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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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another, this is a mistake, another mistake of the current administration, but as for china, under such skillful, i would say, very very professional leadership of the chairman, it is developing, developing at the pace necessary for china,
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as for other industries, directions, then i already talk about this all the time, and here i can only repeat that our interaction on the international arena is a deterrent and an element of stability, but you know, in addition to the economy, security issues mutual security, and as you know, we are conducting exercises and will conduct this matter, we will do this in the future, including military exercises, but we are working in the field of military-technical... actions, here we have something to offer chinese friends, there is, and our chinese friends have an interest in working together in this area , but our interaction is not limited to economics, military-technical cooperation, or cooperation in the international arena, this year we announced mutual years culture, and i think that... this is what our
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presenter said here, that you know russian songs there and speak russian, this, this, in my opinion, maybe, well, at least no less important, than everything else that i said, because this creates the basis for relations between peoples, creates a favorable environment for the development of relations in all other areas, and this is what we will adhere to on both sides. i hope that in the near future i will also be able to see and discuss all these issues with the chairman of the people's republic of china on the sites that i have already mentioned and shus and brix. vladimirovich, you know, i’m talking about interviewing you three times, of course, this is a long time ago, the first time even in 2002, those three interviews or in moscow.
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spain, spanish news agency efe, josem noel sanz mingote, he is the director of international relations of his agency, in addition to being an experienced journalist, he is also an excellent specialist in the field of history and philosophy, and also an expert in the field of european integration, please , mr. sansmingote, your question.
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will be delicate, you know that from tomorrow until sunday elections are being held in 25 countries in european countries, and you know that analysts, experts, as well as high representatives and leadership positions of european states, say that russia is to blame for spreading disinformation in order to stabilize.
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according to the situation in the economy of european countries as a whole, the derived state of the economy is the situation in the field of social policy, this is in the field of citizens’ incomes, in the region, in the field maintaining the creation of new jobs.
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media and electronic media and any printed media, and if you ask my colleague, i’m now simply afraid to give inaccurate numbers, but
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wherever our journalists try to work, everywhere they will be obstructed, well, just everywhere, that means their employees are intimidated , are closed. bank accounts, confiscating transport, whatever they do, this is freedom of speech.
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and at the same time they also refer to the fact that we are someone saying that we are influencing some
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influence on public opinion in western countries, but if you look simply at the volume of what we are able to put out on the information market of european countries, it seems simply ridiculous, the question is not that someone is pursuing some kind of evil policy towards ... in this case of the european union, the question is to what state the ruling circles of the leading european countries have brought their economies, social spheres, and how they pursue their international policies, whether people like it or not, i repeat what i started with, no need to look for the guilty on the other hand, you need to understand your own actions, carry out, only this will allow you to carry out the right...
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the future of relations between kazakhstan and russia as a state is very good , there is no other way to say it, we have very close , not just close allied strategic relations, this is what concerns russia and this can be said about kazakhstan in the full sense of the word and this applies. and trade and economic relations, they are growing, growing confidently, every year, the level
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of trade turnover - this speaks to this the growing level of goods, we have a lot of areas of our interaction, i can’t even list them all now, this is energy, this is industrial cooperation, this is the same space, well, very many, we have a huge joint common border, people communicate with each other , 76 constituent entities of the russian federation have direct relations with the corresponding territories in kazakhstan; they, by the way, are probably the most effective, the best.
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we will do the same with regard to kazakhstan. northern kazakhstan needs our energy resources. yes, kazakhstan produces itself, but nevertheless there are entire large regions of kazakhstan that... needs - gas supply and it is easier to receive from us and cheaper than laying new routes there, which will cost billions of dollars, and in general, to be honest, i do not see a single issue, so that would
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be controversial and which, which would somehow complicate our relationship. we talked about cooperation with china, we have 90%, 90% of trade turnover is in the national currency with the chinese people republic, which means the same thing is happening in our relations with kazakhstan, well, there, probably, it’s almost 100%, almost everything is in national currencies, by the way, as for the states, i already talked about this just the day after tomorrow on... the economic forum will probably have the same questions, we’ll also talk, in my opinion , one of the colossal mistakes of the us administration is that they prohibit the use of the dollar in international payments and make it an instrument of some kind of struggle, complete nonsense, they undermine confidence in the dollar, it’s simply ridiculous , it's just ridiculous here i’ll bite the bullet, whatever, i just had to take care of the dollar, take care of it, not touch it, raise
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its value, raise its authority, they just kill it themselves. with our own hands, here, but uh, this, this encourages us to switch in the calculations of, say, the national currency, but, as it turned out, this does not prevent us from developing relations, on the contrary, it even helps strengthens our national currency, in general, in the humanitarian field , in the field of education, that is, we have very active joint work in almost all vectors, including including thanks... to president takaev, since he supports our interaction in all these areas. we are soon going to astana, there will be a highway there and then all sorts of other events, i have an invitation, of course i will use it. copro
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akhmet, oscar muradovich, and let's move on to the next participant, this is the deputy editor-in-chief of the italian agency.
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at the same time, in some countries there is a discussion about sending military advisers and instructors, i wanted to ask you to comment on these two decisions, what is will russia react to them? thank you. from the point of view of the presence of advisers and instructors, there is no foreignness here; they are present on the territory of ukraine. and unfortunately, they suffer losses. i know it.
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conventional weapons, well, this is a long-range fire system, with a range of 70 km or something similar, but they have been used for a long time, and indeed, indeed, ukrainian military personnel can do this on their own, that’s what concerns, as for the means of destruction of modern high-tech weapons, destruction high-precision and long-range ... what can be said here, i also already spoke about this, by the way, in my opinion, when i left uzbekistan, but here’s what the attacks are 300 km,
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how they are used, how they are transmitted, so they handed over a missile system , yes, the pentagon handed it over, the americans handed it over, but how to use it, ukrainian military personnel cannot do everything on their own to strike with this...
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the simplicity lies in the fact that flight missions are entered automatically without the participation of military personnel on the ground, automatically, this
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the british are doing it, so that’s all, when the bundeswehr soldiers thought about striking the crimean bridge or striking other targets, that means, well, they thought for themselves, no one thought for them. right, so they were going to do this, the same goes for french specialists, western specialists are doing this, so here we have no illusions about this, so what should we do in response? first, we, of course, will improve our air defense systems, we will... destroy them, second, we are thinking about the topic is that if someone considers it possible
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to supply such weapons to a combat zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where they will be. .. and will undermine international security, ultimately, if we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against
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the russian federation, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way, well, in general, this is the path to very serious problems, well, that’s probably all, if you have any guiding questions, please, but i think that i’m unlikely to be able to do anything. italy supports ukraine politically and militarily, but also states
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that... italy is not at war with russia. i would like you to comment on the position of the italian leadership. we see, we see that the position of the italian government is more restrained than the policy of many other european countries, and we, paying attention to this, accordingly this is how we evaluate it. we see that caveman russophobia is not being inflated in italy, and we kind of like it.
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한 러시아 관계 회복을 위한 준비가 돼 있다고 말씀을 하셨습니다. 현재 지정학적의 여건 속에서 러시아가 한국 러시아 관계를.
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we are also in relations with... in relation to italy, i can say that we see that there is no such russophobic attitude in the work of the leadership of the republic of korea , there are no direct supplies of any weapons to the conflict zone, and we we appreciate it highly, but we also see that all sorts of approaches are taking place.
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today, unfortunately, in many directions our cooperation, on the korean side, well-known problems have been created, it’s a pity, we work with other countries, although we would continue to work with korea, but this is not our choice, this is the choice of the korean leadership, but, but, but,
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from our side, please , the channel is open. thank you very much, mr. park, for your question. let me ask you a question from tas news agency. well, of course. i want us to return to the russian economy, this is something like, you know, like an anecdote, if you listen to it. here you are already talked about the current state of the economy, remember, there were such wonderful people who said that the russian economy was already torn to shreds. then we were and are now subject to thousands of sanctions, we are in the third year of a special military operation, here are the future prospects for the economy, they are as excellent as its current state, what do you think? some of our ill-wishers believe that these numerous sanctions, there are 16-17,000 of them, there is no other side in the world that would be against
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entered. so this amount -


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