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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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provide all necessary assistance. in the regions affected by the may frosts, vladimir putin demanded this from the ministry of agriculture. the president held a meeting with the government, including the discussion of creating comfortable conditions for summer holidays and sports. the agenda turned out to be as full as possible. about the most important thing - elizaveta khramtsova. the onset of calendar summer is an occasion to discuss not only the holiday season and the development of domestic tourism, but also the difficulties that the country faced before the onset of summer.
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i note that currently the overwhelming part of these areas has already been replanted, the indicated results in the main areas of crop production will allow maintaining a stable situation along the entire production chain and avoiding sharp price fluctuations in the market, the country's food security will certainly be ensured, the report is completed, thank you, in connection with... these frosts we
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won’t be left without apples, in general we cover the market’s needs with apples, but with our own production, our own production, and vladimirevich, in the past year we collected about 1,700 apples, every year we increase, for this year we set a plan for ourselves of 1,800, even more than 1,800, but unfortunately, frosts affected, this is the main type of product that zamorovsky affected, so now we are reducing the forecast to one and a half million . and we have already begun to work with countries, our partners with friendly countries, on the supply of additional volumes of apples. the season in children's holiday camps will begin very soon, the president separately emphasized: it is important not only to report on the number of vouchers, quality and safety children's recreation is an absolute priority. separately at the meeting, they noted the organization of recreation for children living in close proximity to the zone of the special military operation, as well as. children from regions
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affected by floods, we have organized recreation for 5,300 thousand children, this is 2,000 more than last year, 39,000 camps will be involved in the summer health campaign, this year the total volume is 76 billion rubles - this is 8 billion more than last year, that is, in general we see the development of the system. and children's recreation, separately, dear, i want to say about the regions where large-scale floods occurred, you talked about this, gave instructions, we worked on everything in orenburg, we have 5,500 children, 16,000 children from the belgorod region will rest in the krasnodar territory and crimea, really plus 8 billion this year, there is of course inflation on this.
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at the same time, according to our data from our regional office, the actual readiness is lower; people have not yet been told the completion dates. this is very important, i ask you to do this work finish, and then together with the administration. they are ready for commissioning, the main equipment has been delivered, we have taken control over licensing, i think that in the next month and a half, all this will be completed. the key to the health of the nation is mass sports. now 56% of russians regularly engage in physical exercise and sports. the relevant ministry expects
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to increase this figure to 76 by 2036. a tax deduction for those who are willing to spend money is also intended to motivate people to exercise. active lifestyle, but the president puts the government has a task to make sports as accessible as possible, we are seeing unjustified commercialization of physical culture and mass sports, this is what is happening, money is being extracted from russian families, this is what we need to pay attention to, including how the law on sports works, we must understand that people with small incomes, families with small incomes, cannot pay for physical education classes for their children on an ongoing basis, and we cannot pretend that we do not notice this, we need to strive to ensure that as much as possible more people in the country were involved in physical education and sports, as many as possible, it is necessary to create conditions for this, and all
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activities aimed at solving this particular problem should be unconditionally funded by the state. management should develop domestic tourism, they also said at the meeting today. work is underway to combine data on tourist sites and other information important for travelers into one database - the national tourism portal. demand for a particular route among vacationers will be one of the factors that influences planning in the construction and repair of roads. and here the extremely important question is what to use on these roads. a major issue remains to be resolved. this is an issue with the shortage of tourist buses, it’s normal, our tourist buses, well, as a rule, are imported, with even longer, let’s say, terms of use, that is, not new, in total we need to purchase 3,000 new buses a year, this is a request from the industry, we are in in the coming months, together with the ministry of transport, we will develop, we propose
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develop and approve a program for the development of the production of domestic buses and propose to also include tourist buses in the preferential leasing program. several russian manufacturers. we are now working on the development of the model range, we are ready together with the ministry of economic development, the ministry of industry and trade and the ministry of transport in terms of routes, and that means state transport leasing company, leasing companies, to work out this program to ensure demand for this type of product with gradual localization, yes, yes, but only here on the instructions say to work out the issue inclusions. developing tourism - writing off debt on budget loans or part of
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infrastructure loans, the ministry of finance emphasizes that this approach is possible when the saved money is directed to new investment infrastructure projects, at the same time.
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work on the draft instructions based on the results of the meeting, carefully analyzing every aspect, be it the production of transport or the legislative framework, it is important not to delay the process, because if more and more russians choose their native country for travel, the more money will remain in the state’s economy, which means it will be better for everyone. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks of the armed forces of ukraine, zelensky’s formation lost almost 1,700 more soldiers, mercenary officers, among...
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one thing struck in ukraine: in villages and small towns everything is littered with flowers, which are usually thrown during funerals, they bury those killed at the front like this often these flowers are everywhere. the authorities are forcibly conscripting people to the front; in some areas there are no men left at all. somewhere women are trying to repel people from patrols, in kiev and others conscripts are caught on the roads in cities. ukrainians are very afraid of going to the front; they warn on social networks where raids are taking place. one of the services is called. in kiev, when they write about rain at an intersection, it means that there is an ambush
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of military commissars at this address. ukraine will not necessarily join nato. joe biden dealt a crushing blow to kiev's dreams in an interview with the magazine, but biden is not against ukrainians continuing to die and has further promised to continue supplying weapons. he also slapped zelensky in the face and said: that there is great corruption in ukraine, called that washington forced europe to spend money on the war. russia gave more money than the states themselves gave to the ssu. at the same time, biden, as always , made several mistakes, for example, he confused the current chancellor of germany with angela merkel, and he also called the chancellor not scholz, but schulz. but joe biden has been very worried lately; his son hunter could be sent to prison for 25 years, including for corrupt deals in which biden himself is involved. he will tell you how the process is going. to the court at the place of residence, but lives hunter is in the largest city in the state of delaware,
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the population of wilmington is 70 thousand people, it ’s like in a big village, every dog ​​knows each other, they know the bidens even more so, it’s quite interesting that jole biden came to jury selection, this is reminiscent of the tactics of the mafia, who is trying to intimidate jill biden whispered with the candidates, joked, grimaced during jury selection in hunter's match. the panel was chosen in a few hours, and america also quickly found out who the judges were? one juror's childhood friend died from heroin overdose. the other's half-brother is an alcoholic, he considers it a disease. there's a juror whose father was shot and whose brother was arrested for drugs. that is, they will look at hunter as one of their own. biden jr. is being tried for not admitting to being a drug addict when buying a gun.
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absolutely not. it is clear that the president always puts the american people first in his ability to do his job. i will quote you the president's statement. i'm the president, but i'm also a father. jill and i love our son very much. we are proud of what he has become today. jill and i are going to continue to support hunter. a loving father often repeats the phrase: “no one is above the law,” repeats, of course, not in the context of hunter. biden remembers justice when talking about trump. the day before the current president.
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we're seeing a change in the mood of big donors, black latino voters, asians, they're all coming to us because they see what president biden has done to america. their democrats are running away from biden, those who 4 years ago left with posters are never for trump, today the republican candidate is chosen from two evils. journalists spoke with an investor
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from los angeles who supported clinton in 2016, and now he has transferred to trump. 11 million illegal immigrants entered the united states in 3 years. a surge in crime, especially in the southern states. illegal immigrants are now the most pressing issue for americans; a few months before the elections, the president finally decided to do something about them. joe biden will come out and say, "we've secured our border." i can predict in the next 5 months, data on illegal
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migrations will go down a little. they do this specifically before the elections so that the useful idiots in the media will talk. look, biden has solved the problem, there's nothing to worry about anymore, but it's all a lie. after the president's announcement, the border will not be closed. biden's new order allows 25 illegal immigrants to cross the border every day. they opened the doors wide at the border for 3 years and did it on purpose. this led to catastrophic consequences and we will have to live with it for many years. and now the president is issuing this decree, because the choice was for...
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citizen military expert scott ritter, who wanted to fly to russia. emil mirsaev about why this happened. the us authorities went against their own constitution when they removed former us marine corps intelligence officer scott ritter from the flight; the state department, which initiated this step, simply did not have the corresponding rights. rieter spoke about this in an interview with our tv channel. this is a violation of due process, a violation of my constitutional right. for trips to in accordance with the fifth amendment of the constitution. customs border patrol does not have the authority to simply seize my passport without legal cause. and according to the procedure, they must notify me on what grounds they are confiscating my passport. they didn't. this is simply a blatant violation of the rule of law by the united states government. this was a deliberate
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act for which there is no justification. a former american soldier, a un expert on weapons in iraq, was removed from the export flight. istanbul, and then transfer to a flight to st. petersburg. in the northern capital, the expert planned to take part in person at the international economic forum, which starts tomorrow. i was scheduled to speak on two panels related to politics and geopolitics: one on june 6, the other
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on the seventh, in addition to numerous media interviews, as well as discussions with russian officials and experts.
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situation, nevertheless
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, he most likely will not have time to attend the st. petersburg economic forum, at least in person, the passport was never returned, it is with the customs service usa.
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how this day is remembered in history, we’ll tell you right now, hello, on june 5, 176, peter the great issued a decree on the creation of the first military hospital in russia. stationary, state, medical educational medical institution in lifortovo. thus began the history of the main military clinical hospital named after burdenko, everything was organized by the tsar’s physician, surgeon and anatomist nikolai bidlow, a dutchman by birth, and his main task, in addition to treatment, was to train medical personnel in russia. before doctors we could be mostly foreigners. by the end of the 18th century, the hospital school was transformed into the moscow medical and surgery school. the first operating rooms and the first
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anatomical theater in russia appeared here. its doctors created the first russian textbooks on medicine. the first sisters of mercy with medical education began to work here. the outstanding surgeon nikolai pirogov performed the first operations in russia under anesthesia here. in 1946 , the hospital was named after the founder of the soviet union. on june 5, 1954, exactly 70 years ago , a variety theater opened in moscow in a house on garden triumphal square, and after 7 years he moved to the government house, the famous house on the embankment. the theater became a platform for pop artists, and there was no permanent cast; artists were invited to perform in satirical performances.
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every year the leningrad theater of miniatures came on tour under the direction of arkady raikin. what kind of morality can there be when donkeys were appointed to the positions of lviv in the commission, what are we talking about? in the 1960s , young actors appeared at the variety theater; they brought a new style of performances to variety. these are vladimir vinokur, evgeny petrosyan, gennady khazanov, who has been the head of the variety theater since 1997. the theater was recently extensively renovated and today musicals and performances are staged on its stage. on june 5, 1960, the seventh year, a six-day war began in the middle east, with israel participating on one side, egypt, syria, jordan, iraq and even algeria on the other. the arab countries
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were planning. to destroy israel, which was considered a people's body in the middle east, they were supported by the ussr. the main blow was to be delivered by egypt and syria, which received the most modern soviet weapons. they had several times more planes and tanks than israel. they concentrated an army of half a million on the borders. at the request of cairo, un peacekeepers were withdrawn from the sinai peninsula. egypt closed the straits of tiran ports of ilad to israel. de facto, this was a declaration of war. the israeli prime minister wanted to come to moscow and negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but was refused. and then the idf forces launched a sudden and powerful preemptive strike. 200 israeli fighters hit all of them simultaneously bases in egypt, then jordan and syria. almost all of the air forces of first egypt, and then jordan and syria were destroyed. 95% of egyptian planes are on the ground, they didn’t even
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have time to take off. a loss. arab countries lost 15 times more than israel. israel captured territories 3 and a half times larger than its own pre-war. in 1979, the sinai peninsula was returned to egypt, but it still controls most of it. on june 5, 1999, the russian national football team unexpectedly won victory over the french team, then world champion. it was a qualifying match for the european championship. we played at stad stadium.
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said it was extremely difficult for his players to accept not only the defeat to russia, but the fact that the french eventually dropped to third place in the group, behind unbeaten iceland. the victory over france gave the russians back their chances of qualifying from the group, but it was imperative to beat ukraine, but the meeting in luzhniki ended in a dramatic draw. like this there was this day in history.
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, and for the first time there they raised
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me up. all the bullets were out, one was a root, i had no more strength, forgive me, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy. hello!


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