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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 4, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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very competently, which is very important, they are implementing the tasks that the president formulated, starting from the entrances, the repair of entrances, courtyards, all courtyard areas, roads, streets has begun, and not to mention the fact that , of course, a great merit here is without any embellishments, this is attracting investors to our republic, after the completion of the conference, radi khabirov on behalf of the candidate for the post of head of the republic in the upcoming...
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for the post of head of bashkirtastan. in the future, radio khabiru will have a big job. this is preparation of the election campaign, communication with voters. and in fact, the most active stage is voting, which this year will last for 3 days, the sixth, seventh and eighth of september. zelia avzalova, ural sharipov, leading bashkartystan. a chinese flag is unfurled on the far side of the moon. the spacecraft has been collecting soil samples for 2 days and has already set off back.
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where have they not been delivered to earth yet? attention to the entire department, superficial sampling and packaging took place as usual. behind every step of the sixth mission, named after chinese.
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was significantly reduced, which allowed the probe located on the surface of the moon to make independent decisions, but it is not enough to extract a sample, it is important to deliver it, and this operation of chinese scientists is in itself unique, because it is impossible to land spacecraft directly on the far side of the moon, signals from the ground are not they reach it, so the prc sent another satellite, relay 2, it hangs in the orbit of the moon and duplicates for chan e6, a message from the soup, everything worked out. in general, the first samples of lunar rock were brought to earth back in seventieth, the result of the work of the soviet interplanetary station luna-16, but then it was only 101 g, here it is already about 2 kg, but most importantly, china was able to put the process of landing its devices on stream, and after it has now sealed the samples in a container, also unfurled a chinese flag on the back of the earth's satellite. we made the flag from basalt, crushing it and melting it to create threads about a third the diameter of humanity. hair, then twisted them into
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fibers, such a flag will last at least 10,000 years, but given the abundance of basalt on the surface of the moon, we will probably use it as building materials for a lunar base. what the lunar base will look like is still clear, chinese experts are ready to show that by 2036 a joint chinese-russian station may appear, while the moon, where the chinese intend to land by 2030 , is only a transit stop. flights to mars are ahead. the return trip to earth for the vehicle with lunar soil will take about 3 weeks, but the mission has already been called a success. in addition to chinese developments, it uses french and italian devices. chang-e's next seventh mission will reportedly include a russian one. moscow in general is one of beijing’s key partners in its space exploration, and recent new cooperation agreements open up truly space prospects. alexander baalsky, anna tarasenko, nikolai petrov, lead china.
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how to launch your business, beat your competitors and scale your company? these are the questions to which the participants of the federal comonform received answers. it took place in moscow, well, the platform itself has been created. ozone companies for russian entrepreneurs. about new opportunities, nika yankovaya. how to start a business on the marketplace and what technologies and tools to use to make your business grow faster. the participants of the fourth komonform in moscow talk about this and more. traditionally, at the event organized by ozon, not only representatives of the company speak, but also entrepreneurs who share their success stories. in that.
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centers are warehouse space, we are growing mainly by regions, and eight of them ten of our customers are residents of small towns or cities with a population of less than a million, this is very important. because we are creating opportunities to improve the quality of life not only for residents of large cities, but also for relatively small cities; now, together with azon , a total of almost one and a half million people earn money, this is more than one and a half percent of the entire working-age population or the population of such a city, for example, ekaterinburg. so far, the share of online in russian retail is relatively small - 18%, but according to forecasts already after 5 years she... at least twice, today marketplaces are a good starting point for small medium-sized businesses; thanks to the development of logistics , entrepreneurs from the regions are switching to the online format. we have grown, firstly, in sales, and secondly, we have increased our sales territory, we sell from
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all over russia, we even have orders abroad too. in 2019, i was one of the first in the republic of tatarstan to enter the marketplaces and... i was followed by a lot of sellers who also wanted to join this site, the marketplaces are also good a platform for supporting charitable projects, for example, a fund to fight leukemia, over 2 years of cooperation, attracted more than 9.5 million rubles as donations from sales royalties, and the sale of its own goods, clothing and accessories brought the organization 2 million rubles. we are. opens up opportunities for small medium-sized businesses, sellers, buyers, and organizations. e-commerce provides support for various charitable causes in the development of the employment market, creating
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jobs in related areas, these are workers commerce, order pick-up points, carriers, marketplace managers, content moderators. over the past year , azon alone has doubled its network of delivery points. feel free to face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away, there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can yota, order a free
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alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free. not just profitable. alpha is beneficial, what unites us? bright emotions, good traditions and beloved lottery, in the russian lotto we will draw country houses in honor of the golden barrel anniversary, this is an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw, buy tickets on the website and company stores in stooto, dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50%. xiaomi redmi note 13 smartphone for only 16.999. video eldorado, the main expert on white equipment. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum, and when you open a brokerage account, you can also receive three sber shares as a gift. hurry up to open a deposit with the best interest rate until june 30. sberbank. magnet. oat flakes,
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clear and sunny. 84,999. magnet - the price is what you need. 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new. baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just
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profitable, alpha is profitable! a friend of mine is getting ready for a new party! we need more modest costumes! dad, we've run out of internet, and minutes too! and dad will now activate the megafamily service! combine up to three numbers and receive bonus gigabytes every month for free, only in a megaphone! thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment! someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. get started cool career. at alfabank. refer friends and get 15,000 rubles. for everyone. alfabank is
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the best employer in russia.
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we are in yekaterinburg, the fourth most populous city in russia, the sverdlovsk region is the industrial center of the urals. the current strategy for the socio-economic development of the region is designed until 2035. will remain an industrial region, while the share of high-tech production in the creative industries will increase.
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yekaterinburg should become the student capital of the urals and a major logistics hub. the sverdlovsk region ranks ninth in the bcg ranking of russian regions. eighth place in the ranking for the state of the labor market. it takes into account socio-economic development, wage levels and unemployment. and second place in the list of the event potential of the regions, it... is appropriately taken by roscongress. let's start with ferrous metals in nizhny tagil, at the evrras plant, one of the cleanest blast furnaces in the country operates. let's see how companies from other areas are developing. there is a special economic zone in the sverdlovsk region, whose residents implement isg principles. then we will tell you how the education system in yekaterinburg is changing and a world-class student campus is being built. finally, let's look at high art. the hermitage ural center opened 2 years ago. the project plays an important role in the development of creative industries. the main
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industries of the sverdlovsk region are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. evrras ntmk is one of the city-forming enterprises of nizhny tagil. now there are two modern blast furnaces operating here. european metallurgical the plant launched blast furnace tech number 7 in 2018. the design capacity is 2.5 million. as they say in the company, this is a blast furnace, one of the cleanest in russia. the house is the opposite. two foundry yards, the control is fully automated, the intelligent system itself collects and analyzes information on more than 12 thousand parameters, after which it determines the optimal operating mode, emissions during cast iron releases are captured by an aspiration system, thanks to which the degree of air purification is 2 and a half times higher than in blast furnaces of the previous generation.
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previously, we caught about 20 to 40 tons of finely suspended sediment there per day. on other aspiration installations, that here the values ​​​​are already reached up to 200 tons, that is, these are all the emissions that we collected and then sent them for recycling, so to speak, of the waste that we collect, as is now clear, yes, that almost all you immediately suck it up and nothing gets here, if there wasn’t an aspiration unit now, you and i wouldn’t be able to stand here, because we simply don’t like each other we see that the plant has been modernizing its equipment since 2000. over the past 20 years, evrras has reduced emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by almost 40%. the company participates in the federal clean air project. we have an approved program that contains nine activities, six of which have been completed to date. and they gave the expected effect, even more, if we expected that when implementing six measures
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there would be an effect of 6,500 tons of emissions reduction, in fact we received a 7,200 reduction in emissions. on about 4 billion rubles have already been spent on this program to date. the company understands the importance of these events, the importance of its presence in the city, reducing the impact on the environment, therefore they continue to finance the three projects that remain and will be implemented on time, this is by the end of 2026. the region pays great attention to the topic of ecology. several companies are developing waste recycling projects. the construction of a complex has been announced in yekaterinburg, which will allow recycling in construction of molded bricks, wall blocks and concrete, here is another example of an already operating production. in the svertlovsk region , the production of street furniture from recycled plastic has been operating for 3 years. it was organized by the smart environment company. what’s unique is that
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you use disposable dishes, lids and plastic bags. the product consists of 30% plastic. another 70% mixture is made from river sand, they plan to partially replace it with crushed glass, for example, 5-600 cellophane sheets are required to produce one of the benches bags, street furniture made of polymer-sand material does not rot, does not burn and practically does not collapse, the cost is a third less than that of conventional manufacturers, we saw, which means how other like-minded people do it, there are already about 15-16 enterprises in russia, here. .. we weren’t the first to start, but we saw that there was such a network of such eco-factories, we really liked the strategy, and we decided to invest money in the twenty-third year, only here we processed about 45 tons of plastic, and 2,800 products were made from it, but we on at the initial stage, that is, in fact, we have just started working, but this
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year, according to our plans, all this should be doubled. raw materials are purchased from companies that accept waste from the population and prepare it for processing. one of them, uralftorma, is located in a neighboring building. processes more than 600 tons of waste monthly. our production workshop is divided in such a way that one part of it is used for processing polymer waste; there are four press plants with different production capacities and one large sorting line, sorting on paper fraction. we remove extraneous factions, we... do all this on the order of a company that is engaged in processing or production of final products, they set us the appropriate requirements, and we are already preparing it. the goal of the project is not only to reduce the amount of waste, but to save trees. in the meantime, many developers prefer to buy wooden outdoor furniture. the sverdlovsk region is one of the leaders in terms of the influx of investment in fixed
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capital and the number of highly qualified frames. in 2010 , a special economic zone appeared in the region. participants receive various benefits: income tax is only 2%, land and transport property tax is 0%. the special economic zone titanium valley includes two sites, their total area exceeds 390 hectares. we are located on the uktus site, whose residents specialize in the production of components for aircraft. in total , there are 25 companies on the list of participants in the special economic zone, three of which will launch their production before the end of the current year. year residents of the second site in verkhnyaya solda is engaged in the production of titanium products, woodworking, and produces equipment for metallurgy and building materials. last year , participants invested. strategy for
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the titanium valley, it is designed for the periods of 2026 with a long-term vision until 2030. we carried out an audit, the second stage has already gone into detailing the tasks, we, together with the team of the sub-economic zone, were just storming, and what can be changed in the end... a strategy was born with implementation plan until the thirtieth year, the goal is based on the fact that we introduced new control elements from the point of view of the electric power industry, the emissions that are carried out, a lot of attention is paid to training and enterprise employees who begin to look at their processes differently. the titan valley isg strategy is based on a roadmap that includes more than thirty specific initiatives and... all of them are distributed across three blocks: so in the environmental block, reducing pollutant emissions and effective water resource management, in social priority
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health and safety of employees decent working conditions for the development of human capital in terms of corporate governance, development of science and technology, digitalization, ensuring data security, this is one of these practical areas, this is an audit of what is thrown away, we will monitor all of this. how to let people get acquainted with all these results, which will allow everyone to really see that there is nothing terrible there, we are trying to build a certain direction with each of these residents from the point of view socioma, how they will participate in the life of the city, new companies are coming to the region, which means we need new personnel in the sverdlovsk region, one of the most progressive education systems. a world-class student campus is being built in yekaterinburg, the first stage is already ready, dormitories are working on...
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information technology, an institute of economics and management. the ural federal university is collaborating with the largest russian companies; together with sber, the university will create a center for the development of artificial intelligence in yekaterinburg. already in partnership master's programs have been launched, applied data analysis and technosphere risk management. bank employees regularly give lectures on responsible financing, isg transformation and project management. cooperation is taking place in various areas, primarily the training of new specialists. who also hold leadership positions in our largest large enterprises, we give lectures and share our experience in terms of approaches
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to responsible financing. in recent years, more and more new museum spaces, the city is positioned as one of the regional centers of contemporary art. the hermitage ural center opened in 2021. all three floors are somehow connected with the hermitage. on the first floor there is a hall for temporary exhibitions from the state hermitage, on the second there is a permanent exhibition of objects of western european art, most of which were donated by the hermitage in gratitude for the preservation of its collections during the great patriotic war, on the third floor there is a memorial area dedicated to the events evacuation period. and behind me, for example, is the work of ostensibly jordan. one of those items that was given to us by the hermitage, in gratitude for saving their collection in
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wartime, we bring... two exhibitions a year from the armitage collection, each time these are first-class things, absolutely brilliant in concept and in the composition of the exhibition, if think about it, this is a completely unique opportunity for the regions, because over the course of 15, 20, 25 years, the entire permanent exhibition of armitage will pass through this building. at the end of 2023, tactile copies appeared in the museum works of permanent exhibition of western european art, centuries, they are accompanied by signs with braille and objects that help to more accurately reveal the content of the exhibits. approximately 100,000 people visit the ural hermitage every year. this is how the sverdlovsk region is developing, introducing environmental, social and corporate management standards. and we’ll move on, next time we’ll tell you about the stovropol region. still, my obediences,
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they are over, they are all over, forgive me, lord, all my hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i’m only saving others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen what you wanted from me, miracle worker. the demon would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demonstration, malya, black, throwing the gang is also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here if i’m alone, so we’ll quickly sleep, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, legon, bad life.
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went out, there’s more, who will do this to whom, disobedient people, it’s evening.
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for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more awaits us ahead.
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achievements, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. provide all necessary assistance.


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