/3. the share
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of remote actions in the total array is now approaching 40%, in some regions it is even higher. last year , half a million people suffered from them, almost every fourth of whom were pensioners. usually. the swindlers themselves hide abroad, but recruit assistants for territory of the country. so in st. petersburg , police caught several young people who allegedly laundered several tens of millions of rubles for criminals. lie down. 26 smartphones, 215 sim cards, 42 bank cards and seven computers were seized from the suspects. this is oleg, he is a murderer, he is about to leave a psychiatric clinic and will live in yours. apartment, and indeed this apartment is his, something like this was heard by novosel from irkutsk, when they learned that the scammers had pulled off a cunning combination, executed a series of phony transactions, now a couple i was left homeless with huge debts,
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dariak was figuring out the intricate scheme, i don’t understand why you are answering this here, the deminkov family has to answer for the criminals who were never caught. for trusting official documents in the end for simply wanting to live happily in their apartment. in the regional court they prove that they were victims of a cynical scam. damn it, please give us the opportunity to defend our rights, then receive compensation, just to at least pay off the bank. small mortgage olga and vyacheslav registered a two-room apartment in 2021. after a year of their happy life , a policeman knocked on the door and said that their family nest had a friend. the owner, his name is oleg and he is a patient in a psychiatric hospital, he ended up there 11 years ago after the murder of his own mother in this very bathroom. the doctors decided that oleg was
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recovering, they began to prepare him for graduation, then they remembered about the apartment. we decided to hire a lawyer to defend him, who later turned to law enforcement agencies and went to court declare this transaction illegal. it turned out. in 2020, unknown scammers forged a purchase and sale agreement signed with the seal of a notary, a very professionally made agreement, and as much as i don’t even want to cast a shadow over the fence, but people helped draw it up, who are not far from the notary, you know, or realtors. according to this document , a certain alexei allegedly bought an apartment from oleg and valentina; let me remind you that by that time valentina had already been... dead for years, and oleg was being treated in a mental hospital. less than 2 weeks a certain olga becomes the owner of the apartment, and after a couple of months a certain oksana gets a mortgage. the apartment is being renovated and
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six months later in february 2021 it is being sold to the diminkov family. the last two transactions are accompanied by a realtor from a large real estate agency; the apartment twice becomes collateral for a well-known bank. it is preliminary established that on may 20, 2020, while in the building. at an unspecified time, an unknown person fraudulently took possession of an apartment at ryabikovo boulevard, building 3. the rosreestre itself stated that there was no responsibility bear, they say they are not required to double-check notarial agreements. it is believed that this responsibility is assigned by law to the notary; we cannot check such documents a second time. we decided to independently find the first link in this chain, alexey, mentioned in the fake sales contract. at the place of registration. in one of the villages of the irkutsk region , the alleged fraudster lived for several years, it turns out that he has not been seen here since 2020, when this covid began, he already came here
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, yes, he was coughing something here, people say, before our arrival, no one was looking for alexey, it wasn’t the police who came to me, no one, they say, alexey drank, didn’t work, lived with whoever he had to, the second link in the chain of transactions is a woman named olga, on the phone she admits that her deal was also fake, well, how what happened? they convinced themselves to get an apartment, it’s still not a loaf of bread, well, they promised to pay there and so on, and then no one gave anything, and no one paid. rosreestr is not responsible for us, the hospital administration is not responsible for us, social security is ours does not bear responsibility, and even those people who sold us this apartment do not bear any responsibility in fact, but we bear full responsibility, full responsibility, ordinary guys who don’t even earn 30 thousand a month, the first instance of the court generally convicted the demenkovs on a par with scammers, the appeal court found them honest, but homeless and with a mortgage debt of more than 3 million rubles. now the dimenkov family is huddled in the same mortgaged two-room apartment with their parents.
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isporny. the bailiffs asked them for an apartment, and the bank still owes everything. the criminal case has been transferred to the main investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the irkutsk region, and the necessary investigative measures are being taken to identify the persons who may have committed fraudulent actions. the dimenkovs have a ghostly chance to sue for compensation from the ministry of finance, but even if they win, this will be a matter of many months, and maybe years, while they remain at the extreme end of the story with swindlers who deceived realtors, and the rosreestr and... a large bank, as for the current owner of the apartment, the patient in his i still haven’t moved into the apartment i fought for and won back in january. daria atkachuk, alexander mokin, viktor takmitov, roman ryutin, mikhail glyzin, conductor, duty unit, irkutsk. they were seen every day outside expensive nightclubs and trendy bars. they were always good-natured and, of course, ready to help, however, in the leningrad region, members of
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a gang of taxi drivers were detained for using a mobile phone, through which they then dialed up loans for victims. pickpockets. read more fedor eliseev. after a noisy, party night life of the northern capital, in a quiet calm village with the finnish name leskalova, leningrad region, having finished a hard work shift, a taxi driver is sleeping off. he was clearly not ready for the morning party with lights and music that the security forces threw for him. having changed the lying position to the lying face down position, the conversation begins. shake, quickly! now the person is here, look why he was detained, you know, no, now we will explain, according to the investigators, he was bombed from the cultural capital, he lived not so much by driving as by supporting the pockets of his clients, true, in a modern manner , the detainee’s phone may have been used in the commission of a crime, and it was also stolen; since december last year , police departments in the central part of st. petersburg have received similar statements about the loss
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of a mobile phone after a trip in a taxi. the applicants, among whom were st. petersburg residents and city guests, recalled a hospitable renault taxi driver who helped them get home after relaxing in an entertainment establishment. the similarity of the statements interested employees of the so-called pocket management department criminal investigation. apparently, another professional hunter for the pockets of tipsy clients of night bars has appeared in the city. having traced the suspect, the police came to the conclusion that he did not act alone, but with a couple of accomplices. what are you doing? i work, who do you work for? i work in this furniture shop, why was i detained? you know? don't know. again another dunno. according to investigators , he is one of the taxi driver’s accomplices, having guessed that the operatives clearly know more than he does, the suspect turns on forgetfulness and plays the language trump card. do you know russian? don't know. during the searches , bank cards were found on the suspect,
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which... were used to steal money from the accounts of the victims, after which he immediately spoke: you enter, the whole scheme looked like this: the eldest of the suspects, whose account already had convictions for extortion and theft of money from an atm, according to detectives, the organizer of the group, he looked for victims at the exits of nightclubs and restaurants, chose very wealthy and at the same time very drunk, having obtained the mobile phone of a drunk passenger, the taxi driver, using various tricks, did...
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the announcement of the verdict for the gang members, who were driven into a truck with household appliances, as if they had lost their human form, began to destroy and loosen the box, hang on the bars, trying to break it, arrange an escape, when it didn’t work out, one of the condemned injured himself, meanwhile, the relatives of the defendants in the case caused a row at the entrance to the courthouse, everyone is to blame , and he’s in jail, this is your child, however, the bailiffs quickly and clearly explained to the crowd that it would be better to calm down and disperse, the judge reassured the criminals themselves. two for 9 years, the third for seven, and in a maximum security colony. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you at 21:30. vladimir putin invited andrei turchuk to lead the republic.


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