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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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they rewrote history, with whose help, with ours, and we did not rewrite it, our historians did not rewrite it, that i have no doubt about the landing in normandy, the goals of the western elite, and the goals, of course, of ordinary soldiers who, of course, fought with fascism, but the goals of the elites were completely different, to prevent the red army from entering europe, for this they first landed in italy in 1943. because they thought that it was faster to go from there, then here, there from france, it’s a long way, and from italy, it was italy that was supposed to collapse, here austria, hungary, they would, so to say this, but i must say, hitler was a scoundrel, of course, but he was not a weak strategist, he simply got ahead of them, blocked everything for them, but in principle, well, we need to tell things as they are, the war in the pacific, the war in the pacific ocean as defined by lenin.
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would be called imperialist, what kind of connection, two, two countries are fighting for lands that do not belong to them, the philippines, there is malaysia, burma, china, taiwan, yes, what, what kind of connection is this between the great, for example, patriotic war, and the one that there was a war in the pacific, why they couldn’t land in normandy in 1942, british. the empire then was not england, the british empire was called the largest country in the world, 400 million people with enormous potential, possessing, by the way, a fleet that was superior to the german one, if there had been a goal to defeat hitler and really help the soviet union, they would have landed in forty second, there is no doubt, you know, but all this, in my opinion, should be taught in schools, just like the history of colonialism should
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teach, which is also not taught, and why? but because it’s still a general , kind of internal state of the soul, that somehow everything will work out, but we’re driving them into a draw, we’re driving them into a draw, yes, but we see that no, it won’t work out, we must, of course, turn to the peoples, of course , that in europe there are a sufficient number of people who are in america.
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you are not afraid that you are saying all this, to which he said: listen, well, i want to avoid, i don’t want to die in a nuclear war, he said, well, in principle, he is an honest man and formulated all this correctly understands how all this can end, so it seems to me that these are the considerations, they still need some certainty, you need to understand that...
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it comes to them if they have a head, they skillfully use it if you are deaf, this is not only a disadvantage, it is also a very important advantage , if you have dementia, it seems that this too, i think that mr. biden fully masters this, so to speak, the last one for this, by the way, about dementia, about this i’ll tell you, an anecdote from the history of masvilma was so great - soviet director ivan
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aleksandrovich pyrev, so to speak, was a kuban cossack, an idiot, so to speak, well, a tractor driver, he was a great man, absolutely, but very unique, they talked about him. he had an interesting manner, when he wanted a person, as they say, he didn’t need him with some of his, he always confused his name, well, like, you come and talk to me, karen, that’s it, i i say, yes victor, you say, yes no, not victor, my name is volodya, yes, yes, yes, yes, so what do you want, andrey, you understand, and man, extrapolate to big politics, it gives very good results, by the way, i realized that
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jeffrey sachs is a good person when chubais began to talk badly about him, i am especially grateful to the special military operation, but how much pathetic crap was not washed out of the country? this is true, that is, the country just suddenly cleared up, the main thing is that god forbid nothing is pulled back by the flood, so no one needs to go back, please, well, as you understand, yes, i have a slightly different point of view, if you don’t shout right away, i maybe i’ll even express it to the end, here’s karen georgievich touched on a very important topic, the enemy, i keep saying, he is very strong, he is consolidated, there are 56 countries that obey a single will, so...
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she takes both here and there, it’s like a simple political game, yes, china was driven together with us, the chinese resisted this for a long time, by the way, they didn’t want to, but they were driven, the americans drove them together, they united them with us, putting them in all doctrinal documents, uniting us together, therefore , from the point of view of the current chinese leadership , i don't know how they think, yeah, but in theory, this is the whole... the situation leads to the fact that they should provide us with much more support, because we are now on the front line, and indeed, if we are pushed through, many americans have written about this, we will destroy russia, china will fall himself, he will be surrounded, he will not have resources, so we are solving this issue
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right away, remove from the formula russia, which finds itself under western dominance, everything is fine, how do they expect to do this? salevan, you can treat him any way you like, but he thinks the same way categories in which i once thought 80 years ago, that we now have problems in russia, very big problems, where they made a mistake, they failed, they lost right away, first on the diplomatic front, they could not isolate us, on economically, they could not bring down the economy, then now they are doing everything, throwing things in. in order to deplete us as much as possible at the front, the real military front, to win a military victory, but the thought is different, that now putin has come, he has been re-elected for 6 years, but then in russia what has always happened will happen, this is how
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the leadership will change, now remove putin, they will begin to fall into discord, and there they see nothing further, insofar as they need to apply pressure, the same... pressure like the soviet union, russia is potentially weaker, but if we put pressure on it, it will fall apart, some say, in general, let’s wait another 30 years, because the demographic situation in russia is terrible, they will die out, they won’t be able to become hundreds of millions there to protect this space, to ensure , naturally, that their current elite, well, doesn’t have this time, because while they wait, and the nakhni, well, they don’t have them, but the nakhnilita have, well, ours, ours, by the way, the program that putin proposed is, of course, difficult, but... it is being implemented, which program? i mean the economic program,
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it turns out we were able to produce guns and oil, that’s interesting, but where did the creak come from, they thought, well, with a creak, because of our demographics problem, no, no, well, putin did not set the task for mishutny to solve the demographic program in that short time, well, even, even if mikhail vladimirovich issues any budget, he still won’t give birth to eighteen-year-old heroes in the allotted time, it’s clear national. we have big problems now, i can’t say that we have to do anything, yes, indeed, nothing is being done, i don’t know, we, for example, at the university don’t have any scopus, yes, yes, there is some personal ambitions individual scientists who want to write and receive these skopov papers, well, i don’t know, there are some personal ones, there are some, probably, but... officially i don’t need to have
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skopov papers to sign a contract with a teacher , this is the situation that we have, it’s really interesting, look what’s happening in the european union, here’s the president of the russian academy of sciences, he said what percentage we have, well, two subjects, you know, yes, they are compulsory, russian and mate prog not like nothing i don’t know, i don’t even want to know anything about gaming, how many people there are now, you need to know.
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another 50 years, what’s the problem with canceling, how well equipped is our student now when he takes the exam, and what difference does it make, let whatever you want come out, i won’t appreciate it, but that’s not a problem at all, cut everything, we need to understand what we want, this is the task we set for our education, no, the task is like in school, no, this is what we really want, yeah. it’s clear what we want, in the social sciences we need to educate citizens, we want what, but in the natural sciences
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there is no need to educate, this is not a random question, it is fundamentally important, because for example, we have a very simple answer, what, no, i mean, that’s how they asked, is there russian physics, or does physics have no nationality, that’s russian history definitely exists, russian literature also exists, and russian mathematics exists. this is an obvious topic, it is clear that it goes back to the german tragedy of the twenties and thirties, when there was riyan science, so everyone went through this, i mean these mental ones, no, physics has no nationality, but physicists have it, this is the education system, so i ask the question, this is the meaning of the educational system that exists in russia, here and here we are now... this is
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the goal we set for the school, for the institute of higher education there, which one? it’s impossible to abandon the fact that we train consumers, we train specialists, but this is also nonsense, why? well , because all this has nothing to do with real problems, because as the late great father dmitry smirnov said, education is formation image, that is, it is the image of god in the image of god. in a country in russia where there is no ideology, it is impossible to educate a person, because education is always deeply ideological, the task has always been the same: educating a citizen. schools and institutes first of all form a citizen with his position, with his feeling of love for his homeland, respect for his family, respect for his history, and a specialty, profession, this is very easy, we are now, this is not at all difficult, moreover, throughout life , as we understand, this is now changing many times, now the system has moved on, when, obviously, there is
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a certain base of education, then you regularly take place, therefore, what you say is already laid down at school. this is not laid down anywhere, ideology must be laid down in school, ideology is also formed for a reason, it cannot be formed, in our country it is officially prohibited, we have no ideology, and if we do not have an ideology, we have no history, we have no literature, because these are very ideological subjects, you must choose from the whole host of writers, poets, those which for some reason turn out to be built in, ideology is prohibited in our country.
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a diplomat from poland makes a u-turn through a double solid line, nothing happens to him, he is not expelled to the damned mother of the country, the poles, who demand to limit the movement of our diplomats, somehow end up in yekaterinburg.
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it’s already been said here, here’s his famous phrase that, so to speak, our task is not to allow a signal to be given to mr. putin that he shouldn’t hope that he will be able to wait out us, the key word here is wait out, this is the most important thing that biden and his team must now achieve before the november elections in the united states; this is to prevent it, so to speak. collapse on the ukrainian front by this time, well, so that everything would somehow remain like this, so to speak, within the permissible limits, russian troops there can advance in certain directions, but the main thing is that ukraine holds out, holds out for several months until november, uh further uh, so to speak, the situation can change quite fundamentally, well, firstly, if he wins
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trump, why, and why it can change, i will now try to explain. this means that some time ago, many observers, not excluding me, had the impression that, in general, in american politics there was a certain, so to speak, idea of ​​​​ukraine as a certain, so to speak, sacred shrine for from the point of view of american ideology, the american concept of human rights, and so on and so on and... this is what the republicans in the house of representatives finally agreed to allocate these 60-odd billions of dollars to support ukraine, this was many without any reciprocal. so to speak, the steps taken by the biden administration, many believed, were proof that all their internal disputes there, so to speak, are all nonsense, the main thing that unites them is, uh, so to speak,
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pathological clinical russophobia, but yesterday an event happened , which, in my opinion, allows us to look at this situation from a slightly different angle, mr. biden did what, so to speak, his administration stubbornly refused to do. on for several months, if not years, they, so to speak, biden issued a decree that all illegal immigrants, so to speak, to the united states of america are subject to immediate deportation, well, unless they are quite young children, and unless, so to speak, they are not there, the object of human trafficking, and if so to speak, they did not end up in the united states of america, fleeing from someone there, so. this means that this decree itself means that, in fact,
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there was an agreement between the biden administration and the republicans, the republicans are accepting this very, so to speak, aid package for ukraine, and the biden administration, even if not immediately, after a while, so to speak, is taking some measures to combat illegal migration, we... well remember how it is for us there they said that biden cannot issue such a decree, what are you talking about, this is a human rights plan, who told you this, it’s not, this was said by the biden administration, this was said, so to speak, by those closest to him, well, in short, that’s all propaganda -propaganda, so to speak, this ideological department of the washington regional party committee, so to speak, here it is as one person, everyone said that if they asked me, i’ll tell you...
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and they are also burning their imaginary leadership in the sphere of democracy right at the root. yes, i agree with the president on this, i’ll talk about this again, i ’ll talk about this again, yes, i’ll say more about this, absolutely true, but in any case, some agreements, as we see, are working, and this means that in fact , trump, his trumpists and all their supporters, so to speak, have no fiery love for ukraine. actually no, this is just an object of bargaining, in fact , they are much more interested in the situation at the border, due to a whole range of reasons, not least because
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the vast majority of these illegal migrants who end up living in america, they become voters of the democratic party of the united states of america, why does donald trump need this, he has absolutely no use for it, and neither do his supporters, so if... after all, trump wins the election, we can expect that ukraine will be merged under some plausible pretext. why? yes, because trump and his supporters do not need it at all. these are people for whom, in fact, all this talk about, so to speak, american values ​​and democracy and no, no, these are candy wrappers, these conversations are candy wrappers, but they need ukraine. why does it cost money, in fact, it doesn’t cost money, it brings money, ukraine allowed
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europe to be completely degreased, ukraine allowed the united states to once and for all destroy one of its main economic competitors, which was europe, ukraine destroyed the military-industrial complex of europe, planting their own military-industrial complex. ukraine destroyed. all the vital forces, everything is correct, just pay attention that all the verbs you used were in the past tense, yes, indeed, they used ukraine, they sucked europe out of it.
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look how they juggle. biden, having come to power, in many ways began to embody the issues that seemed to be on trump’s agenda? yes, of course, yes, yes, but even if trump still does not win, so to speak, in fact, the administration biden will apparently change, so to speak, his approach to ukraine, in any case , this is the approach in accordance with which, so to speak, the victory should be won.
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russia and cut off china from the energy supply, and if we can still make sure that russia is a war territory, then china will close a large land corridor, plus we are solving the problems of the northern sea route, why stop, what kind of agreement, why, and it’s not entirely clear how current conditions.
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inflict a strategic defeat on russia, last year, so to speak, there was hope for ukrainian counter-offensive, now what do they hope for, so what are they now, they are now sending europe to war, they are rocking romania and moldova, they are rocking poland, they now have five routes for the transfer of troops, they are counting on the twenty-ninth year, if it is necessary to mobilize germany, that is, they say: europe, let’s fight, they will fight china with the hands of europe, through destruction. as for the united states, the current administration has a very clear, unambiguous position: america is not going to participate in this conflict, but why can’t europe fight with us, why do they need america for this? 500 million people versus our 150, mobilization resources.
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german self-propelled guns are serious, air defense systems are serious, all these other eurofighters are serious aircraft, another thing is that germany itself should not be underestimated, we are not fighting cardboard fools, an agreement is possible if we create a threat for the americans that they will perceive as a threat to ourselves personally, but we don’t do this, but gvarnyak is possible when we go to berlin we’ll enter, or then the agreement will be
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simple, anyway, a threat must be created. there won't be a threat when he's just.


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