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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the main driver in recent years has been import substitution, the achievement of technological sovereignty, this is an extremely important task that provokes explosive growth of both domestic developers and domestic solutions, according to the domestic program registry, we, in my opinion, have increased by 40% in the number of developers by 30 % the number of domestic it solutions has increased, of course, not only optimism, we also have challenges, the first serious task that the entire market faces...
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time, but on the whole i am optimistic, we have an excellent engineering school, great potential, and i think we will succeed. alexey, a very important point, there is a lot of talk now about digitalization, these are the leading industries here, and if you look here, is there a shortage of it solutions in the russian market? you know, it’s nice to say that in our country, in fact, there are industries that are world leaders in digitalization, first of all, of course, this is the financial sector, in recent years our banks, you know, in europe.
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a lot of resources, money, and intelligence are invested. on the other hand, of course, there is a certain factor of underinvestment in this area over the past decades, and at the same time the combination of these two parameters says that industry will be a locomotive. moreover, this is also a strategic direction for our holding. in 2022, we were able to acquire excellent expertise from a team of vindars who left our market; we are actively developing various solutions. the first is heavy software systems, enterprise classes.
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import substitution, solving critical problems, now we are really talking about, i looked at before, everyone was struggling mainly with competitive advantage and technological leadership, of the areas that i would like to highlight in this aspect, first of all, of course, this is artificial intelligence, i will even say more, this practical application of generative artificial intelligence for transforming business processes, jobs, products and services, i think that we are close to the point of singularity, when there will be...
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conventional solutions where artificial intelligence will bring real benefits as this story develops now, of course, the biggest explosion is generative, generative models that allow services to be provided that were previously unavailable, yes. automatic communication with clients, comprehension of complex texts, increasing the efficiency of employees, we as an it company see the practical potential of application, of course, this is increasing the efficiency of creating software products, what in western technologies was called for example microsoft copilot, but de facto it is a developer assistant who, based on knowledge about the organization, the customer, and the developed code, allows us to quickly and efficiently solve the tasks assigned to us, great potential for techno.
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the unmanned aircraft systems sector, which is now really experiencing explosive growth, there is a strategy for the development of this sector and it will really change the civil aviation sector, first of all, for example, let's look at agricultural drones, they are very popular now, first of all they are used for processing crops, because there is no need for people to come into contact with reagents, no airport infrastructure is needed, easy to quickly deploy, easy to quickly monitor, extremely high potential, but here we need a fusion with software... which is based on data from remote sensing of the earth, sensors in the soil, which transmits information via the internet of things, gives the agronomist to the owners of this infrastructure a more effective tool to use the same drones and other means to increase yields, reduce,
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reduce problems, make more efficient use of land, so i see that the interest of our customers, the interest of the market will move to the sector of such practical applications, where both software and real devices. to work together. thank you very much, alexey, let me remind you that the general director of the t-1 holding, alexey afitisov, was in our studio. maria, thank you and your interlocutor. our on-site studio started working at the forum site in st. petersburg. in the coming minutes we are waiting for anastasia efimova’s live broadcast about key topics of the day. starting day of the st. petersburg international economic forum. at these moments there is a discussion about the use of artificial technologies. sergei lavrov continues his trip to african countries; the head of the russian foreign ministry came on his first ever visit to burkina fasso. 2 years ago
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there was a coup in the country, after which the new authorities broke off long-term military cooperation with france. hectares , the area of ​​fires in buryat increased, according to the head of the region, the cause of the largest the fire in the muisky district became an arson. forests are burning in yakutia, where 18 aircraft are involved in air patrols alone. ukraine has neither a chance of victory nor a chance of joining the european union and nato. the founder of the world economic forum in davos shared such revelations in a conversation with russian pranksters, which klaus schwab also managed to state. so, a business program opened at the st. petersburg international economic forum, several thematic platforms were launched at once, we will now find out all the details from my colleague anastasia efimova, she works in our on-site studio and is joining
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the broadcast again. anastasia, hello, what business events are planned for today? yes, yes, hello, but in fact, this is traditionally really called zero or starting day, but de facto. it is absolutely working, a lot of events are happening at once here on the site of the st. petersburg international economic forum, especially since its central theme this year is precisely related to the formation multipolar world with the fact that the foundations of this very multipolar world are different points of growth, in other words, moving away from the hegemony of a single force to the ability to form a variety of centers of influence throughout the planet, thus creating a single balanced one. the topic, of course, is those who work here today in st. petersburg, and i will remind you that 17,000 participants registered for the twenty- seventh st. petersburg international economic forum, so everyone who works here considers this platform as an opportunity for their own growth, the growth of their company, the growth of their region,
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at least this is what the heads of the federal subject who visited us today are talking about, in particular, we talked with the acting head of the khantomansky autonomous okrug, ruslan kukharuk was appointed... this position is a little less than a week ago, so this is one of his first interviews for federal channels, and he talked about what tasks he sets for himself in the first place. this is today one of the most powerful regions that contributes a significant contribution to the economy of our country, in general to the development of the russian federation, since every second ton of oil is produced in our country, this is the territory of ugra. today we understand that the key task is to extend and continue all those programs that have already been launched in the district, this is participation, of course, in federal programs together with the government of the russian federation, this is active participation in completing those tasks that are defined by national projects, but undoubtedly already. active phase is underway today, formation new national projects, the formation of federal programs within the framework of
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the presidential decree on the national goals of the development strategy of our country until 2030 and for the long-term period of 2036. of course, the new multipolar world presupposes the diversification of contacts, including economic contacts. this, of course, does not mean a complete break in ties with the west. this was discussed many times here at the st. petersburg economic forum in the previous one. despite the pressure that is put on them. i already see not just interest, yes,
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we have cooperation with chinese partners, with indian partners, and what ’s most interesting is that many companies from unfriendly countries remained to work in the novgorod region, of course it’s difficult for them, yes, not because we’re interfering with them in any way, because their own the government is trying to limit them, but we treat them absolutely evenly, calmly, and if they behave honestly. decently, then we support them, like any others. 136 countries are represented at the st. petersburg international economic at this year’s forum, 45 were presented at a high level, this is yet another proof that in general there are probably no unfriendly countries, but unfriendly governments definitely do exist. daria, yes, indeed, thank you anastasia, my colleague anastasia spoke about the key topics of this day and the statements that have already been made. in the next few minutes we are expecting a live broadcast from st. petersburg.
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a colleague whom he thanked for his assistance in opening the russian embassy in the country after a thirty-year break. sergei lavrov also emphasized that relations between the countries are on the rise. the new burkinophe authorities last year denounced the agreement with france on military cooperation in order to cooperate with russia. thank you, dear minister, i am touched by my entire delegation, we feel at home, among friends, our relations are on the rise, primarily as a result of the agreements that were reached at the meeting of our presidents, mr. putin, captain last year during the second
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summit russians. thank you very much for the most effective assistance in the solution. russian cosmonaut oleg kononenko, who is currently working on the iss, updated his own world record for the duration of stay in near-earth space. he is the first in the world spent a total of one thousand days in orbit. now he is on his fifth space mission. the return to earth is planned for the end of september, then the total
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length of service will be 1110 days. kononenko considers his achievement. a step in preparation for interplanetary flights and contributions to the development of space medicine. he noted that 15 years of professional training are behind this record. ukrainian armed forces militants launched an artillery strike on the village of novo-zlatopol, zaporozhye region. 11 civilians were injured. in intensive care from received a five-year-old child died from injuries, the governor announced. earlier, regional authorities said that according to preliminary data , the enemy. the development of medicinal markets within the framework of brik, the joint development and production of new high-quality devices are being discussed
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in st. petersburg, where the international economic forum is taking place, now live broadcast on our channel.
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thank you very much, as you can see, there are a huge number of topics, including innovation, drug development, their sale, distribution, consumption and health for our elderly citizens, active longevity and youth, these are all the most important issues raised at this forum, and today we are focusing on brix, on our cooperation within this wonderful space, russia, as you know, is the chairman. we received this chairmanship from our colleagues from brazil, who swapped with us, we were supposed to be chairs next year, and brazil this year, but we swapped places so
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that brazil could host the g20 this year, and russia could host brix , show, so to speak, all your the best achievements within this community. brix is ​​becoming increasingly important, an important platform for the interaction of our country, our economy, our society, and of course, a turn towards brix, strengthening. brix cooperation, this is probably one of the main priorities, let me also introduce myself, i am alexey ivanov, i head the international center for competition law and policy of the brix countries, which was created back in 2016 on the basis of the st. petersburg forum, an agreement was signed between the antimonopoly departments, our track of cooperation in the antimonopoly sphere, and the antimonopoly sphere is also about access to medicines, improving the quality of healthcare, expanding opportunities for a market economy in this area, and has shown quite high efficiency, therefore... we hope that in the field of healthcare, cooperation, cooperation between the ministries of health, cooperation between regulators in this area and experts and business will also show great achievements, today we have a very representative session, there are
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colleagues from regulatory bodies and from business, including we have a very large delegation from brazil, and i will tell you about it in a little more detail when i give the floor, but now without taking up much time, i give the floor to our main speaker, the minister healthcare of the russian federation, when we start it from medicine with drug safety, first of all, of course, the changes that have been taking place in the healthcare system in recent years are
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probably difficult not to notice, but let's do it experimentally, such a large survey format, whoever saw and felt in the hall, please raise your hand, whoever has noticed changes in the healthcare system in recent years. those who didn’t feel it exist, so not everyone was reached, this is normal, this means that there should also be the next national projects. the question is that the healthcare system has really begun to change, and so dramatically in some areas, and we see, among other things, that the demand of medical workers for innovation and for certain technology, it is very high, including. overcoming those diseases that the medical community could not or were quite difficult to cope with previously, so the challenge
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of a pandemic, in fact... taught us to change quickly, adapt and form a system that allows us to work sustainably in all directions, of course, all this is built around health insurance system, precisely the infrastructure that was created in previous years in recent years, all this creates a certain foundation base, plus quality training of specialists after all. one way or another, but in 3/4 of the world's countries, students receive higher medical education at universities in russia, 150 countries. therefore, when we say that today we see communication opportunities for the development of healthcare, including in cooperation with other countries, this is not a figure of speech, this is a fact that has already taken place. and
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since the brix countries unite over 40% of the country’s population, i would like to note that it is the countries that were originally included in the first composition of the brix countries have high competencies in the field of pharmaceuticals, development, production and regulation, we cooperated with them, with all these countries and...
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within the framework of the brix countries with the maximum number and competence in the field of pharmaceuticals, in our opinion, we see them as promising, plus i note that during the pandemic, it was among the brix countries that the first vaccine drugs were registered, which were used for the purpose of prevention, development of the infectious process and preservation of life, namely innovative... industry scenario today takes place, and of course, competition in this direction is high, in order to deal with the initial challenges, these are not only infectious, as i already said, issues, these are topics related to non-infectious diseases, these are issues of oncology, autoimmune diseases, everything this is ultimately cardiovascular disease, this is what we face as a challenge to solve.
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what else i would like to focus on is that there is quite a high demand today in our country and in many other countries for expensive high-tech methods of treating products and the healthcare system, already funding these developments, these technologies, is of course interested, among other things, in reducing the cost of increasing...
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by our countries, the formation of a dialogue, namely coordination and the development of a common position in order to defend on common platforms for the brics countries are key. issues related to, including the availability of medical products, returning to this thesis, and for us, specifically for russia, are probably one of the key ones, because...


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