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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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after all, we have survived to this day, this is already good news, but now is the time that in general we can rejoice, yes, until the nuclear apocalypse comes, well , nothing, nothing, there is still time, of course, everything is moving towards this. with confident, long strides,
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the americans tried missiles yesterday, it flies, it flies, good, we will continue to say that no, no, in no case, they will be technically fully prepared, then they will hit us, then we have the intelligentsia here , will say, no, what do you want, well, do it yourself deserve it, but no, well, what if we should have started ourselves, no, but so, how many seconds do we have until it arrives, 30 minutes, yes, how good? and you never know, in fact, how fair this may turn out to be, so every minute must be appreciated, every moment must be appreciated, we must do everything to prevent this, but we cannot prevent this by saying, no, no, here , here, let's, let's get between the streams, the topic of between the streams is over, over, but pistoris says how we should be ready for war by the year twenty-nine, this is not about the fact that there will be no war...
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america is conducting regular tests of an intercontinental ballistic missile to show the readiness of its nuclear forces and to provide confidence.
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the land where they are transferring democracy in order to take advantage of it, the main thing is that later from this land they can pump out what the white owners need, moreover, white is now no longer a category of skin color, but simply a designation, they look, by the way, quite vulgar, so now these celebrations are in normandy, and what are they celebrating, like this realistically speaking, they celebrate what, what, they look at each other, this...
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what russia did for greece is difficult to overestimate, and more than once, once again greece repaid with all the love, an instructor who would train nazi pilots for the f-16 in kiev, the first one that came from nato, is greek, is it by chance, no, they specifically want to show this, they need to show this, that they are not just orthodox with you. they will also
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turn you orthodox against each other, knowing the relationship between the russian and greek peoples, this is brotherhood and love, which is based on a common religious tradition, just take it... look who will go against you, well, of course, first this pathetic insignificant captain of the turkish army, pretending to be bartholomew, he is a greek by nationality, a schismatic, now this pilot, but this will not change our attitude towards the greek people, towards the great culture of greece. they will not succeed, but , of course, we will have an unambiguous attitude towards politicians who do this. against the backdrop of all this, peter, where among the most important topics are moral and ethical ones, without which it is impossible
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sense of justice of victory. the twenty- seventh international economic forum started in st. petersburg today, the participation of representatives from 136 countries has been confirmed. the main topic is indicated as follows. the basis of multipolarity is the formation of new centers of growth. the official opening ceremony remains tomorrow. today, as part of the forum , vladimir putin came to the lakhta center, where he spoke with representatives of major international news agencies, including from unfriendly countries, so the questions were the most pressing. why did you decide that we are threatening someone? we are not threatening anyone. moreover, for the head of another state, this is...
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a tragedy, it began with a coup d'etat in ukraine, an unconstitutional coup d'etat. this is the beginning of the war. but is russia to blame for this coup? no, but have those who are trying to blame russia today forgotten? foreign ministers of poland, germany and france, came to kiev and put their signatures on the document on the settlement of the internal political crisis, as guarantors
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that the crisis should be ended peacefully, constitutionally, this is preferred in europe, including germany. remember, and if you remember, the question arises, why then the leadership of the federal republic, as well as the other signatories of this document, did not demand that those people in ukraine who carried out the coup d’etat return to the legal constitutional field. why did they neglect their obligations as guarantors of the agreement between the opposition that was active at that time?
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okay, we facilitated the signing of the minsk agreements, but, as it turned out, no one was going to fulfill, and the former chancellor of germany. the former president of france publicly stated this. dear romanchik, how do you understand this? they said publicly that they were not going to implement the minsk agreements, they only signed them in order to arm ukraine to create conditions for the continuation of hostilities, they simply led us along, isn’t there any other way. explain what was happening, for 8 years we tried to achieve this solution, to solve this problem
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peacefully for 8 years, the former chancellor once told me, you know, here in kosovo, yes we acted, then nato acted without a decision of the security council, but there, for 8 years , blood was shed in kosovo, and here, when the blood of russian people was shed in donbass. is this not blood, but water, or what? yes, yes, we then hear the answer, but anyway, you attacked, we didn’t attack, we defended ourselves so that everyone would understand, and the first step towards war was taken by those who encouraged the coup d’état when the first german tanks appeared on ukrainian soil, the german production, it has already produced this.
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said one of the famous german political figures, after the second world war, the federal republic of germany was never in the full sense of the word a sovereign state, with regard to the means of destruction of modern high-tech weapons of high-precision and long- range real range, well , such as storm shadow, british or atakomsa, american or. ..
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is next to him, he does it simply automatically, presses buttons, he may
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not even know what will happen next, in which ukrainians may take part military personnel, but not those who sit, press buttons, at a higher level, in selecting a target, they can say which goal is a priority for them and... the simplicity lies in the fact that flight missions are entered automatically without the participation
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of military personnel on on the ground, with a machine gun, the british do it, so that’s all, that’s when the bundessphere soldiers thought about striking the crimean bridge or striking other targets, which means, well, they thought for themselves, no one thought for them, that’s right, that’s it they and... us, of course we will improve our air defense systems, we will destroy them, secondly, we are thinking about the topic that if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to the combat zone
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to strike our territory and create problems for us. then why don’t we have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where attacks will be made on sensitive targets of those countries that do this against russia, that is, the answer may be asymmetrical, we will think about it, well , thirdly, of course , similar actions will finally, they have now... reached the highest degree of degradation, but they will completely destroy international relations and will undermine international security, ultimately, if we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against the russian federation, then we reserve the right to act
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in a similar way, well, in general, this is the path to very serious problems, what needs to be done for... the forum will go on for several days, given the number of countries, of course, there will be later say: “but in switzerland, here in normandy, here disease is gathering, here health is gathering, we will win, the question is how, the question
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is serious. this is who we know absolutely exactly, how we will defeat the unity of the army of the people, the unity of society, we must win within ourselves first , then deal with the enemy, get rid of this pitiful, insignificant, westernism, which manifests itself not in interest in great culture, in the passionate desire of the owner to...
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find himself and be proud of himself, and not look all the time to the west or east in an attempt to find approval for your actions. today i have direct teaching staff. dmitry, please. well, indeed, of course, your introduction, vladimir anatolyevich, is quite harsh, but it’s very difficult to object to anything, even if you want to, because in reality it’s ours.
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why is he saying this? he says this because he understands full well that the dog called the united states has had too much. hamas, hamas already has the ability
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to directly influence american domestic politics by creating, well, to put it mildly, quite a lot of pressure due to these student unrest, pro-khamas forces are being revealed, it’s scary to say.
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the united states to the great and mighty joseph rabinovich biden, although the younger one, i was afraid, you would say to joseph rabinovich biden, that is, no, i just thought that there would be something in it, i think there would be. not yet, i think that some indian roots should also be revealed, roots, yes, i think, well, no, well, it’s just starting here, and even there identity will pour out like from a cornucopia, so, but after all the problem is not that zelensky is hamit biden, the problem is...
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but to carry out the function of a world hegemon, but there is one problem, i am on this list of those who undermine the ability of the united states to be a hegemon in the world, if i see russia , then only in very small print, i have the feeling that this is where we have secondary, where in society the feeling of our secondary, and maybe because we are so delicately...
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judgment, but we understand that this is the first throw for transfer to taiwan, ukraine,
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who can freeze public funds, and i want it to be clear that this money is stolen from each of us, this is the money of russian taxpayers, on the basis only if war is declared on us, there is no other justification, then you take the property of the other side , isn’t it so, if they find on what legal grounds they can take and take away from our citizens what belongs to them. on no basis, there are no other justifications, to carry out sanctions against our citizens on what basis, what are we in their legislative field, no, but they don’t want to give a visa, they don’t care, but when they impose sanctions, this is a different question, this is a completely different legal status, are they their subjects or what, who are they telling us, are they?


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