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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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to drive africa out of africa, well, guys, well, it’s expensive, the name of the operation was, let me remind you, guardian of prosperity, that is, we are as guarantors, the americans talk about it all the time, freedom, and also freedom of navigation, that is, shipping, world trade on the ocean, who controls the ships of the us navy, they don’t control shipping there, but they restored it, i’m more than sure that... for photo shoots they dress in sandals, why do they walk around like that, well, the house, yes now, but now it turns out so that to this kind of military crisis, which is still serious in a way tied to the organization, then what they were always proud of, so to speak, was money, the efficiency of using money, technology, and, in general, the fact that these are western values, the west in general, it’s so efficient , in this crisis they did not seem to demonstrate any advantages.
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moreover, they are convinced that they cannot do anything about these crises. salevan, that’s the one who seemed to be saying something like that, but they’re still saying there, i think there’s only one person in his head, who still at least understands something, i think he wakes up every night in a cold sweat, he dreams of a chinese attack on taiwan, because in this case that’s it, but they won’t do anything about it, that american soldiers will in taiwan to fight against china, didok said in an interview.
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supply buds, do you think that in other areas they have professionals of a much higher standard than those who, so to speak, dealt with, as they say, the kinetic crisis in ukraine or ensuring freedom of navigation in krasny sea, who said that they will cope with any other crisis, in my opinion this needs to be understood, when we say that the ship of the united states is coming, it is rushing, everything is thought out there, what they have thought out, what they have achieved in the last 10 years, in general, and in general they have achieved a lot over the past few years.
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dmitry says that the professional managerial genius of americans is greatly overrated, so i’m talking about this, modernly, now the next thing, and what now is that yes, i argued with him all the years before, and he told me said that they have 28 strategies, which has really disappointed us lately, of course. well, because he said there are no conspiracy theories, he said that there are no humanoids, there are no reptilians, there is no deepstate, that it won’t be enough, well, it just votes, that is, it goes out to the cemetery and votes, so now let’s have the next such moment, then that in the united, so, the next point is that we always talked about them, this really was their strong point for many years, this...
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i have a protest in the editorial office, so to speak , national interesest and in general an institute national interest of the united states, in general, who released this same pier? it ’s like this article: nato must stop russia now, well, it would be fine if she wrote specifically there, first, we introduce ships there, second, we introduce specific sanctions there, third - it means i don’t know, we’re catching lavrov somewhere there on some- some conference, we’ll take him in, well, something, no, she says, it’s very dangerous, it’s very scary. everyone
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is afraid of this, but something needs to be done. wait a minute, are you serious right now? yes, what percentage of articles were written by women in national inter for the last month. in which one, in ours, where? no, this is it, imagine that you are a thinking american, well, just imagine that you are a thinking american, you will vote for putin, that goes without saying, but your next thought, what will it be, the next one will be like this, yes, i’m scared, because they say
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that russia is advancing, russia is terrible, it’s like some kind of undemocratic, but look at us, okay, good, so these terrible people are advancing. doesn’t know what to do, as if the situation here is also like this ok, i think the american gets on the plane, tries, at least, goes to the st. petersburg forum, but he is removed from the board, yes, now salevan, the man, i claim, is the smartest in this administration, sound-produced, well, this administration is not it’s difficult to be the smartest, well , he’s still kind of in the background, let’s say salevan is still a person, but how pathetic he looks, because the words that salevan says don’t really reflect them either.
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what am i telling him? my point of view is that ukrainian flags are not they just showed up on porches and barns in every state in the country because middle class americans don't just think, hey, how can i get something, you know, temporary from our foreign policy, they believe in the values ​​of our country, they believe into freedom and sovereignty, the things we fought for are what they fought for, literally fought for. so some of the middle class foreign policy reflects a vision of america that i think inspires and motivates so many people on all sides of the political spectrum to who we are, what we stand for, and where we are when it matters. therefore, i believe
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that our response to the war in ukraine is not something else, but a part of foreign policy that brings not something tangible, but something deeply elusive but important. it's the sense of purpose and pride that comes from knowing that we are the united states and we can help people who share our values ​​and ultimately build a safer world for us, as our history has shown. damn shame in general, just the devil and you thought this man was smart, yes, he thought, yes, yes, well, no, no, this is the situation, this is the situation, there is nothing to say, just simply stupid, salevan’s pathos about the ukrainian flags, of course, was there. very strange, just like the film american patriot wanted to patriot with the brave gibson in the title role, where he carries an american flag, but the flag there was american, as for the ukrainian ones, salevan is clearly
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overdoing it and it turned out very stupid, but imagine, salevan still considered the most intelligent in this administration, much smarter than that... you didn’t defend her, but we say that they are stupid, that they don’t have a strategy and their tactics are also lame, i agree, but about that, no, they have a strategy, and that it’s especially scary because they are stupid, there is no clear strategy, in my opinion, they are very wrong, well, what was their strategy in afghanistan, they made a lot of mistakes in iraq, space, maybe, but in any case in practice it doesn’t work out the way they would like. but they are not sad about this, because
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the most important event now during the election race in the united states, in my opinion, this is still not the upcoming trump-biden debate and this is not a conference in switzerland on ukraine, this is a fundraiser in california in favor of both candidates, trump is also going there , and biden, well, if the minimum ticket for... admission to dinners for this event is $5,000, and the maximum reaches $300,000, if people come as a couple, if a husband and wife come, then they are having their own celebration of life, they are having fun, yes , sullevan is stupid, huh the boots are cool, leather, good, beautiful, yes, blinkin is stupid, but very - his guitar is expensive, right? he is included and his guitar is expensive, and his mansion is normal, he is included in all these associations with black rock and
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others, this administration is full of representatives of the us military-industrial complex, so no matter how sad we are about them, but they have in this sense, everything is fine, and they are not thinking about nuclear war or any threats, they are now biden thinking about how to raise money and how... to bypass trump once again, here is trump in the spring collected 11 million dollars, and biden in the same california collected 21 million dollars, now trump is still hoping to recoup, for them he has now recouped this, after the trial he took 200 million, here in california it’s in california, this is in california , so that they have their own games, their own bets, all this is sad in the sense that a really dangerous game is being played. we saw a former adviser to sarkozy who says that, finally, a nuclear conflict is possible,
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but not with america, and you are having fun there, the americans understand well that they don’t care about europe it’s a pity, trump said it honestly, trump said, thanks to the ocean, we are separated from them, it’s no coincidence that one of the ministers of the american government said that a nuclear explosion in europe does not threaten us in any way, yes, it won’t reach us, they honest guys, look at biden, he doesn’t feel sorry for anyone. in all this he is trying to find the global south, well
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, someone may not like this term, but we are not going anywhere from it, these are the countries that now are noisy, how can the south be global, it’s okay, no, no, i’m not about this, if it’s global, then, that is, it’s like it’s more than yu, i’m in this regard, that is, it’s just, well, the term is used, so we’ll use it, they’re not waiting for who will win, trump or biden, we’ll have to wait for that it's also not worth it. because, well, this will not in any way affect the continuation of our operation in ukraine, in any way, someone thinks that it will be easier to talk with trump, come on, come on, you will have to talk to biden and trump in the same way, what is happening in america, this was just shown by scott tretor, who deplaned from the plane, the internal nuts are tightened there at the international site.
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well, it’s no coincidence that putin is now very really very popular in the east, if only because we are having a conversation about family values , about what is dear to the family, to children, philadelphia has just started a month on this topic, lgbt people and
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bln, the letters are mixed up. it’s sad that this is because the world is really at a dangerous fork in the world, but there its own dance continues, and here, in my opinion, zelensky, well, is making another stupid mistake when he relied only on america, and now he foolishly went to the philippines, where the americans recently deployed their medium-range missiles and told the chinese. they answered harshly, well , he’s not doing this out of great intelligence, and maybe he needs to learn from turkey, from turkey with its centuries-old history, now hakan fedan, who in the past headed the intelligence services in turkey, visited there for the first time after his appointment as minister of foreign affairs , he visited china, he met with the leadership of this countries, and i paid attention to his
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long meeting, there is such an interesting institution of globalization in china and... and the chinese are happy, well, this may be the case with china, but at the same time there are still serious things, not only the belt and road, which in the chinese decided to hold out for europe, but they realized that with europe, which is now increasingly speaking at the suggestion of the americans about some kind of excess capacity in china and so on, that
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you can’t build much with europe, turkey is now discussing the caspian. the path between the west and the east, it will go parallel through the countries asia and through the caucasus, by the way, this is very, very interesting for us, coupled with turkey’s statements about plans to join brix, and this is a nato country that says no more or less about joining brix, they have made their choice, they are not waiting , whoever is trump or biden, they have made their choice, they will be with us, they will be with china. chose xi, they chose us too, please, well, i would like to continue by telling you in a little more detail about the deep disappointments that are now befalling zelensky, because it is absolutely correct that he is at the last moment when saw, so to speak, the reaction of the global south, despite the whole situation,
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critical for his troops there in ukraine, he decided on an unexpected, completely...
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united states, then there was anatoly ivanovich antonov, who spoke on our behalf, that is, this what aroused great interest was the speech by the head of the chinese general minister of defense, and he also spoke in that capacity, he was the deputy minister of defense for international affairs.
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look, everyone is against the chinese and i, that’s when he started giving a speech and talking about
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which means that china seems to be acting on behalf of zelensky in this situation, thinking that in our name, and that the chinese are convincing the countries of the global south not to go to this conference, because it’s so to speak, well , it’s just funny, you know, these china's accusations are also very funny, because china today, we probably know little, is in charge... who is he, he is an agent of the colonial powers, you see, he did not understand that ukraine is perceived there as a tool of former colonial countries, as a tool of the colonial
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west, which, so to speak, are many, many what they did there, they remember it all , everyone knows it very well, so a priori there is some kind of sympathy for him, like in europe, where they regard him as almost - so to speak, a victim, although in reality, of course, he is not a terrible victim at all person from my point of view. but in the east you, in principle, could not make any sympathy for him, because he is an agent, he is a representative, he is a person who realizes not the interests of the ukrainian people, but the interests of those people who, so to speak, manage them, and manage them, yes , but they manage they are precisely the people whom everyone in the east remembers and knows that these are enemies, that these are the people who would continue to exploit the countries of the east with such great pleasure, this was his next absolutely huge mistake, and then his meeting.
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should be signed, created in such a way that it takes into account not only the interests of ukraine, but also the interests of the entire global world, that is , here almost everywhere he met with a very cold, very like, and what kind of famous filipino psychologists are he, he asked, apparently no longer what was it about to say, you know, he just wanted to ask healers, but i didn’t remember how he didn’t know, apparently he confused healers with psychologists, you know? well, really, really, you know, what could the philippines and ukraine have in common, yes, he promised some kind of food, and he raised the question that these psychologists are needed there for psychological help, so from my point of view, this here is a voyage, one might say, it turned out to be absolutely unsuccessful, and once again showed, once again showed that we are here with you
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they said that the west... is not omnipotent, and that any attempts to force the global south, so to speak, to dance to the western tune and somehow even economically, politically, in some other way move the west, the global south towards them positions, this doesn’t work, please, it’s not clear why we are generally surprised by the situation with scott ritter in the usa, he wasn’t put in prison, he wasn’t killed, that’s good, because it follows...
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on the loyalty of other states of the planet, because what does political life look like now? world map: there is russia and its few open allies, there is the collective west led by washington, their satellites, and there is a silent global majority, some of these states, more or less openly support us on certain issues, others sympathize with us.
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in this operetta, china openly set certain guidelines, and india also, importantly, after the victory of modi’s national alliance in the elections, announced that we would not take part in this event at a high level, then american diplomacy brought to the forefront zelensky’s plan, because america cannot lose, show its weakness, ukraine must fail, from the point of view of the agenda, they are her...


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