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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. in st. petersburg, everything is ready for the start of the international economic forum. it starts today. this year. the focus is on the topic of forming new growth points in a multipolar world. the program includes one and a half hundred thematic sessions for 12 thousand participants. guest country is the sultanate of aman. washington does not plan to send its military and instructors to help kiev. this is according to white house national security adviser jake sullivan. however, the presence of western mercenaries. s-25 attack aircraft crews
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they smashed a stronghold of militants in the zone of a special military operation, struck with unguided aircraft missiles, and also destroyed special equipment and enemy personnel. 16 forest fires are being extinguished in buryat, half of them were discovered within 24 hours, 35 were covered by fire. the most difficult situation remains. in muissky district. more than 500 people are involved in the extinguishing, these are fire paratroopers, forest guards and the ministry of emergency situations. a complete ban on visiting forests has been introduced in buryatia. and in st. petersburg today the twenty-seventh annual economic forum. it is the world's leading platform for business communication and discussion of important economic issues. this year oman received honorary guest country status. total. participants from more than
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100 countries, about one and a half hundred thematic sessions are planned, the key topic is the formation of new growth points in a multipolar world. the president traditionally participates in the forum, and as assistant to the head of state yuri ushakov said, today vladimir putin will talk with the heads of world news agencies. tomorrow will hold a separate meeting with the leaders of bolivia, zimbabwe and republika srpska, as well as with the head of the new bank. we were talking about organizing summer holidays, special attention to children from border areas, as well as from regions affected by floods, all the details from elizaveta khramtsova. the onset of calendar summer is an occasion to discuss not only the holiday season and the development of domestic tourism. but the difficulties that
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the country faced before the onset of climate summer. the season in children's holiday camps will begin very soon, the president separately emphasized that it is important not only to report on the number of trips, the quality and safety of children's recreation is an absolute priority. separately, the meeting noted the organization of recreation for children living in close proximity to the special military operation zone, as well as children from regions affected by floods. we have organized recreation for 5,300,000 children, which is 2,000 more than last year. 39,000 camps will be involved in the summer health campaign. this year the total volume is 76 billion rubles. that's 8 billion more than last year, that is, in general we see the development of the children's recreation system. separately respected. i want to say about
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the regions where large-scale floods occurred, you talked about it, gave instructions, we worked everything out, in orenburg, we have 5,500 children, 16,000 children from the belgorod region will rest in the krasnodar territory and crimea, really plus 8 billion this year , there is, of course , inflation, we must, we must also keep this in mind, but... but you yourself said that the number of children who will be able to relax, it’s increasing, about quality, don’t forget about safety, you said everything, you just need to put it all into practice, the key to the health of the nation is mass sports, now 56% of russians regularly engage in physical exercise, sports, the relevant ministry expects by 2036 year to increase this figure to 76, tax is also intended to motivate people to exercise... a deduction for those who are ready to spend money
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on an active lifestyle, but the president sets the government the task of making sports as accessible as possible, we observe unjustified commercialization. physical culture and mass sports, this is what is happening, extracting money from russian families, this is what we need to pay attention to, including how the law on sports works, we must understand that people with small incomes, families with small incomes cannot pay for physical education classes for their children on an ongoing basis, and we cannot pretend that we do not notice this, we need to strive. to ensure that as many people as possible in the country engage in physical education and sports, as much as possible moreover, it is necessary to create conditions for this, and all measures aimed at solving this particular problem must be unconditionally funded by the state.
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one of the forms of support for regions developing tourism is writing off debt on budget loans or part of infrastructure loans. as sources for the development of tourism infrastructure. for example, written-off debts on budget loans are indicated, you gave instructions that loans that entities have that should be returned to the federal budget should be written off when allocated to new investment infrastructure projects, infrastructure projects, so the tourism infrastructure, in our opinion , is quite suitable for this, the state is building a road, around the road life is already beginning to resume there, so to speak, so it seemed to me:
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money will remain in the economy for travel to your native country, the larger the state, which means it will be better for everyone. and now about the progress of a special military operation, artillery grouping of russian troops west disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine and hit the fsu field ammunition depot. in the ugledarsky sector, where the vostok group unit operates, our anti-aircraft strikes.
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they say it’s impossible to even get out of the basement , then the drone is flying, then they are working with mortars, well, that’s how i somehow turned to the soldiers, they helped and we came here. maria zakharova commented on another
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american bill imposing sanctions. this time the restriction was introduced against the international criminal court. the law provides for the application of property and visa restrictions for... those who will conduct an investigation against the united states of its allies. the white house made this decision after moose threatened to arrest benjamin netanyahu. let me remind you that earlier, an international body requested an arrest warrant for the prime minister of israel and the leader of the hamas movement. they are accused of committing war crimes. and now let's talk about the economy. anna, let’s return to the topic of the international economic forum in st. petersburg. this year they may conclude an agreement for 5 trillion rubles. so experts say. tell us, what package of contracts does st. petersburg expect? tatyana, more than 600 billion rubles, i’ll continue the topic. the st. petersburg international economic forum begins today. the main program starts tomorrow, but the so-called zero day is also full of events, it is dedicated to
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the development of small medium-sized businesses, and the main event of this day will be the meeting of vladimir putin with the heads of world news agencies. within the framework of the forum. it is planned to conclude many agreements, according to experts, their total amount could be about 5 trillion rubles, for example, the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov , in an interview with ta, said that the city expects to sign contracts for... a record amount for it, more than 600 billion rubles. he also spoke about plans to establish direct flights between st. petersburg and india this year and named the amount that the city plans to attract thanks to the gorskaya sea tourism cluster project. it is very important for us that the project is included in the five seas program of lake baikal, implemented by instructions from the president of russia. this federal level is on a completely different scale. investment volume is 210 billion rubles. 165 of which
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are extra-budgetary. the urban planning potential of the adjacent territory will make it possible to attract an additional 800 billion rubles for the development of north petersburg. the czech company mnd will buy the remaining shares of the operator of the dambořica underground gas storage facility from gazprom. this was reported by the british newspaper garden. we are talking about a package slightly smaller in size. 3%, the company has already bought the remaining 97-odd, as they say sources of the publication, the deal has been approved and will be completed this month. the underground gas storage facility is located in the south of the czech republic, its active capacity is 456 million cubic meters. gazprom put it into operation in 2016. together with the russian company, the operator was owned by the czech mnd. the latter is controlled by british business, which promised official london to sever ties with gazprom after. worsening of the situation in ukraine. the new development bank established by the brix countries will allocate
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$495 million to brazil, these funds will help the state of rio grande duusul, which was badly damaged by floods. in particular , 200 million of the total amount will be spent on infrastructure restoration, the government of the republic reported. in addition, the state will receive 620 million from the three state banks of brazil. let me remind you that heavy rains came to the south of brazil in early may, in floods. for the first time there they got tired of wounding me, all the bullets were fired, one was the root,
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i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i all the same i will be grateful to the unfamiliar guy, minister of foreign affairs sergei lavrov arrived on his first ever visit to burkina fasso, he held negotiations with his colleague. during them, sergei lavrov thanked for assistance in opening the russian embassy in the country after a thirty-year break. and he also emphasized that relations between countries are on the rise against the backdrop of global changes. the new authorities last year denounced an agreement with france on military cooperation aimed at interaction with russia. i'm very touched my delegation. with a warm welcome, we feel at home, among friends. our relations
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are on the rise, first of all, as a result of the agreements that were reached at the meeting of our presidents, mr. putin and captain trauri, last year during the second russia summit. thank you very much for your most effective assistance in resolving issues that allowed us to resume our activities. it is a great honor for me to welcome you, i am very touched that you agreed to hold this meeting as soon as you left the plane, immediately after several hours of flight, you have just arrived and we immediately get to work, this speaks of your dedication and desire to continue the cooperation that we strengthened during the st. petersburg meeting, as we have already said, we feel this warmth precisely from mutual contacts . earlier, as part of his african tour, sergei lavrov visited the republic of the congo and held negotiations there with the president and the head of the foreign ministry.
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we touched upon the topic of military cooperation and the conflict in ukraine. and all the details from our special correspondent congo, natalia solovyova. 120 km, but south of the equator, the official meetings of sergei lavrov are not taking place in the capital of brazovili, in the small town of hoyo, where the president’s residence is located on the banks of one of the picturesque tributaries of the congo river.
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work on new projects, export services and technologies, supply grain, fertilizers and equipment, develop military cooperation. let us continue intensive military, military-technical cooperation, president sosunge confirmed this in the interests of strengthening the defense capability of the republic congo. cooperation
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in the healthcare sector is gaining good momentum. in the near future , a joint russian-congolese organization will be created here in kong. they said everyone understands this, all objective politicians have no meaning except to try to hold on to the collapsing anti-russian bloc. lavrova was asked about the french instructors; according to the minister, there is evidence that they will already be legitimate targets for our military in ukraine, but they will only delay the onset of the long-awaited peace.
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the west tirelessly adds fuel to the fire, the head of midkong, jean-claude gokason, also agrees. “i lived in the donbass for one year, i know this region well, and even studied the ukrainian language a little, so it seems to me that what is happening now in ukraine is a real civil war. i believe that the people who are involved in this conflict they simply don’t know that the russian soul was born precisely during the times of kievan rus, that’s the name it had then, we advocate that a solution to this conflict be found.” voiy’s visit is the second point of sergei lavrov’s big trip across african countries, but not the last delegation from skon. now they are waiting in moscow for a return visit, natalya solovyova and philip dubrovsky, oyu, republic of the congo. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. uh, boy, yes, call. yes, i myself have zero account. you have a megaphone. mega strength connection at zero is already included in the tariff for free. our subscribers
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the united states has never prohibited the shooting down of planes over russia, this was stated in the white house. the american president gave a long interview to the magazine. in biden’s loud statements, many saw the plans of washington, which ukraine definitely will not like. and maria skorodilka will tell you in more detail. this interview with the american president is published by several publications at once with a menacing headline right in forehead the united states rules the world and a portrait of biden in his younger years without a confused look and
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disheveled hairstyle, the state of the american president betrays reservations when talking about china biden confused sindinpin with the president of russia spoke about a meeting with chancellor schulz in the year when germany was still represented by merkel forgets the topic, confuses words, and talks about mainly independent. the united states does not see zelensky in nato, but they will supply weapons. this means that we have the same relationship with them as with other countries where we supply weapons so that they can protect yourself in the future. but i was the one who said that i was not ready to support the natazization of ukraine. ending the ukrainian conflict is definitely not in biden’s interests. the white house has already stated that shooting down planes over russia is the norm. in addition, the united states intends to continue to decide for europe what it should do. they will not allow nato to fall apart, washington promises, but even those close to him laugh at biden; never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals. nato is working
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on a plan to transfer american troops to europe in the event of war with russia, they write newspapers. at the same time, the us army has long been like an experiment, experts say. i've talked to dozens of men and women currently serving in the military, and they all say this is even remotely true. experiment, standards are falling, not the army, rabble. having a lot of weapons, the united states is simply not ready for a truly serious military confrontation. people forget that when you hand someone a weapon to kill someone, you assume that they know how to use this weapon, and not only know how, but can use it accurately and effectively. and the usa turned out to be. battle on equal terms, we got through it afghanistan and iraq, the same shame with ukraine. and more and more russophobes are admitting that ukraine can no longer be helped.
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no one has long been surprised by the attacks on russia and western weapons. it seems that western weapons are being used in the belogorodskaya region. in particular, we are talking about american missile systems. i don’t know what specific targets were hit by it. ukraine is doomed by throwing wood on the fire. the only question now is how much territory will the russians take before this happens? freezing the conflict. it is truly impossible to save the situation, the ukrainians are simply lost, the russians are moving forward. more and more ukrainians do not want to fight, the new york times admits. european officials are calling for war, but the manual fails and sparkles. the day before, finnish activists literally disrupted the speeches.
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knows the notable fraud of the year, discussing anything without russia is hypocrisy, and again at the expense of europe, the swiss media sadly states. maria skrodilka and madena pugoeva, news. in the regions of russia over the past 65 natural fires were extinguished per day. more than 100 are still being extinguished, this is data from the aviation forestry service. about a quarter of all fires occur in transbaikalia. the situation is also difficult in buryat in yakutia, where the fire has already covered 29 hectares. 20 outbreaks were recorded in the amur region, seven in the khabarovsk territory. major wildfires were reported the day before in the rostov region. according to experts , the cause could have been a lightning strike.
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the whole country is busy with the fire. and now in buryatia, there are eight new forest fires there per day, of which most of all in the muissky district, where more than 3,000 hectares have already been covered by fire. and we will find out all the details from our correspondent alexander moslyakov, he is in direct contact with us, alexander, i welcome you, tell us what forces are involved in the extinguishing, can you cope? happy day, hello, the fire situation in buresi is really difficult, if the day before a fire was recorded on area 34. we’ll return to the situation in buryat a little later,
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for now on to other news.
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to lead you, briefly about the main thing, to this minute. artillerymen from the north group of troops destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region, which the militants had mined before retreating; the attack was carried out by the crew of gauvitsa mstab. after this, the infantry was able to advance further to occupy more advantageous positions. russia, china and iran at a meeting of the magathe board of governors called on the west to restore the nuclear agreement. earlier it became known that france, germany and great britain
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submitted a resolution of condemnation. tehran is allegedly increasing military nuclear research, agreements from 2015 provided for the lifting of sanctions in exchange for limiting iran's nuclear programs. almost 2.0 parachutists and airborne security paratroopers are fighting natural fires in transbaikalia and the group of rescuers is being expanded. there are now almost 30 outbreaks in the region, one of the largest in the north of the region. there, the fire covered 20 thousand hectares, the work is complicated by extreme heat and... wind, the son of the head of the white house, hunter biden, sent photos of psychotropic substances to her drug dealers, this fact was clarified by the court during the proceedings in the case of violation conditions for storing weapons. in the presented footage, biden jr. is seen with a smoking pipe in obscenity. five people died in floods in southern germany caused by a powerful cyclone.


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