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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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half the emotions i received. true, the president of pjorl was that in this address kilyan did not thank him. many media outlets wrote that there was even a quarrel between them after that. according to liquip, real madrid's locker rooms are worried about his adaptation to fit into the general atmosphere, which, according to the team's staff, is one of the best in recent years. usually concentrated only on himself, in this case even cristiano ronaldo did not remain silent. my turn. third, can't wait to see you light up the bernabeu, let's go madrid. real madrid's already star-studded squad with players such as venicius, belinge, modric, courtois becomes even more star-studded with kilian mbappe, whose salary is higher than any of the madrid players. daniil makhalin, alexander stalmashevsky, news! children are growing up! and we
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need new solutions, such as a children's savings card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses, payment sticker, apply now, children's savings card, adult an approach. improving microcirculation, reducing the risk of blood clots, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, keeping blood vessels normal. tecno - stunning clarity photos and 4k video, new common 30 series of smartphones. techna.
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the legend is back, the same one made from 100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. and when you open a brokerage account, you can also receive three sber shares as a gift. hurry up to open a deposit with the best interest rate before june thirtieth. sberbank. who said they were purring? only cats can your car can also purr with pleasure when it has teboil diamond motor oil inside. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? teboil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure.
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thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, pain can be different, the mechanism of pain development is the same, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if any, pentalgin is a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. and where are you? we're at the pillar. and i'm looking for you. don't switch off. so many people, communication can be interrupted. here's the guy on the table for a signal. there is something more convenient than a pole. smart network so that communication is not interrupted. beeline's smart network, you stay with it. connections even
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where there are a lot of people. beline is the safest operator. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future? we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit for interest at sea. with sberbank , everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and... receive three sber shares as a gift. accounting rules will change from june 1 alimony when assigning a single benefit for children. we will tell you in 5 minutes what this will affect in the program. first, let us remind you what a single allowance is. this is a targeted measure to support low-income families with children under 17 years of age. she. in order for
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the subsistence minimum per capita for the last year to be lower , it is necessary to receive the level of income in the family of the region where. does the applicant live, who is taken into account? first of all, husband, wife, all minor children and adults under 23 years of age, if they are studying in person and are not married. if the parents are divorced, then only the income of the applicant's spouse is taken into account. in this case, family members will not include military personnel serving on conscription, persons deprived of parental rights, persons serving a sentence of deprivation. years, as well as persons put on the wanted list, that is, these persons will not be considered family members for the purpose of granting benefits. as a general rule, grandparents are not considered family members; this is only possible if the grandmother or grandfather accordingly, she registered the child, her
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grandson, as her child, that is, she adopted him or adopted him. not only salaries, business income, interest on deposits and other investments are summed up, but also alimony and other payments. then the number is divided by 12 and also by the number of people in the family. if the result is less than the subsistence level, the family is considered needy, provided that it does not have too much property. but this is a separate conversation, about a single manual, we have already made two editions, which can be found on the portal с, from them you can find out all the details. what changes from june 1? rules for calculating alimony. previously, the applicant could indicate any amount actually received, even if the former spouses. this issue was not resolved in court, now, if there is a court decision, then everything remains as before, the actual money received will be taken into account. the numbers will need to be indicated independently, but if enforcement proceedings are opened, the social fund will request data from the federal bailiff service
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. to force a debtor properly fulfill your obligation to pay alimony, bailiff, which? has tools, well, first of all, of course, everyone knows, these are restrictions on traveling abroad, this is the seizure of property, this is , accordingly, the direction of identified property for auction for their further sale, but in addition, it can also, for example, limit the debtor’s right to drive a vehicle means, a relatively new norm, and besides, literally just a couple of weeks ago in the third reading... the duma adopted a new law that will provide for the creation of a unified register of alimony debtors, it is assumed that such a norm should encourage them to properly fulfill their obligation, well, such an element of publicity in order to a little, as it were, shame
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malicious debtors. if the parents agreed on the elements simply in words or signed a notarial agreement, then the amount indicated in the application or agreement will be recorded as income. in any case, alimony cannot be less than a quarter of a month per person a child, a third birth for two children, or half a child for three more. collection of alimony for the past period on the basis of an agreement on the payment of alimony is carried out within the three-year period that preceded the presentation of a notarized agreement on the payment of alimony for collection. in cases where alimony is withheld. on the basis of an agreement on the payment of alimony was not made through the fault of the alimony payer, alimony is collected for the entire period, regardless of the three-year period, and the amount of debt is determined not independently by the recipient of alimony, but by the bailiff,
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based on the amount of alimony determined by the agreement on the payment of alimony, and there is another point that... i would like to voice for malicious evasion of paying alimony, we provide for criminal liability. so, let’s repeat the main thing: from june 1 , the rules for accounting for alimony when assigning a single benefit for children will change. if there is a court decision, then the funds actually received are taken into account; you can indicate them yourself, or the data will come from the bailiffs. if there is no court decision, the amount indicated in the application or notary agreement will be considered income.
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with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. every wedding ends the same. pentalging extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. i love to cook
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imagine. tadam. you don't eat mayonnaise, do you? now i'm eating. because the brand i love to cook has created a new pure mayonnaise. no sugar, no vinegar without starch. it's just as delicious. and nothing extra. create without limits. mayonnaise is pure, bright taste, more useful. with age, vision changes. can change familiar things. tuufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, specifically for course use. mom, write us a message. for what? or should we call? we found out that the phone is working? even with zero, with zero score, you didn’t listen to the end. and this how? this? safe with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect
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support for zero in the beeline application. girls, let's talk about safety, so we already have belline, beline is the safest operator, touch, croque to the star, burger, votter! it tastes better on fire! pain can be different: the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pintalgin acts against pain, where whatever it may be, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. simple sausages. space, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat
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for the sausages that my family likes so much appears. cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, naappept can help, it helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working. sber raised the best interest rate on deposits to 18. until june 30 sberbank knee pain, pitalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel.
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this year, more than 18,000 large medium-sized drones for civilian use will be created in russia. thus, the market volume will immediately triple; by 2030, according to the national project, it is planned to produce 32 thousand devices. but in order to make unmanned aviation a full-fledged sector of the economy. there are still a number of tasks to be solved: simplifying legal requirements, increasing localization of production, attracting thousands qualified specialists. eduard yurtaev, a former military pilot, piloted the an-26 and an-12, then helicopters in baikanur. after finishing his career, his thirst for the sky again led him to aviation, this time unmanned. our company provides a wide range of services from aerial photography to monitoring. forest fires, the development of the industry, i hope, i believe, will be quite explosive, taking into account what is
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happening now in the last one and a half to two years, the demand for drones is increasingly is growing more and more, and i really hope that we will cope with the challenges that our industry faces. there are many tasks facing unmanned aircraft today: with the onset of summer, one of the most pressing... tracking forest fires. since last year , the bas company began flights over yakutia for the preventive detection of fires. following this, she implemented another major project, a scientific one. it was carried out using drones. counting harp seals in the white sea. and in the mormon region, drones are monitoring the progress construction of the lavna seaport, the largest infrastructure project in the north-west of the country. drones can come to the rescue when every minute counts. in the nizhny novgorod region, this year they tested the technology for delivering medicines by drones, and the search and rescue team lisa alert
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has been using unmanned technologies to quickly search for people for 6 years. for that. allows to reduce search and rescue operations by 5-6 times. saving time and human effort is the main advantage of aircraft, it is especially beneficial to use them for working in hard-to-reach areas or in conditions harmful to human health. the geoscan model 401 has successfully proven itself during monitoring of more than a hundred municipal waste sites in seven federal
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districts of the country. it analyzes accumulated volumes of garbage and can even determine the chemical composition of emissions. firstly, a drone is an opportunity to significantly reduce work completion time, simplify the task of collecting data and significantly reduce the cost of obtaining this information. in first of all, a drone is a source of information, it is a source of data about space, geospatial data. and today, these solutions make it possible to obtain very accurate, geodically mapped information, which is used by specialists to... identify and make management decisions; there are already dozens of promising industries for the use of drones, from agriculture to collecting cadastral data to geological exploration of minerals. the volume of only government orders for aircraft until 2030 is estimated at 200 billion rubles, of which 100 billion in the next 2 years. among the operators
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are ministries and departments, as well as such large companies as gazprom, rosneft, russian railways. the state transport leasing company is responsible for deliveries according to... the order, now the contracting procedure for the needs of federal executive authorities is almost completed, 92% of contracts for this block of customers have been concluded, and now the question is about monitoring the correctness , timing, quality of supplied drones, precisely for the sake of this stlc included as a basic supplier. in the implementation of the national project, one of our main tasks is to develop manufacturers, who today may not be so large, to promote their products, we want to make amendments to the national project that will allow such manufacturers to be more widely involved in supplies within the framework of the state civil order, and well, models, probably similar to the models that are used today for
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supplies by small medium-sized businesses. one of the effective measures of state support for industries. preferential leasing, in within the framework of which drones will be supplied to customers for a period of 3 to 5 years, at rates from 3.5 to 8.5%. for the implementation of the program, stlc received 2.5 billion rubles of budget funds, the total amount for this year , taking into account extra-budgetary funding, is more than 3 billion. in addition, in the near future the company plans to launch a marketplace where it will be possible to purchase or lease drones, or order a wide range of range of services using them. for
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drone manufacturers using domestic technologies in production. most drones is still assembled using imported parts, but the level of localization is gradually increasing over the next few years and should increase from the current average of 70 to 90%. there are still difficulties with the production of our own engines, navigation and control systems, but as the industry develops, more and more solutions are appearing, notes ivan antsov, executive director of the radar mms developer. today we are actively working in the field of import substitution and from radio-electronic units, well, let’s say there is an autopilot here, today we are replacing the servo drive. the computers that are on board, well , firstly, drones of various types come with internal combustion engines, with electric motors, and in both cases
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we have made great progress in this regard in our country today. the full cycle of creating a new model of a domestic drone, from design on paper to production at the enterprise, takes 3.5-4 years, this also includes tests, for conventional vehicles they can be carried out in a wind tunnel, for hydrodrones landing on water. v a special hydrodynamic pool, but the test of strength does not end there. behind these heavy doors is a climate chamber. here, drones are tested in weather conditions, heat and cold from minus to +70 and humidity. then the drones are tested in the field, only after which can they begin serial production. a prerequisite is registration of the aircraft with the federal air transport agency. for heavy drones weighing more than 30 kg , the requirement. there are serious difficulties
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because today the standards that are used in aviation are, of course , complicated for such devices, complicated in that sense and expensive, yes, because in order to certify such an aircraft, it must be carried out. it is necessary to work, well, the cost of this work will be hundreds of millions of rubles. as part of the national project, the time frame for certification costs is expected to be reduced. this is essential given that heavy drones can be useful for transporting large volumes of cargo over long distances. but for them to really start to perform the functions of couriers, the legislative framework still needs to be finalized and algorithms must be created according to which drones will be able to use airspace without posing a threat to others. ships and for objects on land. drones delivering cargo are already sharing the skies with manned aircraft, for now as part of an experimental legal regime that is designed to assess
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how safe such a neighborhood is. so far, such an experiment is being carried out only in a few regions, for example, in the nenets and khantemansi autonomous okrugs, as well as at the alferyev airfield near moscow, where a competition for cargo delivery by drones and aerial logistics is taking place. yes, the competition is being implemented within the framework of an experimental legal regime. the government has an order based on the results of the competition to draw conclusions and proposals that can be introduced into federal legislation in order to take such situations into account, yes, because we are working on quite a lot of technological solutions here. teams need to prepare drones to solve the most difficult tasks: to pass a difficult route with dynamically changing coordinates, land at a precisely specified point, all this in automatic mode, manually.
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researchers, engineers, designers, programmers, over the past 3 years, the number of vacancies mentioning unmanned aircraft systems has increased by 3 and a half times. today, the unmanned industry is also an extensive educational cluster, thousands of specialists are taking courses in specialized training centers, by the thirtieth year. the task of training at least a million professionals, despite the fact that the operator controls drone from the ground, and sometimes simply monitors the implementation of the program, the tasks assigned to him are no less complex than those of an aircraft pilot, the training has its own specifics, there is a significant difference, in my opinion, in the training of specialists for manned and unmanned aircraft , the external pilot of an unmanned aircraft is more... an operator, his work is related to the ground control station, he must have competence in the programs, must
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understand. in building routes. already from 1 september, a federal educational program on drone control will be launched in schools and colleges across the country. for the project, it is planned to purchase 17.00 training drones and equip a classroom area for training flights. still, my obediences, they are over, no, not all, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, as much as i save others, there are no former disobedients. what you
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wanted from me was a miracle, halay, mahalai, the demonstrator would know how to assemble this in 5 seconds, without we’ll sort out our demonstration, pray, black one, throwing the gang away is also a crapshoot, it’s time to pay, i’ll water it from here, if i go alone, i’ll quickly burn myself out, if there’s a chance with you, here you go!
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pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, like our hearts. his words are treasured forever. on the poet's 2002 anniversary, a concert will be held here. reflection. live broadcast from the estate bolden. thursday at 21:30 on the russia channel.
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provide all necessary assistance to farmers in the affected regions. frosts, vladimir putin demanded this from the ministry of agriculture. the president held a meeting with the government, including the discussion of creating comfortable conditions for summer holidays and sports. the agenda turned out to be as full as possible. about the most important thing - elizaveta khramtsova. the onset of calendar summer is an occasion to discuss not only the holiday season and the development of domestic tourism, but also the difficulties that the country has faced before.


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