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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

7:30 pm
the head of the human rights council called the checks before the european union humiliating. according to him, this is an extreme degree of distrust of children. barbarian approach. valery fodeev believes that members of the examination committee must fulfill their duties without manic persistence. it’s better for someone to copy it from the cheat sheet than for everyone to suffer from unworthy treatment. pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems smooth
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of bolden pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the poet’s 22nd birthday, this is where the concert will take place. reflection, live broadcast from the boldin estate. thursday at 21:30 on the russia channel. do we have sports? sometimes with records, if
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it’s a holiday, then a national one, we love traditions, honor our history, value family, strong relationships, admire how it blossoms... the country is ahead, even more achievements await us! fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition! if everything seems wild west, there is only one law, shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was
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a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. sber has increased deposit rates for the best interest rate. up to 18% per annum, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place, in emidio and eldorado there is a 50% discount on the second household appliance product, built-in oven-hair for only 19.00 rub. bembio i eldorado, how are you, take glycine rennival, and sparkam rennival, we...
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a roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings and ace deluxe papa mango, just eat, in italian, delicious, period. your car can purr with pleasure when it has diamond motor oil inside. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. tebol diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. thanks to purchases at megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go to...
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let's return to the president's work agenda. this evening, according to the kremlin press service, vladimir putin will meet with the chief editors of international news agencies. and this is what dmitry peskov answered the question from the author and host of the moscow, kremlin, putin program, pavel zarubin. why will there be journalists from unfriendly countries at the upcoming, immediate minutes of the meeting with putin? today is the second half of the day and very rich.
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the agency that shapes global information flows are those who are trendsetters in information fashion, and accordingly it is very important for them to learn first-hand to understand putin to understand russia, this is a unique chance for them, so we expect a very interesting conversation, in your opinion they want whether to understand or they want to spit out and express some of their views, they have arrived, they have arrived, that means, that means...
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try to hear. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in the republic of chat. this the final point of the sixth african tour minister in 2 years. he visits the chat for the first time at lavrov airport and was greeted more than warmly. several dozen local citizens with lag placards chanted russia. russia. russia. lavrov flew to the chat from burkina faso, where he held a number of meetings, including with the country’s top leadership. as a result of the negotiations, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs announced that russia will supply burkinofso with military products and will increase the number of
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instructors. just six months ago, a russian embassy was opened in an african country, but moscow already has big plans for agadougou. find out more from our special correspondent natalya solovyova. a busy schedule for the minister of foreign affairs is rather not an exception, but a rule in which negotiations can take place in one country in the morning, and in a completely different one in the afternoon, at the speed of a flying airplane.
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the russian embassy was opened, one of the tasks of which is to quickly resolve issues of bilateral cooperation. i am very touched that you agreed to hold this meeting only after leaving the plane after several hours flight. you have arrived and we will immediately get to work. this shows your dedication to your work. our relations are on the rise, primarily as a result of the results that were achieved at the meeting of our president. this mutual
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rapprochement did not go unnoticed by paris, which jealously monitors its former colonies. in january, ouagadougou demanded the withdrawal of the french military from the country; they left to the accompaniment of mass demonstrations, whose participants chanted no to france, yes to russia. emmanuel macron in action he immediately blamed moscow. the west's position in africa has indeed been shaken, but this is the fault of the west itself. while the former colonialists are speaking. with the continent in the language of strength, russia offers mutually beneficial contracts, or even free assistance. the popularity of russia in burkina fasso is truly incredible, here in bagadougou there are russian tricolors everywhere, along the roads, at intersections, hundreds of our flags. burkinofasso is one of those african states to which moscow, on the initiative of president putin, supplied grain free of charge during the food drive. crisis. in a country where hundreds of thousands of people live below the poverty line, such a gesture did not go unnoticed. russia is an honest long-time partner, that’s why there are so many flags, that’s why they really love it here.
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vagadug is interested in the military-technical sphere, education and mining . russia exports products and equipment, trains personnel for the african republic, and develops defense cooperation between the countries. yesterday , deputy minister of defense yunusbek yevkurov was here on another visit, he is here regularly considers with his colleagues from burkina faça, practically. power, our relations with african friends are developing solely on the basis of
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mutual interest on the basis of mutual benefit. the west is still playing games with zero results, equal interaction, it is unable to comprehend, it is still sick with the bacillus of colonialism and neo-colonialism, which drives it in relations with... the global majority. over the past two years, sergei lavrov has traveled to almost two dozen countries on the african continent. visit to burkina fasso was his first as russia's top diplomat, but quite possibly not his last. natalya solovyova, philip dubrovsky and olga belotserkovskaya - news. ouagadougou, burkina faso. in st. petersburg , a large-scale restoration of the granite facade of the peter and paul fortress is taking place, which has not actually happened since catherine’s times. alexander beglov thanked the board of trustees.
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lessons from the past give the state and society a serious margin of strength and often become a strategic advantage and
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in all future difficulties, i am confident that we will see it through to the end, and that’s right, this means that manned astronautics will continue, will live, new crews will be trained, there will be places to fly, of course, we are actively working on a list of future experiments with the academy of sciences, with all universities , by the way, attracting universities to the project gives
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a certain kind of result, good, fresh brains, fresh ideas, of course, we will be happy to take part when we return, because you are absolutely right that the younger generation can be attracted only with new ideas, new technologies, new projects, nothing like that - roughly speaking , you can’t attract young minds with old things, of course, so you absolutely need fresh ideas, breakthrough technologies, then there will be an influx of brains, everything else, as noted in russia today. ..
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the environment is very honorable for them, and the children are engaged in delving into this problem, which is actually very important. in st. petersburg today the motor ship viktor ostafiev was launched, this is the first passenger ship that was built for work in the arctic. well , channel correspondent dmitry akimov will tell you how the ceremony went and what is unique about the new ship. a big day for the entire shipbuilding industry.
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245 passengers, it will sail along the yunisey, and also has an ice class, its length is 99 m and its width is 15, and this ship was extremely necessary for the region, in siberia there are a lot of problems that need to be solved, it is necessary to ensure transport connectivity between different settlements located along our rivers, we need to show the beauty of siberia to all russians, to all guests of our country, therefore , transport services, issues of organizing tourist routes, this ship.
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we are meeting our deadlines, and this is in all areas of russian shipbuilding, viktor rasaev said, there is music in every minute of life, i want to say that there is music in every ship that leaves russian shipyards. domestic shipbuilding sets new records year after year, despite sanctions and pressure from the west, producing more and more each year, both civilian and military ships. and ships. another confirmation. these words today at the admiralty shipyards, there they raise state flags on two crabbers, these crabbers will catch and transport live crab in the bering sea, okhotsk and...
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vladivostok. dmitry akimov and sergey fodeev will go to their home port in the city with news from st. petersburg. the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitz is directly related to the activity. pro-western opposition, the politician himself stated this. fitza made his first televised address to the nation since the attack. i don't have any there is no reason to believe the claims that this was an attack by a lone madman. for several months, i have publicly warned about the growing threat of an assassination attempt on a politician in the slovak government. i have always defended the basic political right and my own opinion. and i categorically disagree with the policy of the only correct opinion. which is being aggressively promoted by key western democracies, i reject interference in the internal affairs of other states, as well as the forced export of democracy to countries that have decided to go
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your own way. let me remind you that the assassination attempt took place on may 15 in the west of slovakia . a seventy-year-old opposition activist shot at the prime minister several times at close range, the criminal was quickly detained, he explained his actions with political motives, the man ended up in intensive care. we will return to st. petersburg, they continue there, there foreign delegations continue to arrive to take part in the st. petersburg economic forum. in total , this year, let me remind you, guests are expected from more than
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130 countries. honorary status of the country guests forum this year at the sultanate of aman, its stand is located in the central pavilion and is certainly the center of attention. and it is no coincidence, because trade turnover between the countries last year increased by 60%, and the flow of tourists increased almost fourfold. introduce. the brix countries will be able to achieve much greater benefits from this union, there certainly are, but results in joint neo-development, technological cooperation in
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the aerospace sector, for example, or in semiconductors. these are semiconductors - a very promising option, by the way, president putin recently had a meeting on this topic; by owning semiconductors, russia, together with other brix countries, can obtain lithographic ones. technology, and today only one country has such technologies. kiev has no chance of winning or joining the european union or nato. the founder of the world economic forum in davos, klaus schwab, said this in a conversation with russian pranksters, vavan and lexus. schwab shared such revelations, thinking he was talking. with a french economist politician jacques athalie, much of what was said was, as they say, not for the ears of others, but such statements by schwab did not come as a surprise. my colleague anton
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dadykin studied this interview. one of the most influential people in the world, the creator and head of the world economic forum in davos, klaus schwab, spoke quite frankly about how the west is successfully manipulating zelensky, dangling carrots in front of his nose, like... they will support our democratic principles, but as you now know , it is not possible to accept it into the eu, and nato, understandable, but
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the prospects for this still need to be preserved. the eighty-six-year-old millionaire shared this recipe as he thought with the french economist, banker and philosopher, jacques athalie. in fact, russian pranksters vavan and lexus spoke with schwab. from the lips of european and american politicians. and here is klaus schwab, the eminence grise of davos, who communicates in everything. in these circles, as they call him, that there is almost the head of the world government, he says quite seriously that of course yes, the west should use zelensky, in order to manage it in this way, beckoning on how this famous meme was, that there is a fishing rod, and in front of zelensky they are talking about these membership in nato, but of course, as he said, none of this will happen as a reason
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for... the conversation became the legacy of another influential man, henry kissinger, who died last year. he mentored schwab at harvard's school of government in 1950 and went on to a distinguished political career. in the 1970s he headed the us state department, and in subsequent decades remained one of the most authoritative players who were entrusted with complex behind-the-scenes negotiations. schwab, like kissinger, believes that the united states needs ukraine.
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agreed to at least start negotiations, now this moment has not yet arrived, and of course, the ukrainians cannot surrender without losing political authority, we have to wait until something happens, we will not sign any peace treaties, but we will make such a division accordingly, like north, south korea, well, apparently
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in order to simply... uh, give ukraine the opportunity to further increase its military power, stuff it with weapons, and squeak with the military, stuff it with military instructors, train soldiers further and in order to wait for a certain moment for ukraine to start hostilities again , in principle - the same story happened with the minsk agreements, but the west still made a mistake, its viroism and aggressive actions have accelerated the rapprochement between russia and china, which is exactly what schwab said. kihinger was most afraid. he did not want this war in ukraine to lead to stronger relations between china and russia. at the same time, schwab admitted that moscow cannot be broken it will work out. sooner or later you will have to negotiate with her. he said that back in the mid-nineties, he was greatly impressed by the words of vladimir putin that russia has its own identity, its own soul and its own history, this cannot be taken into account.
8:00 pm
this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. guardians of our fighters, they save lives without thinking about their own. evacuation groups, operations on the front line, front-line portraits of military doctors. 13 years of strict regime for working for the sbu. an agent was sentenced in the kherson region ukrainian intelligence. who was the spy following? there is only darkness and cold ahead. in the west they warn that life is in conditions.


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