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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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they still require special attention from the turkish government, well, i don’t want to go into details, although they are known to me well, i am immersed in the material, i understand what is happening there. thank you very much for your question, mr. ashan. vladimir vladimirovich, you recently went on a three-day state visit to uzbekistan and assessed this visit as very fruitful and successful. and now to you. petersburg came to visit from tashkent, this is abdusaid kuchimovich kuchimov, general director of the national news agency of uzbekistan. abdusaid kuchimovich, the floor is yours. thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, at the recent negotiations in tashkent, you and president shavkat exchanged views on current international issues. for us in uzbekistan , peace and stability in our neighbor are extremely important. afghan lands, unfortunately, we
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observe that the events in ukraine have completely displaced the no less acute, in our opinion, afghan problems from the global agenda, although there is an objective need to build interaction with the new afghan authorities to help resolve socio-economic problems of the much suffering of the afghan people, moreover, we can reveal the firm... desire of the new government of afghanistan, that is, the taliban, with the establishment of peace in the country, constructive cooperation with all states. in this regard, my question is: how important is it for the russian federation to maintain dialogue with afghanistan? do afghanistan currently occupy an important place in russian politics and what is your attitude to the processes around it? this country. thank you. firstly, i want
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to confirm that the visit to uzbekistan was very thorough, fruitful, effective. we probably haven’t worked out this format with anyone yet, that’s exactly what i mean. on the initiative of president mirziyoyev, we not only came to uzbekistan at the invitation of the president. with a large government delegation, but at the same time they held a meeting of regional leaders, it turned out that half the russian government came to tashkent, as well as a huge number of regional leaders of the russian federation, some regional leaders russia was happy to communicate even with the leadership of the renewed government of the russian federation in tashkint, which happened...
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in ukraine, but we are grateful to the president for the fact that uzbekistan’s policy here is clearly neutral and very balanced, and as for afghanistan, we we talked a lot about this, the problem that uzbekistan faces is the problem of access to the world ocean, to the seas, this is all clear, yes. there are different options here,
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including the development of logistics through the territory of afghanistan, all kinds of logistics, and pipeline transport, and railway transport, road transport, this is the supply of energy resources and electricity , and so on and so forth, and of course, in this regard , stability in afghanistan is very important for both uzbekistan and us.
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including that there should be an exclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups of afghanistan, this is a delicate, very important issue, but - but we need to build relations with... uh, the taliban government, in general we have contacts, i know that afghanistan is also developing this, we will move on, but we must somehow improve relations with the neighboring country, especially since uzbekistan has a long border, and we need to ensure security, i repeat, develop logistics, we agreed that we will definitely work together on we’ll work on this, we’ll explore these possibilities, yeah, thanks. thank you, abdusaid kuchimovich, and finally our far eastern neighbor, executive director of the japanese news agency kyoda kyoda, that semitsu sawai. mr. sawai is actually very an experienced international journalist with experience,
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throughout his career he has worked as a correspondent in various parts of the globe, for example in kenya, thailand, pakistan, and the usa. mr. savai, please ask your question. in addition, this is military cooperation with russia-north korea, which is now deepening. these are the two problems we are now faced with in japan. what about territorial issues and the territorial problem? here’s a question: are you in khabarovsk
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this year? they said that we must go to these four disputed kuril islands.
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the idea of ​​the transfer itself was voiced in this declaration, moreover, it was even ratified by the supreme council of the ussr, then for some reason the japanese side refused
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to fulfill these agreements, and accordingly, the soviet union also announced that it was withdrawing this ratification, according to at the request of the japanese side. you just mentioned several problems: visiting the islands, the russian federation proceeds from the fact that this is part of the sovereign territory of russia, so i don’t understand why i should be embarrassed to visit one of territories of the russian federation, this is firstly, yes, but why are we doing this, why do we think so, because the relevant documents would have been signed,
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and the truth is, everything is much more complicated there, but nothing, we were not afraid to conduct a dialogue in this area, therefore the first thing i want to say is that i don’t see any reason for me not to visit these carefully, however, to be honest, i haven’t planned it yet, well, due to simply being busy with issues of a different nature, uh, but you just said that my visit will lead to problems by... by decision issues related to the preparation of a peace treaty, dear colleague, and
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japan’s announcement that it is joining the attempts to achieve the strategic defeat of russia, do you think this is not an obstacle to... to continuing the dialogue on the peace treaty, japan has joined to calls to achieve the strategic defeat of russia, and do you think that these are good conditions for holding an agreement, negotiating a peace treaty? do you think that my hypothetical desire to visit the islands is more serious than statement. the government of japan that it is necessary to achieve the strategic defeat of the russian federation, i understand that this
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is not your personal question, this is a question that is dictated by the editors there and so on, but you ask this question to your leaders, and this is the first, second, we we see engagement uh. japan today is in this ukrainian crisis, now there are no conditions for continuing the dialogue between russia and japan on a peace treaty, we do not refuse to resume it, but only if necessary conditions, and above all on the japanese side, we did nothing in bilateral relations that would complicate the russian... japanese dialogue, nothing, everything that was done was done by
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japan. now, regarding relations between russia and the korean people's democratic republic, you can take whatever attitude you like towards what was and what is. well, firstly, in my opinion, the democratic people's republic of korea has repeatedly demonstrated a desire to negotiate.
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and what prevents us from developing relationships with the country with which we share a border? there are some things that? and even i have questions, yes, at one time we supported some steps there in relation to north korea, for example, in the field of labor migration, i’m being honest, i’m telling you everything, after all, you work in the field of information, that’s why you all people involved in these processes, in the material, well, why did we
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do this, to be honest, what is it about labor migrants? what threat do they pose and to whom? so strange, we care about the environment, yes, we care about some birds there, about some sea animals, about this, about that, but the fact that people will die of hunger, not because they are some kind of militant, is a pain, they are personally citizens, individuals, just citizens countries, and they are prohibited from working somewhere, they are restricting.
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it seems to me that there is hope, there is hope, including because in the united states, in israel itself, there are people who advocate the creation of two states, who believe that, uh, that it is on this path, on the path of creating two sovereign states, on this
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ways can be found over the past decades with israel, taking into account our traditional relations, very trusting with the islamic, arab world, i think that the countries of the region and the organizations, the organizations of the islamic conference, which means
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the arab league , still have to make a decisive contribution states, these are neighboring states, egypt, of course. saudi arabia, the gulf countries, turkey, as one of the leading players in the islamic world, of course, the united states, we do not at all adhere to any extremist position that the united states should be excluded. this is impossible. and israel, of course, but we need to find it. the golden mean, i repeat again, i think that this can be done taking into account the mood in american and israeli society, and accordingly, especially with...
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this would be the way to solve the problem. another one you wanted, yes, returning to ukraine,
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what would serve as a trigger for nuclear war, how close are we to this risk? you know, they always try to accuse us of waving some kind of nuclear baton. but did i just raise the question of the possibility of using nuclear weapons, you did it, you bring me up on this topic, and then you say that i waved a nuclear baton, which means, you know, this is such a very tough topic, which means the americans are the only ones a country. the united states, which used nuclear weapons in the second world war on harashima, on goszaki 20 kilotons, our tactical nuclear weapons
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are 70-75 kilotons, these are such nuclear tactical weapons, well, let’s not bring it to that point before use, even before the threat of use, for some reason - in the west they believe that russia will never use it. we have a nuclear doctrine. look what is written. if someone's actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for ourselves to use all the means at our disposal. it is necessary, you cannot treat this lightly, superficially, you need to treat it professionally, i hope that
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this is how everyone in the world will treat - like this - the solution to issues of this kind, thank you samya nahul thank you to the brix organization cooperation within these organizations to create a multipolar world and my question is how do you see the world in the future, world order in
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the future? taking into account the will of various independent countries, in your opinion, will monopoly continue in a unipolar world, you know, because what happened, we talked about it many times, no one knows this better than you, the soviet union collapsed, fell apart, or was destroyed, it doesn't matter, what matters is that it ceased to exist.
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politicians said that it was not i who said, not me, i want everyone to understand this, he said that all european states are small states, but not everyone has understood this yet, look how it is developing, well, the chinese people are one and a half billion people , in india, other countries are probably developing at a tremendous pace. and asia and south, southeast asia, it is the same bangladesh, so, pakistan, indonesia, and the pace of development is high and the population is growing, and apparently, apparently, the trends are such that here is the development there.
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inevitably, this means that huge, huge resources are spent on maintaining its status as an empire, does this benefit the citizens of the united states or not? i think no, that’s exactly what i’m contributing to.


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