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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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tangible issues on the solution of which the quality of life of our citizens certainly depends, but i repeat once again, such a benevolent attitude of societies on both sides allows us to always find a solution. they, they, yes, you know, sometimes they are not trivial, somehow it will not seem strange, it seems that we have such a volume of relationships , everything seems to be well-established, no, all the time we need to make some kind of effort in order to find answers to those questions, that arise, everything works out, i’m sure it will continue to be so, that is, with belarus there is no there are complex questions, but if we say, there are no, there are complex questions, but there is a solution.
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but, but, but we always find a solution, because these decisions are based on the interests of the two peoples on both sides, well, such solutions can be found with the leaders of the european union, and you can find them with the leaders, if they, if they felt more i would confidently not have gained more courage to defend national interests, well, i think that my colleagues here will probably talk about this again, thank you irina borisovna. i invite you to continue our conversation with the main global news editor of the british news agency reuters, ms. samia nakul. the family traveled through a huge number of hot spots and were very seriously wounded in iraq, here you go, your question, mrs. naghul, when, when would this happen to you in iraq, when will it happen?
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that’s what he didn’t like, he then, to a certain extent, even began to attack me, i thought that this would happen, so i’m right, he’s predictable, all this only confirms our thoughts about what i was talking about, she , well, if so by and large, we don’t care, we don’t care, because mr. trump, who was almost accused of spying for russia, we understand that this is complete nonsense. it’s just some kind of nonsense, it’s just like, well , there was an element within the political struggle in the relations between democrats, republicans, ridiculous accusations towards trump, and we always perceived this as an element of the internal political struggle in the united states itself, then all this was confirmed as a result of all sorts investigations within the usa, we have no special connections with the government.
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i must say, whether it’s pleasant or not, but their imaginary leadership in the field of democracy is being burned right at the root, because... but all over the world it is obvious that the prosecution of trump, especially in court , on charges that have developed based on events that took place years ago, without direct evidence, this is simply the use of the judicial system in the course of an internal political struggle, directly for... us in russia this is obvious, i am sure that in the uk this is obvious, everyone around the world thinks so, and the main thing is that in themselves the united states thinks so because after the well-known court decision, where the jury returned a verdict of guilty, as we all know,
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mr. trump’s rating, in my opinion, immediately increased by 6%. and the elections immediately increased in his... one after another, sometimes you are even surprised when you look at what is happening, so we look at it from the outside, we have never interfered in the internal political processes in the united states, we are not going to interfere, but we will see, what will this
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lead to, i want to finish, answer your question with where i started, for us the end the result, we believe, is that with regard to ukraine, you don't think anything will change in terms of support for ukraine if trump returns. it's hard to say, i can't draw a definite conclusion. whether something will change or not, you understand, it is necessary to look at the priorities of the future administration, if the future administration will be focused on national interests, and if they believe that the national interest will be to stabilize
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the situation within the country, to make a bet not on not on immigration, consolidation of society within the united states, in order to get rid of those mistakes that led to large inflation, to a huge debt within the united states, then, of course, based on internal national interests, if they act in this way, they will pursue the goals of - well, global liberalism, which, in my opinion, are destroying the united states itself. inside, this, this desire to be the leader of global liberalism, if they are guided by national interests, then there may be some changes in foreign policy in in relation to russia and in relation to the conflict in ukraine, well, as you understand, i said, if,
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if, if, well, in this, in this case, changes are possible, but... i think you will agree with me that that after all, no one in the united states is interested in ukraine, they are interested in the greatness of the united states, which is fighting not for ukraine and not for the ukrainian people, but for its greatness, for its leadership in the world, and in no case wants to allow any there was no success for russia precisely because believe that in this case the leadership of the united states will be damaged, this is the whole point of what the united states is doing, but if the future administration -
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the mood of society still shifts to a certain extent in this direction, and if the future administration catches this wind in its .
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our relations are developing successfully, reliably, very pragmatically, you know, we feel the spirit of the azerbaijani leadership to build interstate ties precisely on the basis of mutual interest, and i would say even to a certain degree of sympathy to each other, there is no other way. to explain to myself, the presence of 300 schools that
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work, that function in azerbaijan in the russian language, they teach children, i know that president aliyev, he strongly supports the study of the russian language in the republic, this is visible in all vectors, and what does this mean, this means that the leadership of azerbaijan proceeds from the fact that the russian language will be needed by citizens. azerbaijan, why? for the development of bilateral relations, they are developing. now the total volume of our trade turnover is i repeat, also in dollars, i will say, about 4 seconds, in my opinion, and six billion dollars, and the pace is good, the pace of development is very good, we are increasingly diversifying our relations, i am sure that if we maintain this,
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azerbaijan, then to iran with access to the naon
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they will go through the entire european part to the shore of the persian gulf, in my opinion, almost 10 days faster than through this canal. well-known, well, we don’t want anything , soviet, we don’t want anything - that means saying something bad, the soviet channel is the opposite world trade is very necessary, but this will be an additional and very effective route, which means for delivering goods to the north, south in the opposite direction, in my opinion, 10 days faster, this is a big savings, this will be a very effective and profitable route, but there is also a lot is needed. to do, we are working on both sides, i know that president aliyev
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supports this project, we discussed it with him many times, the iranian leadership supports it, and since it promises to be very profitable, that is , foreigners who have declared their interest in this project investors, extra-regional, neighboring countries, including arab sovereign funds. there will be additional research on which areas, how we will, including on the territory of azerbaijan, which areas and how we will finance, whether it will be a loan, whether it will be for direct financing from russia, which means how it will be spent with those branches that will go there to the west across the territory
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of azerbaijan, then we need to finalize everything with our iranian partners. friends like we will build this track there, it will be wide or it will be, that is, a narrow track , which is laid across the territory of iran, but the most important thing is that everyone is committed to implementation, i have created, in fact, we have created a directorate, vtb is actively involved in this , i have no doubt that we will implement it, the question is of course the timing, the cost, but... in general, it has already been practically finalized, so this is a very good, but not the only project that we are implementing jointly, among other things, azerbaijan is caspian state, included in five caspian states, and here we also have many common interests, including issues related to the ecology of the caspian sea. chokh sogol, in ugaretich, thank you, yes, and
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now the word to the country, which is probably. vladimir vladimirovich, you will never have an indifferent attitude; this is germany. our guest is the head of the news service of the german news agency agentur. martin romanchik. by the way, martin definitely knows first-hand about our country, because in the nineties he worked as the dpa’s own correspondent in moscow. please, mr. romanchik, your question. scholz to the chancellor?
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somehow you warned, admonished or threatened, perhaps, mr. chancellor, when he decided to supply weapons to ukraine, why did you decide that we were threatening someone, we are not threatening anyone, especially the head of another state, this is a movable tone, this is not a good form, we have our own position. on certain issues, we know the position of european states, including the position of the federal republic regarding the events that are taking place in ukraine. everyone thinks that russia started the war in ukraine, but no one, i want to emphasize this, no one in the west in europe wants to remember how
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this tragedy began, it began with... a coup d'etat in ukraine, an unconstitutional coup d'etat, this is the beginning of the war, but is russia to blame for this coup d'etat, no, but have those who are trying to blame russia today forgotten that the minister of foreign affairs of poland.
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remember, then the question arises, why then the leadership of the federal republic, as well as other signatories of this document, did not demanded that those people in ukraine who carried out a coup d'etat return to the legal constitutional field. why did they neglect their obligations as guarantors of the agreement between the opposition and the authorities in power at that time? they are to blame. in what happened, on a par with those forces in the united states that provoked the seizure of power in a non -constitutional way, is it unknown what followed? followed by the decision of the residents of crimea to secede from ukraine, followed by the decision of the residents of donbass not
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to obey those who carried out a coup in kiev, this is the beginning of this conflict, and then russia made every effort to find a formula for a settlement by peaceful means. in 2015, the so-called minsk agreements were signed in minsk, which, by the way, were constituted by a decision of the security council of the united nations, this is a document that had to be implemented, no, they decided to solve, they decided to close this problem by armed means. began the use of artillery, tanks, aviation, against civilians of south-eastern ukraine. for some reason
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, no one, i repeat, no one wants to remember this, neither in germany, nor in other european countries, not in the usa. okay, we contributed to the signing of the minsk agreements, but, as it turned out, no one was going to implement them, including the former chancellor of germany. the former president of france publicly stated this. dear mr. maramanchik, how do we understand this? they said publicly that they did not intend to implement the minsk agreements, they only signed them in order to arm ukraine to create conditions for the continuation of hostilities, we were simply driven for us, isn’t that the other way?
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no one will implement, no one will implement, what we were forced to do, we were forced to make an attempt to force them to do it by armed means, but we did not start this war, the war began in the fourteenth year after the coup d'etat , attempts to crush those who did not agree with the coup d'etat with with the help of guns, and now for people who... but follow international events, so, for international law, what happened next, what did we do, we did not recognize for 8 years, when we realized that the peace agreements in minsk were not
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destined to be implemented, what we did, i ask everyone’s attention, please, we recognized the independence of these self-proclaimed republics, we they could have done this or not, from the point of view of international law, as he says... but there is a decision of the un international court, it says so, if a territory has decided on independence, it is not
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obliged to apply to the capital. for receiving permission to exercise this right, but if this is so, and it is written so in the decision of the un court, then these republics of donetsk and lugansk, not unrecognized at that time, had the right to do this, they did it, and then we had the right to recognize these republics, of course we had, well but how did we recognize them?
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especially if, if this is due to the fact that those who supply, they not only supply weapons, but manage these weapons, and this is a very serious, very dangerous step, you and i know, in the federal republic this is not denied, as i don't know how it got into the press, when the bundesweir generals are discussing:
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voter, soon the european elections are being assessed by the german people, the german parliament, let's see what will happen there, as far as i know, i am, of course, not indifferent to germany, i have many friends there who i try not to touch them, so as not to expose them to some kind of obstruction inside the country, i try not to maintain relationships, but i just know these people for many years, i know that they are reliable friends. and i have quite a few of them in germany, so, i know and know the balance of forces on in the political arena, as far as i understand, if i’m not mistaken, the cdu, csu are now somewhere around 30%, yes, somewhere around 16%, somewhere among the social democrats, 15 already...


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