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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we stormed. they came for the first time there, they grew up
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, i was wounded by all the bullets that came out, there was only one shot, i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i was done i will be grateful to the unfamiliar guy,
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hello, the correspondents of the program will tell about the main legal events of the day, the duty department and i maxim ovchan. pyramid loans collapsed, in the khantomanti autonomous okrug, the police uncovered a large multi-move scam. a group of scammers has come up with a way to rob banks worth tens of millions of rubles in several regions at once without firing a single shot. the swindlers involved fifty people in their scheme. the suspects posed as successful businessmen and took out loans from banks to develop their businesses. then they bought expensive cars again for rubles, the accomplices divided the money, and the fake businessman declared bankruptcy. what is the problem? introduce yourself, what’s the problem, guys, at the residential addresses of citizens who are suspected of involvement in the group’s activities, as well as in office premises on the territory of ugra. omsk
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region, republic of crimea, with the assistance of employees of the russian guard, searches were carried out. now the police have questions for participants in criminal schemes for employees of several business support funds who acted as guarantors for issuing such large loans. former deputy head of rosprirodnadzor was arrested in the capital oleg dalmatov. at a meeting in the preobrazhensky district court of moscow, a preventive measure was chosen for the once influential manager. according to investigators, dolmatov is responsible for major theft. speech one. allocated for the development of computer programs that were supposed to monitor the negative impact on the environmental situation. dalmatov, allegedly in the documents, greatly inflated the costs necessary to create the program and ensured victory in the competition for his accomplices. metropolitan police are interrogating a hooligan who opened fire from an apartment window at a passenger bus. as a result , two people were injured. public transport was also damaged. maxim shevchenko will tell you how the ministry of internal affairs officers searched for the suspect and who he turned out to be. the police
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are methodically knocking on the doors of each apartment entrance; in an ordinary high-rise building on the northern outskirts of moscow they are looking for someone who likes to shoot out of the window. the law enforcement officers carefully record the round on camera, at first there was nothing interesting, but suddenly - he hid the weapon, but forgot about the bullets, which is why he got caught.
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back here, even if it was pneumatic, but the penetrating ability turned out to be quite strong, bullets fired from a pneumatic gun flew into an electric bus passing by the house, broke a window, two passengers needed medical assistance, other bullets left marks on parked cars, it turned out that the area is considered, although quiet, by shikhov’s neighbors this is not the first time listening to the sounds of shooting, here the guys said, if there was a fire here or the guys were making noise in the yard, someone was shooting, there were complaints about... the police cut off the road, the house, residents were allowed in only with passports, all this several hours until the taciturn, alleged attacker was found and taken to the department. why did they shoot? the police and employees of the national guard were prepared for different
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developments, but when the identity of the shooter was revealed, he surrendered without resisting, and the cordon was quickly removed. on this fact, investigators of the investigation department for the biberevo district, the department of internal affairs for the north-eastern district. the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , continues to inspect the work of local rescuers in the arctic circle and in siberia, to successfully counter threats in harsh climates, the most modern equipment is needed, and the ministry of emergency situations already has it. report by alexander mostova. in the krasnoyarsk territory, the head of the ministry of emergency situations has a busy program. the minister
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flew from the village of khatanga to the regional capital. krasnoyarsk rescuers demonstrate technical innovations to alexander kurenkov. this drone is used during search operations, flying over a large area. the pilot can quickly find a missing person. now we are directly in the program, respectively, to run it, we need to set a conditional search area. it gains a height of 65 agl from the ground and, at a speed of 20 km/h , along the route shown on your tablet, begins searching for objects. and this is a hydrogen engine that can be used in the harsh conditions of the arctic. it does not require reserves of diesel fuel, the next safe arctic, the expedition will take place in the chukovo autonomous okrug, the expedition will begin at the end of january 2025, we will start from the city of pivek, we are pleased to invite you, thank you, krasnoyarsk
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rescuers give the minister a tour of the regional headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations. hello comrades, please introduce yourself, hello. the natural and man-made challenges that the region faces require the consolidation of efforts of all departments. the siberian regional search and rescue team of the ministry of emergency situations of russia has six branches. in the altai territory and the altai republic, novosibirsk region, tyva, khakassia, the city of dudinka, krasnoyarsk territory. when conducting search and rescue operations , every minute counts, so it is very important quickly get to the place. to do this , they use highly cross-country vehicles, for example, this tracked vehicle will soon be sent to dudinka. this technique is capable of reaching the most inaccessible areas. she is very tall, you and i can see, my height is me70. this car is probably twice as tall as me. the domestically developed equipment will easily travel through swampy terrain and pass through the dense forests of siberia. cynological teams are involved in the search. a dog named lexus recently passed certification. the head of the ministry of emergency situations assessed the technical
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search and rescue capabilities. this site has an abundance of equipment that is used in case of emergency. this equipment is used during oil bottling, first of all, for processing the area and for... during the conversation, the minister invited krasnoyarsk specialists to the safe arctic exercise, which will be held in january next year. the decision was made, the expedition will begin its movement to collect beer, when the task becomes more complicated, it will anticipate the polar night, the expedition will complete a certain circle and close it also in the city. one more point about the work trip center state inspectorate for small vessels. specialists provide. security in the yenisei water area within the city, they are armed with a qatari, a motor boat, a jet ski, and a hovercraft. squid is intended for conducting surveillance activities during patrolling. the minister completed his working trip in the ninets autonomous okrug. in naryanmar, alexander kurenkov
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assessed the flood situation on the pechora river and held an on-site coordination meeting. alexander mostovaya, evgeniy kirilenko, conduct duty honor. in yekaterinburg, daring foreigner on
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we were even looking for fats with suitcases at the berths of the northern river port, the gangway of three liners at once: alexander svirsky, bashkartastan and mamin sibiryak, they were very upset, they really wanted to cry. nikolai petrovich paid 165,000 for a two-week cruise to valaam, but his ship was not even on the schedule. my ship is not there; the administration of the northern river station was not surprised by the visit of the indignant passengers. this year there were none at all, you are not the first with us, i am. attempts to contact the company which sold tickets, did not
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give any results. the number is inactive. the failed tours were sold by the limited liability company river cruises. this name appears in passenger contracts. as we managed to find out, the company was previously called volgaline and sail m. on the internet you can still find a cruise program on the mamin sibiryak motor ship, the routes are varied, navigation is scheduled until the end of september. they started deceiving their clients again. a couple of years ago, luring with generous online offers, a four-berth cabin, in three of us, it cost 38,000 for the three of us, well, i simply bought it. a year ago, a four-day voyage along the volga was canceled due to a breakdown of the motor ship alexander svirsky, about which alfia was warned two days before departure. later it turned out that the plane was faulty at the time the contract was signed, and the money was never returned. anna's vacation was ruined due to a breakdown of the same ship. they convinced her not to demand back the 80,000 she had already paid, and assured her that she would definitely sail in the twenty-fourth. when i
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asked, what if it breaks again, what? should we do? to which she said: don’t worry, you’ll take it in april, call, if he’s on the move, he’ll already go, he’ll already have navigation. but, judging by cruise radar data, all three ships never left their home port in nizhny novgorod. why the travel agency took money for cruises that were not destined to take place is now being investigated . the damage is estimated at tens of millions of rubles. the prosecutor's office of the southern administrative district controls the prosecution of employees of the travel company, who fraudulently stole citizens' funds. a man and a woman have been charged with fraud. the prosecutor's office is monitoring the establishment of all episodes of criminal activity of accomplices. well, for those who are just going on a river cruise, experts advise taking into account the bitter experience of the victims. buy tours from trusted carriers. oksana maksimova, yuri zheksonbaev, ilya
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popov, ilona agasieva, news. duty department. a meeting of the international union was held at the investigative committee of the russian federation criminologists. the event was chaired by the head of the department, alexander bastrykin. the international union of criminologists was founded a year ago. today it includes representatives from russia, belarus, kazakhstan and azerbaijan. the joint work of specialists made it possible to organize a number of large scientific and practical conferences. the nicotine epidemic, despite the prohibitions and warnings of doctors and vypa, is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers in our country. the sickly sweet haze spreads through the school corridors, poisoning children from an early age, turns them into heavy smokers. who is giving young people an old nasty habit in a new bright wrapper and what is expected in the near future is a booming market for so-called electronic devices. watch evard petrov's investigation this weekend: the web epidemic has been screwed up. vanilla cola or cotton candy, smoke from the fire, here you
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sold it to a minor child without documents, all the hookah was sold, hookah, of course, yes, hookah-hookah, this is all that is mowing down our youth, they specifically passed a law so as not to there was advertising for children, but getting an electronic cigarette for a schoolchild is not a problem, there is a wide choice, the sale is 150 rubles. kurish, that’s right, this is the kind of business, what can you do? there are more and more cases of the new disease of boars, such a state as if, well, you were already dying , i began to shake violently. what are the consequences of smoking electron? my bronchi were very compressed, i was literally suffocating, the patient had been using vep for 2 months, the symptom was wood in the buds, the flow of condensed bronchial tubes, the likelihood of death was very high, when the vaping epidemic swept the country, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. the witch circle has closed, investigators near moscow are studying countless
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occult evidence of, perhaps until recently, the most powerful sorceress. anyway. alena polyn considered herself such, turning her dubious practices into a real business empire. now her witchcraft, it seems, will be powerless against the criminal code. ekaterina likhomanova will continue the topic. moscow region witch, alena wormwood loved predicting the future so much, but it seems she miscalculated hers. the charges against her are very serious. the investigative team came to visit the esotericist the day before. this is what the front door of the moscow region witch alena polyn looks like now. as we can see, the special forces did a good job here. the door is even open, well, naturally, we won’t go into the apartment, it’s sealed. during the search, the guards found themselves
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in a museum of superstition. in wormwood's apartment they found voodoo dolls and figurines of demons from various religions, amulets. and other attributes for witchcraft, the home library also matches, there is such a cabinet on the site, i assume that it belongs to an esotericist, we decided to look there, let's see, there is some kind of magic wand here, i see literature too , for example, orthodox talismans, amulets, according to investigators, the books that the witch was selling with might and main did not just impose on readers fairy tales about various demons, in magical reading...
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elena sullikova assures that she is hereditary witch and professional psychologist. but in fact, the lady successfully sells dreams of magic. in 2015, she even organized the so-called empire of the strongest witches. i am ready to present to your attention a unique ritual practice. she opened a website for consultations and promised to miraculously resolve both financial and love issues. in the 21st century , without any irony, she held a shabish, successfully sold candles for several thousand rubles apiece, and also became a black rector. just at this place there was an international university of witchcraft and magic, which was opened by alena polyn. however, after a prosecutor's inspection, the local hogwarts was deprived of its university status. even the sign was missing.
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allegedly, the educational institution has turned into an ordinary store. it seems like a witch. it's not about magic, it's more about business. here, for example, is data from open sources: more than thirty registered aquedes for her individual entrepreneur. social activist andrei kovalev has repeatedly stated that the notorious sorceress has a direct path to interrogation. plus she doesn’t pay taxes, she launders forgotten funds criminally, right in all her posts: pay me to my personal account. i really hope that fraud becomes a thing of the past. there are hundreds of thousands of scammers operating in the country, just these ones. there are a million esotericists. and whatever these esotericists can come up with with the help of a chicken foot, they will promise to cure you in sinedugi and will spoil you with wealth. for example, margot from novosibirsk. she is dmitry pashchenko. a man dressed as a fortune teller, who predicted the future for large sums, was caught committing a particularly large fraud. she should be ashamed. on the wave of belief in the otherworldly, such margots
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divorced all over the country. there are sorcerers in every city and almost every village. scientist. began to be repeated in the entire history of experiments, not a single sorcerer has ever been able to predict neither the future, nor the past, nor even the present, the so-called psychics have not been confirmed to have any superpowers, and the decoctions and love potions of such healers can only lead to poisoning, nothing helps , people who want to believe in fairy tales line up to see witches over and over again, thanks to them we are now let’s dig a little deeper, after all , this is a special case, firstly, the scale of the children... secondly, it’s not very often that sorcerers are caught for extremism, their usual lot is petty scams, however, the investigation is only gaining momentum, it is possible that ... the usual accusation of fraud among psychics is also on its way. ekaterina likhomanova, dmitry vishkevich and dmitry frolov, news. duty department. cartels are striving for power in
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mexico, armed criminals dealt with the mayor of the municipality of catie and olan de sanchez. 19 bullets were fired at the politician. died her bodyguard. the massacre took place the day after the country's presidential elections. it is possible that in this way, the most powerful criminal clans, making billions from the drug trade, decided. loudly declare the control of the territory. moreover, a few days before the announcement of the voting results, criminals shot dead another politician, candidate for mayor of the city of cayuca de benites, jasé barientes. in total , 82 people were killed in mexico over the past year in connection with election campaigns. a significant part of them have not been uncovered by the security forces, who continue to desperately fight the heavily armed drug mafia. the last word.
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as well as the routes of their movement, everything is so that no one can put pressure on them, so with a camera, not only in the courtroom, even in the building itself, it is unrealistic to be, this trial has been heard in the second western district military court since november last year, mobile hearings are held in the moscow city court, the probable leader of the ramenskaya criminal group oleg medvedev is in the dock, an authoritative businessman known in criminal circles under the nickname shishkan, he is accompanied by 18 alleged members of the same organized crime group, all of whom are charged under article 210 on organization and participation in a criminal community. the security forces finally crushed it several years ago. around the same time in
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2019, oleg medvedev was detained. according to investigators, he is the leader of this gang. and these are not all the crimes that medvedev and his alleged accomplices are charged with. according to investigators, they may be involved in extortion, robbery and murder. as a result of the painstaking work of the investigation, the crime was proven. and his accomplices in the murder of the general director of the ramenskoye breeding farm, local government deputy tatyana sidorova, three members of her family were killed in order to take possession of the land plots of the breeding farm. after the crime , a huge amount from the company’s accounts could fall into the hands of bandits. shortly before the murder of tatyana sidorova, her company received a loan of 4.5 billion rubles. according to investigators, the bandits after the massacre they buried the bodies not for... far from asnt near moscow. after 7 years, investigators found the remains of the victims at a depth of about 4 m. this happened a few months after the arrest of oleg medvedev. but even in pre-trial detention
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, the authoritative businessman did not lose his influence. it turned out that he freely used mobile communications during escort. for such liberties, according to media reports, eight convoy service employees were put under investigation. therefore, the case is still under investigation. the loss of connection with the will deprived him of the opportunity to influence the course of the loud business which.
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somewhere in the time to do what he said, he comes up with a million excuses. now the police are finding out how many women fell into the trap of the swindler heartthrob. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigations and daily releases on the platform we watch. go to the broadcast tab and turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. intelligence services.
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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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every store, robbery, gas, you fled from the orphanage five times, six, those who got away from the hands, carrying hope, completely wild guys, need repelled mentors, god forgive me, what? they wanted from me, a miracle, this is your obedience, just save from others, you yourself will be saved, i have everything with you there was also no contact, and what did you do, stop lying, naughty people.
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after all, we have survived to this day, this is already good news, yes, now is the time that in general we can rejoice, yes, until the nuclear apocalypse comes, well , nothing, nothing, there is still time, of course, everything is moving towards this .


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