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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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they wounded me, all the bullets were out, one was the root, i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i’ll still be grateful to the unknown guy.
6:31 pm
russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. roman burger sdušistoy ruok.
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can plunge headlong into studying at a distant in the east, make a dizzying takeoff, create the future in it clusters, take your place among industry giants, work in a team and spend time with friends, your all kinds of study opportunities in the far east 2030.rf, go to the island , book, all inclusive lunch and clouds , among millions of hotel apartments, your vacation begins on the island. phosphoglyph components help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. we learned, that the phone works even at zero, at zero count. with belain you are safe even with zero account. calls, instant messengers and cards work. enable support at zero in the beeline application. beline is the safest operator. our friday is white and white because... only we have white discounts on white
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equipment, even if it is red, it will come to you itself, dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50%, emvideo eldorado, chief expert on white equipment, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, custom jewelry, but who will buy it, but you i didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue from... send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio maxim movchan. shishkan's last word in moscow is close to the verdict of the cases of the odious group of the criminal authority. in
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the gang, which traded in extortion, robbery, dealt with people, there were almost two dozen people, and of course, themis’ decision their deadly leader is preparing to listen, so the security measures in the court are exceptional. report by fyodor eliseev. the high-profile case of the so-called thief in law oleg medvedev, also known as shishkanov, members of his gang are being considered by a jury; their identities are kept in the strictest confidence, as are their routes of movement, all so that no one can put pressure on them, so it’s not the same with a camera that it is unrealistic to be in the courtroom, even in the building itself. this trial has been heard in the second western district military court since november last year, meetings. known in criminal circles under the nickname shishkan, he is accompanied by 18 alleged members of the same organized crime group, all of whom are charged under article 210 of organizing participation in a criminal
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community. the security forces finally crushed it several years ago, around the same time oleg medvedev was detained in 2019. according to investigators, he is the leader of this bank. and these are not all the crimes that medvedev and his alleged accomplices are charged with. according to investigators, they may be involved in extortion, robbery and murder. as a result of the painstaking work of the investigation , it was proven that medvedev and his accomplices committed the murder of the general director of the ramenskoye breeding plant. deputy of the local government tatyana sidorova , three members of her family were killed in order to take possession of land plots of the breeding farm. after the crime , a huge amount from the company’s accounts could fall into the hands of bandits. shortly before the murder of tatyana sidorova, her company received a loan of 4.5 billion rubles. according to investigators, the bandits after the massacre the bodies were buried near asnt near moscow. after 7 years, investigators found the remains of the victims
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at a depth of about 4 m. this happened a few months after the arrest of oleg medvedev. but even in pre-trial detention, the authoritative businessman did not lose his influence. it turned out that he freely used his mobile phone. influence the course of a high-profile case that is nearing its conclusion, the jury found the defendants . loss of contact with the will deprived him of the opportunity to be guilty on most counts. witnesses, lawyers, state associations, and now the accused themselves, now it’s up to the court, the verdicts of a potential participant in one of the most dangerous criminal groups in the country will be announced. in a matter of days on june 10th. fyodor eliseev, lead, duty department. there will be close cooperation with mozambique. the prosecutor general of russia and his colleague from east africa, beatrice consalacao mateoj bushili, signed an interdepartmental cooperation program. the main leitmotif of the meeting was the strengthening
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of mutual respect, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation in various directions activities, for example, the fight against extremism and terrorism. igor krasnov emphasized that evil can only be defeated by common efforts. well, the foundation of the relationship was the memorandum of understanding signed last year. security of the northern borders, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov continues to inspect the work of local rescuers in the arctic circle and in siberia. to successfully counter threats in a harsh climate, the most modern equipment is needed, and the ministry of emergency situations already has it. report by alexander mostova. in the krasnoyarsk territory, at the head of the ministry of emergency situations rich program. the minister flew from the village of khatanga to the regional capital. krasnoyarsk rescuers demonstrate technical innovations to alexander kurenkov. this drone is used in search operations; by flying over a large area, the drone can quickly find a missing person. now we are directly in the program, so in order to launch it we need to conditionally set the search area. gains a height of 65
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agl from the ground and at a speed of 20 km/h along the route you follow. is shown on the tablet, starts searching, objects, and this is a hydrogen engine that can be used in the harsh conditions of the arctic; it does not require diesel fuel reserves. the next safe arctic, here is an expedition, will take place in the chukovsky autonomous okrug, the expedition will begin at the end of january 2025, we will start from the city of pivek, we are pleased to invite you, thank you. krasnoyarsk rescuers give the minister a tour of the region. headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations. hello comrades. sit down please. hello. the natural and man-made challenges the region faces require consolidation of efforts of all departments. the siberian regional search and rescue team of the russian ministry of emergency situations has six branches. in the altai territory and the altai republic, novosibirsk region, tyva, khakassia, the city of dudinka, krasnoyarsk territory. when
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conducting search and rescue operations , every minute counts. therefore, it is very important to quickly get to the place. to do this , they use highly cross-country equipment, for example, this tracked vehicle in... she is 77 meters tall, this machine is probably two very tall, you and i can see, my times taller than me. the domestically developed equipment will easily travel through swampy terrain and pass through the dense forests of siberia. canine teams are participating in the search. a dog named lexus recently passed certification. the head of the ministry of emergency situations assessed the technical capabilities of the search and rescue team. this site has an abundance of equipment that is used in case of emergency. this equipment is used during oil spills, primarily to treat the area and then wash the oil off. during the conversation, the minister invited the krasnoyarsk people.
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this will allow you to achieve the most fair prices for real estate during the transaction. according to amendments to the mortgage law,
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the borrower will now be able to contact the bank to write the necessary application. after that, he will have 4 months to find a buyer and sell the property. the bank, of course, has the right to set a minimum price. this will be the amount owed by the borrower at the time of sale. and after paying off the debt , the seller will take the rest of the profit for himself. university forest in shchepka in the krasnoyarsk territory, law enforcement officers they are looking for who left only kicks from one and a half hectares. the land was intended for scientists to conduct research, but black lumberjacks were the first to reach the untouched corner of the taiga. word from olga zhurinkova. instead of a dense forest, there are stumps and an open field. local residents in the emelyanovsky district of the krasnoyarsk territory saw such a sad picture during a walk. where is the forest, where did it go, where? and when we see that it’s all lying there, it’s natural to be shocked. there couldn’t be permission to be rude here, as i understand it, it’s just what it is. it's a protected area, there's a forest area. black lumberjacks destroyed hundreds of trees. they ate fir and cedar. in all likelihood, good
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commercial timber was taken away and small trees were left on the plot. and look how huge he is . well, to tears, to tears, because the first time i saw it, i just sobbed, honestly, i couldn’t stop, that’s all. well, now, of course, this is not the first time i come here, i come, every time my heart tears into shreds. back in 2008, the regional ministry of forestry transferred this area to the siberian state university named after rishetnev. 1.5 hectares of forest for educational purposes a testing ground for planting cedar and spruce plantations and for conducting research activities, but it turned out that black lumberjacks worked in the territories allocated in the name of science. local residents contacted the popular front after noticing the barbaric cutting down of the nursery. once again, when the residents were walking, they saw that these pines and fir trees had simply been cut down. look, there are stacks of them and just a straight row of stumps left. this felling was not agreed upon with anyone, therefore it is illegal. information have been handed over to the prosecutor's office, and we really hope that those responsible for such barbaric deforestation
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will be found and brought to justice as established by law. criminal brigades with axes operate in almost all forest areas of the krasnoyarsk territory, the scale of illegal activity is catastrophic. while they are trying to call some defendants to account, others are entering the clearing. for decades, black loggers left the site of centuries-old thickets into the desert. this is largely due to the geography of the region. in the krasnoyarsk territory it is concentrated about. in about 200 trees were cut down at an educational tree nursery in the emelyanovsky district, the damage amounted to almost one and a half million rubles. based on the materials of the prosecutor's office, a criminal case has been initiated under part three of article 260 of the criminal code of the russian federation regarding the illegal acquisition of forest plantations on an especially large scale. the persons involved are being identified by investigative operatives. however, the investigation of the criminal department is under the control of the prosecutor's office. black lumberjacks who destroyed centuries-old
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trees in a tree nursery in emelyanovsky the district is now seeking the maximum penalty under this article of up to 7 years in prison. olga zhurenkova and dmitry manushev, lead, duty unit. in veliky novgorod to the investigator. the circumstances of the death of four students from india are stopping. according to the preliminary version , they drowned while swimming in the volkhov river. once in the water, the young people could not cope with the gathering current. andrey klemenyuk with details. there should be two people, where are they? there are dozens of people at the pedestrian bridge, very close to the novgorod kremlin. they
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they are closely monitoring the rescue operation. before their eyes , several foreign students were pulled under the water by a strong current. near. city ​​beach in veliky novgorod, vacationers noticed a group of young people, and according to preliminary information, these were five people who, while swimming in the volkhov river, at some point went under water in the area of ​​the pedestrian bridge. there are doctors, police and rescuers on the shore. divers worked here before nightfall, but active searches led to nothing. when, due to a complete lack of visibility, the divers had to to finish their work, rescuers came to replace them. they were on duty all night. on boats, exploring the river area. already at 4:00 in the morning, divers set off on the search again; colleagues from starousa came to the aid of novgorod specialists. there are currently six divers working on rotation. this means that one diver has worked, the next diver is working. well, just now it arrived, the boat brought cylinders with compressed air, and so we will
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work, well, until we examine this water area. the peculiarity of this particular place is that... there is a very strong current, in addition, small whirlpools form along the edges of the river, which probably does not pose a danger to a person who swims well, but creates a great threat to children who are not very confident in the water . of the group of students who made a dangerous swim, only one girl was saved. the ambulance crew provided her with first aid, after which she was hospitalized. she has experienced a serious stress disorder, she is worried, of course she is crying. now he's getting it all the necessary symptomatic assistance, however, vacationers of novgorod and guests of the city are not stopped either by the tragedy that occurred, or by the fact that the swimming season officially opens only on june 10, despite the weekday the beach is crowded, literally 300-400 m downstream of the river search continues work. andrey klemenyuk, alexey fedorov, conduct the duty department of veliky novgorod.
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maxim rassypalo, a former anti-corruption fighter at the northwestern customs, convicted of bribery, was charged with another charge of arms trafficking, details are not yet available... many media refer to the file of the zyuzinsky district court of moscow, where it is said that mr. rassypal was charged with illegal acquisition, transfer of sale, storage of weapons. let me remind you that last summer the zyuzinsky district court of moscow found an influential employee of the north-west customs guilty of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale totaling 1 million rubles. sentenced to eight years in a maximum security colony . it was established that he took bribes from entrepreneurs who supplied furniture. nicotine. epidemic, despite the prohibitions and warnings of doctors, vaping is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers in our country. a sickly-sweet haze spreads along the school corridor, poisoning children from an early age, turning them into heavy smokers. who is giving young people an old nasty habit in a new bright wrapper , and what awaits a booming market for so-called electronic devices in the near future. look, this weekend the investigation of eduard petrov
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was turned into an epidemic. vanilla cola or cotton candy, no smoke. nyah, here you are sold it to a minor child without documents, that’s it, sold the kolyan, kolyan, of course, yes, a hookah-hookah, this is all that is mowing down our youth, they specifically passed a law so that there would be no advertising for children, but getting an electronic cigarette for a schoolchild is not a problem, wide selection, sale 150 rub. kurish, minii, that’s right, this is such a business, what can you do, there are more cases of the new boar disease. i felt more and more in a state as if, well, you were already dying, i began to shake violently. what are the consequences of smoking electron? i have bronchi they were very compressed, i was literally out of breath, the patient had been using vep for 2 months, the symptom was wood in the kidneys, these were all compacted bronchili, the probability of death was very high, when the web epidemic swept the country, we took up this case and conducted our
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investigation, the capital’s police are interrogating : an uligan who opened fire from an apartment window at a passenger bus, as a result two people were injured, public transport was damaged, maxim shevchenko will tell how the police officers searched for the suspect, and who he turned out to be. the police are methodically knocking on the doors of each apartment in the entrance to an ordinary high-rise building on the northern outskirts of moscow, looking for someone who likes to shoot out of the window. the law enforcement officers carefully record their bypass on camera, at first there was nothing interesting, but suddenly. and what is it? well, well, that’s all, where is he shooting, where is he shooting? hid the weapon, but forgot about the bullets, which is why he got caught, a fifty-year-old man in a white t-shirt... alexander shikhov, according to some sources, he already has more than one conviction behind him, there was an alleged fatal accident with several victims, theft, hooliganism, this time for some reason he grabbed the barrel, which
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was confirmed by my son, well, he dragged the table, i think, i want to get something there, i didn’t pay attention to it, then i continued to play, well, a shot, that the owner of an air gun was carried away by his dangerous toy, he says, and such an experiment, before taking aim from the window, he poured water on the book, checked, looked at how much penetration it had, put it here, well, and then put the bullets here, put them back here, let them pneumatic, but penetrating power turned out to be not weak, bullets fired from a pneumatic gun flew into an electric bus passing by the house, broke a window, two passengers needed medical assistance, other bullets left marks on parked cars, it turned out that the area is considered quiet, but the neighbors...
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to different developments, but when the identity of the shooter was revealed, he surrendered without resisting, and the cordon was quickly lifted. based on this fact, the investigator of the investigation department for the biberevo district, the department of internal affairs for the north-eastern district, opened a criminal case under article hooliganism, an air rifle was seized by officers at the scene. the investigation is ongoing. now shikhov’s entertainment may cost him dearly; judging by the nature of the charge, the man faces up to 7 years in prison, and this is a story for the residents of the troubled house.
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federal television, backing up his strong words with his fists, he attacked the operator’s girlfriend, knocked out her camera, attacked the correspondent, and as a result, expensive equipment was broken. according to this fact, the investigative department for the kirov district of the city yekaterinburg, the investigative committee of russia in the sverlovsk region, a criminal case has been opened under article 144 of the criminal code of the russian federation, obstruction of the legitimate professional activities of journalists. and investigators will probably check to what extent. migrants were handed out gray sim cards, especially since the law in this area is systematically becoming stricter.
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the witch circle is closed. investigators near moscow are studying countless. the number of occult eternals, perhaps until recently the most powerful sorceress. in any case, alena polyn considered herself such, turning their dubious practices into a real business empire. now her witchcraft, it seems, will be powerless against the criminal code. ekaterina likhomanova will continue the topic. the moscow region witch alena polyn loved predicting the future so much, but it seems she miscalculated hers. the charges against her are very serious. the investigative team came to visit esoteric the day before. this is what the front door of the moscow region witch alena polyn looks like now, as we see, the special forces officers did a good job here, the door
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it’s even open, well, naturally, we won’t go into the apartment, it’s sealed. during the search, the law enforcement authorities found themselves, as if in a museum of superstitions, in the apartment of wormwood they found voodoo dolls, figurines of demons from various religions, amulets, amulets and... and for witchcraft, the home library also corresponds. there is such a cabinet on the site, i assume that it belongs to an esotericist, we decided to look there, let’s take a look, there is some kind of magic wand here, i see literature, for example, orthodox talismans and amulets. by according to investigators, the books that the witch was selling with all her might did not just impose on readers fairy tales about various demonic activities. we regularly saw it in magical reading.
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in 2015, she even organized the so -called empire of the strongest witches. i am ready to present to your attention a unique ritual practice. she opened a website for consultations and promised to miraculously resolve both financial and love issues. in the 21st century, without any irony , she held a shabish, successfully sold candles for several thousand rubles apiece, and also became a black rector. an international university was located on this very spot.
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witchcraft and magic that alena polyn discovered. however, after a prosecutor's inspection , the local hogwarts was deprived of its university status. even the sign disappeared: supposedly the educational institution had turned into a regular store. it seems that witch wormwood is far from being about magic, but more about business. here, for example, is data from open sources: more than thirty registered aquedas for her individual entrepreneur. social activist andrei kovalev has repeatedly stated about that the notorious witch. in all her posts: pay me into my personal account, i really hope that fraud will become a thing of the past, there are hundreds of thousands of scammers operating in the country, there are a million of these esotericists, and whatever these esotericists won’t come up with, they will promise to cure with the help of a chicken’s foot they will tell fortunes of riches in the blue, for example, margot from novosibirsk, aka dmitry pashchenko.
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a man dressed as a fortune teller predicted the future for large sums and was caught committing a particularly large fraud. she should be ashamed. on the wave of belief in the otherworldly, such margots divorced all over the country. there are sorcerers in every city and almost every village. scientists are tired of repeating. in the entire history of experiments, not a single sorcerer has ever been able to predict the future, the past, or even the present. the so-called psychics have not been confirmed to have any superpowers. and decoctions. and with the love potions of such healers you can only get poisoned, nothing helps, people who want to believe in a fairy tale line up to see the witches over and over again. thanks to them we are now let's poke around a little. and yet the wormwood case is a special case. firstly, the scale of activity. wormwood is, after all, the star of the otherworldly market. secondly, it is not very often that sorcerers are caught in extremism; their usual lot is petty scams. however, the investigation is only gaining momentum.
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it is possible that the usual for... this evening, according to the kremlin press service, vladimir putin will meet with the chief editors of international news agencies, this is what dmitry peskov answered the question of the author and host of the moscow program kremlin putin pavel zarubin, why
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the upcoming one. from unfriendly countries, countries that have since become unfriendly, our partners too, so why did you invite them, but because one way or another, one way or another, this is the agency that shapes global information flows, these are the ones who are legislators.


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