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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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bundestag deputy kizivetr said at the end of that year that the largest lithium deposits in europe are located in the donetsk-lugansk region. that's how he put it. in political geography. kezvetor doesn’t seem to understand much, but what does germany still count on? this is our lithium. firstly, they can analyze whether it is necessary to defend ukraine? is it necessary to give her weapons, ammunition, etc., etc., and provide financial support, counting on the fact that maybe they will take back supposedly these territories from russia, then the germans will demand give them, accordingly, a deposit of the same lithium there, a second more realistic scenario, they, the germans, can analyze what will happen next from the point of view of cooperation with russia, and after the conflict, the germans
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cannot negotiate directly, even if they wanted any politician who seriously talks about working with our country in the west to be eaten by their own people, so berlin, apparently, sends journalists to industrial intelligence, which means it ’s in a big fever. anton potkovenko hunting for lithium. zelensky and his western friends personally we called the leaders of the cis countries and begged them to come to the conference on ukraine in switzerland. such details were shared today in russian media. emphasizing that russia’s allies did not succumb to persuasion, because they understand that this gathering has nothing to do with peace, this is realized in europe, since formally preparing for an event to find a peaceful solution, they are announcing more and more military assistance to ukraine. our european correspondent asya emelyanova provides details. according to polls, italians no longer want to arm ukraine is categorically against firing at russia with weapons that flow in trains from italy. back in june, italy was in deep trouble. among the countries that prohibited this,
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so it is unlikely that the voter will like the post of the head of zelensky’s office, who hastened to share his joy, italy will supply ukraine with a second air defense system - sampt. finally , as usual, professor arsini, who is not liked on state channels, is finally relieved of illusions by an accurate diagnosis of the beginning of the ukrainian events and forecasts for the future. after the vote, the minister of defense crosette will give ukraine stormshadow missiles for strikes. deep into russian territory. in fact, crosetta cunningly delayed the delivery of a new shipment of weapons until the day after the elections, in order to better deceive the italians. coroseta is also preparing to send italian soldiers to shoot at russians in ukraine. at the moment , crozeta is saying this not because there are elections ahead, but because everything is already being prepared. our soldiers are trained for this very purpose. in nato exercises, italian soldiers learn how to attack the russians in ukraine. if they
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they will be sent to fight, feed voters already made decisions or long-running trials for news - an old trick, for example, plans to transfer american troops to europe are at least 7 years old, a recent telegraph article is just about this, under the pretext of a russian attack on one of the alliance countries , the united states is actively investing in the infrastructure of northern europe. nato is developing numerous land corridors to move american armored forces to the front line in case of a major outbreak.
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the flow will not dry up - the us president promised joe biden, but ukraine will remain outside the country after the conflict ends. an interview with time for vladimir zelensky, who demands ukraine’s entry into the alliance, as in the russian proverb: carrot and stick. this is not about ukraine being part of nato. we say that we have the same relationship with them as with other countries to which we supply weapons so that they can defend themselves in the future, but i was the one who said that i was not ready to support nato integration with ukraine. biden's words are not the only disappointment for zelensky, accustomed to red carpets, festivals, attention, he is nervously preparing for a conference in switzerland. last week he blamed china, which is allegedly working hard to fail his idea, and today it became known that the idea was not very appreciated and... the leaders of the cis countries, despite persuasion and
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heavy artillery, they will not come, peace needs to be discussed, but others composition in a different format, this may take only a day, the prime minister believes. i was lucky to meet a russian this is what a real sump looks like for nato equipment, which is not a weapon in the northern military district zone. specifically, in this video , the american max pro is praised, and in quantities of at least several dozen, and this is, of course, only one of
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the locations where they are stored. although, even if it were the only one, washington would still have to admit that, firstly, the losses of vehicles are extremely high and secondly, what they cost our military. alexey, no, obviously, the damaged cars of the dryers are being chased by their western owners, the cemetery of ukrainian hopes. kyiv, what trying to repeat our exhibition on poklonnaya gora? french tv footage of dozens of american max pro armored personnel carriers rotting
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in the open air. these, of course, are not all the vehicles destroyed by the russian army, only those that were pulled out from the battlefield. by means of objective control , about 100 vehicles were identified that were destroyed of this particular type, that is , we certainly see some of them in this video, but this is only a small part of, let’s say, the losses already incurred. international maxpro is another disappointment from the american military industry, the vehicles were created as a replacement for the humvee, in an independent country.
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suitable for our regions, there are a lot of swamps, generally difficult terrain, and she is an ordinary hermit, very high, she is clearly visible, can be filmed 3 km away, and we eliminate the main losses.
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cleaned and stored in one place, and this applies not only to the max pro, for example, the bradley infantry fighting vehicle has its own cemetery, why do this? there are several reasons: firstly, banal technological cannibalism, in conditions of lack of technology, everything they can,
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ukrainians disassemble for spare parts, it is more convenient to collect and sort parts in one place, secondly, at such dumps, nato specialists can and... the capabilities of russian weapons, thirdly, it is not without reason that it was the french who showed the graveyard of american equipment, the main...
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targets in the vicinity of urozhainy need to open several fortified areas. the crews fire several shots in a row. with heavy fire they pave the way for the assault units that are working on the front line of the southern donetsk direction. geocinths also are conducting counter-battery warfare, their main targets are artillery pieces in the armed forces of ukraine, but if necessary, the installation can fire at armored vehicles.
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back, so that the enemy artillery would not focus us and tell us where, so that we would not be hit, and these shots were taken on the neighboring sector of the front, on the march of the t-80 bvm, the marine tankers of the pacific fleet support the infantry offensive in the konstantinovka area. tankers from primorye were the first to enter novomikhailovka, clearing the way for the column with landing troops. here is a video of that battle: tank falls on a mine. field, explosions follow one after another. the enemy’s artillery immediately began firing at the tank, and
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cluster shells began to fly. they shot at us. our gun failed. the trawl flew up and hit the cannon and the cannon went into failure. at this time, our assault units were already entrenched in the enemy’s strongholds. the tankers completed their task 100%. this is the same tank that took part in the battles for novomikhailovka. then the combat vehicle received numerous damage. rollers, dynamic protection, barbecue, optics, even a cannon. but the tank survived numerous explosions and the crew managed to return to their location under their own power. now the damaged tank is undergoing maintenance in the rear area, and the crew is preparing for new offensive operations. tanker marines of the 155th brigade of the pacific fleet regularly receive new equipment. for example, this t-80 bvm tank arrived here a few days ago, and it was immediately given additional protection. screens against cumulative projectiles along the perimeter of the body, on top, the so-called barbecue against drones and elements. disguise. today novomikhailovka is completely under the control of the russian army. the next
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strategic goal is konstantinovka. from it there is a direct road to the ugledar grouping of the ukrainian armed forces. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. they extracted anatomical materials, organs, their parts , human cells, acted illegally and, of course, received huge amounts of money. ukrainian publication country about what the organizers of the criminal scheme that was uncovered were doing. local security forces, it is reported that black transplantologists worked in kiev, moreover, under the cover of high-ranking ukrainian officials, and wealthy clients, as you might guess, were waiting for their orders somewhere far beyond. independent, well, how can we not remember that previously kiev rejected any reports about ukrainian butcher doctors as nothing other than the machinations of russian propaganda, although it would seem that enough facts of the use of ukrainians as bio-spare parts for rich europeans have already been found, the very first information appeared after the euromaidan 10 years ago, why about
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it is only now that the official investigation into the bloody business is talking about who is at the top of the iceberg of human trafficking. live transplantation almost right on the line of combat contact, and then, at best, the relatives return the already used material to a disabled person, for example, without a kidney. the mothers of such returnees are holding a rally, saying that the boys were returned home without organs.
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operations are carried out on the quiet under the order of the eu. it is precisely among these doctors who are on the front line that there are, say, those people who, well, essentially, are engaged in the seizure organs of those servicemen who received some, perhaps even minor injuries, that is, a wound, say, in the leg, and they cut out a kidney in the blood. a case where a person was simply wounded in the forearm, yes, that is, there was a large-caliber bullet, there was a serious fracture, a ukrainian soldier after this operation woke up without a real kidney, why did the kidney disappear, he was told that the fragments that seriously damaged the kidney, so it
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had to be delete, here is a significant report: that a criminal group has been uncovered in kiev, out of 11 people, they say doctors from the central kiev hospital are involved in this case, but are they the only 11 people? some media claim that this issue was supervised by a certain ulyan suprun, a ukrainian with canadian citizenship, a former deputy minister of health of the russian federation, which is not surprising, since black transplantology is a business in ukraine. ukrainian media publish quotes from their law enforcement officers that organs were removed.
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there are also comments from eyewitnesses, evidence of how the city hospital morgue vsuushnikov was brought to severodonetsk with his organs already partially removed. the media also wrote that in the donetsk direction in krasnogorovka, where the fighting is now taking place, a month ago there were guarded mobile refrigerators, trucks were driven towards them and some boxes were loaded. organs are very
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expensive, so it is clear that buyers will ... for a heart - 2000 dollars, about 17 million rubles. for kidneys - 25 thousand dollars, approximately 2 million rubles. the priscurant also contains liver, ears, and bone marrow. and so on, that is, if all this ask to take it, cut it out of one person, its cost will be 350,000 dollars, 31 million rubles. black transplantologists, judging by
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messages like these, even demanded that the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine create small detachments and send them to slaughter, that is, they hit their own people with artillery, and then hand them over to the customer in parts. and now this group of eleven people faces up to 12 years in prison, which is not enough for mass cases of organ removal. so on the surgical table now it looks like ukraine itself, which is black western transplantologists have long since deprived her of both her brain and her heart, and now they are also cutting off her arms and legs. evgenia petrukhina, her human assembly line, do not know the most basic facts about the past and cannot even answer questions from the school curriculum, conclusions from a study on how well citizens in great britain are familiar with... the history of the kingdom, disappointing results with solid deuces , the daily mail published, it turned out that a quarter of british adults have no idea when the great
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the fire of london, the plague epidemic, the first world war or the fateful battle of hastings for england. some even seriously claim that this battle was won by a character from legends, robin hood. by the way, they decided to conduct a survey because the british stopped being interested in the country’s historical places, but now it’s clear why, they just don’t care. they don’t know about this, and it’s not surprising if the notorious gender tolerance and other perversions are put in first place in education, but as a result, intellectual insufficiency insufficiency, easy controllability of the population, at least this is precisely what is evidenced by the speed with which the british succumb to all the manipulations of the authorities, from the last: massive purchase of canned food and water, well, because the population was suddenly given instructions on preparing for emergency situations, and who are they afraid of? , anastasia ivanova found out, anastasia: greetings, well, what is this panic about? hello, alexey, well, it’s all because of nuclear armageddon, of course, be ready to work so that in a flashlight with canned food to buy kilograms, and most importantly - the fire,
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which is created by the british government, and the local media are happy to heat it up: they don’t say anything new, but they create a picture of a possible apocalypse. well, first of all we begin. from food and water, you can't go without them, so we sell wet rations, these are military rations, and these are our hazmat suits, so we will help people prepare for power outages, floods, food emergencies, all the way to full scale nuclear war . to rules for meeting the end of the world on downing street have prepared instructions, well, here is a whole website with subsections on what to do in a particular emergency situation and what to buy in stores. by the way, the list is not that much. would be extensive from batteries and canned food to hygiene items, including for children, they are calling to replenish garages, or maybe bunkers are preppers, these are survival specialists, from the word
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preping translated from english preparation, they have been shopping for a long time, this is their hobby, but how this hobby falls under the general panic. so, about emergency supplies, their list is as follows: a battery-powered flashlight, also a portable power supply for charging a phone or others...
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what happens is they find time to answer people, to answer people rationally, the same daudan pushes even more towards possible threats, here are his comments: who can forget the empty supermarket shelves in the early days of the pandemic, or there will be a power outage in the country, but if it happens ... how many of us have flashlights and batteries, why would it suddenly happen? there are only 30 days left until the elections, well it is clear that some kind of whipping up of hysteria, it seems to be partly in the hands of the conservative party, but to show, to tell that the world is too scary, i don’t know, we are surrounded by enemies, ill-wishers, and only how can our ruling party protect us and the conservative always puts pressure on this, another thing is that this time it doesn’t work and simply because there is obvious fatigue and... cbn television crews notice that the news about the emergency purchase of essential products appeared after the authorities warned a... all
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europe is in an information-political concept, which is set from washington, and its essence is that it is necessary to create hysteria among european citizens that russia is going to attack or use nuclear tactics any day now or tomorrow. or another reason to make russia an enemy for the whole of britain and threaten housewives who buy cans of canned food with the hand of the kremlin, a hackneyed method of the west, which from time to time they come up with new news feeds. here, a whole set of goals is realized simultaneously and simultaneously. with one on the other hand, society is being mobilized in order to subsequently put this society under arms and force it to fight with
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russia, on the other hand.
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